John Cuthbertson b94d0b830c 7004681: G1: Extend marking verification to Full GCs
Perform a heap verification after the first phase of G1's full GC using objects' mark words to determine liveness. The third parameter of the heap verification routines, which was used in G1 to determine which marking bitmap to use in liveness calculations, has been changed from a boolean to an enum with values defined for using the mark word, and the 'prev' and 'next' bitmaps.

Reviewed-by: tonyp, ysr
2011-06-14 11:01:10 -07:00

475 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "runtime/handles.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
// Universe is a name space holding known system classes and objects in the VM.
// Loaded classes are accessible through the SystemDictionary.
// The object heap is allocated and accessed through Universe, and various allocation
// support is provided. Allocation by the interpreter and compiled code is done inline
// and bails out to Scavenge::invoke_and_allocate.
class CollectedHeap;
class DeferredObjAllocEvent;
// Common parts of a methodOop cache. This cache safely interacts with
// the RedefineClasses API.
class CommonMethodOopCache : public CHeapObj {
// We save the klassOop and the idnum of methodOop in order to get
// the current cached methodOop.
klassOop _klass;
int _method_idnum;
CommonMethodOopCache() { _klass = NULL; _method_idnum = -1; }
~CommonMethodOopCache() { _klass = NULL; _method_idnum = -1; }
void init(klassOop k, methodOop m, TRAPS);
klassOop klass() const { return _klass; }
int method_idnum() const { return _method_idnum; }
// GC support
void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { f->do_oop((oop*)&_klass); }
// A helper class for caching a methodOop when the user of the cache
// cares about all versions of the methodOop.
class ActiveMethodOopsCache : public CommonMethodOopCache {
// This subclass adds weak references to older versions of the
// methodOop and a query method for a methodOop.
// If the cached methodOop has not been redefined, then
// _prev_methods will be NULL. If all of the previous
// versions of the method have been collected, then
// _prev_methods can have a length of zero.
GrowableArray<jweak>* _prev_methods;
ActiveMethodOopsCache() { _prev_methods = NULL; }
void add_previous_version(const methodOop method);
bool is_same_method(const methodOop method) const;
// A helper class for caching a methodOop when the user of the cache
// only cares about the latest version of the methodOop.
class LatestMethodOopCache : public CommonMethodOopCache {
// This subclass adds a getter method for the latest methodOop.
methodOop get_methodOop();
// For UseCompressedOops.
struct NarrowOopStruct {
// Base address for oop-within-java-object materialization.
// NULL if using wide oops or zero based narrow oops.
address _base;
// Number of shift bits for encoding/decoding narrow oops.
// 0 if using wide oops or zero based unscaled narrow oops,
// LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes otherwise.
int _shift;
// Generate code with implicit null checks for narrow oops.
bool _use_implicit_null_checks;
enum VerifyOption {
VerifyOption_Default = 0,
// G1
VerifyOption_G1UsePrevMarking = VerifyOption_Default,
VerifyOption_G1UseNextMarking = VerifyOption_G1UsePrevMarking + 1,
VerifyOption_G1UseMarkWord = VerifyOption_G1UseNextMarking + 1
class Universe: AllStatic {
// Ugh. Universe is much too friendly.
