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525 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2008, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 6730926
* @summary Check behaviour of MBeanServer when postRegister and postDeregister
* throw exceptions.
* @author Daniel Fuchs
* @run main PostExceptionTest
import javax.management.*;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.util.EnumSet;
public class PostExceptionTest {
* A test case where we instantiate an ExceptionalWombatMBean (or a
* subclass of it) which will throw the exception {@code t} from within
* the methods indicated by {@code where}
public static class Case {
public final Throwable t;
public final EnumSet<WHERE> where;
public Case(Throwable t,EnumSet<WHERE> where) {
this.t=t; this.where=where;
// Various methods to create an instance of Case in a single line
// --------------------------------------------------------------
public static Case caze(Throwable t, WHERE w) {
return new Case(t,EnumSet.of(w));
public static Case caze(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where) {
return new Case(t,where);
public static Case caze(Throwable t, WHERE w, WHERE... rest) {
return new Case(t,EnumSet.of(w,rest));
* Here is the list of our test cases:
public static Case[] cases ={
caze(new RuntimeException(),WHERE.PREREGISTER),
caze(new RuntimeException(),WHERE.POSTREGISTER),
caze(new Exception(),WHERE.PREREGISTER),
caze(new Exception(),WHERE.POSTREGISTER),
caze(new Error(),WHERE.PREREGISTER),
caze(new Error(),WHERE.POSTREGISTER),
caze(new RuntimeException(),EnumSet.allOf(WHERE.class)),
caze(new Exception(),EnumSet.allOf(WHERE.class)),
caze(new Error(),EnumSet.allOf(WHERE.class)),
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Test behaviour of MBeanServer when postRegister " +
"or postDeregister throw exceptions");
MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer();
int failures = 0;
final ObjectName n = new ObjectName("test:type=Wombat");
// We're going to test each cases, using each of the 4 createMBean
// forms + registerMBean in turn to create the MBean.
// Which method is used to create the MBean is indicated by "how"
for (Case caze:cases) {
for (CREATE how : CREATE.values()) {
if (failures == 0)
System.out.println("Test passed");
else {
System.out.println("TEST FAILED: " + failures + " failure(s)");
// Execute a test case composed of:
// mbs: The MBeanServer where the MBean will be registered,
// name: The name of that MBean
// how: How will the MBean be created/registered (which MBeanServer
// method)
// t: The exception/error that the MBean will throw
// where: In which pre/post register/deregister method the exception/error
// will be thrown
private static int test(MBeanServer mbs, ObjectName name, CREATE how,
Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where)
throws Exception {
System.out.println("-------<"+how+"> / <"+t+"> / "+ where + "-------");
int failures = 0;
ObjectInstance oi = null;
Exception reg = null; // exception thrown by create/register
Exception unreg = null; // exception thrown by unregister
try {
// Create the MBean
oi = how.create(t, where, mbs, name);
} catch (Exception xx) {
final ObjectName n = (oi==null)?name:oi.getObjectName();
final boolean isRegistered = mbs.isRegistered(n);
try {
// If the MBean is registered, unregister it
if (isRegistered) mbs.unregisterMBean(n);
} catch (Exception xxx) {
final boolean isUnregistered = !mbs.isRegistered(n);
if (!isUnregistered) {
// if the MBean is still registered (preDeregister threw an
// exception) signify to the MBean that it now should stop
// throwing anaything and unregister it.
JMX.newMBeanProxy(mbs, n, ExceptionalWombatMBean.class).end();
// Now analyze the result. If we didn't ask the MBean to throw any
// exception then reg should be null.
if (where.isEmpty() && reg!=null) {
System.out.println("Unexpected registration exception: "+
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected registration exception: "+
// If we didn't ask the MBean to throw any exception then unreg should
// also be null.
if (where.isEmpty() && unreg!=null) {
System.out.println("Unexpected unregistration exception: "+
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected unregistration exception: "+
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in either of preRegister
// or postRegister, then reg should not be null.
if ((where.contains(WHERE.PREREGISTER)
|| where.contains(WHERE.POSTREGISTER))&& reg==null) {
System.out.println("Expected registration exception not " +
"thrown by "+where);
throw new RuntimeException("Expected registration exception not " +
"thrown by "+where);
// If we asked the MBean not to throw any exception in preRegister
// then the MBean should have been registered, unregisterMBean should
// have been called.
