Use OopStorage for strong oops stored with memory and thread sampling and dumping, and remove oops_do and GC calls. Reviewed-by: dholmes, kbarrett
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611 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2003, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.hpp"
#include "runtime/init.hpp"
#include "runtime/jniHandles.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfData.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadSMR.hpp"
#include "services/management.hpp"
class OopClosure;
class ThreadDumpResult;
class ThreadStackTrace;
class ThreadSnapshot;
class StackFrameInfo;
class ThreadConcurrentLocks;
class DeadlockCycle;
// VM monitoring and management support for the thread and
// synchronization subsystem
// Thread contention monitoring is disabled by default.
// When enabled, the VM will begin measuring the accumulated
// elapsed time a thread blocked on synchronization.
class ThreadService : public AllStatic {
// These counters could be moved to Threads class
static PerfCounter* _total_threads_count;
static PerfVariable* _live_threads_count;
static PerfVariable* _peak_threads_count;
static PerfVariable* _daemon_threads_count;
// These 2 counters are like the above thread counts, but are
// atomically decremented in ThreadService::current_thread_exiting instead of
// ThreadService::remove_thread, so that the thread count is updated before
// Thread.join() returns.
static volatile int _atomic_threads_count;
static volatile int _atomic_daemon_threads_count;
static bool _thread_monitoring_contention_enabled;
static bool _thread_cpu_time_enabled;
static bool _thread_allocated_memory_enabled;
// Need to keep the list of thread dump result that
// keep references to Method* since thread dump can be
// requested by multiple threads concurrently.
static ThreadDumpResult* _threaddump_list;
static void decrement_thread_counts(JavaThread* jt, bool daemon);
static void init();
static void add_thread(JavaThread* thread, bool daemon);
static void remove_thread(JavaThread* thread, bool daemon);
static void current_thread_exiting(JavaThread* jt, bool daemon);
static bool set_thread_monitoring_contention(bool flag);
static bool is_thread_monitoring_contention() { return _thread_monitoring_contention_enabled; }
static bool set_thread_cpu_time_enabled(bool flag);
static bool is_thread_cpu_time_enabled() { return _thread_cpu_time_enabled; }
static bool set_thread_allocated_memory_enabled(bool flag);
static bool is_thread_allocated_memory_enabled() { return _thread_allocated_memory_enabled; }
static jlong get_total_thread_count() { return _total_threads_count->get_value(); }
static jlong get_peak_thread_count() { return _peak_threads_count->get_value(); }
static jlong get_live_thread_count() { return _atomic_threads_count; }
static jlong get_daemon_thread_count() { return _atomic_daemon_threads_count; }
// Support for thread dump
static void add_thread_dump(ThreadDumpResult* dump);
static void remove_thread_dump(ThreadDumpResult* dump);
static Handle get_current_contended_monitor(JavaThread* thread);
// This function is called by JVM_DumpThreads.
static Handle dump_stack_traces(GrowableArray<instanceHandle>* threads,
int num_threads, TRAPS);
static void reset_peak_thread_count();
static void reset_contention_count_stat(JavaThread* thread);
static void reset_contention_time_stat(JavaThread* thread);
static DeadlockCycle* find_deadlocks_at_safepoint(ThreadsList * t_list, bool object_monitors_only);
static void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
// Per-thread Statistics for synchronization
class ThreadStatistics : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
// The following contention statistics are only updated by
// the thread owning these statistics when contention occurs.
jlong _contended_enter_count;
elapsedTimer _contended_enter_timer;
jlong _monitor_wait_count;
elapsedTimer _monitor_wait_timer;
jlong _sleep_count;
elapsedTimer _sleep_timer;
// These two reset flags are set to true when another thread
// requests to reset the statistics. The actual statistics
// are reset when the thread contention occurs and attempts
// to update the statistics.
