648 lines
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648 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2019, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 8217264
* @summary Tests that you can map an InputStream to a GZIPInputStream
* @library /test/lib /test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/lib
* @build jdk.test.lib.net.SimpleSSLContext jdk.httpclient.test.lib.common.HttpServerAdapters
* @run testng/othervm GZIPInputStreamTest
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpsConfigurator;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpsServer;
import jdk.test.lib.net.SimpleSSLContext;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.http.HttpClient;
import java.net.http.HttpRequest;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodyHandler;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodyHandlers;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodySubscribers;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
import jdk.httpclient.test.lib.common.HttpServerAdapters;
import jdk.httpclient.test.lib.http2.Http2TestServer;
import static java.lang.System.out;
import static java.net.http.HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1;
import static java.net.http.HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
public class GZIPInputStreamTest implements HttpServerAdapters {
SSLContext sslContext;
HttpTestServer httpTestServer; // HTTP/1.1 [ 4 servers ]
HttpTestServer httpsTestServer; // HTTPS/1.1
HttpTestServer http2TestServer; // HTTP/2 ( h2c )
HttpTestServer https2TestServer; // HTTP/2 ( h2 )
String httpURI;
String httpsURI;
String http2URI;
String https2URI;
static final int ITERATION_COUNT = 3;
// a shared executor helps reduce the amount of threads created by the test
// this test will block if the executor doesn't have at least two threads.
static final Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
static final Executor singleThreadExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
public static final String LOREM_IPSUM =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "
+ "Proin et lorem a sem faucibus finibus. "
+ "Nam nisl nibh, elementum laoreet rutrum quis, lobortis at sem. "
+ "Aenean purus libero, vehicula sed auctor ac, finibus commodo massa. "
+ "Etiam dapibus nisl ex, viverra iaculis sapien suscipit sit amet. "
+ "Phasellus fringilla id orci sit amet convallis. "
+ "Nam suscipit tempor felis sed feugiat. "
+ "Mauris quis viverra justo, vitae vulputate turpis. "
+ "Ut eu orci eget ante faucibus volutpat quis quis urna. "
+ "Ut porttitor mattis diam, ac sollicitudin ligula volutpat vel. "
+ "Quisque pretium leo sed augue lacinia, eu mollis dui tempor.\n\n"
+ "Nullam at mi porttitor, condimentum enim et, tristique felis. "
+ "Nulla ante elit, interdum id ante ac, dignissim suscipit urna. "
+ "Sed rhoncus felis eget placerat tincidunt. "
+ "Duis pellentesque, eros et laoreet lacinia, urna arcu elementum metus, "
+ "et tempor nibh ante vel odio. "
+ "Donec et dolor posuere, sagittis libero sit amet, imperdiet ligula. "
+ "Sed aliquam nulla congue bibendum hendrerit. "
+ "Morbi ut tincidunt turpis. "
+ "Nullam semper ipsum et sem imperdiet, sit amet commodo turpis euismod. "
+ "Nullam aliquet metus id libero elementum, ut pulvinar urna gravida. "
+ "Nullam non rhoncus diam. "
+ "Mauris sagittis bibendum odio, sed accumsan sem ullamcorper ut.\n\n"
+ "Proin malesuada nisl a quam dignissim rhoncus. "
+ "Pellentesque vitae dui velit. "
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "
+ "Vivamus sagittis magna id magna vestibulum, nec lacinia odio maximus. "
+ "Nunc commodo, nisl non sagittis posuere, tortor ligula accumsan diam, "
+ "a rhoncus augue velit quis enim. "
+ "Nulla et dictum mauris. "
+ "Vivamus et accumsan mauris, et tincidunt nunc.\n\n"
+ "Nullam non pharetra lectus. "
+ "Fusce lobortis sapien ante, quis egestas tellus tincidunt efficitur. "
+ "Proin tempus mollis urna, sit amet congue diam eleifend in. "
+ "Ut auctor metus ipsum, at porta turpis consectetur sed. "
+ "Ut malesuada euismod massa, ut elementum nisi mattis eget. "
+ "Donec ultrices vel dolor at convallis. "
+ "Nunc eget felis nec nunc faucibus finibus. "
+ "Curabitur nec auctor metus, sit amet tristique lorem. "
+ "Donec tempus fringilla suscipit. Cras sit amet ante elit. "
+ "Ut sodales sagittis eros quis cursus. "
+ "Maecenas finibus ante quis euismod rutrum. "
+ "Aenean scelerisque placerat nisi. "
+ "Fusce porta, nibh vel efficitur sodales, urna eros consequat tellus, "
+ "at fringilla ex justo in mi. "
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "
+ "Morbi accumsan, justo nec tincidunt pretium, justo ex consectetur ante, "
+ "nec euismod diam velit vitae quam.\n\n"
+ "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et "
+ "ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; "
+ "Praesent eget consequat nunc, vel dapibus nulla. "
+ "Maecenas egestas luctus consectetur. "
+ "Duis lacus risus, sollicitudin sit amet justo sed, "
+ "ultrices facilisis sapien. "
+ "Mauris eget fermentum risus. "
+ "Suspendisse potenti. Nam at tempor risus. "
+ "Quisque lacus augue, dictum vel interdum quis, interdum et mi. "
+ "In purus mauris, pellentesque et lectus eget, condimentum pretium odio."
