8217721: CompactNumberFormat:: format() method spec for IAEx is not complaint Reviewed-by: naoto
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157 lines
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* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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* @test
* @bug 8177552 8217254
* @summary Checks the validity of compact number patterns specified through
* CompactNumberFormat constructor
* @run testng/othervm TestCompactPatternsValidity
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.CompactNumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestCompactPatternsValidity {
// Max range 10^4
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN1 = new String[]{"0", "0", "0", "0K", "00K"};
// Quoted special character '.' as prefix
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN2 = new String[]{"0", "'.'K0"};
// Quoted special character '.' as suffix
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN3 = new String[]{"0", "0", "0", "0K", "00K'.'"};
// Containing both prefix and suffix
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN4 = new String[]{"", "", "H0H", "0K", "00K", "H0G"};
// Differing while specifying prefix and suffix
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN5 = new String[]{"", "", "", "0K", "K0"};
// Containing both prefix ('.') and suffix (K)
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN6 = new String[]{"0", "", "", "'.'0K"};
// Quoted special character ',' as suffix
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN7 = new String[]{"", "0", "0", "0K','"};
// Most commonly used type of compact patterns with 15 elements
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN8 = new String[]{"", "", "", "0K", "00K", "000K", "0M",
"00M", "000M", "0B", "00B", "000B", "0T", "00T", "000T"};
// All empty or special patterns; checking the default formatting behaviour
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN9 = new String[]{"", "", "", "0", "0", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
// Patterns beyond 10^19; divisors beyond long range
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN10 = new String[]{"", "", "", "0K", "00K", "000K", "0M", "00M",
"000M", "0B", "00B", "000B", "0T", "00T", "000T", "0L", "00L", "000L", "0XL", "00XL"};
// Containing positive;negative subpatterns
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN11 = new String[]{"", "", "", "elfu 0;elfu -0", "elfu 00;elfu -00",
"elfu 000;elfu -000", "milioni 0;milioni -0", "milioni 00;milioni -00", "milioni 000;milioni -000"};
// Containing both prefix and suffix and positive;negative subpatern
private static final String[] COMPACT_PATTERN12 = new String[]{"", "", "H0H;H-0H", "0K;0K-", "00K;-00K", "H0G;-H0G"};
@DataProvider(name = "invalidPatterns")
Object[][] invalidCompactPatterns() {
return new Object[][]{
// compact patterns
// Pattern containing unquoted special character '.'
{new String[]{"", "", "", "0K", "00K."}},
// Pattern containing invalid single quote
{new String[]{"", "", "", "0 'do", "00K"}},
{new String[]{"", "", "", "0K", "00 don't"}},
// A non empty pattern containing no 0s (min integer digits)
{new String[]{"K", "0K", "00K"}},
// 0s (min integer digits) exceeding for the range at index 3
{new String[]{"", "", "0K", "00000K"}},
// null as a compact pattern
{new String[]{"", "", null, "00K"}},};
@DataProvider(name = "validPatternsFormat")
Object[][] validPatternsFormat() {
return new Object[][]{
// compact patterns, numbers, expected output
{COMPACT_PATTERN1, List.of(200, 1000, 3000, 500000), List.of("200", "1K", "3K", "500K")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN2, List.of(1, 20, 3000), List.of("1", ".K2", ".K300")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN3, List.of(100.99, 1000, 30000), List.of("101", "1K", "30K.")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN4, List.of(0.0, 500, -500, 30000, 5000000), List.of("0", "H5H", "-H5H", "30K", "H50G")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN5, List.of(100, 1000, 30000), List.of("100", "1K", "K3")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN6, List.of(20.99, 1000, 30000), List.of("21", ".1K", ".30K")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN7, List.of(100, 1000, new BigInteger("12345678987654321")), List.of("100", "1K,", "12345678987654K,")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN8, List.of(new BigInteger("223565686837667632"), new BigDecimal("12322456774334.89766"), 30000, 3456.78),
