Reviewed-by: kevinw, sspitsyn
266 lines
8.6 KiB
266 lines
8.6 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include <string.h>
#include "jvmti.h"
#include "jvmti_common.h"
#include "jvmti_thread.h"
#define MAX_FRAME_COUNT 80
static const char CONTINUATION_CLASS_NAME[] = "jdk/internal/vm/Continuation";
static const char CONTINUATION_METHOD_NAME[] = "enter";
static jrawMonitorID event_mon = NULL;
static void
test_stack_trace(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread) {
jvmtiFrameInfo frames[MAX_FRAME_COUNT];
jint count = -1;
jmethodID method = NULL;
jvmtiError err;
err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 0, MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, &count);
check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "Error in GetStackTrace");
if (count <= 0) {
LOG("Stacktrace in virtual thread is incorrect.\n");
print_thread_info(jvmti, jni, vthread);
print_stack_trace_frames(jvmti, jni, count, frames);
LOG("Incorrect frame count %d\n", count);
fatal(jni, "Incorrect frame count: count <= 0");
method = frames[count -1].method;
const char* class_name = get_method_class_name(jvmti, jni, method);
const char* method_name = get_method_name(jvmti, jni, method);
if (strcmp(CONTINUATION_CLASS_NAME, class_name) !=0 || strcmp(CONTINUATION_METHOD_NAME, method_name) != 0) {
LOG("Stacktrace in virtual thread is incorrect (doesn't start from enter(...):\n");
print_stack_trace_frames(jvmti, jni, count, frames);
fatal(jni, "incorrect stacktrace.");
jint frame_count = -1;
check_jvmti_status(jni, jvmti->GetFrameCount(vthread, &frame_count), "Error in GetFrameCount");
if (frame_count != count) {
LOG("Incorrect frame count %d while %d expected\n", frame_count, count);
LOG("Suspended vthread 1st stack trace:\n");
print_stack_trace_frames(jvmti, jni, count, frames);
LOG("Suspended vthread 2nd stack trace:\n");
print_stack_trace(jvmti, jni, vthread);
fatal(jni, "Incorrect frame count: frame_count != count");
check_link_consistency(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread) {
jthread cthread = get_carrier_thread(jvmti, jni, vthread);
jint vstate = get_thread_state(jvmti, jni, vthread);
jint cstate = get_thread_state(jvmti, jni, cthread);
if ((vstate & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED) == 0) {
print_thread_info(jvmti, jni, vthread);
print_stack_trace(jvmti, jni, vthread);
fatal(jni, "Virtual thread IS expected to be suspended");
if ((cstate & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED) != 0) {
print_thread_info(jvmti, jni, cthread);
print_stack_trace(jvmti, jni, cthread);
fatal(jni, "Carrier thread is NOT expected to be suspended");
if (cthread != NULL) {
jthread cthread_to_vthread = get_virtual_thread(jvmti, jni, cthread);
if (!jni->IsSameObject(vthread, cthread_to_vthread)) {
LOG("\nCarrier: ");
print_thread_info(jvmti, jni, cthread);
LOG("Expected: ");
print_thread_info(jvmti, jni, vthread);
LOG("Resulted: ");
print_thread_info(jvmti, jni, cthread_to_vthread);
fatal(jni, "GetVirtualThread(GetCarrierThread(vthread)) != vthread");
static void
check_vthread_consistency_suspended(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread) {
jvmtiError err;
jboolean is_virtual = jni->IsVirtualThread(vthread);
//const char* name = get_thread_name(jvmti, jni, vthread);
if (!is_virtual) {
jni->FatalError("Agent: check_vthread_consistency_suspended: vthread is expected to be virtual");
jthread cthread = get_carrier_thread(jvmti, jni, vthread);
//const char* cname = (cthread == NULL) ? "<no cthread>" : get_thread_name(jvmti, jni, cthread);
err = jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_SINGLE_STEP, vthread);
check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "Error in JVMTI SetEventNotificationMode: enable SINGLE_STEP");
