332 lines
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332 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2019, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 8224477
* @summary Basic test for NPE, UOE, and IAE for get/setOption
* @run testng NullsAndBadValues
* @run testng/othervm -Dsun.net.useExclusiveBind=false NullsAndBadValues
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.MulticastSocket;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketOption;
import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static java.lang.Boolean.*;
import static java.net.StandardSocketOptions.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.expectThrows;
public class NullsAndBadValues {
static final Class<NullPointerException> NPE = NullPointerException.class;
static final Class<IllegalArgumentException> IAE = IllegalArgumentException.class;
static final Class<UnsupportedOperationException> UOE = UnsupportedOperationException.class;
public void nulls() throws Exception {
try (Socket s = new Socket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> s.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> s.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> s.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> s.getOption(null));
try (ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ss.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ss.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ss.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ss.getOption(null));
try (DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ds.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ds.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ds.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ds.getOption(null));
try (MulticastSocket ms = new MulticastSocket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ms.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ms.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ms.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ms.getOption(null));
try (Socket sa = SocketChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> sa.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> sa.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> sa.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> sa.getOption(null));
try (ServerSocket ssa = ServerSocketChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ssa.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ssa.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ssa.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> ssa.getOption(null));
try (DatagramSocket dsa = DatagramChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(NPE, () -> dsa.setOption(null, null));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> dsa.setOption(null, ""));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> dsa.setOption(null, 1));
expectThrows(NPE, () -> dsa.getOption(null));
static final SocketOption<Boolean> FAKE_SOCK_OPT = new SocketOption<>() {
@Override public String name() { return "FAKE_SOCK_OPT"; }
@Override public Class<Boolean> type() { return Boolean.class; }
static final SocketOption RAW_SOCK_OPT = new SocketOption() {
@Override public String name() { return "RAW_SOCK_OPT"; }
@Override public Class type() { return Boolean.class; }
public void uoe() throws Exception {
try (Socket s = new Socket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> s.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
try (ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ss.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
try (DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ds.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
try (MulticastSocket ms = new MulticastSocket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ms.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
try (Socket sa = SocketChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> sa.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
try (ServerSocket ssa = ServerSocketChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> ssa.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
try (DatagramSocket dsa = DatagramChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, null));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, TRUE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.setOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT, FALSE));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, ""));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.setOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT, 1));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.getOption(FAKE_SOCK_OPT));
expectThrows(UOE, () -> dsa.getOption(RAW_SOCK_OPT));
static Map<SocketOption<?>,List<Object>> BAD_OPTION_VALUES = badOptionValues();
static Map<SocketOption<?>,List<Object>> badOptionValues() {
Map<SocketOption<?>,List<Object>> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(IP_MULTICAST_IF, listOf(null) );
map.put(IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, listOf(null) );
map.put(IP_MULTICAST_TTL, listOf(null, -1, 256));
map.put(IP_TOS, listOf(null, -1, 256));
map.put(SO_BROADCAST, listOf(null) );
map.put(SO_KEEPALIVE, listOf(null) );
map.put(SO_LINGER, listOf(null) );
map.put(SO_RCVBUF, listOf(null, -1) );
map.put(SO_REUSEADDR, listOf(null) );
map.put(SO_REUSEPORT, listOf(null) );
map.put(SO_SNDBUF, listOf(null, -1) );
map.put(TCP_NODELAY, listOf(null) );
// extended options, not in the map, will get a null value
return map;
// -- Socket
@DataProvider(name = "socketBadOptionValues")
public Object[][] socketBadOptionValues() throws Exception {
try (Socket s = new Socket()) {
return s.supportedOptions().stream()
@Test(dataProvider = "socketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void socket(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
try (Socket s = new Socket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> s.setOption(option, value));
@Test(dataProvider = "socketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void socketAdapter(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
try (Socket s = SocketChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> s.setOption(option, value));
// -- ServerSocket
@DataProvider(name = "serverSocketBadOptionValues")
public Object[][] serverSocketBadOptionValues() throws Exception {
try (ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket()) {
return ss.supportedOptions().stream()
@Test(dataProvider = "serverSocketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void serverSocket(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
try (ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> ss.setOption(option, value));
@Test(dataProvider = "serverSocketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void serverSocketAdapter(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
if (option == IP_TOS)
return; // SSC does not support IP_TOS
try (ServerSocket ss = ServerSocketChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> ss.setOption(option, value));
// -- DatagramSocket
@DataProvider(name = "datagramSocketBadOptionValues")
public Object[][] datagramSocketBadOptionValues() throws Exception {
try (DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket()) {
return ds.supportedOptions().stream()
@Test(dataProvider = "datagramSocketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void datagramSocket(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
try (DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> ds.setOption(option, value));
@Test(dataProvider = "datagramSocketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void datagramSocketAdapter(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
try (DatagramSocket ds = DatagramChannel.open().socket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> ds.setOption(option, value));
// -- MulticastSocket
@DataProvider(name = "multicastSocketBadOptionValues")
public Object[][] multicastSocketBadOptionValues() throws Exception {
try (MulticastSocket ms = new MulticastSocket()) {
return ms.supportedOptions().stream()
@Test(dataProvider = "multicastSocketBadOptionValues")
public <T> void multicastSocket(SocketOption<T> option, T value)
throws Exception
try (MulticastSocket ms = new MulticastSocket()) {
expectThrows(IAE, () -> ms.setOption(option, value));
// --
static List<Object> listOf(Object... objs) {
List<Object> l = new ArrayList<>();
if (objs == null)
return l;
static Stream<Object[]> socketOptionToBadValues(SocketOption<?> socketOption) {
List<Object> values = BAD_OPTION_VALUES.get(socketOption);
if (values == null) {
Object[][] a = new Object[][] { new Object[] { socketOption, null } };
return Stream.of(a);
return values.stream()
.flatMap(v -> Stream.of(new Object[][] { new Object[] { socketOption, v } }) );