friend class MarkSweep;
friend class oopDesc;
friend class ClassLoader;
friend class Arguments;
friend class SystemDictionary;
friend class VMStructs;
friend class CompactingPermGenGen;
friend class VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace;
friend jint universe_init();
friend void universe2_init();
friend bool universe_post_init();
// Known classes in the VM
static klassOop _boolArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _byteArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _charArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _intArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _shortArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _longArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _singleArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _doubleArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _typeArrayKlassObjs[T_VOID+1];
static klassOop _objectArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _methodKlassObj;
static klassOop _constMethodKlassObj;
static klassOop _methodDataKlassObj;
static klassOop _klassKlassObj;
static klassOop _arrayKlassKlassObj;
static klassOop _objArrayKlassKlassObj;
static klassOop _typeArrayKlassKlassObj;
static klassOop _instanceKlassKlassObj;
static klassOop _constantPoolKlassObj;
static klassOop _constantPoolCacheKlassObj;
static klassOop _compiledICHolderKlassObj;
static klassOop _systemObjArrayKlassObj;
// Known objects in the VM
// Primitive objects
static oop _int_mirror;
static oop _float_mirror;
static oop _double_mirror;
static oop _byte_mirror;
static oop _bool_mirror;
static oop _char_mirror;
static oop _long_mirror;
static oop _short_mirror;
static oop _void_mirror;
static oop _main_thread_group; // Reference to the main thread group object
static oop _system_thread_group; // Reference to the system thread group object
static typeArrayOop _the_empty_byte_array; // Canonicalized byte array
static typeArrayOop _the_empty_short_array; // Canonicalized short array
static typeArrayOop _the_empty_int_array; // Canonicalized int array
static objArrayOop _the_empty_system_obj_array; // Canonicalized system obj array
static objArrayOop _the_empty_class_klass_array; // Canonicalized obj array of type java.lang.Class
static objArrayOop _the_array_interfaces_array; // Canonicalized 2-array of cloneable & serializable klasses
static oop _the_null_string; // A cache of "null" as a Java string
static oop _the_min_jint_string; // A cache of "-2147483648" as a Java string
static LatestMethodOopCache* _finalizer_register_cache; // static method for registering finalizable objects
static LatestMethodOopCache* _loader_addClass_cache; // method for registering loaded classes in class loader vector
static ActiveMethodOopsCache* _reflect_invoke_cache; // method for security checks
static oop _out_of_memory_error_java_heap; // preallocated error object (no backtrace)
static oop _out_of_memory_error_perm_gen; // preallocated error object (no backtrace)
static oop _out_of_memory_error_array_size;// preallocated error object (no backtrace)
static oop _out_of_memory_error_gc_overhead_limit; // preallocated error object (no backtrace)
// array of preallocated error objects with backtrace
static objArrayOop _preallocated_out_of_memory_error_array;
// number of preallocated error objects available for use
static volatile jint _preallocated_out_of_memory_error_avail_count;
static oop _null_ptr_exception_instance; // preallocated exception object
static oop _arithmetic_exception_instance; // preallocated exception object
static oop _virtual_machine_error_instance; // preallocated exception object
// The object used as an exception dummy when exceptions are thrown for
// the vm thread.
static oop _vm_exception;
// The particular choice of collected heap.
static CollectedHeap* _collectedHeap;
// For UseCompressedOops.
static struct NarrowOopStruct _narrow_oop;
// array of dummy objects used with +FullGCAlot
debug_only(static objArrayOop _fullgc_alot_dummy_array;)
// index of next entry to clear
debug_only(static int _fullgc_alot_dummy_next;)
// Compiler/dispatch support
static int _base_vtable_size; // Java vtbl size of klass Object (in words)
// Initialization
static bool _bootstrapping; // true during genesis
static bool _fully_initialized; // true after universe_init and initialize_vtables called
// the array of preallocated errors with backtraces
static objArrayOop preallocated_out_of_memory_errors() { return _preallocated_out_of_memory_error_array; }
// generate an out of memory error; if possible using an error with preallocated backtrace;
// otherwise return the given default error.
static oop gen_out_of_memory_error(oop default_err);
// Historic gc information
static size_t _heap_capacity_at_last_gc;
static size_t _heap_used_at_last_gc;
static jint initialize_heap();
static void initialize_basic_type_mirrors(TRAPS);
static void fixup_mirrors(TRAPS);
static void reinitialize_vtable_of(KlassHandle h_k, TRAPS);
static void reinitialize_itables(TRAPS);
static void compute_base_vtable_size(); // compute vtable size of class Object
static void genesis(TRAPS); // Create the initial world
// Mirrors for primitive classes (created eagerly)
static oop check_mirror(oop m) {
assert(m != NULL, "mirror not initialized");
return m;
// Debugging
static int _verify_count; // number of verifies done
// True during call to verify(). Should only be set/cleared in verify().
