293 lines
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293 lines
9.5 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zAddress.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zForwarding.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zForwardingAllocator.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zGeneration.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zGlobals.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zHeap.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zPage.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "unittest.hpp"
using namespace testing;
#define CAPTURE_DELIM "\n"
#define CAPTURE1(expression) #expression << " evaluates to " << expression
#define CAPTURE2(e0, e1) CAPTURE1(e0) << CAPTURE_DELIM << CAPTURE1(e1)
#define CAPTURE(expression) CAPTURE1(expression)
class ZForwardingTest : public Test {
// Setup and tear down
ZHeap* _old_heap;
ZGenerationOld* _old_old;
ZGenerationYoung* _old_young;
char* _reserved;
static size_t _page_offset;
char* reserve_page_memory() {
// Probe for a free 2MB region inside the usable address range.
// Inspired by ZVirtualMemoryManager::reserve_contiguous.
const size_t unused = ZAddressOffsetMax - ZGranuleSize;
const size_t increment = MAX2(align_up(unused / 100, ZGranuleSize), ZGranuleSize);
for (uintptr_t start = 0; start + ZGranuleSize <= ZAddressOffsetMax; start += increment) {
char* const reserved = os::attempt_reserve_memory_at((char*)ZAddressHeapBase + start, ZGranuleSize, false /* executable */);
if (reserved != nullptr) {
// Success
return reserved;
// Failed
return nullptr;
virtual void SetUp() {
_old_heap = ZHeap::_heap;
ZHeap::_heap = (ZHeap*)os::malloc(sizeof(ZHeap), mtTest);
_old_old = ZGeneration::_old;
_old_young = ZGeneration::_young;
ZGeneration::_old = &ZHeap::_heap->_old;
ZGeneration::_young = &ZHeap::_heap->_young;
*const_cast<ZGenerationId*>(&ZGeneration::_old->_id) = ZGenerationId::old;
*const_cast<ZGenerationId*>(&ZGeneration::_young->_id) = ZGenerationId::young;
ZGeneration::_old->_seqnum = 1;
ZGeneration::_young->_seqnum = 2;
// Preconditions for reserve_free_granule()
ASSERT_NE(ZAddressHeapBase, 0u);
ASSERT_NE(ZAddressOffsetMax, 0u);
ASSERT_NE(ZGranuleSize, 0u);
_reserved = nullptr;
// Find a suitable address for the testing page
char* reserved = reserve_page_memory();
ASSERT_NE(reserved, nullptr) << "Failed to reserve the page granule. Test needs tweaking";
ASSERT_GE(reserved, (char*)ZAddressHeapBase);
ASSERT_LT(reserved, (char*)ZAddressHeapBase + ZAddressOffsetMax);
_reserved = reserved;
os::commit_memory((char*)_reserved, ZGranuleSize, false /* executable */);
_page_offset = uintptr_t(_reserved) - ZAddressHeapBase;
virtual void TearDown() {
ZHeap::_heap = _old_heap;
ZGeneration::_old = _old_old;
ZGeneration::_young = _old_young;
if (_reserved != nullptr) {
os::uncommit_memory((char*)_reserved, ZGranuleSize, false /* executable */);
os::release_memory((char*)_reserved, ZGranuleSize);
// Helper functions
class SequenceToFromIndex : AllStatic {
static uintptr_t even(size_t sequence_number) {
return sequence_number * 2;
static uintptr_t odd(size_t sequence_number) {
return even(sequence_number) + 1;
static uintptr_t one_to_one(size_t sequence_number) {
return sequence_number;
// Test functions
static void setup(ZForwarding* forwarding) {
EXPECT_PRED1(is_power_of_2<size_t>, forwarding->_entries.length()) << CAPTURE(forwarding->_entries.length());
static void find_empty(ZForwarding* forwarding) {
size_t size = forwarding->_entries.length();
size_t entries_to_check = size * 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_check; i++) {
uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::one_to_one(i);
ZForwardingCursor cursor;
ZForwardingEntry entry = forwarding->find(from_index, &cursor);
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.populated()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size);
static void find_full(ZForwarding* forwarding) {
size_t size = forwarding->_entries.length();
size_t entries_to_populate = size;
// Populate
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) {
uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::one_to_one(i);
ZForwardingCursor cursor;
ZForwardingEntry entry = forwarding->find(from_index, &cursor);
ASSERT_FALSE(entry.populated()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size);
forwarding->insert(from_index, zoffset(from_index), &cursor);
// Verify
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) {
uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::one_to_one(i);
ZForwardingCursor cursor;
ZForwardingEntry entry = forwarding->find(from_index, &cursor);
ASSERT_TRUE(entry.populated()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size);
ASSERT_EQ(entry.from_index(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size);
ASSERT_EQ(entry.to_offset(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size);
static void find_every_other(ZForwarding* forwarding) {
size_t size = forwarding->_entries.length();
size_t entries_to_populate = size / 2;
// Populate even from indices
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) {
uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::even(i);
ZForwardingCursor cursor;
ZForwardingEntry entry = forwarding->find(from_index, &cursor);
ASSERT_FALSE(entry.populated()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size);
forwarding->insert(from_index, zoffset(from_index), &cursor);
// Verify populated even indices
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) {
uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::even(i);
ZForwardingCursor cursor;
ZForwardingEntry entry = forwarding->find(from_index, &cursor);
ASSERT_TRUE(entry.populated()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size);
ASSERT_EQ(entry.from_index(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size);
ASSERT_EQ(entry.to_offset(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size);
// Verify empty odd indices
// This check could be done on a larger range of sequence numbers,
// but currently entries_to_populate is used.
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) {
uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::odd(i);
ZForwardingCursor cursor;
ZForwardingEntry entry = forwarding->find(from_index, &cursor);
ASSERT_FALSE(entry.populated()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size);
static void test(void (*function)(ZForwarding*), uint32_t size) {
// Create page
const ZVirtualMemory vmem(zoffset(_page_offset), ZPageSizeSmall);
const ZPhysicalMemory pmem(ZPhysicalMemorySegment(zoffset(0), ZPageSizeSmall, true));
ZPage page(ZPageType::small, vmem, pmem);
page.reset(ZPageAge::eden, ZPageResetType::Allocation);
const size_t object_size = 16;
const zaddress object = page.alloc_object(object_size);
//page.mark_object(object, dummy, dummy);
bool dummy = false;
const BitMap::idx_t index = page.bit_index(object);
page._livemap.set(page._generation_id, index, dummy, dummy);
const uint32_t live_objects = size;
const size_t live_bytes = live_objects * object_size;
page.inc_live(live_objects, live_bytes);
// Setup allocator
ZForwardingAllocator allocator;
const uint32_t nentries = ZForwarding::nentries(&page);
allocator.reset((sizeof(ZForwarding)) + (nentries * sizeof(ZForwardingEntry)));
// Setup forwarding
ZForwarding* const forwarding = ZForwarding::alloc(&allocator, &page, ZPageAge::survivor1);
// Actual test function
// Run the given function with a few different input values.
static void test(void (*function)(ZForwarding*)) {
test(function, 1);
test(function, 2);
test(function, 3);
test(function, 4);
test(function, 7);
test(function, 8);
test(function, 1023);
test(function, 1024);
test(function, 1025);
TEST_VM_F(ZForwardingTest, setup) {
TEST_VM_F(ZForwardingTest, find_empty) {
TEST_VM_F(ZForwardingTest, find_full) {
TEST_VM_F(ZForwardingTest, find_every_other) {
size_t ZForwardingTest::_page_offset;