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431 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020, 2023 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/chunkManager.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/freeChunkList.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/metachunk.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/metaspaceSettings.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceNode.hpp"
#include "metaspaceGtestCommon.hpp"
#include "metaspaceGtestContexts.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
using metaspace::ChunkManager;
using metaspace::FreeChunkListVector;
using metaspace::Metachunk;
using metaspace::Settings;
using metaspace::VirtualSpaceNode;
using namespace metaspace::chunklevel;
// Test ChunkManager::get_chunk
TEST_VM(metaspace, get_chunk) {
ChunkGtestContext context(8 * M);
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
for (chunklevel_t pref_lvl = LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; pref_lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; pref_lvl++) {
for (chunklevel_t max_lvl = pref_lvl; max_lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; max_lvl++) {
for (size_t min_committed_words = Settings::commit_granule_words();
min_committed_words <= word_size_for_level(max_lvl); min_committed_words *= 2) {
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, pref_lvl, max_lvl, min_committed_words);
// Test ChunkManager::get_chunk, but with a commit limit.
TEST_VM(metaspace, get_chunk_with_commit_limit) {
// A commit limit that is smaller than the largest possible chunk size.
// Here we test different combinations of commit limit, preferred and highest chunk level, and min_committed_size.
for (size_t commit_limit_words = Settings::commit_granule_words();
commit_limit_words < MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE * 2; commit_limit_words *= 2) {
ChunkGtestContext context(commit_limit_words);
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
for (chunklevel_t pref_lvl = LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; pref_lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; pref_lvl++) {
for (chunklevel_t max_lvl = pref_lvl; max_lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; max_lvl++) {
for (size_t min_committed_words = Settings::commit_granule_words();
min_committed_words <= word_size_for_level(max_lvl); min_committed_words *= 2) {
// When should commit work? As long as min_committed_words is smaller than commit_limit_words.
bool commit_should_work = min_committed_words <= commit_limit_words;
// printf("commit_limit: " SIZE_FORMAT ", min_committed_words: " SIZE_FORMAT
// ", max chunk level: " CHKLVL_FORMAT ", preferred chunk level: " CHKLVL_FORMAT ", should work: %d\n",
// commit_limit_words, min_committed_words, max_lvl, pref_lvl, commit_should_work);
// fflush(stdout);
if (commit_should_work) {
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, pref_lvl, max_lvl, min_committed_words);
} else {
context.alloc_chunk_expect_failure(pref_lvl, max_lvl, min_committed_words);
// Test that recommitting the used portion of a chunk will preserve the original content.
TEST_VM(metaspace, get_chunk_recommit) {
ChunkGtestContext context;
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL, ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL, 0);
context.commit_chunk_with_test(c, Settings::commit_granule_words());
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, Settings::commit_granule_words());
check_range_for_pattern(c->base(), c->used_words(), (uintx)c);
c->ensure_committed(Settings::commit_granule_words() * 2);
check_range_for_pattern(c->base(), c->used_words(), (uintx)c);
// Test ChunkManager::get_chunk, but with a reserve limit.
// (meaning, the underlying VirtualSpaceList cannot expand, like compressed class space).
TEST_VM(metaspace, get_chunk_with_reserve_limit) {
const size_t reserve_limit_words = word_size_for_level(ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL);
const size_t commit_limit_words = 1024 * M; // just very high
ChunkGtestContext context(commit_limit_words, reserve_limit_words);
// Reserve limit works at root chunk size granularity: if the chunk manager cannot satisfy
// a request for a chunk from its freelists, it will acquire a new root chunk from the
// underlying virtual space list. If that list is full and cannot be expanded (think ccs)
// we should get an error.
// Testing this is simply testing a chunk allocation which should cause allocation of a new
// root chunk.
// Cause allocation of the firstone root chunk, should still work:
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL);
// and this should need a new root chunk and hence fail:
// Test MetaChunk::allocate
TEST_VM(metaspace, chunk_allocate_full) {
ChunkGtestContext context;
for (chunklevel_t lvl = LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; lvl++) {
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, lvl);
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, c->word_size());
// Test MetaChunk::allocate
TEST_VM(metaspace, chunk_allocate_random) {
ChunkGtestContext context;
for (chunklevel_t lvl = LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; lvl++) {
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, lvl);
context.uncommit_chunk_with_test(c); // start out fully uncommitted
RandSizeGenerator rgen(1, c->word_size() / 30);
bool stop = false;
while (!stop) {
const size_t s = rgen.get();
if (s <= c->free_words()) {
context.commit_chunk_with_test(c, s);
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, s);
} else {
stop = true;
TEST_VM(metaspace, chunk_buddy_stuff) {
for (chunklevel_t l = ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL + 1; l <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l++) {
ChunkGtestContext context;
// Allocate two chunks; since we know the first chunk is the first in its area,
// it has to be a leader, and the next one of the same size its buddy.
// (Note: strictly speaking the ChunkManager does not promise any placement but
// we know how the placement works so these tests make sense).
Metachunk* c1 = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk(&c1, CHUNK_LEVEL_1K);
Metachunk* c2 = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk(&c2, CHUNK_LEVEL_1K);
// buddies are adjacent in memory
// (next/prev_in_vs needs lock)
MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
EXPECT_EQ(c1->next_in_vs(), c2);
EXPECT_EQ(c1->end(), c2->base());
EXPECT_NULL(c1->prev_in_vs()); // since we know this is the first in the area
EXPECT_EQ(c2->prev_in_vs(), c1);
TEST_VM(metaspace, chunk_allocate_with_commit_limit) {
const size_t granule_sz = Settings::commit_granule_words();
const size_t commit_limit = granule_sz * 3;
ChunkGtestContext context(commit_limit);
// A big chunk, but uncommitted.
