174 lines
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174 lines
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# Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
# The debug_* files included here aren't for 2D specifically but they
# have no X dependency.
FILES_2D_vis = \
vis_FuncArray.c \
java2d_Mlib.c \
mlib_ImageCreate.c \
mlib_ImageZoom_NN.c \
mlib_ImageCopy_Bit.c \
mlib_sys.c \
mlib_v_ImageClear.c \
mlib_v_ImageClear_f.c \
mlib_v_ImageConstXor.c \
mlib_v_ImageCopy.c \
mlib_v_ImageCopy_f.c \
mlib_v_ImageXor.c \
mlib_v_ImageZoom_NN_f.c \
vis_Interp.c \
vis_AlphaMacros.c \
vis_AlphaMaskBlit.c \
vis_AlphaMaskFill.c \
vis_ByteGray.c \
vis_ByteGray_FromRgb.c \
vis_ByteGray_Mask.c \
vis_ByteIndexed.c \
vis_DrawLine.c \
vis_FourByteAbgr.c \
vis_IntArgb.c \
vis_IntArgbPre.c \
vis_IntArgbPre_Mask.c \
vis_IntBgr.c \
vis_IntRgb.c \
vis_IntRgbx.c \
vis_SrcMaskFill.c \
vis_SrcOverMaskBlit.c \
vis_SrcOverMaskFill.c \
vis_FourByteAbgrPre.c \
vis_GlyphList.c \
vis_GlyphListXor.c \
vis_IntArgbBm.c \
vis_ThreeByteBgr.c \
vis_UshortGray.c \
vis_UshortGray_FromRgb.c \
FILES_2D_c = \
gifdecoder.c \
imageInitIDs.c \
img_colors.c \
img_globals.c \
SurfaceData.c \
Region.c \
BufImgSurfaceData.c \
Disposer.c \
Trace.c \
GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.c \
Blit.c \
BlitBg.c \
ScaledBlit.c \
FillRect.c \
FillSpans.c \
FillParallelogram.c \
DrawParallelogram.c \
DrawLine.c \
DrawRect.c \
DrawPolygons.c \
DrawPath.c \
FillPath.c \
ProcessPath.c \
MaskBlit.c \
MaskFill.c \
TransformHelper.c \
AlphaMath.c \
AlphaMacros.c \
AnyByte.c \
ByteBinary1Bit.c \
ByteBinary2Bit.c \
ByteBinary4Bit.c \
ByteIndexed.c \
ByteGray.c \
Index8Gray.c \
Index12Gray.c \
AnyShort.c \
Ushort555Rgb.c \
Ushort565Rgb.c \
Ushort4444Argb.c \
Ushort555Rgbx.c \
UshortGray.c \
UshortIndexed.c \
Any3Byte.c \
ThreeByteBgr.c \
AnyInt.c \
IntArgb.c \
IntArgbPre.c \
IntArgbBm.c \
IntRgb.c \
IntBgr.c \
IntRgbx.c \
Any4Byte.c \
FourByteAbgr.c \
FourByteAbgrPre.c \
BufferedMaskBlit.c \
BufferedRenderPipe.c \
ShapeSpanIterator.c \
SpanClipRenderer.c \
awt_ImageRep.c \
awt_ImagingLib.c \
awt_Mlib.c \
awt_parseImage.c \
DataBufferNative.c \
dither.c \
debug_assert.c \
debug_mem.c \
debug_trace.c \
# These files are required to be built, with or without motif. Some of
# these are only dependent on X11, and some contain native source that
# is required, even in a headless build.
awt_Font.c \
HeadlessToolkit.c \
fontpath.c \
VDrawingArea.c \
X11Color.c \
X11Renderer.c \
X11PMBlitLoops.c \
X11SurfaceData.c \
X11FontScaler_md.c \
X11TextRenderer_md.c \
OGLBlitLoops.c \
OGLBufImgOps.c \
OGLContext.c \
OGLFuncs.c \
OGLMaskBlit.c \
OGLMaskFill.c \
OGLPaints.c \
OGLRenderQueue.c \
OGLRenderer.c \
OGLSurfaceData.c \
OGLTextRenderer.c \
OGLVertexCache.c \
GLXGraphicsConfig.c \
GLXSurfaceData.c \
AccelGlyphCache.c \