552 lines
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552 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2019, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
* @test
* @enablePreview
* @run testng TestArrayCopy
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_BYTE;
import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_INT;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
* These tests exercise the MemoryCopy copyFromArray(...) and copyToArray(...).
* To make these tests more challenging the segment is a view of the given array,
* which makes the copy operations overlapping self-copies. Thus, this checks the claim:
* <p>If the source (destination) segment is actually a view of the destination (source) array,
* and if the copy region of the source overlaps with the copy region of the destination,
* the copy of the overlapping region is performed as if the data in the overlapping region
* were first copied into a temporary segment before being copied to the destination.</p>
public class TestArrayCopy {
private static final ByteOrder NATIVE_ORDER = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
private static final ByteOrder NON_NATIVE_ORDER = NATIVE_ORDER == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN
private static final int SEG_LENGTH_BYTES = 32;
private static final int SEG_OFFSET_BYTES = 8;
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testSelfCopy(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
int indexShifts = SEG_OFFSET_BYTES / bytesPerElement;
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
MemorySegment truth = truthSegment(base, helper, indexShifts, mode);
ByteOrder bo = mode.swap ? NON_NATIVE_ORDER : NATIVE_ORDER;
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
int srcIndex = mode.direction ? 0 : indexShifts;
int srcCopyLen = helper.length(srcArr) - indexShifts;
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
long dstOffsetBytes = mode.direction ? SEG_OFFSET_BYTES : 0;
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, srcIndex, srcCopyLen, dstSeg, dstOffsetBytes, bo);
assertEquals(truth.mismatch(dstSeg), -1);
long srcOffsetBytes = mode.direction ? 0 : SEG_OFFSET_BYTES;
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
int dstIndex = mode.direction ? indexShifts : 0;
int dstCopyLen = helper.length(dstArr) - indexShifts;
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen, bo);
MemorySegment result = helper.fromArray(dstArr);
assertEquals(truth.mismatch(result), -1);
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testUnalignedCopy(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
int indexShifts = SEG_OFFSET_BYTES / bytesPerElement;
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
ByteOrder bo = mode.swap ? NON_NATIVE_ORDER : NATIVE_ORDER;
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
int srcIndex = mode.direction ? 0 : indexShifts;
int srcCopyLen = helper.length(srcArr) - indexShifts;
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
long dstOffsetBytes = mode.direction ? (SEG_OFFSET_BYTES - 1) : 0;
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, srcIndex, srcCopyLen, dstSeg, dstOffsetBytes, bo);
long srcOffsetBytes = mode.direction ? 0 : (SEG_OFFSET_BYTES - 1);
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
int dstIndex = mode.direction ? indexShifts : 0;
int dstCopyLen = helper.length(dstArr) - indexShifts;
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen, bo);
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testCopyOobLength(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
try {
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, 0, (SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement) * 2, dstSeg, 0, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
try {
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, 0, dstArr, 0, (SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement) * 2, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testCopyNegativeIndices(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
try {
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, -1, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, dstSeg, 0, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
try {
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, 0, dstArr, -1, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testCopyNegativeOffsets(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
try {
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, 0, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, dstSeg, -1, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
try {
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, -1, dstArr, 0, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testCopyOobIndices(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
try {
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, helper.length(srcArr) + 1, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, dstSeg, 0, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
try {
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, 0, dstArr, helper.length(dstArr) + 1, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(dataProvider = "copyModesAndHelpers")
public void testCopyOobOffsets(CopyMode mode, CopyHelper<Object, ValueLayout> helper, String helperDebugString) {
int bytesPerElement = (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
MemorySegment base = srcSegment(SEG_LENGTH_BYTES);
Object srcArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment dstSeg = helper.fromArray(srcArr);
try {
helper.copyFromArray(srcArr, 0, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, dstSeg, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES + 1, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
Object dstArr = helper.toArray(base);
MemorySegment srcSeg = helper.fromArray(dstArr).asReadOnly();
try {
helper.copyToArray(srcSeg, SEG_OFFSET_BYTES + 1, dstArr, 0, SEG_LENGTH_BYTES / bytesPerElement, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testNotAnArraySrc() {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
MemorySegment.copy(segment, JAVA_BYTE, 0, new String[] { "hello" }, 0, 4);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testNotAnArrayDst() {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
MemorySegment.copy(new String[] { "hello" }, 0, segment, JAVA_BYTE, 0, 4);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testCarrierMismatchSrc() {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
MemorySegment.copy(segment, JAVA_INT, 0, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, 4);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testCarrierMismatchDst() {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