if (cthread != NULL) { // pre-condition for reliable testing
test_stack_trace(jvmti, jni, vthread);
check_link_consistency(jvmti, jni, vthread);
err = jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_DISABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_SINGLE_STEP, vthread);
check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "Error in JVMTI SetEventNotificationMode: disable SINGLE_STEP");
#if 1
static int i = 0;
static void JNICALL
SingleStep(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv* jni, jthread thread,
jmethodID method, jlocation location) {
RawMonitorLocker rml(jvmti, jni, event_mon);
LOG("Agent: Got SingleStep event:\n");
print_stack_trace(jvmti, jni, thread);
jthread cthread = get_carrier_thread(jvmti, jni, thread);
if (cthread != NULL) {
print_stack_trace(jvmti, jni, cthread);
#if 1
i = 1 / (*(&i)); // NOT expected Singlestep event: crash to get full stack trace
jni->FatalError("SingleStep event is NOT expected");
/** Agent algorithm. */
static void JNICALL
agentProc(jvmtiEnv * jvmti, JNIEnv * jni, void * arg) {
static jlong timeout = 0;
LOG("Agent: waiting to start\n");
if (!agent_wait_for_sync(timeout))
if (!agent_resume_sync())
LOG("Agent: started\n");
int iter = 0;
while (true) {
jthread *threads = NULL;
jint count = 0;
jvmtiError err;
err = jvmti->GetAllThreads(&count, &threads);
check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "Error in GetAllThreads");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
jthread cthread = threads[i];
jthread vthread = NULL;
err = GetVirtualThread(jvmti, jni, cthread, &vthread);
check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "Error in GetVirtualThread");
if (iter > 50 && vthread != NULL) {
// char* cname = get_thread_name(jvmti, jni, cthread);
// char* vname = get_thread_name(jvmti, jni, vthread);
err = jvmti->SuspendThread(vthread);
check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "Error in SuspendThread");
// LOG("Agent: suspended vt: %s ct: %s\n", vname, cname);
check_vthread_consistency_suspended(jvmti, jni, vthread);
check_jvmti_status(jni, jvmti->ResumeThread(vthread), "Error in ResumeThread");
// LOG("Agent: resumed vt: %s ct: %s\n", vname, cname);
check_jvmti_status(jni, jvmti->Deallocate((unsigned char *) threads), "Error in Deallocate");
//check_jvmti_status(jni, jvmti->Deallocate((unsigned char *) cname), "Error in Deallocate");
//check_jvmti_status(jni, jvmti->Deallocate((unsigned char *) vname), "Error in Deallocate");
LOG("Agent: finished\n");
Agent_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) {
jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks;
jvmtiCapabilities caps;
jvmtiError err;
jvmtiEnv* jvmti;
LOG("Agent_OnLoad started\n");
if (jvm->GetEnv((void **) (&jvmti), JVMTI_VERSION) != JNI_OK) {
return JNI_ERR;
memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps));
caps.can_generate_single_step_events = 1;
caps.can_support_virtual_threads = 1;
caps.can_suspend = 1;
err = jvmti->AddCapabilities(&caps);
if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
LOG("error in JVMTI AddCapabilities: %d\n", err);
memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
callbacks.SingleStep = &SingleStep;
err = jvmti->SetEventCallbacks(&callbacks, sizeof(jvmtiEventCallbacks));
if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
LOG("Agent_OnLoad: Error in JVMTI SetEventCallbacks: %d\n", err);
event_mon = create_raw_monitor(jvmti, "Events Monitor");
err = init_agent_data(jvmti, &agent_data);
if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
return JNI_ERR;
if (set_agent_proc(agentProc, NULL) != JNI_TRUE) {
return JNI_ERR;
LOG("Agent_OnLoad finished\n");
return 0;