/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * * @test * @bug 4533872 4915683 4985217 5017280 * @summary Unit tests for supplementary character support (JSR-204) */ public class Supplementary { public static void main(String[] args) { test1(); // Test for codePointAt(int index) test2(); // Test for codePointBefore(int index) test3(); // Test for reverse() test4(); // Test for appendCodePoint(int codePoint) test5(); // Test for codePointCount(int beginIndex, int endIndex) test6(); // Test for offsetByCodePoints(int index, int offset) } /* Text strings which are used as input data. * The comment above each text string means the index of each 16-bit char * for convenience. */ static final String[] input = { /* 111 1 111111 22222 0123 4 5678 9 012 3 456789 01234 */ "abc\uD800\uDC00def\uD800\uD800ab\uD800\uDC00cdefa\uDC00bcdef", /* 1 1111 1111 1 222 0 12345 6789 0 1234 5678 9 012 */ "\uD800defg\uD800hij\uD800\uDC00klm\uDC00nop\uDC00\uD800rt\uDC00", /* 11 1 1111 1 112 222 0 12345 6 78901 2 3456 7 890 123 */ "\uDC00abcd\uDBFF\uDFFFefgh\uD800\uDC009ik\uDC00\uDC00lm\uDC00no\uD800", /* 111 111111 1 22 2 0 1 2345 678 9 012 345678 9 01 2 */ "\uD800\uDC00!#$\uD800%&\uD800\uDC00;+\uDC00<>;=^\uDC00\\@\uD800\uDC00", // includes an undefined supprementary characters in Unicode 4.0.0 /* 1 11 1 1111 1 0 1 2345 6 789 0 12 3 4567 8 */ "\uDB40\uDE00abc\uDE01\uDB40de\uDB40\uDE02f\uDB40\uDE03ghi\uDB40\uDE02", }; /* Expected results for: * test1(): for codePointAt() * * Each character in each array is the golden data for each text string * in the above input data. For example, the first data in each array is * for the first input string. */ static final int[][] golden1 = { {'a', 0xD800, 0xDC00, 0x10000, 0xE0200}, // codePointAt(0) {0xD800, 0x10000, 'g', 0xDC00, 0xE0202}, // codePointAt(9) {'f', 0xDC00, 0xD800, 0xDC00, 0xDE02}, // codePointAt(length-1) }; /* * Test for codePointAt(int index) method */ static void test1() { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input[i]); /* * Normal case */ testCodePoint(At, sb, 0, golden1[0][i]); testCodePoint(At, sb, 9, golden1[1][i]); testCodePoint(At, sb, sb.length()-1, golden1[2][i]); /* * Abnormal case - verify that an exception is thrown. */ testCodePoint(At, sb, -1); testCodePoint(At, sb, sb.length()); } } /* Expected results for: * test2(): for codePointBefore() * * Each character in each array is the golden data for each text string * in the above input data. For example, the first data in each array is * for the first input string. */ static final int[][] golden2 = { {'a', 0xD800, 0xDC00, 0xD800, 0xDB40}, // codePointBefore(1) {0xD800, 'l', 0x10000, 0xDC00, 0xDB40}, // codePointBefore(13) {'f', 0xDC00, 0xD800, 0x10000, 0xE0202}, // codePointBefore(length) }; /* * Test for codePointBefore(int index) method */ static void test2() { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input[i]); /* * Normal case */ testCodePoint(Before, sb, 1, golden2[0][i]); testCodePoint(Before, sb, 13, golden2[1][i]); testCodePoint(Before, sb, sb.length(), golden2[2][i]); /* * Abnormal case - verify that an exception is thrown. */ testCodePoint(Before, sb, 0); testCodePoint(Before, sb, sb.length()+1); } } /* Expected results for: * test3(): for reverse() * * Unlike golden1 and golden2, each array is the golden data for each text * string in the above input data. For example, the first array is for * the first input string. */ static final String[] golden3 = { "fedcb\uDC00afedc\uD800\uDC00ba\uD800\uD800fed\uD800\uDC00cba", "\uDC00tr\uD800\uDC00pon\uDC00mlk\uD800\uDC00jih\uD800gfed\uD800", "\uD800on\uDC00ml\uDC00\uDC00ki9\uD800\uDC00hgfe\uDBFF\uDFFFdcba\uDC00", "\uD800\uDC00@\\\uDC00^=;><\uDC00+;\uD800\uDC00&%\uD800$#!