489 lines
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489 lines
15 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CardSet.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CardSetContainers.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CardSetMemory.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1SegmentedArrayFreePool.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gcTraceTime.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/workerThread.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "unittest.hpp"
#include "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp"
class G1CardSetTest : public ::testing::Test {
class G1CountCardsClosure : public G1CardSet::CardClosure {
size_t _num_cards;
G1CountCardsClosure() : _num_cards(0) { }
void do_card(uint region_idx, uint card_idx) override {
static WorkerThreads* _workers;
static uint _max_workers;
static WorkerThreads* workers() {
if (_workers == NULL) {
_max_workers = os::processor_count();
_workers = new WorkerThreads("G1CardSetTest Workers", _max_workers);
return _workers;
// Check whether iteration agrees with the expected number of entries. If the
// add has been single-threaded, we can also check whether the occupied()
// (which is an estimate in that case) agrees.
static void check_iteration(G1CardSet* card_set,
const size_t expected,
const bool add_was_single_threaded = true);
G1CardSetTest() { }
~G1CardSetTest() { }
static uint next_random(uint& seed, uint i) {
// Park–Miller random number generator
seed = (seed * 279470273u) % 0xfffffffb;
return (seed % i);
static void cardset_basic_test();
static void cardset_mt_test();
static void add_cards(G1CardSet* card_set, uint cards_per_region, uint* cards, uint num_cards, G1AddCardResult* results);
static void contains_cards(G1CardSet* card_set, uint cards_per_region, uint* cards, uint num_cards);
static void translate_cards(uint cards_per_region, uint region_idx, uint* cards, uint num_cards);
static void iterate_cards(G1CardSet* card_set, G1CardSet::CardClosure* cl);
WorkerThreads* G1CardSetTest::_workers = NULL;
uint G1CardSetTest::_max_workers = 0;
void G1CardSetTest::add_cards(G1CardSet* card_set, uint cards_per_region, uint* cards, uint num_cards, G1AddCardResult* results) {
for (uint i = 0; i < num_cards; i++) {
uint region_idx = cards[i] / cards_per_region;
uint card_idx = cards[i] % cards_per_region;
G1AddCardResult res = card_set->add_card(region_idx, card_idx);
if (results != NULL) {
ASSERT_TRUE(res == results[i]);
class G1CheckCardClosure : public G1CardSet::CardClosure {
G1CardSet* _card_set;
uint _cards_per_region;
uint* _cards_to_expect;
uint _num_cards;
bool _wrong_region_idx;
G1CheckCardClosure(G1CardSet* card_set, uint cards_per_region, uint* cards_to_expect, uint num_cards) :
_wrong_region_idx(false) {
void do_card(uint region_idx, uint card_idx) override {
uint card = _cards_per_region * region_idx + card_idx;
for (uint i = 0; i < _num_cards; i++) {
if (_cards_to_expect[i] == card) {
_cards_to_expect[i] = (uint)-1;
bool all_found() const {
bool all_good = true;
for (uint i = 0; i < _num_cards; i++) {
if (_cards_to_expect[i] != (uint)-1) {
log_error(gc)("Could not find card %u in region %u",
_cards_to_expect[i] % _cards_per_region,
_cards_to_expect[i] / _cards_per_region);
all_good = false;
return all_good;
void G1CardSetTest::contains_cards(G1CardSet* card_set, uint cards_per_region, uint* cards, uint num_cards) {
for (uint i = 0; i < num_cards; i++) {
uint region_idx = cards[i] / cards_per_region;
uint card_idx = cards[i] % cards_per_region;
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set->contains_card(region_idx, card_idx));
G1CheckCardClosure cl(card_set, cards_per_region, cards, num_cards);
// Offsets the card indexes in the cards array by the region_idx.
