2023-02-10 05:58:12 +00:00

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* Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 8214781 8293187
* @summary Test for the -XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass flag
* @requires vm.cds.write.archived.java.heap
* @modules java.base/sun.invoke.util java.logging
* @library /test/jdk/lib/testlibrary /test/lib
* /test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds
* /test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds/test-classes
* @build ArchiveHeapTestClass Hello pkg.ClassInPackage
* @run driver jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller -jar boot.jar
* CDSTestClassA CDSTestClassA$XX CDSTestClassA$YY
* CDSTestClassB CDSTestClassC CDSTestClassD
* CDSTestClassE CDSTestClassF CDSTestClassG
* pkg.ClassInPackage
* @run driver jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller -jar app.jar Hello
* @run driver ArchiveHeapTestClass
import jdk.test.lib.Platform;
import jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller;
import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
public class ArchiveHeapTestClass {
static final String bootJar = ClassFileInstaller.getJarPath("boot.jar");
static final String appJar = ClassFileInstaller.getJarPath("app.jar");
static final String[] appClassList = {"Hello"};
static final String CDSTestClassA_name = CDSTestClassA.class.getName();
static final String CDSTestClassB_name = CDSTestClassB.class.getName();
static final String CDSTestClassC_name = CDSTestClassC.class.getName();
static final String CDSTestClassD_name = CDSTestClassD.class.getName();
static final String CDSTestClassE_name = CDSTestClassE.class.getName();
static final String CDSTestClassF_name = CDSTestClassF.class.getName();
static final String CDSTestClassG_name = CDSTestClassG.class.getName();
static final String ClassInPackage_name = pkg.ClassInPackage.class.getName().replace('.', '/');
static final String ARCHIVE_TEST_FIELD_NAME = "archivedObjects";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (Platform.isDebugBuild()) {
} else {
static OutputAnalyzer dumpHelloOnly(String... extraOpts) throws Exception {
return TestCommon.dump(appJar, appClassList, extraOpts);
static OutputAnalyzer dumpBootAndHello(String bootClass, String... extraOpts) throws Exception {
String classlist[] = TestCommon.concat(appClassList, bootClass);
extraOpts = TestCommon.concat(extraOpts,
"-Xbootclasspath/a:" + bootJar,
"-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=" + bootClass,
return TestCommon.dump(appJar, classlist, extraOpts);
static int caseNum = 0;
static void testCase(String s) {
System.out.println(" Test " + (++caseNum) + ": " + s);
static void mustContain(OutputAnalyzer output, String... expectStrs) throws Exception {
for (String s : expectStrs) {
static void mustFail(OutputAnalyzer output, String... expectStrs) throws Exception {
mustContain(output, expectStrs);
static void mustSucceed(OutputAnalyzer output, String... expectStrs) throws Exception {
mustContain(output, expectStrs);
static void testDebugBuild() throws Exception {
OutputAnalyzer output;
testCase("Simple positive case");
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassA_name);
mustSucceed(output, CDSTestClassA.getOutput()); // make sure <clinit> is executed
output.shouldMatch("warning.*cds.*Loading ArchiveHeapTestClass " + CDSTestClassA_name);
output.shouldMatch("warning.*cds.*Initializing ArchiveHeapTestClass " + CDSTestClassA_name);
output.shouldContain("Archived field " + CDSTestClassA_name + "::" + ARCHIVE_TEST_FIELD_NAME);
output.shouldMatch("Archived object klass CDSTestClassA .*\\[LCDSTestClassA;");
output.shouldMatch("Archived object klass CDSTestClassA .*CDSTestClassA\\$YY");
TestCommon.run("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + bootJar, "-cp", appJar, "-Xlog:cds+heap", CDSTestClassA_name)
"resolve subgraph " + CDSTestClassA_name);
testCase("Class doesn't exist");
output = dumpHelloOnly("-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=NoSuchClass");
mustFail(output, "Fail to initialize archive heap: NoSuchClass cannot be loaded");
testCase("Class doesn't exist (objarray)");
output = dumpHelloOnly("-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=[LNoSuchClass;");
mustFail(output, "Fail to initialize archive heap: [LNoSuchClass; cannot be loaded");
testCase("Not an instance klass");
output = dumpHelloOnly("-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=[Ljava/lang/Object;");
mustFail(output, "Fail to initialize archive heap: [Ljava/lang/Object; is not an instance class");
testCase("Not in boot loader");
output = dumpHelloOnly("-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=Hello");
