461 lines
17 KiB
461 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package nsk.jdi.Method.isObsolete;
import nsk.share.*;
import nsk.share.jpda.*;
import nsk.share.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.connect.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class isobsolete003 {
private final static String prefix = "nsk.jdi.Method.isObsolete";
private final static String className = ".isobsolete003";
private final static String debuggerName = prefix + className;
private final static String debuggeeName = debuggerName + "a";
private final static int brkpMainLineNumber = 48;
private final static int brkpFooLineNumber = 33;
private static int waitTime;
private static int exitStatus;
private static ArgumentHandler argHandler;
private static Log log;
private static Debugee debuggee;
private static VirtualMachine vm;
private static ReferenceType debuggeeClass;
private static EventRequestManager eventRManager;
private static EventSet eventSet;
private static EventIterator eventIterator;
public static void main(String argv[]) {
System.exit(Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + run(argv, System.out));
public static int run(String argv[], PrintStream out) {
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_PASSED;
argHandler = new ArgumentHandler(argv);
log = new Log(out, argHandler);
waitTime = argHandler.getWaitTime() * 60000;
try {
Binder binder = new Binder(argHandler, log);
debuggee = binder.bindToDebugee(debuggeeName);
debuggee.redirectStderr(log, "debuggee > ");
eventRManager = debuggee.getEventRequestManager();
vm = debuggee.VM();
eventRManager = vm.eventRequestManager();
if (vm.canRedefineClasses()) {
if (eventIterator.nextEvent() instanceof VMDeathEvent) {
display("Waiting for the debuggee's finish...");
display("Getting the debuggee's exit status.");
int status = debuggee.getStatus();
if (status != (Consts.TEST_PASSED + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE)) {
complain("Debuggee returned UNEXPECTED exit status: " + status);
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} else {
throw new TestBug("Last event is not the VMDeathEvent");
} else {
display("vm.canRedefineClasses() == false : test is cancelled");
vm.exit(Consts.TEST_PASSED + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE);
} catch (VMDisconnectedException e) {
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
complain("The test cancelled due to VMDisconnectedException.");
display("Trying: vm.process().destroy();");
if (vm != null) {
Process vmProcess = vm.process();
if (vmProcess != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
complain("Unexpected Exception: " + e.getMessage());
complain("The test has not finished normally. Forcing: vm.exit().");
if (vm != null) {
vm.exit(Consts.TEST_PASSED + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE);
return exitStatus;
private static void execTest() {
ThreadReference mainThread = debuggee.threadByName("main");
// Set first breakpoint to have isobsolete003b class loaded.
BreakpointRequest bpRequest = debuggee.makeBreakpoint(debuggeeClass, "main", brkpMainLineNumber);
// At this point isobsolete003b class should be loaded in debuggee.
String redefName = prefix + ".isobsolete003b";
ReferenceType redefClass = debuggee.classByName(redefName);
if (redefClass == null) {
throw new TestBug(redefName + "is not found in debuggee.");
String methodName = "foo";
Method method = (Method) redefClass.methodsByName(methodName).get(0);
// save some values for check in future
Method oldMethod = method;
Location oldLocation = method.location();
long oldCodeIndex = oldLocation.codeIndex();
String oldRetTypeName = method.returnTypeName();
int oldHashCode = method.hashCode();
// Set new breakpoint to have isobsolete003b.foo() method on stack before redefinition.
bpRequest = debuggee.makeBreakpoint(redefClass, methodName, brkpFooLineNumber);
display("requested BreakpointEvent for foo() method received;");
try {
if (!mainThread.frame(0).location().method().equals(method)) {
throw new TestBug("foo() method is not on the top of the main thread stack");
} catch (IncompatibleThreadStateException e) {
throw new Failure("Unexpected IncompatibleThreadStateException while comparing mainThread.frame(0).location().method(): " + e.getMessage());
display("Making redefineClasses(mapClassToBytes()).");
// Check isObsolete after redefinition
try {
method = mainThread.frame(0).location().method();
} catch (IncompatibleThreadStateException e) {
throw new Failure("Unexpected IncompatibleThreadStateException while getting mainThread.frame(0).location().method(): " + e.getMessage());
if (!method.isObsolete()) {
complain("method.isObsolete() == true for foo() method after redefineClasses()");
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} else {
// Do other checks for obsolete method.