static bool _verify_in_progress;
static void compute_verify_oop_data();
// Known classes in the VM
static klassOop boolArrayKlassObj() { return _boolArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop byteArrayKlassObj() { return _byteArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop charArrayKlassObj() { return _charArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop intArrayKlassObj() { return _intArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop shortArrayKlassObj() { return _shortArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop longArrayKlassObj() { return _longArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop singleArrayKlassObj() { return _singleArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop doubleArrayKlassObj() { return _doubleArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop objectArrayKlassObj() {
return _objectArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop typeArrayKlassObj(BasicType t) {
assert((uint)t < T_VOID+1, "range check");
assert(_typeArrayKlassObjs[t] != NULL, "domain check");
return _typeArrayKlassObjs[t];
static klassOop methodKlassObj() { return _methodKlassObj; }
static klassOop constMethodKlassObj() { return _constMethodKlassObj; }
static klassOop methodDataKlassObj() { return _methodDataKlassObj; }
static klassOop klassKlassObj() { return _klassKlassObj; }
static klassOop arrayKlassKlassObj() { return _arrayKlassKlassObj; }
static klassOop objArrayKlassKlassObj() { return _objArrayKlassKlassObj; }
static klassOop typeArrayKlassKlassObj() { return _typeArrayKlassKlassObj; }
static klassOop instanceKlassKlassObj() { return _instanceKlassKlassObj; }
static klassOop constantPoolKlassObj() { return _constantPoolKlassObj; }
static klassOop constantPoolCacheKlassObj() { return _constantPoolCacheKlassObj; }
static klassOop compiledICHolderKlassObj() { return _compiledICHolderKlassObj; }
static klassOop systemObjArrayKlassObj() { return _systemObjArrayKlassObj; }
// Known objects in the VM
static oop int_mirror() { return check_mirror(_int_mirror); }
static oop float_mirror() { return check_mirror(_float_mirror); }
static oop double_mirror() { return check_mirror(_double_mirror); }
static oop byte_mirror() { return check_mirror(_byte_mirror); }
static oop bool_mirror() { return check_mirror(_bool_mirror); }
static oop char_mirror() { return check_mirror(_char_mirror); }
static oop long_mirror() { return check_mirror(_long_mirror); }
static oop short_mirror() { return check_mirror(_short_mirror); }
static oop void_mirror() { return check_mirror(_void_mirror); }
// table of same
static oop _mirrors[T_VOID+1];
static oop java_mirror(BasicType t) {
assert((uint)t < T_VOID+1, "range check");
return check_mirror(_mirrors[t]);
static oop main_thread_group() { return _main_thread_group; }
static void set_main_thread_group(oop group) { _main_thread_group = group;}
static oop system_thread_group() { return _system_thread_group; }
static void set_system_thread_group(oop group) { _system_thread_group = group;}
static typeArrayOop the_empty_byte_array() { return _the_empty_byte_array; }
static typeArrayOop the_empty_short_array() { return _the_empty_short_array; }
static typeArrayOop the_empty_int_array() { return _the_empty_int_array; }
static objArrayOop the_empty_system_obj_array () { return _the_empty_system_obj_array; }
static objArrayOop the_empty_class_klass_array () { return _the_empty_class_klass_array; }
static objArrayOop the_array_interfaces_array() { return _the_array_interfaces_array; }
static oop the_null_string() { return _the_null_string; }
static oop the_min_jint_string() { return _the_min_jint_string; }
static methodOop finalizer_register_method() { return _finalizer_register_cache->get_methodOop(); }
static methodOop loader_addClass_method() { return _loader_addClass_cache->get_methodOop(); }
static ActiveMethodOopsCache* reflect_invoke_cache() { return _reflect_invoke_cache; }
static oop null_ptr_exception_instance() { return _null_ptr_exception_instance; }
static oop arithmetic_exception_instance() { return _arithmetic_exception_instance; }
static oop virtual_machine_error_instance() { return _virtual_machine_error_instance; }
static oop vm_exception() { return _vm_exception; }
// OutOfMemoryError support. Returns an error with the required message. The returned error
// may or may not have a backtrace. If error has a backtrace then the stack trace is already
// filled in.
static oop out_of_memory_error_java_heap() { return gen_out_of_memory_error(_out_of_memory_error_java_heap); }
static oop out_of_memory_error_perm_gen() { return gen_out_of_memory_error(_out_of_memory_error_perm_gen); }
static oop out_of_memory_error_array_size() { return gen_out_of_memory_error(_out_of_memory_error_array_size); }
static oop out_of_memory_error_gc_overhead_limit() { return gen_out_of_memory_error(_out_of_memory_error_gc_overhead_limit); }
// Accessors needed for fast allocation
static klassOop* boolArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_boolArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* byteArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_byteArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* charArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_charArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* intArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_intArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* shortArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_shortArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* longArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_longArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* singleArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_singleArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* doubleArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_doubleArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop* systemObjArrayKlassObj_addr() { return &_systemObjArrayKlassObj; }
// The particular choice of collected heap.
