Harold Seigel db0ca2b9d4 8261161: Clean up warnings in hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase tests
Reviewed-by: lfoltan, coleenp
2021-02-08 13:19:40 +00:00

84 lines
4.0 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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* published by the Free Software Foundation.
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package nsk.jdi.Accessible.isPackagePrivate;
import nsk.share.*;
import nsk.share.jpda.*;
import nsk.share.jdi.*;
* This class is used as debugee application for the JDI test.
public class accipp001a {
boolean z0, z1[]={z0}, z2[][]={z1}, z3[][][]={z2}, z4[][][][]={z3};
byte b0, b1[]={b0}, b2[][]={b1}, b3[][][]={b2}, b4[][][][]={b3};
char c0, c1[]={c0}, c2[][]={c1}, c3[][][]={c2}, c4[][][][]={c3};
double d0, d1[]={d0}, d2[][]={d1}, d3[][][]={d2}, d4[][][][]={d3};
float f0, f1[]={f0}, f2[][]={f1}, f3[][][]={f2}, f4[][][][]={f3};
int i0, i1[]={i0}, i2[][]={i1}, i3[][][]={i2}, i4[][][][]={i3};
long l0, l1[]={l0}, l2[][]={l1}, l3[][][]={l2}, l4[][][][]={l3};
short s0, s1[]={s0}, s2[][]={s1}, s3[][][]={s2}, s4[][][][]={s3};
Boolean Z0 = Boolean.valueOf(true), Z1[] ={Z0}, Z2[][]={Z1}, Z3[][][]={Z2}, Z4[][][][]={Z3};
Byte B0 = Byte.valueOf("0"), B1[] ={B0}, B2[][]={B1}, B3[][][]={B2}, B4[][][][]={B3};
Character C0 = Character.valueOf('0'), C1[] ={C0}, C2[][]={C1}, C3[][][]={C2}, C4[][][][]={C3};
Double D0 = Double.valueOf(0), D1[] ={D0}, D2[][]={D1}, D3[][][]={D2}, D4[][][][]={D3};
Float F0 = Float.valueOf(0), F1[] ={F0}, F2[][]={F1}, F3[][][]={F2}, F4[][][][]={F3};
Integer I0 = Integer.valueOf(0), I1[] ={I0}, I2[][]={I1}, I3[][][]={I2}, I4[][][][]={I3};
Long L0 = Long.valueOf(0), L1[] ={L0}, L2[][]={L1}, L3[][][]={L2}, L4[][][][]={L3};
Short Sh0 = Short.valueOf("1"), Sh1[]={Sh0}, Sh2[][]={Sh1}, Sh3[][][]={Sh2}, Sh4[][][][]={Sh3};
String S0 = new String(" "), S1[] ={S0}, S2[][]={S1}, S3[][][]={S2}, S4[][][][]={S3};
Object O0 = new Object(), O1[] ={O0}, O2[][]={O1}, O3[][][]={O2}, O4[][][][]={O3};
private static class U {} // private ==> package private
protected static class V {}
public static class W {}
static class P {} // package private
U u0=new U(), u1[]={u0}, u2[][]={u1}, u3[][][]={u2}, u4[][][][]={u3};
V v0=new V(), v1[]={v0}, v2[][]={v1}, v3[][][]={v2}, v4[][][][]={v3};
W w0=new W(), w1[]={w0}, w2[][]={w1}, w3[][][]={w2}, w4[][][][]={w3};
P p0=new P(), p1[]={p0}, p2[][]={p1}, p3[][][]={p2}, p4[][][][]={p3};
accipp001a a0, a1[]={}, a2[][]={}, a3[][][]={}, a4[][][][]={};
accipp001e e0=new accipp001e() , e1[]={e0}, e2[][]={e1}, e3[][][]={e2}, e4[][][][]={e3};
public static void main (String args[]) {
accipp001a a = new accipp001a();
ArgumentHandler argHandler = new ArgumentHandler(args);
IOPipe pipe = argHandler.createDebugeeIOPipe();
String instruction = pipe.readln();
if (instruction.equals("quit"))
System.err.println("# Debugee: unknown instruction: " + instruction);
/** Sample package-private class. */
class accipp001e {}