+ " Donec imperdiet congue laoreet. "
+ "Cras pharetra hendrerit purus ac efficitur. \n";
@DataProvider(name = "variants")
public Object[][] variants() {
return new Object[][]{
{ httpURI, false },
{ httpURI, true },
{ httpsURI, false },
{ httpsURI, true },
{ http2URI, false },
{ http2URI, true },
{ https2URI, false },
{ https2URI, true },
final ReferenceTracker TRACKER = ReferenceTracker.INSTANCE;
HttpClient newHttpClient() {
return TRACKER.track(HttpClient.newBuilder()
HttpClient newSingleThreadClient() {
return TRACKER.track(HttpClient.newBuilder()
HttpClient newInLineClient() {
return TRACKER.track(HttpClient.newBuilder()
.executor((r) -> r.run() )
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testPlainSyncAsString(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("\nSmoke test: verify that the result we get from the server is correct.");
out.println("Uses plain send() and `asString` to get the plain string.");
out.println("Uses single threaded executor");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newSingleThreadClient(); // should work with 1 single thread
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri +"/txt/LoremIpsum.txt"))
BodyHandler<String> handler = BodyHandlers.ofString(UTF_8);
HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(req, handler);
String lorem = response.body();
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testPlainSyncAsInputStream(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses plain send() and `asInputStream` - calls readAllBytes() from main thread");
out.println("Uses single threaded executor");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newSingleThreadClient(); // should work with 1 single thread
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/txt/LoremIpsum.txt"))
BodyHandler<InputStream> handler = BodyHandlers.ofInputStream();
HttpResponse<InputStream> response = client.send(req, handler);
String lorem = new String(response.body().readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testGZIPSyncAsInputStream(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses plain send() and `asInputStream` - " +
"creates GZIPInputStream and calls readAllBytes() from main thread");
out.println("Uses single threaded executor");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newSingleThreadClient(); // should work with 1 single thread
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/gz/LoremIpsum.txt.gz"))
BodyHandler<InputStream> handler = BodyHandlers.ofInputStream();
HttpResponse<InputStream> response = client.send(req, handler);
GZIPInputStream gz = new GZIPInputStream(response.body());
String lorem = new String(gz.readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testGZIPSyncAsGZIPInputStream(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses plain send() and a mapping subscriber to "+
"create the GZIPInputStream. Calls readAllBytes() from main thread");
out.println("Uses a fixed thread pool executor with 2 thread");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newHttpClient(); // needs at least 2 threads
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/gz/LoremIpsum.txt.gz"))
// This is dangerous, because the finisher will block.
// We support this, but the executor must have enough threads.
BodyHandler<InputStream> handler = new GZIPBodyHandler();
HttpResponse<InputStream> response = client.send(req, handler);
String lorem = new String(response.body().readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testGZIPSyncAsGZIPInputStreamSupplier(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses plain send() and a mapping subscriber to "+
"create a Supplier<GZIPInputStream>. Calls Supplier.get() " +
"and readAllBytes() from main thread");
out.println("Uses a single threaded executor");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newSingleThreadClient(); // should work with 1 single thread
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/gz/LoremIpsum.txt.gz"))
// This is dangerous, because the finisher will block.
// We support this, but the executor must have enough threads.
