Jan Lahoda 29852ecd80 8232684: Make switch expressions final
Reviewed-by: alanb, mcimadamore, kvn
2019-11-12 06:32:13 +00:00

118 lines
4.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2007, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package nsk.share.locks;
* Thread intended to hold given lock until method releaseLock() not called
* Example of usage:
* Object lockToHold = new Object();
* MonitorLockingThread lockingThread = new MonitorLockingThread(lockToHold);
* // after calling this method lock 'lockToHold' is acquired by lockingThread
* lockingThread.acquireLock();
* // after calling this method lockingThread releases 'lockToHold' and finishes execution
* lockingThread.releaseLock();
public class MonitorLockingThread extends Thread {
* Class MonitorLockingThread is written for usage in tests provoking monitor contention.
* Typically in these tests exists thread holding lock (MonitorLockingThread) and another
* thread trying to acquire the same lock. But this scenario also requires one more thread
* which will force MonitorLockingThread to release lock when contention occurred, for this purpose
* auxiliary thread class LockFreeThread is written.
* Example of usage of MonitorLockingThread and LockFreeThread:
* Object lock = new Object();
* MonitorLockingThread monitorLockingThread = new MonitorLockingThread(lock);
* MonitorLockingThread.LockFreeThread lockFreeThread =
* new MonitorLockingThread.LockFreeThread(Thread.currentThread(), monitorLockingThread);
* monitorLockingThread.acquireLock();
* lockFreeThread.start();
* // try to acquire lock which is already held by MonitorLockingThread (here monitor contention should occur),
* // when LockFreeThread finds that contention occurred it forces MonitorLockingThread to release lock
* // and current thread is able to continue execution
* synchronized (lock) {
* }
public static class LockFreeThread extends Thread {
private Thread blockedThread;
private MonitorLockingThread lockingThread;
public LockFreeThread(Thread blockedThread, MonitorLockingThread lockingThread) {
this.blockedThread = blockedThread;
this.lockingThread = lockingThread;
public void run() {
* Wait when blockedThread's state will switch to 'BLOCKED' (at that moment monitor contention
* should already occur) and then force MonitorLockingThread to release lock
while (blockedThread.getState() != Thread.State.BLOCKED)
private volatile boolean isRunning = true;
private volatile boolean holdsLock;
private Object lockToHold;
public MonitorLockingThread(Object lockToHold) {
this.lockToHold = lockToHold;
public void run() {
synchronized (lockToHold) {
holdsLock = true;
while (isRunning)
holdsLock = false;
public void releaseLock() {
isRunning = false;
while (holdsLock)
public void acquireLock() {
while (!holdsLock)