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Here are tests that were developed for "G1 support for long running applications" feature. In effect,
here is only one test with a lot of configurations.
Feature description:
G1 used to unload classes only during full collections. Goal of feature is to unload unused classes
without resorting to full gc.
What does test checks:
- that unreferenced classloader will be collected without full gc. This is checked with WhiteBox.is
ClassAlive method.
- that referenced classloader will live. This is checked with WhiteBox.isClassAlive method as well.
Also it is checked that classloader will be finalized and enqueued to queue of phantom references.
In what aspects/circumstances checks performed:
- classloaders that we expect to be collected can be comlpetely unreferenced, referenced with phant
om reference and with weak reference. Test can check that presence of phantom/weak reference doesn't
keep classloader alive.
Test has flag "-referenceMode" that has valid options:
"phantom" for phantom reference,
"weak" for weak reference and
"none" for not keeping reference at all.
- to avoid class unloading we can keep reference to classloader itself, class or object.
This behavior can be adjusted with flag "-keep" that has valid options:
"class" and
- according to test plan several ways of classloading are covered.
This behavior is adjusted with "classloadingMethod" flag that has valid options
- classloaders that we expect to live can be referenced in several ways.
This behavior can be adjusted with flag "-keepRefMode" that has valid options:
"strong_reference" for starighforward keeping strong reference,
"static_field" for keeping reference in static field of alive class,
"stack_local" for keeping reference in local variable of running thread,
"thread_field" for keeping reference in field of running thread's object,
"thread_itself" if we want object to be a running thread itself,
"static_field_of_root_class". In this case reference will be kept in static field of class that wa
s loaded by null classloader.
"jni_global_ref". In this case global reference will be kept in native library.
"jni_local_ref", In this case local reference will be kept in JNI call in running thread.
- Another aspect is that class can be humongous.
Humongous classes can be enabled with "-humongousClass" command line option. Valid options are
"true" and "false".
- Another aspect that is covered with tests is that class methods can be compiled by JIT compiler.
This behavior can be adjusted with "-compilationLevel" and "-compilationNumber" options. First
one has self-explaining name, latter sets number of optimization/deoptimozation of each class.
- Next aspect is class redefinition.
You can enable classes redefinition with "-redefineClasses" flag. Valid options are "true" and
Test implementation details:
Test supposed to be ran with G1 gc and -XX:+ExplicitGCProvokesConcurrent option. In the end of exec
ution test checks if full gc happened. If this is the case the test throws descriptive exception and
Test guts design:
Test in loop performs the following until time is over (timelimit is set up with "-stressTime" opti
- loads class that gonna live or gonna be unloaded. Decision depends upon Random.nextBoolean().
- previous action produces collection of Assertions (what assertion is is explained a little bit lat
er). Assertions are saved into AssertionContainer.
- takes from AssertionContainer assertions that are already mature for check and performs checks. "M
ature" means that required number of System.gc() calls happened since assertion was created.
What "Assertion" is:
Assertion incapsulates check that concrete class will be alive or dead. Hazard is that we can't perf
orm check just after we removed last reference to classloader. We have to wait some number of concurr
ent-mark-cycles, i.e. System.gc() calls. For this reason we put each assertion in AssertionContainer
and get back much later, when it's ready for check.
Classes of assertions form the following simple hierarchy:
|| || ||
\/ || \/
gc.g1.unloading.check.FinalizedAssertion || gc.g1.unloading.check.PhantomizedAssertion
FinalizedAssertion checks that unreferenced classloader will be finalized.
PhantomizedAssertion checks that phantom reference to classloader will be enqueued to ReferenceQueue.
ClassAssertion checks that class will be dead or alive using WhiteBox.isClassAlive method.
Other implemention notes:
There are some other auxiliary threads, but they are not crucial for understanding the logic.
There are a lot of configurations of the same test in testlist. All configurations use the same mai
n method as entry point, but impose different test flags. Configurations are autogenerated with "gene
rate.sh" script.
Other test options:
-DFailTestIfNothingChecked=true. (vm flag) Set this if you want test to fail if nothing was checked
and test appeared to be useless. It can happen, for example, in slow modes that force compilation.
-numberOfChecksLimit. (test flag) Set this number if you want test to pass after certain number of c
hecks performed. (Not to waste time.) To some extent this turns stress test into functional test.
-numberOfGCsBeforeCheck. (test flag) This option sets number of System.gc() calls that have to be do
ne before each assertion will be ready to perform checks.
-inMemoryCompilation. (test flag) This option defines the way of classes creation. If this is true t
hen classes are compiled with javac API. If false - classes are produced by rewriting classname in "g
olden" bytecode.