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646 lines
20 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
* @test
* @bug 8262891 8268333 8268896 8269802 8269808 8270151 8269113
* @summary Check behavior of pattern switches.
* @compile --enable-preview -source ${jdk.version} Switches.java
* @run main/othervm --enable-preview Switches
public class Switches {
public static void main(String... args) {
new Switches().run();
void run() {
exhaustiveStatementSane2(new A());
exhaustiveStatementSane2(new B());
assertEquals(2, switchOverNull1());
assertEquals(2, switchOverNull2());
assertEquals(2, switchOverNull3());
void run(Function<Object, Integer> mapper) {
assertEquals(2, mapper.apply("2"));
assertEquals(3, mapper.apply("3"));
assertEquals(8, mapper.apply(new StringBuilder("4")));
assertEquals(2, mapper.apply(2));
assertEquals(3, mapper.apply(3));
assertEquals(-1, mapper.apply(2.0));
assertEquals(-1, mapper.apply(new Object()));
void runArrayTypeTest(Function<Object, String> mapper) {
assertEquals("arr0", mapper.apply(new int[0]));
assertEquals("str6", mapper.apply("string"));
assertEquals("i1", mapper.apply(1));
assertEquals("", mapper.apply(1.0));
void runDefaultTest(Function<Object, String> mapper) {
assertEquals("default", mapper.apply(new int[0]));
assertEquals("str6", mapper.apply("string"));
assertEquals("default", mapper.apply(1));
assertEquals("default", mapper.apply(1.0));
void runEnumTest(Function<E, String> mapper) {
assertEquals("a", mapper.apply(E.A));
assertEquals("b", mapper.apply(E.B));
assertEquals("C", mapper.apply(E.C));
assertEquals("null", mapper.apply(null));
void runStringWithConstant(Function<String, Integer> mapper) {
assertEquals(1, mapper.apply("A"));
assertEquals(2, mapper.apply("AA"));
assertEquals(0, mapper.apply(""));
assertEquals(-1, mapper.apply(null));
void runFallThrough(Function<Integer, Integer> mapper) {
assertEquals(2, mapper.apply(1));
void npeTest(Consumer<I> testCase) {
try {
throw new AssertionError("Expected a NullPointerException, but got nothing.");
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
void switchNestingTest(BiFunction<Object, Object, String> testCase) {
assertEquals("string, string", testCase.apply("", ""));
assertEquals("string, other", testCase.apply("", 1));
assertEquals("other, string", testCase.apply(1, ""));
assertEquals("other, other", testCase.apply(1, 1));
int typeTestPatternSwitchTest(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case String s: return Integer.parseInt(s.toString());
case CharSequence s: return 2 * Integer.parseInt(s.toString());
case Integer i: return i;
case Object x: return -1;
int typeTestPatternSwitchExpressionTest(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case String s -> Integer.parseInt(s.toString());
case @Deprecated CharSequence s -> { yield 2 * Integer.parseInt(s.toString()); }
case final Integer i -> i;
case Object x -> -1;
int testBooleanSwitchExpression(Object o) {
Object x;
if (switch (o) {
default -> false;
}) {
return -3;
} else if (switch (o) {
case String s -> (x = s) != null;
default -> false;
}) {
return Integer.parseInt(x.toString());
} else if (switch (o) {
case CharSequence s -> {
x = s;
yield true;
default -> false;
}) {
return 2 * Integer.parseInt(x.toString());
return typeTestPatternSwitchTest(o);
boolean testNullSwitch(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case null -> false;
default -> true;
String testArrayTypeStatement(Object o) {
String res;
switch (o) {
case Integer i -> res = "i" + i;
case int[] arr -> res = "arr" + arr.length;
case String str -> res = "str" + str.length();
default -> res = "";
return res;
String testArrayTypeExpression(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case Integer i -> "i" + i;
case int[] arr -> "arr" + arr.length;
case String str -> "str" + str.length();
default -> "";
String testDefaultDoesNotDominateStatement(Object o) {
String res;
switch (o) {
default -> res = "default";
case String str -> res = "str" + str.length();
return res;
String testDefaultDoesNotDominateExpression(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case default -> "default";
case String str -> "str" + str.length();
int testStringWithConstant(String str) {
switch (str) {
case "A": return 1;
case null: return -1;
case String s: return s.length();
int testStringWithConstantExpression(String str) {
return switch (str) {
case "A" -> 1;
case null -> -1;
case String s -> s.length();
String testEnumExpression1(E e) {
return switch (e) {
case A -> "a";
case B -> "b";
case null, E x -> String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumExpression2(E e) {
return switch (e) {
case A -> "a";
case B -> "b";
case E x, null -> String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuards1(E e) {
switch (e) {
case A: return "a";
case B: return "b";
case E x && "A".equals(x.name()): return "broken";
case C: return String.valueOf(e);
case null, E x: return String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuardsExpression1(E e) {
return switch (e) {
case A -> "a";
case B -> "b";
case E x && "A".equals(x.name()) -> "broken";
case C -> String.valueOf(e);
case null, E x -> String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuards2(E e) {
switch (e) {
case A: return "a";
case B: return "b";
case E x && "C".equals(x.name()): return "C";
case C: return "broken";
case null, E x: return String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuardsExpression2(E e) {
return switch (e) {
case A -> "a";
case B -> "b";
case E x && "C".equals(x.name()) -> "C";
case C -> "broken";
case null, E x -> String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuards3(E e) {
switch (e) {
case A: return "a";
case B: return "b";
case Object x && "C".equals(x.toString()): return "C";
case C: return "broken";
case null, E x: return String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuardsExpression3(E e) {
return switch (e) {
case A -> "a";
case B -> "b";
