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* Copyright (c) 2006, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package nsk.share.jdi;
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import nsk.share.TestBug;
* Debugger class used in tests for heapwalking(tests for VirtualMachine.instanceCounts, ReferenceType.instances, ObjectReference.referrers)
* Contains several common checking and auxiliary methods.
public class HeapwalkingDebugger extends TestDebuggerType2 {
// instances of some classes couldn't be strictly controlled during test execution, use non-strict checks for this classes
protected boolean strictCheck(String className) {
if (className.equals("java.lang.String"))
return false;
if (className.equals("char[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("byte[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("boolean[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("float[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("long[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("int[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("double[]"))
return false;
if (className.equals("java.lang.Thread")) {
return !isJFRActive();
return true;
protected boolean isJFRActive() {
ReferenceType referenceType = debuggee.classByName("nsk.share.jdi.HeapwalkingDebuggee");
if (referenceType == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Debugeee is not initialized yet");
Field isJFRActiveFld = referenceType.fieldByName("isJFRActive");
boolean isJFRActive = ((BooleanValue)referenceType.getValue(isJFRActiveFld)).value();
return isJFRActive;
// wrapper for VirtualMachine.instanceCounts
public long getInstanceCount(String className) {
List<ReferenceType> list = vm.classesByName(className);
if (list.size() == 0)
return 0;
if (list.size() > 1) {
log.complain("Unexpected collection size returned by VirtualMachine.classesByName(" + className + "): " + list.size()
+ ", only 1 entry was expected.");
long result[] = (vm.instanceCounts(list));
return result[0];
// tests that vm.instanceCounts(vm.allClasses()) doesn't throws any exceptions
protected void testInstanceCounts() {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.complain("Unexpected exception: " + t);
// check size of list returned by ReferenceType.instances
protected void checkDebugeeAnswer_instances(String className, int expectedCount) {
ReferenceType referenceType = debuggee.classByName(className);
int instanceCounts = referenceType.instances(0).size();
if (strictCheck(className)) {
if (referenceType.instances(0).size() != expectedCount) {
log.complain("Unexpected size of referenceType.instances(" + className + "): " + instanceCounts + ", expected: " + expectedCount);
} else {
if (referenceType.instances(0).size() < expectedCount) {
log.complain("Unexpected size of referenceType.instances(" + className + "): " + instanceCounts + ", expected: >= " + expectedCount);
// check value returned by VirtualMachine.instanceCounts,
// note that method call method isDebuggeeReady() which check that debuggee completed pervious command and is ready for new one
public void checkDebugeeAnswer_instanceCounts(String className, int expectedValue) {
if (!isDebuggeeReady())
try {
long instanceCounts = getInstanceCount(className);
if (strictCheck(className)) {
if (instanceCounts != expectedValue) {
log.complain("Wrong value was returned by VirtualMachine.instanceCounts(" + className + "): " + instanceCounts + ", expected: "
+ expectedValue);
} else {
if (instanceCounts < expectedValue) {
log.complain("Wrong value was returned by VirtualMachine.instanceCounts(" + className + "): " + instanceCounts
+ ", expected: >= " + expectedValue);
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.complain("Unexpected exception when getting instance count info:");
// Verifies number of instances of a class.
// Two types of checks are done:
// 1. Current instances >= old instances + created instances.
// 2. New instances >= created instances.
// The check in case 1 can only be done for classes where the test controls
// all created and deleted instances.
// Other classes, like java.lang.String, can not make this check since
// an instance in "old instances" may have been removed by a GC.
// In that case the tetst would fail because it finds too few current instances.
public void checkDebugeeAnswer_instanceCounts(String className, int countCreated, List<ObjectReference> oldReferences) {
if (strictCheck(className)) {
int countAll = countCreated + oldReferences.size();
checkDebugeeAnswer_instanceCounts(className, countAll);
checkDebugeeAnswer_instances(className, countAll);
} else {
// isDebuggeeReady() check is hidden in checkDebugeeAnswer_instanceCounts() above.
// Must call it separately if we don't call checkDebugeeAnswer_instanceCounts().
if (!isDebuggeeReady()) {
// Verify number of new instances created.
int countFoundCreated = countNewInstances(className, oldReferences);
if (countFoundCreated < countCreated) {
log.complain("Too few new instances(" + className + "). Expected >= " + countCreated + ", found " + countFoundCreated);
private int countNewInstances(String className, List<ObjectReference> oldReferences) {
// New references = current references - old references.
List<ObjectReference> newReferences = new ArrayList<ObjectReference>(getObjectReferences(className, vm));
return newReferences.size();
// check value returned by InterfaceType.instances
protected void checkDebugeeAnswer_InterfaceType_instances(InterfaceType interfaceType, int expectedInstances) {
int instanceCounts = interfaceType.instances(0).size();
if (instanceCounts != expectedInstances) {
log.complain("List with wrong size was returned by InterfaceType.instances(" + interfaceType.name() + "): " + instanceCounts
+ ", expected: " + expectedInstances);
static public List<ObjectReference> filterObjectReferrence(List<ObjectReference> objectsToFilter, List<ObjectReference> sourceList) {
List<ObjectReference> result = new ArrayList<ObjectReference>();
for (ObjectReference object : sourceList) {
if (!objectsToFilter.contains(object))
return result;
static public List<ObjectReference> getObjectReferences(String className, VirtualMachine vm) {
List<ReferenceType> referenceTypes = vm.classesByName(className);
List<ObjectReference> objectReferences;
if (referenceTypes.size() == 0)
objectReferences = new ArrayList<ObjectReference>();
else if (referenceTypes.size() == 1)
objectReferences = referenceTypes.get(0).instances(0);
else {
throw new TestBug("Unexpected collection size returned by VirtualMachine.classesByName: " + referenceTypes.size()
+ ", only 1 entry was expected.");
return objectReferences;