bool _count_pending_reset;
bool _timer_pending_reset;
// Keep accurate times for potentially recursive class operations
int _perf_recursion_counts[PerfClassTraceTime::EVENT_TYPE_COUNT];
elapsedTimer _perf_timers[PerfClassTraceTime::EVENT_TYPE_COUNT];
// utility functions
void check_and_reset_count() {
if (!_count_pending_reset) return;
_contended_enter_count = 0;
_monitor_wait_count = 0;
_sleep_count = 0;
_count_pending_reset = 0;
void check_and_reset_timer() {
if (!_timer_pending_reset) return;
_timer_pending_reset = 0;
jlong contended_enter_count() { return (_count_pending_reset ? 0 : _contended_enter_count); }
jlong contended_enter_ticks() { return (_timer_pending_reset ? 0 : _contended_enter_timer.active_ticks()); }
jlong monitor_wait_count() { return (_count_pending_reset ? 0 : _monitor_wait_count); }
jlong monitor_wait_ticks() { return (_timer_pending_reset ? 0 : _monitor_wait_timer.active_ticks()); }
jlong sleep_count() { return (_count_pending_reset ? 0 : _sleep_count); }
jlong sleep_ticks() { return (_timer_pending_reset ? 0 : _sleep_timer.active_ticks()); }
void monitor_wait() { check_and_reset_count(); _monitor_wait_count++; }
void monitor_wait_begin() { check_and_reset_timer(); _monitor_wait_timer.start(); }
void monitor_wait_end() { _monitor_wait_timer.stop(); check_and_reset_timer(); }
void thread_sleep() { check_and_reset_count(); _sleep_count++; }
void thread_sleep_begin() { check_and_reset_timer(); _sleep_timer.start(); }
void thread_sleep_end() { _sleep_timer.stop(); check_and_reset_timer(); }
void contended_enter() { check_and_reset_count(); _contended_enter_count++; }
void contended_enter_begin() { check_and_reset_timer(); _contended_enter_timer.start(); }
void contended_enter_end() { _contended_enter_timer.stop(); check_and_reset_timer(); }
void reset_count_stat() { _count_pending_reset = true; }
void reset_time_stat() { _timer_pending_reset = true; }
int* perf_recursion_counts_addr() { return _perf_recursion_counts; }
elapsedTimer* perf_timers_addr() { return _perf_timers; }
// Thread snapshot to represent the thread state and statistics
class ThreadSnapshot : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
// This JavaThread* is protected by being stored in objects that are
// protected by a ThreadsListSetter (ThreadDumpResult).
JavaThread* _thread;
OopHandle _threadObj;
java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus _thread_status;
bool _is_ext_suspended;
bool _is_in_native;
jlong _contended_enter_ticks;
jlong _contended_enter_count;
jlong _monitor_wait_ticks;
jlong _monitor_wait_count;
jlong _sleep_ticks;
jlong _sleep_count;
OopHandle _blocker_object;
OopHandle _blocker_object_owner;
ThreadStackTrace* _stack_trace;
ThreadConcurrentLocks* _concurrent_locks;
ThreadSnapshot* _next;
// ThreadSnapshot instances should only be created via
// ThreadDumpResult::add_thread_snapshot.
friend class ThreadDumpResult;
ThreadSnapshot() : _thread(NULL),
_stack_trace(NULL), _concurrent_locks(NULL), _next(NULL) {};
void initialize(ThreadsList * t_list, JavaThread* thread);
java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus thread_status() { return _thread_status; }
oop threadObj() const;
void set_next(ThreadSnapshot* n) { _next = n; }
bool is_ext_suspended() { return _is_ext_suspended; }
bool is_in_native() { return _is_in_native; }
jlong contended_enter_count() { return _contended_enter_count; }
jlong contended_enter_ticks() { return _contended_enter_ticks; }
jlong monitor_wait_count() { return _monitor_wait_count; }
jlong monitor_wait_ticks() { return _monitor_wait_ticks; }
jlong sleep_count() { return _sleep_count; }
jlong sleep_ticks() { return _sleep_ticks; }
oop blocker_object() const;
oop blocker_object_owner() const;
ThreadSnapshot* next() const { return _next; }
ThreadStackTrace* get_stack_trace() { return _stack_trace; }
ThreadConcurrentLocks* get_concurrent_locks() { return _concurrent_locks; }
void dump_stack_at_safepoint(int max_depth, bool with_locked_monitors);
void set_concurrent_locks(ThreadConcurrentLocks* l) { _concurrent_locks = l; }
void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
class ThreadStackTrace : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
JavaThread* _thread;
int _depth; // number of stack frames added
bool _with_locked_monitors;
GrowableArray<StackFrameInfo*>* _frames;
GrowableArray<OopHandle>* _jni_locked_monitors;
ThreadStackTrace(JavaThread* thread, bool with_locked_monitors);
JavaThread* thread() { return _thread; }
StackFrameInfo* stack_frame_at(int i) { return _frames->at(i); }
int get_stack_depth() { return _depth; }
void add_stack_frame(javaVFrame* jvf);
void dump_stack_at_safepoint(int max_depth);
Handle allocate_fill_stack_trace_element_array(TRAPS);
void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
GrowableArray<OopHandle>* jni_locked_monitors() { return _jni_locked_monitors; }
int num_jni_locked_monitors() { return (_jni_locked_monitors != NULL ? _jni_locked_monitors->length() : 0); }
bool is_owned_monitor_on_stack(oop object);
void add_jni_locked_monitor(oop object);
// StackFrameInfo for keeping Method* and bci during
// stack walking for later construction of StackTraceElement[]
// Java instances
class StackFrameInfo : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
Method* _method;
int _bci;
GrowableArray<OopHandle>* _locked_monitors; // list of object monitors locked by this frame
// We need to save the mirrors in the backtrace to keep the class
// from being unloaded while we still have this stack trace.