if (method.equals(oldMethod)) {
complain("equals(oldMethod) returned true for obsolete method.");
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
List l = null;
Location loc = null;
try {
l = method.allLineLocations();
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("allLineLocations() returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Number of Locations :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
try {
l = method.allLineLocations(vm.getDefaultStratum(), null);
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("allLineLocations(vm.getDefaultStratum(), null) returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Number of Locations :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
try {
l = method.locationsOfLine(1);
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("locationsOfLine(1) returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Number of Locations :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
try {
l = method.locationsOfLine(vm.getDefaultStratum(), null, 1);
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("locationsOfLine(vm.getDefaultStratum(), null, 1) returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Number of Locations :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
try {
l = method.arguments();
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("arguments() returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Size of list :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
l = method.argumentTypeNames();
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("argumentTypeNames() returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Size of list :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
try {
l = method.argumentTypes();
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("argumentsTypes() returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Size of list :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
// it is expected
try {
l = method.variables();
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("variables() returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Size of list :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
try {
l = method.variablesByName("dummyInt");
if (l.size() > 0) {
complain("variablesByName(oldVar.name()) returned a list with non-zero size for obsolete method." +
"Size of list :" + l.size());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
// it is expected
byte[] b = method.bytecodes();
if (b.length > 0) {
complain("bytecodes() returned an array with non-zero length for obsolete method." +
"Number of bytes :" + b.length);
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
loc = method.location();
if (loc != null && loc == oldLocation) {
complain("location() returned old location for obsolete method.");
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
loc = method.locationOfCodeIndex(oldCodeIndex);
if (loc != null) {
complain("locationOfCodeIndex(oldCodeIndex) returned not-null location for obsolete method.");
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
String rtName = method.returnTypeName();
if (rtName.equals(oldRetTypeName)) {
complain("returnTypeName() returned an old string for obsolete method: " + rtName);
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
try {
Type rType = method.returnType();
if (rType != null) {
complain("returnType() returned not-null Type for obsolete method: " + rType.name());
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
// it is expected
int hashCode = method.hashCode();
if (hashCode == oldHashCode) {
complain("hashCode() returned old value for obsolete method: " + hashCode);
exitStatus = Consts.TEST_FAILED;
private static void display(String msg) {
log.display("debugger > " + msg);
private static void complain(String msg) {
log.complain("debugger FAILURE > " + msg);
* Returns Map object for redefinition.
private static Map<? extends com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]> mapClassToBytes() {
String[] args = argHandler.getArguments();
if (args.length <= 0) {
throw new Failure("mapClassToBytes(): Test arguments are not found.");
String testDir = args[0];
display("Test current dir = " + testDir);
String filePrefix = File.separator + "nsk"
+ File.separator + "jdi"
+ File.separator + "Method"
+ File.separator + "isObsolete";
String fileToRedefineName = testDir +
File.separator + "newclass" + filePrefix
+ File.separator + "isobsolete003b.class";
display("fileToRedefineName : " + fileToRedefineName);
byte[] arrayToRedefine;
try {
File fileToRedefine = new File(fileToRedefineName);
if (!fileToRedefine.exists()) {
throw new Failure("mapClassToBytes(): fileToRedefine does not exist");
FileInputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(fileToRedefine);
arrayToRedefine = new byte [(int) fileToRedefine.length()];
} catch (IOException e) {
complain("unexpected IOException: " + e);
throw new Failure(e);
String testClassName = prefix + ".isobsolete003b";
ReferenceType testClass = debuggee.classByName(testClassName);
HashMap<com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]> mapForClass = new HashMap<com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType,byte[]>();
mapForClass.put(testClass, arrayToRedefine);
return mapForClass;
private static Event waitForEvent (EventRequest evRequest) {
Event resultEvent = null;
try {
eventSet = null;
eventIterator = null;
eventSet = vm.eventQueue().remove(waitTime);
if (eventSet == null) {
throw new Failure("TIMEOUT while waiting for an event");
eventIterator = eventSet.eventIterator();
while (eventIterator.hasNext()) {
Event curEvent = eventIterator.nextEvent();
if (curEvent instanceof VMDisconnectEvent) {
throw new Failure("Unexpected VMDisconnectEvent received.");
} else if (curEvent.request().equals(evRequest)) {
display("Requested event received.");
resultEvent = curEvent;
} else {
throw new TestBug("Unexpected Event received: " + curEvent.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Failure("Unexpected exception while waiting for an event: " + e);
return resultEvent;
private static void getEventSet() {
try {
eventSet = vm.eventQueue().remove(waitTime);
if (eventSet == null) {
throw new Failure("TIMEOUT while waiting for an event");
eventIterator = eventSet.eventIterator();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Failure("getEventSet(): Unexpected exception while waiting for an event: " + e);
private static void waitForDebuggeeClassPrepared () {
display("Creating request for ClassPrepareEvent for debuggee.");
ClassPrepareRequest cpRequest = eventRManager.createClassPrepareRequest();
ClassPrepareEvent event = (ClassPrepareEvent) waitForEvent(cpRequest);
debuggeeClass = event.referenceType();
if (!debuggeeClass.name().equals(debuggeeName))
throw new Failure("Unexpected class name for ClassPrepareEvent : " + debuggeeClass.name());