mustFail(output, "Fail to initialize archive heap: Hello cannot be loaded by the boot loader");
testCase("Not from unnamed module");
output = dumpHelloOnly("-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=java/lang/Object");
mustFail(output, "ArchiveHeapTestClass java/lang/Object is not in unnamed module");
testCase("Not from unnamed package");
output = dumpBootAndHello(ClassInPackage_name);
mustFail(output, "ArchiveHeapTestClass pkg/ClassInPackage is not in unnamed package");
testCase("Field not found");
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassB_name);
mustFail(output, "Unable to find the static T_OBJECT field CDSTestClassB::archivedObjects");
testCase("Not a static field");
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassC_name);
mustFail(output, "Unable to find the static T_OBJECT field CDSTestClassC::archivedObjects");
testCase("Not a T_OBJECT field");
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassD_name);
mustFail(output, "Unable to find the static T_OBJECT field CDSTestClassD::archivedObjects");
testCase("Use a disallowed class: in unnamed module but not in unname package");
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassE_name);
mustFail(output, "Class pkg.ClassInPackage not allowed in archive heap");
testCase("Use a disallowed class: not in java.base module");
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassF_name);
mustFail(output, "Class java.util.logging.Level not allowed in archive heap");
if (false) { // JDK-8293187
output = dumpBootAndHello(CDSTestClassG_name);
static void testProductBuild() throws Exception {
OutputAnalyzer output;
output = dumpHelloOnly("-XX:-IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions", "-XX:ArchiveHeapTestClass=NoSuchClass");
mustFail(output, "VM option 'ArchiveHeapTestClass' is develop and is available only in debug version of VM.");
class CDSTestClassA {
static final String output = "CDSTestClassA.<clinit> was executed";
static Object[] archivedObjects;
static {
archivedObjects = new Object[5];
archivedObjects[0] = output;
archivedObjects[1] = new CDSTestClassA[0];
archivedObjects[2] = new YY();
archivedObjects[3] = new int[0];
archivedObjects[4] = new int[2][2];
System.out.println("CDSTestClassA module = " + CDSTestClassA.class.getModule());
System.out.println("CDSTestClassA package = " + CDSTestClassA.class.getPackage());
System.out.println("CDSTestClassA[] module = " + archivedObjects[1].getClass().getModule());
System.out.println("CDSTestClassA[] package = " + archivedObjects[1].getClass().getPackage());
static String getOutput() {
return output;
public static void main(String args[]) {
if (CDSTestClassA.class.getModule().isNamed()) {
throw new RuntimeException("CDSTestClassA must be in unnamed module");
if (CDSTestClassA.class.getPackage() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("CDSTestClassA must be in null package");
if (archivedObjects[1].getClass().getModule().isNamed()) {
throw new RuntimeException("CDSTestClassA[] must be in unnamed module");
if (archivedObjects[1].getClass().getPackage() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("CDSTestClassA[] must be in null package");
// This is an inner class that has NOT been archived.
static class XX {
static void doit() {
System.out.println("XX module = " + XX.class.getModule());
System.out.println("XX package = " + XX.class.getPackage());
if (XX.class.getModule().isNamed()) {
throw new RuntimeException("XX must be in unnamed module");
if (XX.class.getPackage() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("XX must be in null package");
// This is an inner class that HAS been archived.
static class YY {
static void doit() {
System.out.println("YY module = " + YY.class.getModule());
System.out.println("YY package = " + YY.class.getPackage());
if (YY.class.getModule().isNamed()) {
throw new RuntimeException("YY must be in unnamed module");
if (YY.class.getPackage() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("YY must be in null package");
class CDSTestClassB {
// No field named "archivedObjects"
class CDSTestClassC {
Object[] archivedObjects; // Not a static field
class CDSTestClassD {
static int archivedObjects; // Not an int field
class CDSTestClassE {
static Object[] archivedObjects;
static {
// Not in unnamed package of unnamed module
archivedObjects = new Object[1];
archivedObjects[0] = new pkg.ClassInPackage();
class CDSTestClassF {
static Object[] archivedObjects;
static {
// Not in java.base
archivedObjects = new Object[1];
archivedObjects[0] = java.util.logging.Level.OFF;
class CDSTestClassG {
static Object[] archivedObjects;
static {
// Not in java.base
archivedObjects = new Object[1];
archivedObjects[0] = sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.BOOLEAN;