OopHandle _class_holder;
StackFrameInfo(javaVFrame* jvf, bool with_locked_monitors);
Method* method() const { return _method; }
int bci() const { return _bci; }
void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
int num_locked_monitors() { return (_locked_monitors != NULL ? _locked_monitors->length() : 0); }
GrowableArray<OopHandle>* locked_monitors() { return _locked_monitors; }
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
class ThreadConcurrentLocks : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
GrowableArray<OopHandle>* _owned_locks;
ThreadConcurrentLocks* _next;
// This JavaThread* is protected in one of two different ways
// depending on the usage of the ThreadConcurrentLocks object:
// 1) by being stored in objects that are only allocated and used at a
// safepoint (ConcurrentLocksDump), or 2) by being stored in objects
// that are protected by a ThreadsListSetter (ThreadSnapshot inside
// ThreadDumpResult).
JavaThread* _thread;
ThreadConcurrentLocks(JavaThread* thread);
void add_lock(instanceOop o);
void set_next(ThreadConcurrentLocks* n) { _next = n; }
ThreadConcurrentLocks* next() { return _next; }
JavaThread* java_thread() { return _thread; }
GrowableArray<OopHandle>* owned_locks() { return _owned_locks; }
class ConcurrentLocksDump : public StackObj {
ThreadConcurrentLocks* _map;
ThreadConcurrentLocks* _last; // Last ThreadConcurrentLocks in the map
bool _retain_map_on_free;
void build_map(GrowableArray<oop>* aos_objects);
void add_lock(JavaThread* thread, instanceOop o);
ConcurrentLocksDump(bool retain_map_on_free) : _map(NULL), _last(NULL), _retain_map_on_free(retain_map_on_free) {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Must be constructed at a safepoint.");
ConcurrentLocksDump() : _map(NULL), _last(NULL), _retain_map_on_free(false) {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Must be constructed at a safepoint.");
void dump_at_safepoint();
ThreadConcurrentLocks* thread_concurrent_locks(JavaThread* thread);
void print_locks_on(JavaThread* t, outputStream* st);
class ThreadDumpResult : public StackObj {
int _num_threads;
int _num_snapshots;
ThreadSnapshot* _snapshots;
ThreadSnapshot* _last;
ThreadDumpResult* _next;
ThreadsListSetter _setter; // Helper to set hazard ptr in the originating thread
// which protects the JavaThreads in _snapshots.
void link_thread_snapshot(ThreadSnapshot* ts);
ThreadDumpResult(int num_threads);
ThreadSnapshot* add_thread_snapshot();
ThreadSnapshot* add_thread_snapshot(JavaThread* thread);
void set_next(ThreadDumpResult* next) { _next = next; }
ThreadDumpResult* next() { return _next; }
int num_threads() { return _num_threads; }
int num_snapshots() { return _num_snapshots; }
ThreadSnapshot* snapshots() { return _snapshots; }
void set_t_list() { _setter.set(); }
ThreadsList* t_list();
bool t_list_has_been_set() { return _setter.is_set(); }
void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
class DeadlockCycle : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
bool _is_deadlock;
GrowableArray<JavaThread*>* _threads;
DeadlockCycle* _next;
DeadlockCycle* next() { return _next; }
void set_next(DeadlockCycle* d) { _next = d; }
void add_thread(JavaThread* t) { _threads->append(t); }
void reset() { _is_deadlock = false; _threads->clear(); }
void set_deadlock(bool value) { _is_deadlock = value; }
bool is_deadlock() { return _is_deadlock; }
int num_threads() { return _threads->length(); }
GrowableArray<JavaThread*>* threads() { return _threads; }
void print_on_with(ThreadsList * t_list, outputStream* st) const;
// Utility class to get list of java threads.