BodyHandler<Supplier<InputStream>> handler = new BodyHandler<Supplier<InputStream>>() {
public HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<Supplier<InputStream>> apply(
HttpResponse.ResponseInfo responseInfo)
String contentType = responseInfo.headers().firstValue("Content-Encoding")
out.println("Content-Encoding: " + contentType);
if (contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
// This is dangerous. Blocking in the mapping function can wedge the
// response. We do support it provided that there enough thread in
// the executor.
return BodySubscribers.mapping(BodySubscribers.ofInputStream(),
(is) -> (() -> {
try {
return new GZIPInputStream(is);
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(io);
} else return BodySubscribers.mapping(BodySubscribers.ofInputStream(),
(is) -> (() -> is));
HttpResponse<Supplier<InputStream>> response = client.send(req, handler);
String lorem = new String(response.body().get().readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testPlainAsyncAsInputStreamBlocks(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses sendAsync() and `asInputStream`. Registers a dependent action "+
"that calls readAllBytes()");
out.println("Uses a fixed thread pool executor with two threads");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newHttpClient(); // needs at least 2 threads
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/txt/LoremIpsum.txt"))
BodyHandler<InputStream> handler = BodyHandlers.ofInputStream();
CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<InputStream>> responseCF = client.sendAsync(req, handler);
// This is dangerous. Blocking in the mapping function can wedge the
// response. We do support it provided that there enough threads in
// the executor.
String lorem = responseCF.thenApply((r) -> {
try {
return new String(r.body().readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(io);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testGZIPAsyncAsGZIPInputStreamBlocks(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses sendAsync() and a mapping subscriber to create a GZIPInputStream. " +
"Registers a dependent action that calls readAllBytes()");
out.println("Uses a fixed thread pool executor with two threads");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newHttpClient(); // needs at least 2 threads
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/gz/LoremIpsum.txt.gz"))
BodyHandler<InputStream> handler = new GZIPBodyHandler();
CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<InputStream>> responseCF = client.sendAsync(req, handler);
// This is dangerous - we support this, but it can block
// if there are not enough threads available.
// Correct custom code should use thenApplyAsync instead.
String lorem = responseCF.thenApply((r) -> {
try {
return new String(r.body().readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(io);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testGZIPSyncAsGZIPInputStreamBlocks(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses sendAsync() and a mapping subscriber to create a GZIPInputStream," +
"which is mapped again using a mapping subscriber " +
"to call readAllBytes() and map to String");
out.println("Uses a fixed thread pool executor with two threads");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newHttpClient(); // needs at least 2 threads
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/gz/LoremIpsum.txt.gz"))
// This is dangerous. Blocking in the mapping function can wedge the
// response. We do support it provided that there enough thread in
// the executor.
BodyHandler<String> handler = new MappingBodyHandler<>(new GZIPBodyHandler(),
(InputStream is) -> {
try {
return new String(is.readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
} catch(IOException io) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(io);
HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(req, handler);
String lorem = response.body();
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
@Test(dataProvider = "variants")
public void testGZIPSyncAsGZIPInputStreamSupplierInline(String uri, boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
out.println("Uses plain send() and a mapping subscriber to "+
"create a Supplier<GZIPInputStream>. Calls Supplier.get() " +
"and readAllBytes() from main thread");
out.println("Uses an inline executor (no threads)");
HttpClient client = null;
for (int i=0; i< ITERATION_COUNT; i++) {
if (!sameClient || client == null)
client = newInLineClient(); // should even work with no threads
HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(uri + "/gz/LoremIpsum.txt.gz"))
// This is dangerous, because the finisher will block.
// We support this, but the executor must have enough threads.
BodyHandler<Supplier<InputStream>> handler = new BodyHandler<Supplier<InputStream>>() {
public HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<Supplier<InputStream>> apply(
HttpResponse.ResponseInfo responseInfo)
String contentType = responseInfo.headers().firstValue("Content-Encoding")
out.println("Content-Encoding: " + contentType);
if (contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
// This is dangerous. Blocking in the mapping function can wedge the
// response. We do support it provided that there enough thread in
// the executor.
