2023-02-20 17:07:04 +00:00

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* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 8146115 8292083
* @key cgroups
* @summary Test JVM's memory resource awareness when running inside docker container
* @requires docker.support
* @library /test/lib
* @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
* java.base/jdk.internal.platform
* java.management
* jdk.jartool/sun.tools.jar
* @build AttemptOOM jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox PrintContainerInfo CheckOperatingSystemMXBean
* @run driver jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller -jar whitebox.jar jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox
* @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:whitebox.jar -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI TestMemoryAwareness
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import jdk.test.lib.containers.docker.Common;
import jdk.test.lib.containers.docker.DockerRunOptions;
import jdk.test.lib.containers.docker.DockerTestUtils;
import jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox;
import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertNotNull;
public class TestMemoryAwareness {
private static final String imageName = Common.imageName("memory");
private static final WhiteBox wb = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
private static String getHostMaxMemory() {
return Long.valueOf(wb.hostPhysicalMemory()).toString();
private static String getHostSwap() {
return Long.valueOf(wb.hostPhysicalSwap()).toString();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (!DockerTestUtils.canTestDocker()) {
try {
testMemoryLimit("100m", "104857600", false);
testMemoryLimit("500m", "524288000", false);
testMemoryLimit("1g", "1073741824", false);
testMemoryLimit("4g", "4294967296", false);
testMemoryLimit("100m", "104857600", true /* additional cgroup mount */);
testMemorySoftLimit("500m", "524288000");
testMemorySoftLimit("1g", "1073741824");
testMemorySwapNotSupported("500m", "520m", "512000 k", "532480 k");
// Add extra 10 Mb to allocator limit, to be sure to cause OOM
testOOM("256m", 256 + 10);
"100M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * 100),
"150M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * (150 - 100))
"128M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * 128),
"256M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * (256 - 128))
"1G", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * 1024),
"1500M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * (1500 - 1024))
"100M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * 100),
"200M", Integer.toString(((int) Math.pow(2, 20)) * (200 - 100)),
true /* additional cgroup fs mounts */
} finally {
if (!DockerTestUtils.RETAIN_IMAGE_AFTER_TEST) {
private static void testMemoryLimit(String valueToSet, String expectedTraceValue, boolean addCgmounts)
throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("memory limit: " + valueToSet);
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName)
.addDockerOpts("--memory", valueToSet);
if (addCgmounts) {
opts = opts.addDockerOpts("--volume", "/sys/fs/cgroup:/cgroups-in:ro");
.shouldMatch("Memory Limit is:.*" + expectedTraceValue);
// JDK-8292083
// Ensure that Java ignores container memory limit values above the host's physical memory.
private static void testContainerMemExceedsPhysical()
throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("container memory limit exceeds physical memory");
String hostMaxMem = getHostMaxMemory();
String badMem = hostMaxMem + "0";
// set a container memory limit to the bad value
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName)
.addDockerOpts("--memory", badMem);
.shouldMatch("container memory limit (ignored: " + badMem + "|unlimited: -1), using host value " + hostMaxMem);
private static void testMemorySoftLimit(String valueToSet, String expectedTraceValue)
throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("memory soft limit: " + valueToSet);
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName, "PrintContainerInfo");
opts.addDockerOpts("--memory-reservation=" + valueToSet);
.shouldMatch("Memory Soft Limit.*" + expectedTraceValue);
* Verifies that PrintContainerInfo prints the memory
* limit - without swap - iff swap is disabled (e.g. via swapaccount=0). It must
* not print 'not supported' for that value in that case. It'll always pass
* on systems with swap accounting enabled.
private static void testMemorySwapNotSupported(String valueToSet, String swapToSet, String expectedMem, String expectedSwap)
throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("memory swap not supported: " + valueToSet);
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName, "PrintContainerInfo");
opts.addDockerOpts("--memory=" + valueToSet);
opts.addDockerOpts("--memory-swap=" + swapToSet);
.shouldMatch("memory_limit_in_bytes:.*" + expectedMem)
.shouldNotMatch("memory_and_swap_limit_in_bytes:.*not supported")
// On systems with swapaccount=0 this returns the memory limit.
// On systems with swapaccount=1 this returns the set memory+swap value.
.shouldMatch("memory_and_swap_limit_in_bytes:.*(" + expectedMem + "|" + expectedSwap + ")");
* This test verifies that no confusingly large positive numbers get printed on
* systems with swapaccount=0 kernel option. On some systems -2 were converted
* to unsigned long and printed that way. Ensure this oddity doesn't occur.