void G1CardSetTest::translate_cards(uint cards_per_region, uint region_idx, uint* cards, uint num_cards) {
for (uint i = 0; i < num_cards; i++) {
cards[i] = cards_per_region * region_idx + cards[i];
class G1CountCardsOccupied : public G1CardSet::ContainerPtrClosure {
size_t _num_occupied;
G1CountCardsOccupied() : _num_occupied(0) { }
void do_containerptr(uint region_idx, size_t num_occupied, G1CardSet::ContainerPtr container) override {
_num_occupied += num_occupied;
size_t num_occupied() const { return _num_occupied; }
void G1CardSetTest::check_iteration(G1CardSet* card_set, const size_t expected, const bool single_threaded) {
class CheckIterator : public G1CardSet::CardClosure {
G1CardSet* _card_set;
size_t _num_found;
CheckIterator(G1CardSet* card_set) : _card_set(card_set), _num_found(0) { }
void do_card(uint region_idx, uint card_idx) override {
ASSERT_TRUE(_card_set->contains_card(region_idx, card_idx));
} cl(card_set);
ASSERT_TRUE(expected == cl._num_found);
// We can assert this only if we are single-threaded.
if (single_threaded) {
ASSERT_EQ(card_set->occupied(), cl._num_found);
void G1CardSetTest::cardset_basic_test() {
const uint CardsPerRegion = 2048;
const double FullCardSetThreshold = 0.8;
const double BitmapCoarsenThreshold = 0.9;
G1CardSetConfiguration config(28,
G1CardSetFreePool free_pool(config.num_mem_object_types());
G1CardSetMemoryManager mm(&config, &free_pool);
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
uint cards1[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
G1AddCardResult results1[] = { Added, Added, Added };
translate_cards(CardsPerRegion, 99, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
add_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1), results1);
contains_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
G1CountCardsClosure count_cards;
ASSERT_TRUE(count_cards._num_cards == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
check_iteration(&card_set, card_set.occupied());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == 0);
check_iteration(&card_set, 0);
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
uint cards1[] = { 0, 2047, 17, 17 };
G1AddCardResult results1[] = { Added, Added, Added, Found };
translate_cards(CardsPerRegion, 100, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
add_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1), results1);
// -1 because of the duplicate at the end.
contains_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1) - 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1) - 1);
G1CountCardsClosure count_cards;
ASSERT_TRUE(count_cards._num_cards == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1) - 1);
check_iteration(&card_set, card_set.occupied());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == 0);
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
uint cards1[] = { 0, 2047, 17, 18 /* for region 100 */,
1, 128, 35, 17 /* for region 990 */
translate_cards(CardsPerRegion, 100, &cards1[0], 4);
translate_cards(CardsPerRegion, 990, &cards1[4], 4);
add_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1), NULL);
contains_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
G1CountCardsClosure count_cards;
ASSERT_TRUE(count_cards._num_cards == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
check_iteration(&card_set, card_set.occupied());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == 0);
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
uint cards1[100];
for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cards1); i++) {
cards1[i] = i + 3;
translate_cards(CardsPerRegion, i, &cards1[i], 1);
add_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1), NULL);
contains_cards(&card_set, CardsPerRegion, cards1, ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.num_containers() == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
G1CountCardsClosure count_cards;
ASSERT_TRUE(count_cards._num_cards == ARRAY_SIZE(cards1));
check_iteration(&card_set, card_set.occupied());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == 0);
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
// Generate non-prime numbers from 1 to 1000
uint count = 0;
for (uint i = 2; i < 33; i++) {
if (!card_set.contains_card(100, i)) {
for (uint j = i * i; j < 1000; j += i) {
G1AddCardResult res = card_set.add_card(100, j);
count += (res == Added);
G1CountCardsOccupied cl;
ASSERT_TRUE(count == card_set.occupied());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == cl.num_occupied());
check_iteration(&card_set, card_set.occupied());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == 0);
{ // Test coarsening to full
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
uint count = 0;
uint i = 10;
uint bitmap_threshold = config.cards_in_howl_bitmap_threshold();
for (; i < bitmap_threshold + 10; i++) {
G1AddCardResult res = card_set.add_card(99, i);
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Added);
ASSERT_TRUE(count == card_set.occupied());
G1AddCardResult res = card_set.add_card(99, config.max_cards_in_howl_bitmap() - 1);
// Adding above card should have coarsened Bitmap -> Full.
