Yoshiki Sato 28e1f4d9ee 8247957: remove doclint support for HTML 4
8257204: Remove usage of -Xhtmlversion option from javac
8256313: JavaCompilation.gmk needs to be updated not to use --doclint-format html5 option
8258460: Remove --doclint-format option from javac
8256312: Valid anchor 'id' value not allowed

Reviewed-by: jjg, ihse
2021-01-06 22:48:00 +00:00

68 lines
1.1 KiB

* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8004832 8247957
* @summary Add new doclint package
* @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.doclint
* @build DocLintTester
* @run main DocLintTester -ref AnchorTest.out AnchorTest.java
/** */
public class AnchorTest {
// tests for <a id=value>
* <a id=foo></a>
public void a_id_foo() { }
* <a id=foo></a>
public void a_id_already_defined() { }
* <a id=></a>
public void a_id_empty() { }
* <a id="123 "></a>
public void a_id_invalid() { }
* <a id ></a>
public void a_id_missing() { }
// tests for id=value on non-<a> tags
* <p id=p_id_foo>text</p>
public void p_id_foo() { }
* <p id=foo>text</p>
public void p_id_already_defined() { }
* <p id=>text</p>
public void p_id_empty() { }
* <p id="123 ">text</p>
public void p_id_invalid() { }
* <p id >text</p>
public void p_id_missing() { }