471 lines
18 KiB
471 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @requires ((os.arch == "amd64" | os.arch == "x86_64") & sun.arch.data.model == "64") | os.arch == "aarch64"
* @run testng/othervm -Xmx4G -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1M TestSegments
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MappedMemorySegments;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayouts;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemorySegment;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemorySegment.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
public class TestSegments {
@Test(dataProvider = "badSizeAndAlignments", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testBadAllocateAlign(long size, long align) {
MemorySegment.allocateNative(size, align);
@Test(dataProvider = "badLayouts", expectedExceptions = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
public void testBadAllocateLayout(MemoryLayout layout) {
@Test(expectedExceptions = { OutOfMemoryError.class,
IllegalArgumentException.class })
public void testAllocateTooBig() {
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentOperations")
public void testOpOutsideConfinement(SegmentMember member) throws Throwable {
try (MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(4)) {
AtomicBoolean failed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Object o = member.method.invoke(segment, member.params);
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, ex) -> failed.set(true));
assertEquals(failed.get(), member.isConfined());
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentOperations")
public void testOpAfterClose(SegmentMember member) throws Throwable {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(4);
try {
Object o = member.method.invoke(segment, member.params);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
Throwable target = ex.getTargetException();
assertTrue(target instanceof NullPointerException ||
target instanceof UnsupportedOperationException ||
target instanceof IllegalStateException);
@Test(expectedExceptions = OutOfMemoryError.class)
public void testNativeAllocationTooBig() {
try (MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(1024 * 1024 * 8 * 2)) { // 2M
// do nothing
public void testNativeSegmentIsZeroed() {
VarHandle byteHandle = MemoryLayout.ofSequence(MemoryLayouts.JAVA_BYTE)
.varHandle(byte.class, MemoryLayout.PathElement.sequenceElement());
try (MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(1000)) {
for (long i = 0 ; i < segment.byteSize() ; i++) {
assertEquals(0, (byte)byteHandle.get(segment, i));
public void testSlices() {
VarHandle byteHandle = MemoryLayout.ofSequence(MemoryLayouts.JAVA_BYTE)
.varHandle(byte.class, MemoryLayout.PathElement.sequenceElement());
try (MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(10)) {
for (byte i = 0 ; i < segment.byteSize() ; i++) {
byteHandle.set(segment, (long)i, i);
for (int offset = 0 ; offset < 10 ; offset++) {
MemorySegment slice = segment.asSlice(offset);
for (long i = offset ; i < 10 ; i++) {
byteHandle.get(segment, i),
byteHandle.get(slice, i - offset)
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentFactories")
public void testAccessModesOfFactories(Supplier<MemorySegment> memorySegmentSupplier) {
try (MemorySegment segment = memorySegmentSupplier.get()) {
assertEquals(segment.accessModes(), ALL_ACCESS);
@Test(dataProvider = "accessModes")
public void testAccessModes(int accessModes) {
int[] arr = new int[1];
for (AccessActions action : AccessActions.values()) {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(arr);
MemorySegment restrictedSegment = segment.withAccessModes(accessModes);
assertEquals(restrictedSegment.accessModes(), accessModes);
boolean shouldFail = !restrictedSegment.hasAccessModes(action.accessMode);
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
@DataProvider(name = "segmentFactories")
public Object[][] segmentFactories() {
List<Supplier<MemorySegment>> l = List.of(
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }),
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }),
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new double[] { 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d} ),
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new float[] { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f }),
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }),
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new long[] { 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l } ),
() -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new short[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 } ),
() -> MemorySegment.allocateNative(4),
() -> MemorySegment.allocateNative(4, 8),
() -> MemorySegment.allocateNative(MemoryLayout.ofValueBits(32, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()))
return l.stream().map(s -> new Object[] { s }).toArray(Object[][]::new);
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentFactories")
public void testFill(Supplier<MemorySegment> memorySegmentSupplier) {
VarHandle byteHandle = MemoryLayout.ofSequence(MemoryLayouts.JAVA_BYTE)
.varHandle(byte.class, MemoryLayout.PathElement.sequenceElement());
for (byte value : new byte[] {(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x45}) {
try (MemorySegment segment = memorySegmentSupplier.get()) {
for (long l = 0; l < segment.byteSize(); l++) {
assertEquals((byte) byteHandle.get(segment, l), value);
// fill a slice
var sliceSegment = segment.asSlice(1, segment.byteSize() - 2).fill((byte) ~value);
for (long l = 0; l < sliceSegment.byteSize(); l++) {
assertEquals((byte) byteHandle.get(sliceSegment, l), ~value);
// assert enclosing slice
assertEquals((byte) byteHandle.get(segment, 0L), value);
for (long l = 1; l < segment.byteSize() - 2; l++) {
assertEquals((byte) byteHandle.get(segment, l), (byte) ~value);
assertEquals((byte) byteHandle.get(segment, segment.byteSize() - 1L), value);
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentFactories", expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testFillClosed(Supplier<MemorySegment> memorySegmentSupplier) {
MemorySegment segment = memorySegmentSupplier.get();
segment.fill((byte) 0xFF);
