/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* @test * @bug 8073061 * @requires (os.family == "linux") | (os.family == "mac") * @summary Test Files.copy and Files.move with numerous parameters * @run junit CopyMoveVariations */ import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UncheckedIOException; import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException; import java.nio.file.CopyOption; import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.LinkOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static java.nio.file.LinkOption.*; import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.*; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIf; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; public class CopyMoveVariations { enum OpType { COPY, MOVE } enum PathType { FILE, DIR, LINK } private static final boolean SUPPORTS_POSIX_PERMISSIONS; static { Path tmp = null; try { tmp = Files.createTempFile("this", "that"); SUPPORTS_POSIX_PERMISSIONS = Files.getFileStore(tmp).supportsFileAttributeView("posix"); } catch (IOException cause) { throw new UncheckedIOException(cause); } finally { if (tmp != null) { try { Files.delete(tmp); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } } private static boolean supportsPosixPermissions() { return SUPPORTS_POSIX_PERMISSIONS; } private static Stream<Arguments> params() { List<Arguments> list = new ArrayList<Arguments>(); boolean[] falseAndTrue = new boolean[] {false, true}; for (PathType type : PathType.values()) { String[] modes = new String[] { "---------", "r--r--r--", "-w--w--w-", "rw-rw-rw-" }; for (String mode : modes) { for (boolean replaceExisting : falseAndTrue) { for (boolean targetExists : falseAndTrue) { list.add(Arguments.of(type, mode, replaceExisting, targetExists)); } } } } return list.stream(); } @ParameterizedTest @EnabledIf("supportsPosixPermissions") @MethodSource("params") void copyFollow(PathType type, String mode, boolean replaceExisting, boolean targetExists) throws IOException { op(OpType.COPY, type, mode, replaceExisting, targetExists, true); } @ParameterizedTest @EnabledIf("supportsPosixPermissions") @MethodSource("params") void copyNoFollow(PathType type, String mode, boolean replaceExisting, boolean targetExists) throws IOException { op(OpType.COPY, type, mode, replaceExisting, targetExists, false); } @ParameterizedTest @EnabledIf("supportsPosixPermissions") @MethodSource("params") void move(PathType type, String mode, boolean replaceExisting, boolean targetExists) throws IOException { op(OpType.MOVE, type, mode, replaceExisting, targetExists, false); } void op(OpType op, PathType type, String mode, boolean replaceExisting, boolean targetExists, boolean followLinks) throws IOException { Path source = null; Path target = null; Path linkTarget = null; try { switch (type) { case FILE -> source = Files.createTempFile("file", "dat"); case DIR -> source = Files.createTempDirectory("dir"); case LINK -> { linkTarget = Files.createTempFile("link", "target"); Path link = Path.of("link"); source = Files.createSymbolicLink(link, linkTarget); } } Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString(mode); if (op == OpType.COPY && type == PathType.LINK && followLinks) Files.setPosixFilePermissions(linkTarget, perms); else Files.setPosixFilePermissions(source, perms); if (targetExists) target = Files.createTempFile("file", "target"); else target = Path.of("target"); Set<CopyOption> optionSet = new HashSet(); if (replaceExisting) optionSet.add(REPLACE_EXISTING); if (op == OpType.COPY && !followLinks) optionSet.add(NOFOLLOW_LINKS); CopyOption[] options = optionSet.toArray(new CopyOption[0]); final Path src = source; final Path dst = target; if (type == PathType.FILE) { if (op == OpType.COPY) { try { Files.copy(source, target, options); assert Files.exists(target); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { assertTrue(mode.charAt(0) != 'r'); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException faee) { assertTrue(targetExists && !replaceExisting); } if (targetExists && mode.charAt(0) == '-') assertTrue(Files.exists(target)); } else if (!replaceExisting && targetExists) { assertThrows(FileAlreadyExistsException.class, () -> Files.move(src, dst, options)); } else { Files.move(source, target, options); assert Files.exists(target); } } else if (type == PathType.DIR) { if (op == OpType.COPY) { try { Files.copy(source, target, options); assert Files.exists(target); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { assertTrue(mode.charAt(0) != 'r'); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException faee) { assertTrue(targetExists && !replaceExisting); } if (targetExists && mode.charAt(0) == '-') assertTrue(Files.exists(target)); } else { try { Files.move(source, target, options); assert Files.exists(target); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { assertTrue(mode.charAt(1) != 'w'); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException faee) { assertTrue(targetExists && !replaceExisting); } } } else if (type == PathType.LINK) { if (op == OpType.COPY) { try { Files.copy(source, target, options); assert Files.exists(target); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { assertTrue(mode.charAt(0) != 'r'); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException faee) { assertTrue(targetExists && !replaceExisting); } } else { try { Files.move(source, target, options); assert Files.exists(target); } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { assertTrue(mode.charAt(0) != 'r'); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException faee) { assertTrue(targetExists && !replaceExisting); } } } else { assert false; } } finally { try { if (source != null) Files.deleteIfExists(source); } catch (IOException x) { } try { if (target != null) Files.deleteIfExists(target); } catch (IOException x) { } try { if (linkTarget != null) Files.deleteIfExists(linkTarget); } catch (IOException x) { } } } }