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL, ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL, 0);
context.uncommit_chunk_with_test(c); // ... just to make sure.
// first granule...
context.commit_chunk_with_test(c, granule_sz);
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, granule_sz);
// second granule...
context.commit_chunk_with_test(c, granule_sz);
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, granule_sz);
// third granule...
context.commit_chunk_with_test(c, granule_sz);
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, granule_sz);
// This should fail now.
context.commit_chunk_expect_failure(c, granule_sz);
// Test splitting a chunk
TEST_VM(metaspace, chunk_split_and_merge) {
// Split works like this:
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// | A |
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// | A' | b | c | d | e |
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// A original chunk (A) is split to form a target chunk (A') and as a result splinter
// chunks form (b..e). A' is the leader of the (A',b) pair, which is the leader of the
// ((A',b), c) pair and so on. In other words, A' will be a leader chunk, all splinter
// chunks are follower chunks.
// Merging reverses this operation:
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// | A | b | c | d | e |
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// | A' |
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
// (A) will be merged with its buddy b, (A+b) with its buddy c and so on. The result
// chunk is A'.
// Note that merging also works, of course, if we were to start the merge at (b) (so,
// with a follower chunk, not a leader). Also, at any point in the merge
// process we may arrive at a follower chunk. So, the fact that in this test
// we only expect a leader merge is a feature of the test, and of the fact that we
// start each split test with a fresh ChunkTestsContext.
// Note: Splitting and merging chunks is usually done from within the ChunkManager and
// subject to a lot of assumptions and hence asserts. Here, we have to explicitly use
// VirtualSpaceNode::split/::merge and therefore have to observe rules:
// - both split and merge expect free chunks, so state has to be "free"
// - but that would trigger the "ideally merged" assertion in the RootChunkArea, so the
// original chunk has to be a root chunk, we cannot just split any chunk manually.
// - Also, after the split we have to completely re-merge to avoid triggering asserts
// in ~RootChunkArea()
// - finally we have to lock manually
ChunkGtestContext context;
const chunklevel_t orig_lvl = ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL;
for (chunklevel_t target_lvl = orig_lvl + 1; target_lvl <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; target_lvl++) {
// Split a fully committed chunk. The resulting chunk should be fully
// committed as well, and have its content preserved.
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, orig_lvl);
// We allocate from this chunk to be able to completely paint the payload.
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, c->word_size());
const uintx canary = os::random();
fill_range_with_pattern(c->base(), c->word_size(), canary);
FreeChunkListVector splinters;
// Splitting/Merging chunks is usually done by the chunkmanager, and no explicit
// outside API exists. So we split/merge chunks via the underlying vs node, directly.
// This means that we have to go through some extra hoops to not trigger any asserts.
MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
c->vsnode()->split(target_lvl, c, &splinters);
EXPECT_EQ(c->level(), target_lvl);
check_range_for_pattern(c->base(), c->word_size(), canary);
// I expect splinter chunks (one for each splinter level:
// e.g. splitting a 1M chunk to get a 64K chunk should yield splinters: [512K, 256K, 128K, 64K]
for (chunklevel_t l = LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l < HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l++) {
const Metachunk* c2 = splinters.first_at_level(l);
if (l > orig_lvl && l <= target_lvl) {
EXPECT_EQ(c2->level(), l);
check_range_for_pattern(c2->base(), c2->word_size(), canary);
} else {
// Revert the split by using merge. This should result in all splinters coalescing
// to one chunk.
MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
Metachunk* merged = c->vsnode()->merge(c, &splinters);
// the merged chunk should occupy the same address as the splinter
// since it should have been the leader in the split.
EXPECT_EQ(merged, c);
EXPECT_TRUE(merged->is_root_chunk() || merged->is_leader());
// Splitting should have arrived at the original chunk since none of the splinters are in use.
EXPECT_EQ(c->level(), orig_lvl);
// All splinters should have been removed from the list
EXPECT_EQ(splinters.num_chunks(), 0);
TEST_VM(metaspace, chunk_enlarge_in_place) {
ChunkGtestContext context;
// Starting with the smallest chunk size, attempt to enlarge the chunk in place until we arrive
// at root chunk size. Since the state is clean, this should work.
Metachunk* c = nullptr;
context.alloc_chunk_expect_success(&c, HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL);
chunklevel_t l = c->level();
while (l != ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL) {
// commit and allocate from chunk to pattern it...
const size_t original_chunk_size = c->word_size();
context.commit_chunk_with_test(c, c->free_words());
context.allocate_from_chunk(c, c->free_words());
size_t used_before = c->used_words();
size_t free_before = c->free_words();
size_t free_below_committed_before = c->free_below_committed_words();
const MetaWord* top_before = c->top();
EXPECT_EQ(l - 1, c->level());
EXPECT_EQ(c->word_size(), original_chunk_size * 2);
// Used words should not have changed
EXPECT_EQ(c->used_words(), used_before);
EXPECT_EQ(c->top(), top_before);
// free words should be expanded by the old size (since old chunk is doubled in size)
EXPECT_EQ(c->free_words(), free_before + original_chunk_size);
// free below committed can be larger but never smaller
EXPECT_GE(c->free_below_committed_words(), free_below_committed_before);
// Old content should be preserved
check_range_for_pattern(c->base(), original_chunk_size, (uintx)c);
l = c->level();