2017-10-23 10:39:11 +02:00

519 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
# Workhorse makefile for creating ONE cross compiler
# Needs either to be from BUILD -> BUILD OR have
# BUILD -> HOST prebuilt
# NOTE: There is a bug here. We don't limit the
# PATH when building BUILD -> BUILD, which means that
# if you configure after you've once build the BUILD->BUILD
# compiler THAT one will be picked up as the compiler for itself.
# This is not so great, especially if you did a partial delete
# of the target tree.
# Fix this...
$(info TARGET=$(TARGET))
$(info HOST=$(HOST))
$(info BUILD=$(BUILD))
ARCH := $(word 1,$(subst -, ,$(TARGET)))
# Define external dependencies
# Latest that could be made to work.
gcc_ver := gcc-4.9.2
binutils_ver := binutils-2.25
ccache_ver := ccache-3.2.1
mpfr_ver := mpfr-3.0.1
gmp_ver := gmp-4.3.2
mpc_ver := mpc-1.0.1
GCC := http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gcc/$(gcc_ver)/$(gcc_ver).tar.bz2
BINUTILS := http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/binutils/$(binutils_ver).tar.bz2
CCACHE := http://samba.org/ftp/ccache/$(ccache_ver).tar.gz
MPFR := http://www.mpfr.org/${mpfr_ver}/${mpfr_ver}.tar.bz2
GMP := http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gmp/${gmp_ver}.tar.bz2
MPC := http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/${mpc_ver}.tar.gz
# RPMs in OEL6.4
kernel-headers \
glibc glibc-headers glibc-devel \
cups-libs cups-devel \
libX11 libX11-devel \
xorg-x11-proto-devel \
alsa-lib alsa-lib-devel \
libXext libXext-devel \
libXtst libXtst-devel \
libXrender libXrender-devel \
freetype freetype-devel \
libXt libXt-devel \
libSM libSM-devel \
libICE libICE-devel \
libXi libXi-devel \
libXdmcp libXdmcp-devel \
libXau libXau-devel \
libgcc \
zlib zlib-devel \
libffi libffi-devel \
fontconfig fontconfig-devel
ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
RPM_DIR ?= $(RPM_DIR_x86_64)
RPM_ARCHS := x86_64 noarch
ifeq ($(BUILD),$(HOST))
ifeq ($(TARGET),$(HOST))
# When building the native compiler for x86_64, enable mixed mode.
RPM_ARCHS += i386 i686
RPM_DIR ?= $(RPM_DIR_i686)
RPM_ARCHS := i386 i686
# Sort to remove duplicates
RPM_FILE_LIST := $(sort $(foreach a,$(RPM_ARCHS),$(wildcard $(patsubst %,$(RPM_DIR)/%*$a.rpm,$(RPM_LIST)))))
ifeq ($(RPM_FILE_LIST),)
$(error Found no RPMs, RPM_DIR must point to list of directories to search for RPMs)
# Define common directories and files
# Ensure we have 32-bit libs also for x64. We enable mixed-mode.
ifeq (x86_64,$(ARCH))
LIBDIRS := lib64 lib
CFLAGS_lib := -m32
LIBDIRS := lib
# Define directories
# Marker file for unpacking rpms
rpms := $(SYSROOT)/rpms_unpacked
# Need to patch libs that are linker scripts to use non-absolute paths
libs := $(SYSROOT)/libs_patched
# Unpack source packages
# Generate downloading + unpacking of sources.
define Download
$(1)_DIR = $(abspath $(SRCDIR)/$(basename $(basename $(notdir $($(1))))))
$(1)_CFG = $$($(1)_DIR)/configure
$(1)_FILE = $(DOWNLOAD)/$(notdir $($(1)))
$$($(1)_CFG) : $$($(1)_FILE)
mkdir -p $$(SRCDIR)
tar -C $$(SRCDIR) -x$$(if $$(findstring .gz, $$<),z,j)f $$<
$$(foreach p,$$(abspath $$(wildcard $$(notdir $$($(1)_DIR)).patch)), \
echo PATCHING $$(p) ; \
patch -d $$($(1)_DIR) -p1 -i $$(p) ; \
touch $$@
$$($(1)_FILE) :
wget -P $(DOWNLOAD) $$($(1))
# Download and unpack all source packages
$(foreach p,GCC BINUTILS CCACHE MPFR GMP MPC,$(eval $(call Download,$(p))))