MemorySegment.copy(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, segment, JAVA_INT, 0, 4);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testHyperAlignedSrc() {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
MemorySegment.copy(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, segment, JAVA_BYTE.withBitAlignment(16), 0, 4);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testHyperAlignedDst() {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
MemorySegment.copy(segment, JAVA_BYTE.withBitAlignment(16), 0, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, 4);
/***** Utilities *****/
public static MemorySegment srcSegment(int bytesLength) {
byte[] arr = new byte[bytesLength];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = (byte)i;
return MemorySegment.ofArray(arr);
public static MemorySegment truthSegment(MemorySegment srcSeg, CopyHelper<?, ?> helper, int indexShifts, CopyMode mode) {
VarHandle indexedHandleNO = helper.elementLayout.withOrder(NATIVE_ORDER).arrayElementVarHandle();
VarHandle indexedHandleNNO = helper.elementLayout.withOrder(NON_NATIVE_ORDER).arrayElementVarHandle();
MemorySegment dstSeg = MemorySegment.ofArray(srcSeg.toArray(JAVA_BYTE));
int indexLength = (int) dstSeg.byteSize() / (int)helper.elementLayout.byteSize();
if (mode.direction) {
if (mode.swap) {
for (int i = indexLength - 1; i >= indexShifts; i--) {
Object v = indexedHandleNNO.get(dstSeg, i - indexShifts);
indexedHandleNO.set(dstSeg, i, v);
} else {
for (int i = indexLength - 1; i >= indexShifts; i--) {
Object v = indexedHandleNO.get(dstSeg, i - indexShifts);
indexedHandleNO.set(dstSeg, i, v);
} else { //down
if (mode.swap) {
for (int i = indexShifts; i < indexLength; i++) {
Object v = indexedHandleNNO.get(dstSeg, i);
indexedHandleNO.set(dstSeg, i - indexShifts, v);
} else {
for (int i = indexShifts; i < indexLength; i++) {
Object v = indexedHandleNO.get(dstSeg, i);
indexedHandleNO.set(dstSeg, i - indexShifts, v);
return dstSeg;
enum CopyMode {
UP_NO_SWAP(true, false),
UP_SWAP(true, true),
DOWN_NO_SWAP(false, false),
DOWN_SWAP(false, true);
final boolean direction;
final boolean swap;
CopyMode(boolean direction, boolean swap) {
this.direction = direction;
this.swap = swap;
abstract static class CopyHelper<X, L extends ValueLayout> {
final L elementLayout;
final Class<?> carrier;
public CopyHelper(L elementLayout, Class<X> carrier) {
this.elementLayout = (L)elementLayout.withBitAlignment(8);
this.carrier = carrier;
abstract void copyFromArray(X srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo);
abstract void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, X dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo);
abstract X toArray(MemorySegment segment);
abstract MemorySegment fromArray(X array);
abstract int length(X arr);
public String toString() {
return "CopyHelper{" +
"elementLayout=" + elementLayout +
", carrier=" + carrier.getName() +
static final CopyHelper<byte[], ValueLayout.OfByte> BYTE = new CopyHelper<>(JAVA_BYTE, byte[].class) {
void copyFromArray(byte[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, byte[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
byte[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(byte[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(byte[] arr) {
return arr.length;
static final CopyHelper<char[], ValueLayout.OfChar> CHAR = new CopyHelper<>(ValueLayout.JAVA_CHAR, char[].class) {
void copyFromArray(char[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, char[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
char[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(char[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(char[] arr) {
return arr.length;
static final CopyHelper<short[], ValueLayout.OfShort> SHORT = new CopyHelper<>(ValueLayout.JAVA_SHORT, short[].class) {
void copyFromArray(short[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, short[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
short[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(short[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(short[] arr) {
return arr.length;
static final CopyHelper<int[], ValueLayout.OfInt> INT = new CopyHelper<>(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, int[].class) {
void copyFromArray(int[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, int[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
int[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(int[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(int[] arr) {
return arr.length;
static final CopyHelper<float[], ValueLayout.OfFloat> FLOAT = new CopyHelper<>(ValueLayout.JAVA_FLOAT, float[].class) {
void copyFromArray(float[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, float[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
float[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(float[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(float[] arr) {
return arr.length;
static final CopyHelper<long[], ValueLayout.OfLong> LONG = new CopyHelper<>(ValueLayout.JAVA_LONG, long[].class) {
void copyFromArray(long[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, long[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
long[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(long[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(long[] arr) {
return arr.length;
static final CopyHelper<double[], ValueLayout.OfDouble> DOUBLE = new CopyHelper<>(ValueLayout.JAVA_DOUBLE, double[].class) {
void copyFromArray(double[] srcArr, int srcIndex, int srcCopyLen, MemorySegment dstSeg, long dstOffsetBytes, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcArr, srcIndex, dstSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), dstOffsetBytes, srcCopyLen);
void copyToArray(MemorySegment srcSeg, long srcOffsetBytes, double[] dstArr, int dstIndex, int dstCopyLen, ByteOrder bo) {
MemorySegment.copy(srcSeg, elementLayout.withOrder(bo), srcOffsetBytes, dstArr, dstIndex, dstCopyLen);
double[] toArray(MemorySegment segment) {
return segment.toArray(elementLayout);
MemorySegment fromArray(double[] array) {
return MemorySegment.ofArray(array);
int length(double[] arr) {
return arr.length;
Object[][] copyModesAndHelpers() {
CopyHelper<?, ?>[] helpers = { CopyHelper.BYTE, CopyHelper.CHAR, CopyHelper.SHORT, CopyHelper.INT,
CopyHelper.FLOAT, CopyHelper.LONG, CopyHelper.DOUBLE };
List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();
for (CopyHelper<?, ?> helper : helpers) {
for (CopyMode mode : CopyMode.values()) {
results.add(new Object[] { mode, helper, helper.toString() });
return results.stream().toArray(Object[][]::new);