Athijegannathan Sundararajan a71c4a5390 8026302: source representation of getter and setter methods is wrong
Reviewed-by: lagergren, hannesw, jlaskey
2013-10-11 11:15:59 +02:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

own properties of 'obj':
0 -> foo
1 -> bar
has own 'foo'? true
has own 'xyz'? false
'foo' enumerable? true
'bar' enumerable? true
foo is writable? true
foo is configurable? true
foo is enumerable? true
foo's value = 44
foo's get = undefined
foo's set = undefined
bar is writable? true
bar is configurable? true
bar is enumerable? true
bar's value = orcl
bar's get = undefined
bar's set = undefined
func is writable? true
func is configurable? true
func is enumerable? true
func's value = function() { print("myfunc"); }
func's get = undefined
func's set = undefined
abc is writable? undefined
abc is configurable? true
abc is enumerable? true
abc's value = undefined
abc's get = get abc() { return "abc"; }
abc's set = undefined
xyz is writable? undefined
xyz is configurable? true
xyz is enumerable? true
xyz's value = undefined
xyz's get = undefined
xyz's set = set xyz(val) { print(val); }
hey is writable? undefined
hey is configurable? true
hey is enumerable? true
hey's value = undefined
hey's get = get hey() { return "hey"; }
hey's set = set hey(val) { print(val); }