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<h1 class="title">IDE support in the JDK</h1>
<nav id="TOC" role="doc-toc">
<li><a href="#introduction" id="toc-introduction">Introduction</a>
<li><a href="#ide-support-for-native-code"
id="toc-ide-support-for-native-code">IDE support for native
<li><a href="#ide-support-for-java-code"
id="toc-ide-support-for-java-code">IDE support for Java code</a></li>
<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>When you are familiar with building and testing the JDK, you may want
to configure an IDE to work with the source code. The instructions
differ a bit depending on whether you are interested in working with the
native (C/C++) or the Java code.</p>
<h3 id="ide-support-for-native-code">IDE support for native code</h3>
<p>There are a few ways to generate IDE configuration for the native
sources, depending on which IDE to use.</p>
<h4 id="visual-studio-code">Visual Studio Code</h4>
<p>The make system can generate a <a
href="https://code.visualstudio.com">Visual Studio Code</a> workspace
that has C/C++ source indexing configured correctly, as well as launcher
targets for tests and the Java launcher. After configuring, a workspace
for the configuration can be generated using:</p>
<pre class="shell"><code>make vscode-project</code></pre>
<p>This creates a file called <code>jdk.code-workspace</code> in the
build output folder. The full location will be printed after the
workspace has been generated. To use it, choose
<code>File -&gt; Open Workspace...</code> in Visual Studio Code.</p>
<h5 id="alternative-indexers">Alternative indexers</h5>
<p>The main <code>vscode-project</code> target configures the default
C++ support in Visual Studio Code. There are also other source indexers
that can be installed, that may provide additional features. It's
currently possible to generate configuration for three such indexers, <a
href="https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clangd/">clangd</a>, <a
and <a href="https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags">rtags</a>. These can
be configured by appending the name of the indexer to the make target,
such as:</p>
<pre class="shell"><code>make vscode-project-clangd</code></pre>
<p>Additional instructions for configuring the given indexer will be
displayed after the workspace has been generated.</p>
<h4 id="visual-studio">Visual Studio</h4>
<p>The make system can generate a Visual Studio project for the Hotspot
native source. After configuring, the project is generated using:</p>
<pre class="shell"><code>make hotspot-ide-project</code></pre>
<p>This creates a file named <code>jvm.vcxproj</code> in
<code>ide\hotspot-visualstudio</code> subfolder of the build output
folder. The file can be opened in Visual Studio via
<code>File -&gt; Open -&gt; Project/Solution</code>.</p>
<h4 id="eclipse-cdt">Eclipse CDT</h4>
<p>The make system can generate an Eclipse CDT Workspace that enables
Eclipse indexing for the C and C++ sources throughout the entire
codebase, as well as registering all common make targets to be runnable
from the Eclipse explorer. This can be done after configuring by
<pre><code>make eclipse-native-env</code></pre>
<p>After this is run, simply open and import the workspace in Eclipse
<code>File -&gt; Import -&gt; Projects from Folder or Archive</code> and
at <code>Import source</code> click on the directory
<code>ide\eclipse</code>, which can be found in the build output
<p>If this doesn't work, you can also try
<code>File -&gt; Import -&gt; Existing Projects into Workspace</code>
<p>Setting up an Eclipse Workspace is relatively lightweight compared to
other supported IDEs, but requires that your CDT installation has Cross
GCC support enabled at the moment, even if you aren't cross compiling.
The Visual C++ compiler is, at present, not supported as an indexer.</p>
<p>If desired, you can instead request make to only include indexing
support for just the Java Virtual Machine instead of the entire native
codebase, by running:</p>
<pre><code>make eclipse-hotspot-env</code></pre>
<p>If you think your particular Eclipse installation can handle the
strain, the make system also supports generating a combined Java and
C/C++ Workspace for Eclipse which can then conveniently switch between
Java and C/C++ natures during development by running:</p>
<pre><code>make eclipse-mixed-env</code></pre>
<p>Do note that this generates all features that come with both Java and
C/C++ natures.</p>
<p>Eclipse support in the JDK is relatively new, so do keep in mind that
not everything may work at the moment. As such, the resulting Workspace
also has compilation database parsing support enabled, so you can pass
Eclipse the compile commands file (see below) if all else fails.</p>
<h4 id="compilation-database">Compilation Database</h4>
<p>The make system can generate generic native code indexing support in
the form of a <a
Database</a> that can be used by many different IDEs and source code
<pre class="shell"><code>make compile-commands</code></pre>
<p>It's also possible to generate the Compilation Database for the
HotSpot source code only, which is a bit faster as it includes less
<pre class="shell"><code>make compile-commands-hotspot</code></pre>
<h3 id="ide-support-for-java-code">IDE support for Java code</h3>
<h4 id="intellij-idea">IntelliJ IDEA</h4>
<p>The JDK project has a script that can be used for indexing the
project with IntelliJ. After configuring and building the JDK, an
IntelliJ workspace can be generated by running the following command in
the top-level folder of the cloned repository:</p>
<pre class="shell"><code>bash bin/idea.sh</code></pre>
<p>To use it, choose <code>File -&gt; Open...</code> in IntelliJ and
select the folder where you ran the above script.</p>
<p>Next, configure the project SDK in IntelliJ. Open
<code>File -&gt; Project Structure -&gt; Project</code> and select
<code>build/&lt;config&gt;/images/jdk</code> as the SDK to use.</p>
<p>In order to run the tests from the IDE, you can use the JTReg plugin.
Instructions for building and using the plugin can be found <a
<h4 id="eclipse">Eclipse</h4>
<p>Eclipse JDT is a widely used Java IDE and has been for a very long
time, being a popular choice alongside IntelliJ IDEA for Java
development. Likewise, the JDK now includes support for developing its
Java sources with Eclipse, which can be achieved by setting up a Java
Workspace by running:</p>
<pre><code>make eclipse-java-env</code></pre>
<p>After the workspace has been generated you can import it in the same
way as you would with Eclipse CDT:</p>
<code>File -&gt; Import -&gt; Projects from Folder or Archive</code> and
select the <code>ide\eclipse</code> directory in the build output folder
to import the newly created Java Workspace.</p>
<p>If doing so results in an error, you can also import the JDK via
<code>File -&gt; Import -&gt; Existing Projects into Workspace</code> as
a last resort.</p>
<p>As mentioned above for Eclipse CDT, you can create a combined Java
and C/C++ Workspace which can conveniently switch between Java and C/C++
natures during development by running:</p>
<pre><code>make eclipse-mixed-env</code></pre>