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in either of preDeregister
// or postDeregister, then unreg should not be null.
if ((where.contains(WHERE.PREDEREGISTER)
|| where.contains(WHERE.POSTDEREGISTER))&& unreg==null
&& !where.contains(WHERE.PREREGISTER)) {
System.out.println("Expected unregistration exception not " +
"thrown by "+where);
throw new RuntimeException("Expected unregistration exception not " +
"thrown by "+where);
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in preRegister
// then the MBean should not have been registered.
if (where.contains(WHERE.PREREGISTER)) {
if (isRegistered) {
System.out.println("MBean is still registered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+reg);
throw new RuntimeException("MBean is still registered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+reg,reg);
// If we asked the MBean not to throw an exception in preRegister,
// but to throw an exception in postRegister, then the MBean should
// have been registered.
if (where.contains(WHERE.POSTREGISTER) &&
!where.contains(WHERE.PREREGISTER)) {
if (!isRegistered) {
System.out.println("MBean is already unregistered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+reg);
throw new RuntimeException("MBean is already unregistered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+reg,reg);
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in preRegister,
// check that the exception we caught was as expected.
if (where.contains(WHERE.PREREGISTER)) {
WHERE.PREREGISTER.check(reg, t);
} else if (where.contains(WHERE.POSTREGISTER)) {
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in postRegister,
// check that the exception we caught was as expected.
// We don't do this check if we asked the MBean to also throw an
// exception in pre register, because postRegister will not have
// been called.
if (!isRegistered) return failures;
// The MBean was registered, so unregisterMBean was called. Check
// unregisterMBean exceptions...
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in preDeregister
// then the MBean should not have been deregistered.
if (where.contains(WHERE.PREDEREGISTER)) {
if (isUnregistered) {
System.out.println("MBean is already unregistered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+unreg);
throw new RuntimeException("MBean is already unregistered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+unreg,unreg);
// If we asked the MBean not to throw an exception in preDeregister,
// but to throw an exception in postDeregister, then the MBean should
// have been deregistered.
if (where.contains(WHERE.POSTDEREGISTER) &&
!where.contains(WHERE.PREDEREGISTER)) {
if (!isUnregistered) {
System.out.println("MBean is not unregistered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+unreg);
throw new RuntimeException("MBean is not unregistered [" +
"]: "+name+" / "+unreg,unreg);
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in preDeregister,
// check that the exception we caught was as expected.
if (where.contains(WHERE.PREDEREGISTER)) {
WHERE.PREDEREGISTER.check(unreg, t);
} else if (where.contains(WHERE.POSTDEREGISTER)) {
// If we asked the MBean to throw an exception in postDeregister,
// check that the exception we caught was as expected.
// We don't do this check if we asked the MBean to also throw an
// exception in pre register, because postRegister will not have
// been called.
return failures;
* This enum lists the 4 methods in MBeanRegistration.
public static enum WHERE {
// Checks that an exception thrown by the MBeanServer correspond to
// what is expected when an MBean throws an exception in this
// MBeanRegistration method ("this" is one of the 4 enum values above)
public void check(Exception thrown, Throwable t)
throws Exception {
if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
if (!(thrown instanceof RuntimeMBeanException)) {
System.out.println("Expected RuntimeMBeanException, got "+
throw new Exception("Expected RuntimeMBeanException, got "+
} else if (t instanceof Error) {
if (!(thrown instanceof RuntimeErrorException)) {
System.out.println("Expected RuntimeErrorException, got "+
throw new Exception("Expected RuntimeErrorException, got "+
} else if (t instanceof Exception) {
if (EnumSet.of(POSTDEREGISTER,POSTREGISTER).contains(this)) {
if (!(thrown instanceof RuntimeMBeanException)) {
System.out.println("Expected RuntimeMBeanException, got "+
throw new Exception("Expected RuntimeMBeanException, got "+
if (! (thrown.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException)) {
System.out.println("Bad cause: " +
"expected RuntimeException, " +
"got <"+thrown.getCause()+">");
throw new Exception("Bad cause: " +
"expected RuntimeException, " +
"got <"+thrown.getCause()+">");
if (EnumSet.of(PREDEREGISTER,PREREGISTER).contains(this)) {
if (!(thrown instanceof MBeanRegistrationException)) {
System.out.println("Expected " +
"MBeanRegistrationException, got "+
throw new Exception("Expected " +
"MBeanRegistrationException, got "+
if (! (thrown.getCause() instanceof Exception)) {
System.out.println("Bad cause: " +
"expected Exception, " +
"got <"+thrown.getCause()+">");