List.of("223566T", "12T", "30K", "3K")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN9, List.of(new BigInteger("223566000000000000"), new BigDecimal("12345678987654567"), 30000, 3000),
List.of("223,566,000,000,000,000", "12,345,678,987,654,567", "30,000", "3,000")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN10, List.of(new BigInteger("100000000000000000"), new BigInteger("10000000000000000000"), new BigDecimal("555555555555555555555.89766"), 30000),
List.of("100L", "10XL", "556XL", "30K")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN11, List.of(20.99, -20.99, 1000, -1000, 30000, -30000, new BigInteger("12345678987654321"), new BigInteger("-12345678987654321")),
List.of("21", "-21", "elfu 1", "elfu -1", "elfu 30", "elfu -30", "milioni 12345678988", "milioni -12345678988")},
{COMPACT_PATTERN12, List.of(0, 500, -500, 30000, -3000, 5000000), List.of("0", "H5H", "H-5H", "30K", "3K-", "H50G")},};
@DataProvider(name = "validPatternsParse")
Object[][] validPatternsParse() {
return new Object[][]{
// compact patterns, parse string, expected output
{COMPACT_PATTERN1, List.of(".56", "200", ".1K", "3K", "500K"), List.of(0.56, 200L, 100L, 3000L, 500000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN2, List.of("1", ".K2", ".K300"), List.of(1L, 20L, 3000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN3, List.of("101", "1K", "30K."), List.of(101L, 1000L, 30000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN4, List.of("0", "H5H", "-H5H", "30K", "H50G"), List.of(0L, 500L, -500L, 30000L, 5000000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN5, List.of("100", "1K", "K3"), List.of(100L, 1000L, 30000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN6, List.of("21", ".1K", ".30K"), List.of(21L, 1000L, 30000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN7, List.of("100", "1K,", "12345678987654K,"), List.of(100L, 1000L, 12345678987654000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN8, List.of("223566T", "12T", "30K", "3K"), List.of(223566000000000000L, 12000000000000L, 30000L, 3000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN10, List.of("1L", "100L", "10XL", "556XL", "30K"), List.of(1000000000000000L, 100000000000000000L, 1.0E19, 5.56E20, 30000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN11, List.of("21", "-21", "100.90", "-100.90", "elfu 1", "elfu -1", "elfu 30", "elfu -30", "milioni 12345678988", "milioni -12345678988"),
List.of(21L, -21L, 100.90, -100.90, 1000L, -1000L, 30000L, -30000L, 12345678988000000L, -12345678988000000L)},
{COMPACT_PATTERN12, List.of("0", "H5H", "H-5H", "30K", "30K-", "H50G"), List.of(0L, 500L, -500L, 30000L, -30000L, 5000000L)},};
@Test(dataProvider = "invalidPatterns",
expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidCompactPatterns(String[] compactPatterns) {
new CompactNumberFormat("#,##0.0#", DecimalFormatSymbols
.getInstance(Locale.US), compactPatterns);
@Test(dataProvider = "validPatternsFormat")
public void testValidPatternsFormat(String[] compactPatterns,
List<Object> numbers, List<String> expected) {
CompactNumberFormat fmt = new CompactNumberFormat("#,##0.0#",
DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US), compactPatterns);
for (int index = 0; index < numbers.size(); index++) {
CompactFormatAndParseHelper.testFormat(fmt, numbers.get(index),
@Test(dataProvider = "validPatternsParse")
public void testValidPatternsParse(String[] compactPatterns,
List<String> parseString, List<Number> numbers) throws ParseException {
CompactNumberFormat fmt = new CompactNumberFormat("#,##0.0#",
DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US), compactPatterns);
for (int index = 0; index < parseString.size(); index++) {
CompactFormatAndParseHelper.testParse(fmt, parseString.get(index),
numbers.get(index), null, null);