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentFactories", expectedExceptions = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
public void testFillIllegalAccessMode(Supplier<MemorySegment> memorySegmentSupplier) {
try (MemorySegment segment = memorySegmentSupplier.get()) {
segment.withAccessModes(segment.accessModes() & ~WRITE).fill((byte) 0xFF);
@Test(dataProvider = "segmentFactories")
public void testFillThread(Supplier<MemorySegment> memorySegmentSupplier) throws Exception {
try (MemorySegment segment = memorySegmentSupplier.get()) {
AtomicReference<RuntimeException> exception = new AtomicReference<>();
Runnable action = () -> {
try {
segment.fill((byte) 0xBA);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
Thread thread = new Thread(action);
RuntimeException e = exception.get();
if (!(e instanceof IllegalStateException)) {
throw e;
public void testFillEmpty() {
MemorySegment.ofArray(new byte[] { }).fill((byte) 0xFF);
MemorySegment.ofArray(new byte[2]).asSlice(0, 0).fill((byte) 0xFF);
MemorySegment.ofByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0)).fill((byte) 0xFF);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testWithAccessModesBadUnsupportedMode() {
int[] arr = new int[1];
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(arr);
segment.withAccessModes((1 << AccessActions.values().length) + 1);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testBadWithAccessModesBadStrongerMode() {
int[] arr = new int[1];
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(arr).withAccessModes(READ);
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testBadHasAccessModes() {
int[] arr = new int[1];
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.ofArray(arr);
segment.hasAccessModes((1 << AccessActions.values().length) + 1);
@Test(dataProvider = "heapFactories")
public void testBigHeapSegments(IntFunction<MemorySegment> heapSegmentFactory, int factor) {
int bigSize = (Integer.MAX_VALUE / factor) + 1;
MemorySegment segment = heapSegmentFactory.apply(bigSize);
assertTrue(segment.byteSize() > 0);
@DataProvider(name = "badSizeAndAlignments")
public Object[][] sizesAndAlignments() {
return new Object[][] {
{ -1, 8 },
{ 1, 15 },
{ 1, -15 }
@DataProvider(name = "badLayouts")
public Object[][] layouts() {
SizedLayoutFactory[] layoutFactories = SizedLayoutFactory.values();
Object[][] values = new Object[layoutFactories.length * 2][2];
for (int i = 0; i < layoutFactories.length ; i++) {
values[i * 2] = new Object[] { MemoryLayout.ofStruct(layoutFactories[i].make(7), MemoryLayout.ofPaddingBits(9)) }; // good size, bad align
values[(i * 2) + 1] = new Object[] { layoutFactories[i].make(15).withBitAlignment(16) }; // bad size, good align
return values;
enum SizedLayoutFactory {
VALUE_BE(size -> MemoryLayout.ofValueBits(size, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)),
VALUE_LE(size -> MemoryLayout.ofValueBits(size, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)),
private final LongFunction<MemoryLayout> factory;
SizedLayoutFactory(LongFunction<MemoryLayout> factory) {
this.factory = factory;
MemoryLayout make(long size) {
return factory.apply(size);
@DataProvider(name = "segmentOperations")
static Object[][] segmentMembers() {
List<SegmentMember> members = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method m : MemorySegment.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
//skip defaults, statics and method declared in j.l.Object
if (m.isDefault() ||
m.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class) ||
(m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0) continue;
Object[] args = Stream.of(m.getParameterTypes())
members.add(new SegmentMember(m, args));
return members.stream().map(ms -> new Object[] { ms }).toArray(Object[][]::new);
static class SegmentMember {
final Method method;
final Object[] params;
final static List<String> CONFINED_NAMES = List.of(
public SegmentMember(Method method, Object[] params) {
this.method = method;
this.params = params;
boolean isConfined() {
return CONFINED_NAMES.contains(method.getName());
public String toString() {
return method.getName();
static Object defaultValue(Class<?> c) {
if (c.isPrimitive()) {
if (c == char.class) {
return (char)0;
} else if (c == boolean.class) {
return false;
} else if (c == byte.class) {
return (byte)0;
} else if (c == short.class) {
return (short)0;
} else if (c == int.class) {
return 0;
} else if (c == long.class) {
return 0L;
} else if (c == float.class) {
return 0f;
} else if (c == double.class) {
return 0d;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
return null;
@DataProvider(name = "accessModes")
public Object[][] accessModes() {
int nActions = AccessActions.values().length;
Object[][] results = new Object[1 << nActions][];
for (int accessModes = 0 ; accessModes < results.length ; accessModes++) {
results[accessModes] = new Object[] { accessModes };
return results;
enum AccessActions {
SHARE(MemorySegment.SHARE) {
void run(MemorySegment segment) {
CLOSE(MemorySegment.CLOSE) {
void run(MemorySegment segment) {
READ(MemorySegment.READ) {
void run(MemorySegment segment) {
WRITE(MemorySegment.WRITE) {
void run(MemorySegment segment) {
INT_HANDLE.set(segment, 42);
HANDOFF(MemorySegment.HANDOFF) {
void run(MemorySegment segment) {
segment.handoff(new Thread());
final int accessMode;
static VarHandle INT_HANDLE = MemoryLayouts.JAVA_INT.varHandle(int.class);
AccessActions(int accessMode) {
this.accessMode = accessMode;
abstract void run(MemorySegment segment);
@DataProvider(name = "heapFactories")
public Object[][] heapFactories() {
return new Object[][] {
{ (IntFunction<MemorySegment>) size -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new char[size]), 2 },
{ (IntFunction<MemorySegment>) size -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new short[size]), 2 },
{ (IntFunction<MemorySegment>) size -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new int[size]), 4 },
{ (IntFunction<MemorySegment>) size -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new float[size]), 4 },
{ (IntFunction<MemorySegment>) size -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new long[size]), 8 },
{ (IntFunction<MemorySegment>) size -> MemorySegment.ofArray(new double[size]), 8 }