# Unpack RPMS
# Note. For building linux you should install rpm2cpio.
define unrpm
$(SYSROOT)/$(notdir $(1)).unpacked \
: $(1)
$$(rpms) : $(SYSROOT)/$(notdir $(1)).unpacked
%.unpacked :
$(info Unpacking target rpms and libraries from $<)
@(mkdir -p $(@D); \
cd $(@D); \
rpm2cpio $< | \
cpio --extract --make-directories \
-f \
"./usr/share/doc/*" \
"./usr/share/man/*" \
"./usr/X11R6/man/*" \
"*/X11/locale/*" \
|| die ; )
touch $@
$(foreach p,$(RPM_FILE_LIST),$(eval $(call unrpm,$(p))))
# Note: MUST create a <sysroot>/usr/lib even if not really needed.
# gcc will use a path relative to it to resolve lib64. (x86_64).
# we're creating multi-lib compiler with 32bit libc as well, so we should
# have it anyway, but just to make sure...
# Patch libc.so and libpthread.so to force linking against libraries in sysroot
# and not the ones installed on the build machine.
$(libs) : $(rpms)
@echo Patching libc and pthreads
@(for f in `find $(SYSROOT) -name libc.so -o -name libpthread.so`; do \
(cat $$f | sed -e 's|/usr/lib64/||g' \
-e 's|/usr/lib/||g' \
-e 's|/lib64/||g' \
-e 's|/lib/||g' ) > $$f.tmp ; \
mv $$f.tmp $$f ; \
@mkdir -p $(SYSROOT)/usr/lib
@touch $@
# Create links for ffi header files so that they become visible by default when using the
# devkit.
$(SYSROOT)/usr/include/ffi.h: $(rpms)
cd $(@D) && rm $(@F) && ln -s ../lib/libffi-*/include/$(@F) .
$(SYSROOT)/usr/include/ffitarget.h: $(rpms)
cd $(@D) && rm $(@F) && ln -s ../lib/libffi-*/include/$(@F) .
SYSROOT_LINKS += $(SYSROOT)/usr/include/ffi.h $(SYSROOT)/usr/include/ffitarget.h
# Define marker files for each source package to be compiled
$(foreach t,binutils mpfr gmp mpc gcc ccache,$(eval $(t) = $(TARGETDIR)/$($(t)_ver).done))
# Default base config
CONFIG = --target=$(TARGET) \
--host=$(HOST) --build=$(BUILD) \
# Default commands to when making
INSTALLCMD = install
declare_tools = CC$(1)=$(2)gcc LD$(1)=$(2)ld AR$(1)=$(2)ar AS$(1)=$(2)as RANLIB$(1)=$(2)ranlib CXX$(1)=$(2)g++ OBJDUMP$(1)=$(2)objdump
ifeq ($(HOST),$(BUILD))
ifeq ($(HOST),$(TARGET))
TOOLS = $(call declare_tools,_FOR_TARGET,)
TOOLS ?= $(call declare_tools,_FOR_TARGET,$(TARGET)-)
# Create a TARGET bfd + libiberty only.
# Configure one or two times depending on mulitlib arch.
# If multilib, the second should be 32-bit, and we resolve
# CFLAG_<name> to most likely -m32.
define mk_bfd
$$(info Libs for $(1))
$$(BUILDDIR)/$$(binutils_ver)-$(subst /,-,$(1))/Makefile \
: CFLAGS += $$(CFLAGS_$(1))
$$(BUILDDIR)/$$(binutils_ver)-$(subst /,-,$(1))/Makefile \
: LIBDIRS = --libdir=$(TARGETDIR)/$(1)
bfdlib += $$(TARGETDIR)/$$(binutils_ver)-$(subst /,-,$(1)).done
bfdmakes += $$(BUILDDIR)/$$(binutils_ver)-$(subst /,-,$(1))/Makefile
# Create one set of bfds etc for each multilib arch
$(foreach l,$(LIBDIRS),$(eval $(call mk_bfd,$(l))))