case Object x && "C".equals(x.toString()) -> "C";
case C -> "broken";
case null, E x -> String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuards4(E e) {
switch (e) {
case A: return "a";
case B: return "b";
case Runnable x && "C".equals(x.toString()): return "C";
case C: return "broken";
case null, E x: return String.valueOf(x);
String testEnumWithGuardsExpression4(E e) {
return switch (e) {
case A -> "a";
case B -> "b";
case Runnable x && "C".equals(x.toString()) -> "C";
case C -> "broken";
case null, E x -> String.valueOf(x);
String testStringWithGuards1(E e) {
switch (e != null ? e.name() : null) {
case "A": return "a";
case Switches.ConstantClassClash: return "b";
case String x && "C".equals(x): return "C";
case "C": return "broken";
case null, String x: return String.valueOf(x);
String testStringWithGuardsExpression1(E e) {
return switch (e != null ? e.name() : null) {
case "A" -> "a";
case ConstantClassClash -> "b";
case String x && "C".equals(x) -> "C";
case "C" -> "broken";
case null, String x -> String.valueOf(x);
String testIntegerWithGuards1(E e) {
switch (e != null ? e.ordinal() : null) {
case 0: return "a";
case 1: return "b";
case Integer x && x.equals(2): return "C";
case 2: return "broken";
case null, Integer x: return String.valueOf(x);
String testIntegerWithGuardsExpression1(E e) {
return switch (e != null ? e.ordinal() : null) {
case 0 -> "a";
case 1 -> "b";
case Integer x && x.equals(2) -> "C";
case 2 -> "broken";
case null, Integer x -> String.valueOf(x);
Integer testFallThroughStatement(Integer i) {
int r = 0;
switch (i) {
case Integer o && o != null:
r = 1;
r = 2;
return r;
Integer testFallThroughExpression(Integer i) {
int r = switch (i) {
case Integer o && o != null:
r = 1;
r = 2;
yield r;
return r;
Integer testFallThrough2Statement(Integer i) {
int r = 0;
switch (i) {
case Integer o && o != null:
r = 1;
case -1: r = 1;
case null, default:
r = 2;
return r;
Integer testFallThrough2Expression(Integer i) {
int r = switch (i) {
case Integer o && o != null:
r = 1;
case -1: r = 1;
case null, default:
r = 2;
yield r;
return r;
void npeTestStatement(I i) {
switch (i) {
case A a -> {}
case B b -> {}
void npeTestExpression(I i) {
int j = switch (i) {
case A a -> 0;
case B b -> 1;
void exhaustiveStatementSane(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case Object obj:; //no break intentionally - should not fall through to any possible default
switch (o) {
case null, Object obj:; //no break intentionally - should not fall through to any possible default
switch (o) {
case Object obj, null:; //no break intentionally - should not fall through to any possible default
void exhaustiveStatementSane2(I i) {
switch (i) {
case A a: break;
case null, B b:; //no break intentionally - should not fall through to any possible default
switch (i) {
case A a -> {}
case null, B b -> {}
String switchNestingStatementStatement(Object o1, Object o2) {
switch (o1) {
case String s1 -> {
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> {
return "string, string";
default -> {
return "string, other";
default -> {
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> {
return "other, string";
default -> {
return "other, other";
String switchNestingStatementExpression(Object o1, Object o2) {
switch (o1) {
case String s1 -> {
return switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "string, string";
default -> "string, other";
default -> {
return switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "other, string";
default -> "other, other";
String switchNestingExpressionStatement(Object o1, Object o2) {
return switch (o1) {
case String s1 -> {
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> {
yield "string, string";
default -> {
yield "string, other";
default -> {
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> {
yield "other, string";
default -> {
yield "other, other";
String switchNestingExpressionExpression(Object o1, Object o2) {
return switch (o1) {
case String s1 ->
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "string, string";
default -> "string, other";
default ->
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "other, string";
default -> "other, other";
String switchNestingIfSwitch(Object o1, Object o2) {
BiFunction<Object, Object, String> f = (n1, n2) -> {
if (o1 instanceof CharSequence cs) {
return switch (cs) {
case String s1 ->
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "string, string";
default -> "string, other";
default ->
switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "other, string";
default -> "other, other";
} else {
return switch (o2) {
case String s2 -> "other, string";
default -> "other, other";
return f.apply(o1, o2);
private void switchOverNullNPE(I i) {
int r = switch (null) {
default -> 1;
private int switchOverNull1() {
return switch (null) {
case Object o -> 2;
private int switchOverNull2() {
return switch (null) {
case null -> 2;
default -> 1;
private int switchOverNull3() {
return switch (null) {
case null -> 2;
case Object o -> 1;
//verify that for cases like:
//case ConstantClassClash ->
//ConstantClassClash is interpreted as a field, not as a class
private static final String ConstantClassClash = "B";
private static class ConstantClassClash {}
sealed interface I {}
final class A implements I {}
final class B implements I {}
void assertEquals(int expected, int actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected: " + expected + ", but got: " + actual);
void assertEquals(String expected, String actual) {
if (!Objects.equals(expected, actual)) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected: " + expected + ", but got: " + actual);
void assertTrue(boolean actual) {
if (!actual) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected: true, but got false");
void assertFalse(boolean actual) {
if (actual) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected: false, but got true");
public enum E implements Runnable {
A, B, C;
@Override public void run() {}