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* Copyright (c) 2008, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package vm.share.options;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import nsk.share.TestBug;
* A utility class used to parse arguments of various primitive types.
public class PrimitiveParser
* Checks if the parser can handle passed type ("primitive/wrapper" or one-dim array of those).
* Note that one-dim arrays of primitives/strings/wrappers are also supported.
* @param type the type to parse against
* @return true, if can parse.
public static boolean canHandle(Class<?> type)
Class<?> compType = type.getComponentType();
if(compType.isArray()) return false; // Cannot handle multidimensional arrays
return canHandle(compType);
type = convertPrimitiveTypeToWrapper(type);
return parsers.containsKey(type);
* A simple helper method.
* @param type the type to check for
* @return the parser to use, null if there is none.
private static PParser getParser(Class<?> type)
return parsers.get(convertPrimitiveTypeToWrapper(type));
* The main API method of this class.
* @param param the parameter to parse
* @param type parameter type to parse against
* @return returns the object of a given type.
* @throws vm.share.options.PrimitiveParser.ParserException
public static Object parse(String param, Class<?> type) throws ParserException
Class<?> compType = type.getComponentType();
throw new ParserException("Cannot handle multidimensional arrays");
throw new ParserException("Unable to parse unknown array component type " + compType);
String[] params = param.split(",");
Object arr = Array.newInstance(compType, params.length);
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
String par = params[i].trim();
Array.set(arr, i, parse(par, compType));
return arr;
throw new ParserException("Unable to parse unknown type " + type);
return getParser(type).parse(param);
// I'm not sure, if generics are of any use here...
static private abstract class PParser<T>
abstract T parse(String param) throws ParserException;
// Class<T> getClassKey()
// {
// return PrimitiveParser.(Class<T>) T.getClass();
// }
* Converts primitive types to corresponding wrapper classes.
* We could register int.class, boolean.class etc in the hashtable instead.
* (Or Integer.TYPE, etc.)
* @param type to convert to wrapper
* @return wrapper class or type if it is not primitive
public static Class<?> convertPrimitiveTypeToWrapper(Class<?> type)
if(!type.isPrimitive()) return type;
Object arr = Array.newInstance(type, 1);
Object v = Array.get(arr, 0);
return v.getClass();
//"kind of state" machine stuff
private static Map<Class<?>, PParser<?>> parsers;
parsers = new HashMap<Class<?>, PrimitiveParser.PParser<?>>(16);
parsers.put(Integer.class, new PParser<Integer>()
@Override Integer parse(String param) throws ParserException
if ( param.startsWith("0x") )
return Integer.parseInt(param.substring(2));
return Integer.valueOf(param);
parsers.put(Boolean.class, new PParser<Boolean>()
@Override Boolean parse(String param) throws ParserException
//special behavior for options
if(param == null) return true;
if(param.trim().length()==0) return true;
return Boolean.valueOf(param);
parsers.put(String.class, new PParser<String>()
@Override String parse(String param) throws ParserException
if(param == null) throw new ParserException(" Got null value string.");
return param;
parsers.put(Character.class, new PParser<Character>()
@Override Character parse(String param) throws ParserException
throw new TestBug("Found Character type option of length != 1");
return Character.valueOf(param.charAt(0));
parsers.put(Byte.class, new PParser<Byte>()
@Override Byte parse(String param) throws ParserException
if ( param.startsWith("0x") )
return Byte.parseByte(param.substring(2));
return Byte.valueOf(param);
parsers.put(Short.class, new PParser<Short>()
@Override Short parse(String param) throws ParserException
if ( param.startsWith("0x") )
return Short.parseShort(param.substring(2));
return Short.valueOf(param);
parsers.put(Long.class, new PParser<Long>()
@Override Long parse(String param) throws ParserException
if ( param.startsWith("0x") )
return Long.parseLong(param.substring(2));
return Long.valueOf(param);
parsers.put(Float.class, new PParser<Float>()
@Override Float parse(String param) throws ParserException
return Float.valueOf(param);
parsers.put(Double.class, new PParser<Double>()
@Override Double parse(String param) throws ParserException
return Double.valueOf(param);
/* Discussion
* 1. It was proposed to use instead of the convertPrimitive the following
* private static Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> wrapperClasses = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();
* so we could do if(type.isPrimitive())
type = wrapperClasses.get(type);
static {
wrapperClasses.put(boolean.class, Boolean.class);
wrapperClasses.put(short.class, Short.class);
wrapperClasses.put(int.class, Integer.class);
wrapperClasses.put(Long.Type, Long.class); // we can do it this way!
wrapperClasses.put(float.class, Float.class);
wrapperClasses.put(double.class, Double.class);
* The alternative is to register PParsers with corresponding Primitive type too.
* Also canHandle() could use
return wrapperClasses.keySet().contains(type) || wrapperClasses.entrySet().contains(type);
* 2. Parsing can be implemented via reflection
return type.getMethod("valueOf", new Class[]{String.class}).invoke(null, string);
* I don't like using reflection as it prevents optimisation,
* also now Strings and Characters are handled in a nice fashion.
* As for convertToPrimitive trick both ways are good,
* but current looks more generic though tricky
//// some test, should it be commented out?
// public static void main(String[] args)
// {
// try
// {
// String str = "0";
// Object o = null;
// str = "0";
// o = parse(str, String.class);
// System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
// str = "0";
// o = parse(str, int.class);
// System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
// str = "0";
// o = parse(str, Integer.class);
// System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
// str = "0,1,2";
// o = parse(str, int[].class);
// System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + (int[]) o + "#");
// System.out.println("DATA:" + java.util.Arrays.toString((int[])o));
// // System.out.println("DATA:" + java.util.Arrays.deepToString( (int[]) o));
// str = "0";
// o = parse(str, byte.class);
// System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
// str = "0";
// o = parse(str, HashMap.class);
// System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
//// String str = "0"; Object o = parsePrimitiveString(help_option, type); System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
// } catch (ParserException ex)
// {
// System.out.println("" +ex);
// }
//// String str = "0"; Object o = parsePrimitiveString(help_option, type); System.out.println("value:" + str + " type: " + o.getClass() + " value:#" + o + "#");
// }