# Only build these two libs.
$(bfdlib) : MAKECMD = all-libiberty all-bfd
$(bfdlib) : INSTALLCMD = install-libiberty install-bfd
# Building targets libbfd + libiberty. HOST==TARGET, i.e not
# for a cross env.
$(bfdmakes) : CONFIG = --target=$(TARGET) \
--host=$(TARGET) --build=$(BUILD) \
--prefix=$(TARGETDIR) \
--with-sysroot=$(SYSROOT) \
$(bfdmakes) : TOOLS = $(call declare_tools,_FOR_TARGET,$(TARGET)-) $(call declare_tools,,$(TARGET)-)
$(gcc) \
$(binutils) \
$(gmp) \
$(mpfr) \
$(mpc) \
$(bfdmakes) \
$(ccache) : ENVS += $(TOOLS)
# libdir to work around hateful bfd stuff installing into wrong dirs...
# ensure we have 64 bit bfd support in the HOST library. I.e our
# compiler on i686 will know 64 bit symbols, BUT later
# we build just the libs again for TARGET, then with whatever the arch
# wants.
$(BUILDDIR)/$(binutils_ver)/Makefile : CONFIG += --enable-64-bit-bfd --libdir=$(PREFIX)/$(word 1,$(LIBDIRS))
# Makefile creation. Simply run configure in build dir.
$(bfdmakes) \
$(BUILDDIR)/$(binutils_ver)/Makefile \
$(info Configuring $@. Log in $(@D)/log.config)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
( \
cd $(@D) ; \
--with-sysroot=$(SYSROOT) \
--disable-nls \
--program-prefix=$(TARGET)- \
--enable-multilib \
) > $(@D)/log.config 2>&1
@echo 'done'
$(BUILDDIR)/$(mpfr_ver)/Makefile \
$(info Configuring $@. Log in $(@D)/log.config)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
( \
cd $(@D) ; \
--program-prefix=$(TARGET)- \
--enable-shared=no \
--with-gmp=$(PREFIX) \
) > $(@D)/log.config 2>&1
@echo 'done'
$(BUILDDIR)/$(gmp_ver)/Makefile \
: $(GMP_CFG)
$(info Configuring $@. Log in $(@D)/log.config)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
( \
cd $(@D) ; \
$(GMP_CFG) \
--host=$(HOST) --build=$(BUILD) \
--prefix=$(PREFIX) \
--disable-nls \
--program-prefix=$(TARGET)- \
--enable-shared=no \
--with-mpfr=$(PREFIX) \
) > $(@D)/log.config 2>&1
@echo 'done'
$(BUILDDIR)/$(mpc_ver)/Makefile \
: $(MPC_CFG)
$(info Configuring $@. Log in $(@D)/log.config)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
( \
cd $(@D) ; \
$(MPC_CFG) \
--program-prefix=$(TARGET)- \
--enable-shared=no \
--with-mpfr=$(PREFIX) \
--with-gmp=$(PREFIX) \
) > $(@D)/log.config 2>&1
@echo 'done'
# Only valid if glibc target -> linux
# proper destructor handling for c++
ifneq (,$(findstring linux,$(TARGET)))