static CollectedHeap* heap() { return _collectedHeap; }
// For UseCompressedOops
static address* narrow_oop_base_addr() { return &_narrow_oop._base; }
static address narrow_oop_base() { return _narrow_oop._base; }
static bool is_narrow_oop_base(void* addr) { return (narrow_oop_base() == (address)addr); }
static int narrow_oop_shift() { return _narrow_oop._shift; }
static void set_narrow_oop_base(address base) { _narrow_oop._base = base; }
static void set_narrow_oop_shift(int shift) { _narrow_oop._shift = shift; }
static bool narrow_oop_use_implicit_null_checks() { return _narrow_oop._use_implicit_null_checks; }
static void set_narrow_oop_use_implicit_null_checks(bool use) { _narrow_oop._use_implicit_null_checks = use; }
// Narrow Oop encoding mode:
// 0 - Use 32-bits oops without encoding when
// NarrowOopHeapBaseMin + heap_size < 4Gb
// 1 - Use zero based compressed oops with encoding when
// NarrowOopHeapBaseMin + heap_size < 32Gb
// 2 - Use compressed oops with heap base + encoding.
UnscaledNarrowOop = 0,
ZeroBasedNarrowOop = 1,
HeapBasedNarrowOop = 2
static char* preferred_heap_base(size_t heap_size, NARROW_OOP_MODE mode);
// Historic gc information
static size_t get_heap_capacity_at_last_gc() { return _heap_capacity_at_last_gc; }
static size_t get_heap_free_at_last_gc() { return _heap_capacity_at_last_gc - _heap_used_at_last_gc; }
static size_t get_heap_used_at_last_gc() { return _heap_used_at_last_gc; }
static void update_heap_info_at_gc();
// Testers
static bool is_bootstrapping() { return _bootstrapping; }
static bool is_fully_initialized() { return _fully_initialized; }
static inline bool element_type_should_be_aligned(BasicType type);
static inline bool field_type_should_be_aligned(BasicType type);
static bool on_page_boundary(void* addr);
static bool should_fill_in_stack_trace(Handle throwable);
static void check_alignment(uintx size, uintx alignment, const char* name);
// Finalizer support.
static void run_finalizers_on_exit();
// Iteration
// Apply "f" to the addresses of all the direct heap pointers maintained
// as static fields of "Universe".
static void oops_do(OopClosure* f, bool do_all = false);
// Apply "f" to all klasses for basic types (classes not present in
// SystemDictionary).
static void basic_type_classes_do(void f(klassOop));
// Apply "f" to all system klasses (classes not present in SystemDictionary).
static void system_classes_do(void f(klassOop));
// For sharing -- fill in a list of known vtable pointers.
static void init_self_patching_vtbl_list(void** list, int count);
// Debugging
static bool verify_in_progress() { return _verify_in_progress; }
static void verify(bool allow_dirty = true, bool silent = false,
VerifyOption option = VerifyOption_Default );
static int verify_count() { return _verify_count; }
static void print();
static void print_on(outputStream* st);
static void print_heap_at_SIGBREAK();
static void print_heap_before_gc() { print_heap_before_gc(gclog_or_tty); }
static void print_heap_after_gc() { print_heap_after_gc(gclog_or_tty); }
static void print_heap_before_gc(outputStream* st);
static void print_heap_after_gc(outputStream* st);
// Change the number of dummy objects kept reachable by the full gc dummy
// array; this should trigger relocation in a sliding compaction collector.
debug_only(static bool release_fullgc_alot_dummy();)
// The non-oop pattern (see compiledIC.hpp, etc)
static void* non_oop_word();
// Oop verification (see MacroAssembler::verify_oop)
static uintptr_t verify_oop_mask() PRODUCT_RETURN0;
static uintptr_t verify_oop_bits() PRODUCT_RETURN0;
static uintptr_t verify_mark_bits() PRODUCT_RETURN0;
static uintptr_t verify_mark_mask() PRODUCT_RETURN0;
static uintptr_t verify_klass_mask() PRODUCT_RETURN0;
static uintptr_t verify_klass_bits() PRODUCT_RETURN0;
// Flushing and deoptimization
static void flush_dependents_on(instanceKlassHandle dependee);
#ifdef HOTSWAP
// Flushing and deoptimization in case of evolution
static void flush_evol_dependents_on(instanceKlassHandle dependee);
#endif // HOTSWAP
// Support for fullspeed debugging
static void flush_dependents_on_method(methodHandle dependee);
// Compiler support
static int base_vtable_size() { return _base_vtable_size; }
class DeferredObjAllocEvent : public CHeapObj {
oop _oop;
size_t _bytesize;
jint _arena_id;
DeferredObjAllocEvent(const oop o, const size_t s, const jint id) {
_oop = o;
_bytesize = s;
_arena_id = id;
~DeferredObjAllocEvent() {
jint arena_id() { return _arena_id; }
size_t bytesize() { return _bytesize; }
oop get_oop() { return _oop; }