class ThreadsListEnumerator : public StackObj {
GrowableArray<instanceHandle>* _threads_array;
ThreadsListEnumerator(Thread* cur_thread,
bool include_jvmti_agent_threads = false,
bool include_jni_attaching_threads = true);
int num_threads() { return _threads_array->length(); }
instanceHandle get_threadObj(int index) { return _threads_array->at(index); }
// abstract utility class to set new thread states, and restore previous after the block exits
class JavaThreadStatusChanger : public StackObj {
java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus _old_state;
JavaThread* _java_thread;
bool _is_alive;
void save_old_state(JavaThread* java_thread) {
_java_thread = java_thread;
_is_alive = is_alive(java_thread);
if (is_alive()) {
_old_state = java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status(_java_thread->threadObj());
static void set_thread_status(JavaThread* java_thread,
java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus state) {
java_lang_Thread::set_thread_status(java_thread->threadObj(), state);
void set_thread_status(java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus state) {
if (is_alive()) {
set_thread_status(_java_thread, state);
JavaThreadStatusChanger(JavaThread* java_thread,
java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus state) : _old_state(java_lang_Thread::NEW) {
JavaThreadStatusChanger(JavaThread* java_thread) : _old_state(java_lang_Thread::NEW) {
~JavaThreadStatusChanger() {
static bool is_alive(JavaThread* java_thread) {
return java_thread != NULL && java_thread->threadObj() != NULL;
bool is_alive() {
return _is_alive;
// Change status to waiting on an object (timed or indefinite)
class JavaThreadInObjectWaitState : public JavaThreadStatusChanger {
ThreadStatistics* _stat;
bool _active;
JavaThreadInObjectWaitState(JavaThread *java_thread, bool timed) :
timed ? java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED : java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT) {
if (is_alive()) {
_stat = java_thread->get_thread_stat();
_active = ThreadService::is_thread_monitoring_contention();
if (_active) {
} else {
_active = false;
~JavaThreadInObjectWaitState() {
if (_active) {
// Change status to parked (timed or indefinite)
class JavaThreadParkedState : public JavaThreadStatusChanger {
ThreadStatistics* _stat;
bool _active;
JavaThreadParkedState(JavaThread *java_thread, bool timed) :
timed ? java_lang_Thread::PARKED_TIMED : java_lang_Thread::PARKED) {
if (is_alive()) {
_stat = java_thread->get_thread_stat();
_active = ThreadService::is_thread_monitoring_contention();
if (_active) {
} else {
_active = false;
~JavaThreadParkedState() {
if (_active) {
// Change status to blocked on (re-)entering a synchronization block
class JavaThreadBlockedOnMonitorEnterState : public JavaThreadStatusChanger {
ThreadStatistics* _stat;
bool _active;
static bool contended_enter_begin(JavaThread *java_thread) {
set_thread_status(java_thread, java_lang_Thread::BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER);
ThreadStatistics* stat = java_thread->get_thread_stat();
bool active = ThreadService::is_thread_monitoring_contention();
if (active) {
return active;
// java_thread is waiting thread being blocked on monitor reenter.
// Current thread is the notifying thread which holds the monitor.
static bool wait_reenter_begin(JavaThread *java_thread, ObjectMonitor *obj_m) {
assert((java_thread != NULL), "Java thread should not be null here");
bool active = false;
if (is_alive(java_thread)) {
active = contended_enter_begin(java_thread);
return active;
static void wait_reenter_end(JavaThread *java_thread, bool active) {
if (active) {
set_thread_status(java_thread, java_lang_Thread::RUNNABLE);
JavaThreadBlockedOnMonitorEnterState(JavaThread *java_thread, ObjectMonitor *obj_m) :
JavaThreadStatusChanger(java_thread), _stat(NULL), _active(false) {
assert((java_thread != NULL), "Java thread should not be null here");
// Change thread status and collect contended enter stats for monitor contended
// enter done for external java world objects and it is contended. All other cases
// like for vm internal objects and for external objects which are not contended
// thread status is not changed and contended enter stat is not collected.
_active = false;
if (is_alive() && obj_m->contentions() > 0) {
_stat = java_thread->get_thread_stat();
_active = contended_enter_begin(java_thread);
~JavaThreadBlockedOnMonitorEnterState() {
if (_active) {
// Change status to sleeping
class JavaThreadSleepState : public JavaThreadStatusChanger {
ThreadStatistics* _stat;
bool _active;
JavaThreadSleepState(JavaThread *java_thread) :
JavaThreadStatusChanger(java_thread, java_lang_Thread::SLEEPING) {
if (is_alive()) {
_stat = java_thread->get_thread_stat();
_active = ThreadService::is_thread_monitoring_contention();
if (_active) {
} else {
_active = false;
~JavaThreadSleepState() {
if (_active) {