$(BUILDDIR)/$(gcc_ver)/Makefile : CONFIG += --enable-__cxa_atexit
# Want:
# c,c++
# shared libs
# multilib (-m32/-m64 on x64)
# skip native language.
# and link and assemble with the binutils we created
# earlier, so --with-gnu*
$(BUILDDIR)/$(gcc_ver)/Makefile \
: $(GCC_CFG)
$(info Configuring $@. Log in $(@D)/log.config)
mkdir -p $(@D)
( \
cd $(@D) ; \
--with-sysroot=$(SYSROOT) \
--enable-languages=c,c++ \
--enable-shared \
--enable-multilib \
--disable-nls \
--with-gnu-as \
--with-gnu-ld \
--with-mpfr=$(PREFIX) \
--with-gmp=$(PREFIX) \
--with-mpc=$(PREFIX) \
) > $(@D)/log.config 2>&1
@echo 'done'
# need binutils for gcc
$(gcc) : $(binutils)
# as of 4.3 or so need these for doing config
$(BUILDDIR)/$(gcc_ver)/Makefile : $(gmp) $(mpfr) $(mpc)
$(mpfr) : $(gmp)
$(mpc) : $(gmp) $(mpfr)
# very straightforward. just build a ccache. it is only for host.
$(BUILDDIR)/$(ccache_ver)/Makefile \
$(info Configuring $@. Log in $(@D)/log.config)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@( \
cd $(@D) ; \
) > $(@D)/log.config 2>&1
@echo 'done'
gccpatch = $(TARGETDIR)/gcc-patched
# For some reason cpp is not created as a target-compiler
ifeq ($(HOST),$(TARGET))
$(gccpatch) : $(gcc) link_libs
@echo -n 'Creating compiler symlinks...'
@for f in cpp; do \
if [ ! -e $(PREFIX)/bin/$(TARGET)-$$f ]; \
then \
cd $(PREFIX)/bin && \
ln -s $$f $(TARGET)-$$f ; \
fi \
@touch $@
@echo 'done'
# Ugly at best. Seems that when we compile host->host compiler, that are NOT
# the BUILD compiler, the result will not try searching for libs in package root.
# "Solve" this by create links from the target libdirs to where they are.
@echo -n 'Creating library symlinks...'
@$(foreach l,$(LIBDIRS), \
for f in `cd $(PREFIX)/$(l) && ls`; do \
if [ ! -e $(TARGETDIR)/$(l)/$$f ]; then \
mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)/$(l) && \
cd $(TARGETDIR)/$(l)/ && \
ln -s $(if $(findstring /,$(l)),../,)../../$(l)/$$f $$f; \
fi \
@echo 'done'
$(gccpatch) :
@echo 'done'
# Build in two steps.
# make <default>
# make install.
# Use path to our build hosts cross tools
# Always need to build cross tools for build host self.
$(TARGETDIR)/%.done : $(BUILDDIR)/%/Makefile
$(info Building $(basename $@). Log in $(<D)/log.build)
$(PATHPRE) $(ENVS) $(MAKE) $(BUILDPAR) -f $< -C $(<D) $(MAKECMD) $(MAKECMD.$(notdir $@)) > $(<D)/log.build 2>&1
@echo -n 'installing...'
$(PATHPRE) $(MAKE) $(INSTALLPAR) -f $< -C $(<D) $(INSTALLCMD) $(MAKECMD.$(notdir $@)) > $(<D)/log.install 2>&1
@touch $@
@echo 'done'
$(PREFIX)/devkit.info: FRC
@echo 'Creating devkit.info in the root of the kit'
rm -f $@
touch $@
echo '# This file describes to configure how to interpret the contents of this' >> $@
echo '# devkit' >> $@
echo '' >> $@
echo 'DEVKIT_NAME="$(gcc_ver) - $(LINUX_VERSION)"' >> $@
echo 'DEVKIT_SYSROOT="$$DEVKIT_ROOT/$$host/sysroot"' >> $@
ifeq ($(TARGET), $(HOST))
@echo 'Creating missing $* soft link'
ln -s $(TARGET)-$* $@
missing-links := $(addprefix $(PREFIX)/bin/, \
addr2line ar as c++ c++filt elfedit g++ gcc gprof ld nm objcopy ranlib readelf \
size strings strip)
bfdlib : $(bfdlib)
binutils : $(binutils)
rpms : $(rpms)
libs : $(libs)
sysroot : rpms libs
gcc : sysroot $(gcc) $(gccpatch)
all : binutils gcc bfdlib $(PREFIX)/devkit.info $(missing-links) $(SYSROOT_LINKS)
# this is only built for host. so separate.
ccache : $(ccache)
# Force target
.PHONY : gcc all binutils bfdlib link_libs rpms libs sysroot