return BodySubscribers.mapping(BodySubscribers.ofInputStream(),
(is) -> (() -> {
try {
return new GZIPInputStream(is);
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(io);
} else return BodySubscribers.mapping(BodySubscribers.ofInputStream(),
(is) -> (() -> is));
HttpResponse<Supplier<InputStream>> response = client.send(req, handler);
String lorem = new String(response.body().get().readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
if (!LOREM_IPSUM.equals(lorem)) {
out.println("Response doesn't match");
out.println("[" + LOREM_IPSUM + "] != [" + lorem + "]");
assertEquals(LOREM_IPSUM, lorem);
} else {
out.println("Received expected response.");
static final class GZIPBodyHandler implements BodyHandler<InputStream> {
public HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<InputStream> apply(HttpResponse.ResponseInfo responseInfo) {
String contentType = responseInfo.headers().firstValue("Content-Encoding")
out.println("Content-Encoding: " + contentType);
if (contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
// This is dangerous. Blocking in the mapping function can wedge the
// response. We do support it provided that there enough thread in
// the executor.
return BodySubscribers.mapping(BodySubscribers.ofInputStream(),
(is) -> {
try {
return new GZIPInputStream(is);
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(io);
} else return BodySubscribers.ofInputStream();
static final class MappingBodyHandler<T,U> implements BodyHandler<U> {
final BodyHandler<T> upstream;
final Function<? super T,? extends U> finisher;
MappingBodyHandler(BodyHandler<T> upstream, Function<T,U> finisher) {
this.upstream = upstream;
this.finisher = finisher;
public HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<U> apply(HttpResponse.ResponseInfo responseInfo) {
return BodySubscribers.mapping(upstream.apply(responseInfo), finisher);
static String serverAuthority(HttpServer server) {
return InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress().getHostName() + ":"
+ server.getAddress().getPort();
public void setup() throws Exception {
sslContext = new SimpleSSLContext().get();
if (sslContext == null)
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected null sslContext");
HttpTestHandler plainHandler = new LoremIpsumPlainHandler();
HttpTestHandler gzipHandler = new LoremIpsumGZIPHandler();
// HTTP/1.1
httpTestServer = HttpTestServer.create(HTTP_1_1);
httpTestServer.addHandler(plainHandler, "/http1/chunk/txt");
httpTestServer.addHandler(gzipHandler, "/http1/chunk/gz");
httpURI = "http://" + httpTestServer.serverAuthority() + "/http1/chunk";
httpsTestServer = HttpTestServer.create(HTTP_1_1, sslContext);
httpsTestServer.addHandler(plainHandler, "/https1/chunk/txt");
httpsTestServer.addHandler(gzipHandler, "/https1/chunk/gz");
httpsURI = "https://" + httpsTestServer.serverAuthority() + "/https1/chunk";
// HTTP/2
http2TestServer = HttpTestServer.create(HTTP_2);
http2TestServer.addHandler(plainHandler, "/http2/chunk/txt");
http2TestServer.addHandler(gzipHandler, "/http2/chunk/gz");
http2URI = "http://" + http2TestServer.serverAuthority() + "/http2/chunk";
https2TestServer = HttpTestServer.create(HTTP_2, sslContext);
https2TestServer.addHandler(plainHandler, "/https2/chunk/txt");
https2TestServer.addHandler(gzipHandler, "/https2/chunk/gz");
https2URI = "https://" + https2TestServer.serverAuthority() + "/https2/chunk";
public void teardown() throws Exception {
AssertionError fail = TRACKER.check(500);
try {
} finally {
if (fail != null) {
throw fail;
static class LoremIpsumPlainHandler implements HttpTestHandler {
public void handle(HttpTestExchange t) throws IOException {
try {
out.println("LoremIpsumPlainHandler received request to " + t.getRequestURI());
t.getResponseHeaders().addHeader("Content-Encoding", "identity");
t.sendResponseHeaders(200, -1);
long size = 0;
try (OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody()) {
for (String s : LOREM_IPSUM.split("\n")) {
byte[] buf = s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println("Writing " + (buf.length + 1) + " bytes...");
size += buf.length + 1;
} finally {
System.out.println("Sent " + size + " bytes");
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) {
throw e;
static class LoremIpsumGZIPHandler implements HttpTestHandler {
public void handle(HttpTestExchange t) throws IOException {
try {
out.println("LoremIpsumGZIPHandler received request to " + t.getRequestURI());
t.getResponseHeaders().addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
t.sendResponseHeaders(200, -1);
long size = 0;
try (GZIPOutputStream os =
new GZIPOutputStream(t.getResponseBody())) {
for (String s : LOREM_IPSUM.split("\n")) {
byte[] buf = s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println("Writing and compressing "
+ (buf.length + 1) + " uncompressed bytes...");
size += buf.length + 1;
} finally {
System.out.println("Sent and compressed " + size + " uncompressed bytes");
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) {
throw e;