\uD800\uDC00", // includes an undefined supprementary characters in Unicode 4.0.0 "\uDB40\uDE02ihg\uDB40\uDE03f\uDB40\uDE02ed\uDB40\uDE01cba\uDB40\uDE00", }; // Additional input data & expected result for test3() static final String[][] testdata1 = { {"a\uD800\uDC00", "\uD800\uDC00a"}, {"a\uDC00\uD800", "\uD800\uDC00a"}, {"\uD800\uDC00a", "a\uD800\uDC00"}, {"\uDC00\uD800a", "a\uD800\uDC00"}, {"\uDC00\uD800\uD801", "\uD801\uD800\uDC00"}, {"\uDC00\uD800\uDC01", "\uD800\uDC01\uDC00"}, {"\uD801\uD800\uDC00", "\uD800\uDC00\uD801"}, {"\uD800\uDC01\uDC00", "\uDC00\uD800\uDC01"}, {"\uD800\uDC00\uDC01\uD801", "\uD801\uDC01\uD800\uDC00"}, }; /* * Test for reverse() method */ static void test3() { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input[i]).reverse(); check(!golden3[i].equals(sb.toString()), "reverse() for <" + toHexString(input[i]) + ">", sb, golden3[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < testdata1.length; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(testdata1[i][0]).reverse(); check(!testdata1[i][1].equals(sb.toString()), "reverse() for <" + toHexString(testdata1[i][0]) + ">", sb, testdata1[i][1]); } } /** * Test for appendCodePoint() method */ static void test4() { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { String s = input[i]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int c; for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j += Character.charCount(c)) { c = s.codePointAt(j); StringBuilder rsb = sb.appendCodePoint(c); check(sb != rsb, "appendCodePoint returned a wrong object"); int sbc = sb.codePointAt(j); check(sbc != c, "appendCodePoint("+j+") != c", sbc, c); } check(!s.equals(sb.toString()), "appendCodePoint() produced a wrong result with input["+i+"]"); } // test exception testAppendCodePoint(-1, IllegalArgumentException.class); testAppendCodePoint(Character.MAX_CODE_POINT+1, IllegalArgumentException.class); } /** * Test codePointCount(int, int) * * This test case assumes that * Character.codePointCount(CharSequence, int, int) works * correctly. */ static void test5() { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { String s = input[i]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); int length = sb.length(); for (int j = 0; j <= length; j++) { int result = sb.codePointCount(j, length); int expected = Character.codePointCount(sb, j, length); check(result != expected, "codePointCount(input["+i+"], "+j+", "+length+")", result, expected); } for (int j = length; j >= 0; j--) { int result = sb.codePointCount(0, j); int expected = Character.codePointCount(sb, 0, j); check(result != expected, "codePointCount(input["+i+"], 0, "+j+")", result, expected); } // test exceptions testCodePointCount(null, 0, 0, NullPointerException.class); testCodePointCount(sb, -1, length, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); testCodePointCount(sb, 0, length+1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); testCodePointCount(sb, length, length-1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } } /** * Test offsetByCodePoints(int, int) * * This test case assumes that * Character.codePointCount(CharSequence, int, int) works * correctly. */ static void test6() { for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { String s = input[i]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); int length = s.length(); for (int j = 0; j <= length; j++) { int nCodePoints = Character.codePointCount(sb, j, length); int result = sb.offsetByCodePoints(j, nCodePoints); check(result != length, "offsetByCodePoints(input["+i+"], "+j+", "+nCodePoints+")", result, length); result = sb.offsetByCodePoints(length, -nCodePoints); int expected = j; if (j > 0 && j < length) { int cp = sb.codePointBefore(j+1); if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(cp)) { expected--; } } check(result != expected, "offsetByCodePoints(input["+i+"], "+j+", "+(-nCodePoints)+")", result, expected); } for (int j = length; j >= 0; j--) { int nCodePoints = Character.codePointCount(sb, 0, j); int result = sb.offsetByCodePoints(0, nCodePoints); int expected = j; if (j > 0 && j < length) { int cp = sb.codePointAt(j-1); if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(cp)) { expected++; } } check(result != expected, "offsetByCodePoints(input["+i+"], 0, "+nCodePoints+")", result, expected); result = sb.offsetByCodePoints(j, -nCodePoints); check(result != 0, "offsetBycodePoints(input["+i+"], "+j+", "+(-nCodePoints)+")", result, 0); } // test exceptions testOffsetByCodePoints(null, 0, 0, NullPointerException.class); testOffsetByCodePoints(sb, -1, length, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); testOffsetByCodePoints(sb, 0, length+1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); testOffsetByCodePoints(sb, 1, -2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); testOffsetByCodePoints(sb, length, length-1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); testOffsetByCodePoints(sb, length, -(length+1), IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } } static final boolean At = true, Before = false; static void testCodePoint(boolean isAt, StringBuilder sb, int index, int expected) { int c = isAt ? sb.codePointAt(index) : sb.codePointBefore(index); check(c != expected, "codePoint" + (isAt ? "At" : "Before") + "(" + index + ") for <" + sb + ">", c, expected); } static void testCodePoint(boolean isAt, StringBuilder sb, int index) { boolean exceptionOccurred = false; try { int c = isAt ? sb.codePointAt(index) : sb.codePointBefore(index); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { exceptionOccurred = true; } check(!exceptionOccurred, "codePoint" + (isAt ? "At" : "Before") + "(" + index + ") for <" + sb + "> should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsPointerException."); } static void testAppendCodePoint(int codePoint, Class expectedException) { try { new StringBuilder().appendCodePoint(codePoint); } catch (Exception e) { if (expectedException.isInstance(e)) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Error: Unexpected exception", e); } check(true, "appendCodePoint(" + toHexString(codePoint) + ") didn't throw " + expectedException.getName()); } static void testCodePointCount(StringBuilder sb, int beginIndex, int endIndex, Class expectedException) { try { int n = sb.codePointCount(beginIndex, endIndex); } catch (Exception e) { if (expectedException.isInstance(e)) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Error: Unexpected exception", e); } check(true, "codePointCount() didn't throw " + expectedException.getName()); } static void testOffsetByCodePoints(StringBuilder sb, int index, int offset, Class expectedException) { try { int n = sb.offsetByCodePoints(index, offset); } catch (Exception e) { if (expectedException.isInstance(e)) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Error: Unexpected exception", e); } check(true, "offsetByCodePoints() didn't throw " + expectedException.getName()); } static void check(boolean err, String msg) { if (err) { throw new RuntimeException("Error: " + msg); } } static void check(boolean err, String s, int got, int expected) { if (err) { throw new RuntimeException("Error: " + s + " returned an unexpected value. got " + toHexString(got) + ", expected " + toHexString(expected)); } } static void check(boolean err, String s, StringBuilder got, String expected) { if (err) { throw new RuntimeException("Error: " + s + " returned an unexpected value. got <" + toHexString(got.toString()) + ">, expected <" + toHexString(expected) + ">"); } } private static String toHexString(int c) { return "0x" + Integer.toHexString(c); } private static String toHexString(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); sb.append(" 0x"); if (c < 0x10) sb.append('0'); if (c < 0x100) sb.append('0'); if (c < 0x1000) sb.append('0'); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(c)); } sb.append(' '); return sb.toString(); } }