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Added);
ASSERT_TRUE(config.max_cards_in_howl_bitmap() == card_set.occupied());
res = card_set.add_card(99, config.max_cards_in_howl_bitmap() - 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Found);
uint threshold = config.cards_in_howl_threshold();
uint adjusted_threshold = config.cards_in_howl_bitmap_threshold() * config.num_buckets_in_howl();
i = config.max_cards_in_howl_bitmap();
count = i;
for (; i < threshold; i++) {
G1AddCardResult res = card_set.add_card(99, i);
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Added);
ASSERT_TRUE(count == card_set.occupied());
res = card_set.add_card(99, CardsPerRegion - 1);
// Adding above card should have coarsened Howl -> Full.
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Added);
ASSERT_TRUE(CardsPerRegion == card_set.occupied());
check_iteration(&card_set, card_set.occupied());
res = card_set.add_card(99, CardsPerRegion - 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Found);
G1CountCardsClosure count_cards;
ASSERT_TRUE(count_cards._num_cards == config.max_cards_in_region());
ASSERT_TRUE(card_set.occupied() == 0);
class G1CardSetMtTestTask : public WorkerTask {
G1CardSet* _card_set;
size_t _added;
size_t _found;
G1CardSetMtTestTask(G1CardSet* card_set) :
_found(0) { }
void work(uint worker_id) {
uint seed = worker_id;
size_t added = 0;
size_t found = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
uint region = G1CardSetTest::next_random(seed, 1000);
uint card = G1CardSetTest::next_random(seed, 10000);
G1AddCardResult res = _card_set->add_card(region, card);
ASSERT_TRUE(res == Added || res == Found);
if (res == Added) {
} else if (res == Found) {
Atomic::add(&_added, added);
Atomic::add(&_found, found);
size_t added() const { return _added; }
size_t found() const { return _found; }
void G1CardSetTest::cardset_mt_test() {
const uint CardsPerRegion = 16384;
const double FullCardSetThreshold = 1.0;
const uint BitmapCoarsenThreshold = 1.0;
G1CardSetConfiguration config(120,
G1CardSetFreePool free_pool(config.num_mem_object_types());
G1CardSetMemoryManager mm(&config, &free_pool);
G1CardSet card_set(&config, &mm);
const uint num_workers = workers()->active_workers();
G1CardSetMtTestTask cl(&card_set);
GCTraceTime(Error, gc) x("Cardset test");
_workers->run_task(&cl, num_workers);
size_t num_found = 0;
// Now check the contents of the card set.
for (uint i = 0; i < num_workers; i++) {
uint seed = i;
for (uint j = 0; j < 100000; j++) {
uint region = G1CardSetTest::next_random(seed, 1000);
uint card = G1CardSetTest::next_random(seed, 10000);
bool contains = card_set.contains_card(region, card);
num_found += contains;
ASSERT_TRUE(num_found == cl.added() + cl.found());
G1CountCardsClosure count_cards;
check_iteration(&card_set, count_cards._num_cards, false /* add_was_single_threaded */);
// During coarsening we try to unblock concurrent threads as soon as possible,
// so we do not add the cards from the smaller CardSetContainer to the larger
// one immediately, allowing addition by concurrent threads after allocating
// the space immediately. So the amount of "successfully added" results may be
// (and in case of many threads typically is) higher than the number of unique
// cards.
ASSERT_TRUE(count_cards._num_cards <= cl.added());
TEST_VM(G1CardSetTest, basic_cardset_test) {
TEST_VM(G1CardSetTest, mt_cardset_test) {