throw new Exception("Bad cause: " +
"expected Exception, " +
"got <"+thrown.getCause()+">");
* This enum lists the 5 methods to create and register an
* ExceptionalWombat MBean
public static enum CREATE {
// Creates an ExceptionalWombat MBean using createMBean form #1
public ObjectInstance create(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where,
MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception {
ExceptionallyHackyWombat.t = t;
ExceptionallyHackyWombat.w = where;
return server.createMBean(
// Creates an ExceptionalWombat MBean using createMBean form #2
public ObjectInstance create(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where,
MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception {
ExceptionallyHackyWombat.t = t;
ExceptionallyHackyWombat.w = where;
final ObjectName loaderName = registerMB(server);
return server.createMBean(
name, loaderName);
// Creates an ExceptionalWombat MBean using createMBean form #3
public ObjectInstance create(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where,
MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception {
final Object[] params = {t, where};
final String[] signature = {Throwable.class.getName(),
return server.createMBean(
ExceptionalWombat.class.getName(), name,
params, signature);
// Creates an ExceptionalWombat MBean using createMBean form #4
public ObjectInstance create(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where,
MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception {
final Object[] params = {t, where};
final String[] signature = {Throwable.class.getName(),
return server.createMBean(
ExceptionalWombat.class.getName(), name,
registerMB(server), params, signature);
// Creates an ExceptionalWombat MBean using registerMBean
public ObjectInstance create(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where,
MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception {
final ExceptionalWombat wombat =
new ExceptionalWombat(t, where);
return server.registerMBean(wombat, name);
// Creates an ExceptionalWombat MBean using the method denoted by this
// Enum value - one of CREATE1, CREATE2, CREATE3, CREATE4, or REGISTER.
public abstract ObjectInstance create(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where,
MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception;
// Create an MBean that delegates to the
// System ClassLoader so that we can use createMBean form #2 and #3
// while still using the same class loader (system).
// This is necessary to make the ExceptionallyHackyWombatMBean work ;-)
public ObjectName registerMB(MBeanServer server) throws Exception {
final ObjectName name = new ObjectName("test:type=TestMBean");
if (server.isRegistered(name)) {
return name;
final TestMBean mbean = new Test();
return server.registerMBean(mbean, name).getObjectName();
* A Wombat MBean that can throw exceptions or errors in any of the
* MBeanRegistration methods.
public static interface ExceptionalWombatMBean {
// Tells the MBean to stop throwing exceptions - we sometime
// need to call this at the end of the test so that we can
// actually unregister the MBean.
public void end();
*A Wombat MBean that can throw exceptions or errors in any of the
* MBeanRegistration methods.
public static class ExceptionalWombat
implements ExceptionalWombatMBean, MBeanRegistration {
private final Throwable throwable;
private final EnumSet<WHERE> where;
private volatile boolean end=false;
public ExceptionalWombat(Throwable t, EnumSet<WHERE> where) {
this.throwable=t; this.where=where;
private Exception doThrow() {
if (throwable instanceof Error)
throw (Error)throwable;
if (throwable instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException)throwable;
return (Exception)throwable;
public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
throws Exception {
if (!end && where.contains(WHERE.PREREGISTER))
throw doThrow();
return name;
public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone) {
if (!end && where.contains(WHERE.POSTREGISTER))
throw new RuntimeException(doThrow());
public void preDeregister() throws Exception {
if (!end && where.contains(WHERE.PREDEREGISTER))
throw doThrow();
public void postDeregister() {
if (!end && where.contains(WHERE.POSTREGISTER))
throw new RuntimeException(doThrow());
public void end() {
* This is a big ugly hack to call createMBean form #1 and #2 - where
* the empty constructor is used. Since we still want to supply parameters
* to the ExceptionalWombat super class, we temporarily store these
* parameter value in a static volatile before calling create MBean.
* Of course this only works because our test is sequential and single
* threaded, and nobody but our test uses this ExceptionallyHackyWombat.
public static class ExceptionallyHackyWombat extends ExceptionalWombat {
public static volatile Throwable t;
public static volatile EnumSet<WHERE> w;
public ExceptionallyHackyWombat() {
public static interface TestMBean {
public static class Test extends URLClassLoader implements TestMBean {
public Test() {
super(new URL[0], ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());