private static void testMemorySwapLimitSanity() throws Exception {
String valueToSet = "500m";
String expectedTraceValue = "524288000";
Common.logNewTestCase("memory swap sanity: " + valueToSet);
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName, "PrintContainerInfo");
opts.addDockerOpts("--memory=" + valueToSet);
opts.addDockerOpts("--memory-swap=" + valueToSet);
String neg2InUnsignedLong = "18446744073709551614";
.shouldMatch("Memory Limit is:.*" + expectedTraceValue)
// Either for cgroup v1: a_1) same as memory limit, or b_1) -2 on systems with swapaccount=0
// Either for cgroup v2: a_2) 0, or b_2) -2 on systems with swapaccount=0
.shouldMatch("Memory and Swap Limit is:.*(" + expectedTraceValue + "|-2|0)")
.shouldNotMatch("Memory and Swap Limit is:.*" + neg2InUnsignedLong);
// provoke OOM inside the container, see how VM reacts
private static void testOOM(String dockerMemLimit, int sizeToAllocInMb) throws Exception {
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName, "AttemptOOM")
.addDockerOpts("--memory", dockerMemLimit, "--memory-swap", dockerMemLimit);
opts.classParams.add("" + sizeToAllocInMb);
// make sure we avoid inherited Xmx settings from the jtreg vmoptions
// set Xmx ourselves instead
System.out.println("sizeToAllocInMb is:" + sizeToAllocInMb + " sizeToAllocInMb/2 is:" + sizeToAllocInMb/2);
String javaHeapSize = sizeToAllocInMb/2 + "m";
opts.addJavaOptsAppended("-Xmx" + javaHeapSize);
OutputAnalyzer out = DockerTestUtils.dockerRunJava(opts);
if (out.getExitValue() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("We exited successfully, but we wanted to provoke an OOM inside the container");
out.shouldContain("Entering AttemptOOM main")
.shouldNotContain("AttemptOOM allocation successful")
private static void testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(String memoryAllocation, String expectedMemory,
String swapAllocation, String expectedSwap) throws Exception {
testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(memoryAllocation, expectedMemory, swapAllocation, expectedSwap, false);
private static void testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(String memoryAllocation, String expectedMemory,
String swapAllocation, String expectedSwap, boolean addCgroupMounts) throws Exception {
Consumer<OutputAnalyzer> noOp = o -> {};
testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(memoryAllocation, expectedMemory, swapAllocation, expectedSwap, false, noOp);
private static void testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(String memoryAllocation, String expectedMemory,
String swapAllocation, String expectedSwap, boolean addCgroupMounts,
Consumer<OutputAnalyzer> additionalMatch) throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("Check OperatingSystemMXBean");
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName, "CheckOperatingSystemMXBean")
"--memory", memoryAllocation,
"--memory-swap", swapAllocation
// CheckOperatingSystemMXBean uses Metrics (jdk.internal.platform) for
// diagnostics
if (addCgroupMounts) {
// Extra cgroup mount should be ignored by product code
opts.addDockerOpts("--volume", "/sys/fs/cgroup:/cgroup-in:ro");
OutputAnalyzer out = DockerTestUtils.dockerRunJava(opts);
.shouldContain("Checking OperatingSystemMXBean")
.shouldContain("OperatingSystemMXBean.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize: " + expectedMemory)
.shouldContain("OperatingSystemMXBean.getTotalMemorySize: " + expectedMemory)
.shouldMatch("OperatingSystemMXBean\\.getFreeMemorySize: [1-9][0-9]+")
.shouldMatch("OperatingSystemMXBean\\.getFreePhysicalMemorySize: [1-9][0-9]+");
// in case of warnings like : "Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities
// or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap."
// the getTotalSwapSpaceSize either returns the system (or host) values, or 0
// if a container memory limit is in place and gets detected. A value of 0 is because,
// Metrics.getMemoryLimit() returns the same value as Metrics.getMemoryAndSwapLimit().
// getFreeSwapSpaceSize() are a function of what getTotalSwapSpaceSize() returns. Either
// a number > 0, or 0 if getTotalSwapSpaceSize() == 0.
try {
out.shouldContain("OperatingSystemMXBean.getTotalSwapSpaceSize: " + expectedSwap);
} catch(RuntimeException ex) {
String hostSwap = getHostSwap();
out.shouldMatch("OperatingSystemMXBean.getTotalSwapSpaceSize: (0|" + hostSwap + ")");
try {
out.shouldMatch("OperatingSystemMXBean\\.getFreeSwapSpaceSize: [1-9][0-9]+");
} catch(RuntimeException ex) {
out.shouldMatch("OperatingSystemMXBean\\.getFreeSwapSpaceSize: 0");
// JDK-8292541: Ensure OperatingSystemMXBean ignores container memory limits above the host's physical memory.
private static void testOSMXBeanIgnoresMemLimitExceedingPhysicalMemory()
throws Exception {
String hostMaxMem = getHostMaxMemory();
String badMem = hostMaxMem + "0";
testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(badMem, hostMaxMem, badMem, hostMaxMem);
private static void testOSMXBeanIgnoresSwapLimitExceedingPhysical()
throws Exception {
long totalSwap = wb.hostPhysicalSwap() + wb.hostPhysicalMemory();
String expectedSwap = Long.valueOf(totalSwap).toString();
String hostMaxMem = getHostMaxMemory();
String badMem = hostMaxMem + "0";
final String badSwap = expectedSwap + "0";
testOperatingSystemMXBeanAwareness(badMem, hostMaxMem, badSwap, expectedSwap, false, o -> {
o.shouldNotContain("Metrics.getMemoryAndSwapLimit() == " + badSwap);
private static void testMetricsSwapExceedingPhysical()
throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("Metrics ignore container swap memory limit exceeding physical");
long totalSwap = wb.hostPhysicalSwap() + wb.hostPhysicalMemory();
String expectedSwap = Long.valueOf(totalSwap).toString();
final String badSwap = expectedSwap + "0";
String badMem = getHostMaxMemory() + "0";
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName)
.addDockerOpts("--memory", badMem)
.addDockerOpts("--memory-swap", badSwap);
OutputAnalyzer out = DockerTestUtils.dockerRunJava(opts);
out.shouldContain("Memory Limit: Unlimited");
out.shouldContain("Memory & Swap Limit: Unlimited");
// JDK-8292541: Ensure Metrics ignores container memory limits above the host's physical memory.
private static void testMetricsExceedingPhysicalMemory()
throws Exception {
Common.logNewTestCase("Metrics ignore container memory limit exceeding physical memory");
String badMem = getHostMaxMemory() + "0";
DockerRunOptions opts = Common.newOpts(imageName)
.addDockerOpts("--memory", badMem);
DockerTestUtils.dockerRunJava(opts).shouldMatch("Memory Limit: Unlimited");