261 lines
8.7 KiB
261 lines
8.7 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2023, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package compiler.vectorapi;
import compiler.lib.ir_framework.*;
import java.util.Random;
import jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector;
import jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies;
import jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators;
import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;
import jdk.test.lib.Utils;
* @test
* @bug 8297753
* @key randomness
* @library /test/lib /
* @requires os.arch=="aarch64"
* @summary Add optimized rules for vector compare with zero on NEON
* @modules jdk.incubator.vector
* @run driver compiler.vectorapi.VectorCompareWithZeroTest
public class VectorCompareWithZeroTest {
private static final VectorSpecies<Byte> B_SPECIES = ByteVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
private static final VectorSpecies<Short> S_SPECIES = ShortVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
private static final VectorSpecies<Integer> I_SPECIES = IntVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
private static final VectorSpecies<Long> L_SPECIES = LongVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
private static final VectorSpecies<Float> F_SPECIES = FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
private static final VectorSpecies<Double> D_SPECIES = DoubleVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;
private static final int LENGTH = 1024;
private static final Random RD = Utils.getRandomInstance();
private static byte[] ba;
private static boolean[] br;
private static short[] sa;
private static boolean[] sr;
private static int[] ia;
private static boolean[] ir;
private static long[] la;
private static boolean[] lr;
private static float[] fa;
private static boolean[] fr;
private static double[] da;
private static boolean[] dr;
static {
ba = new byte[LENGTH];
sa = new short[LENGTH];
ia = new int[LENGTH];
la = new long[LENGTH];
fa = new float[LENGTH];
da = new double[LENGTH];
br = new boolean[LENGTH];
sr = new boolean[LENGTH];
ir = new boolean[LENGTH];
lr = new boolean[LENGTH];
fr = new boolean[LENGTH];
dr = new boolean[LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
ba[i] = (byte) RD.nextInt(25);
sa[i] = (short) RD.nextInt(25);
ia[i] = RD.nextInt(25);
la[i] = RD.nextLong(25);
fa[i] = RD.nextFloat(25.0F);
da[i] = RD.nextDouble(25.0);
interface ByteOp {
boolean apply(byte a);
interface ShortOp {
boolean apply(short a);
interface IntOp {
boolean apply(int a);
interface LongOp {
boolean apply(long a);
interface FloatOp {
boolean apply(float a);
interface DoubleOp {
boolean apply(double a);
private static void assertArrayEquals(byte[] a, boolean[] r, ByteOp f) {
for (int i = 0; i < B_SPECIES.length(); i++) {
Asserts.assertEquals(f.apply(a[i]), r[i]);
private static void assertArrayEquals(short[] a, boolean[] r, ShortOp f) {
for (int i = 0; i < S_SPECIES.length(); i++) {
Asserts.assertEquals(f.apply(a[i]), r[i]);
private static void assertArrayEquals(int[] a, boolean[] r, IntOp f) {
for (int i = 0; i < I_SPECIES.length(); i++) {
Asserts.assertEquals(f.apply(a[i]), r[i]);
private static void assertArrayEquals(long[] a, boolean[] r, LongOp f) {
for (int i = 0; i < L_SPECIES.length(); i++) {
Asserts.assertEquals(f.apply(a[i]), r[i]);
private static void assertArrayEquals(float[] a, boolean[] r, FloatOp f) {
for (int i = 0; i < F_SPECIES.length(); i++) {
Asserts.assertEquals(f.apply(a[i]), r[i]);
private static void assertArrayEquals(double[] a, boolean[] r, DoubleOp f) {
for (int i = 0; i < D_SPECIES.length(); i++) {
Asserts.assertEquals(f.apply(a[i]), r[i]);
@IR(counts = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_I_NEON, ">= 1" })
public static void testByteVectorEqualToZero() {
ByteVector av = ByteVector.fromArray(B_SPECIES, ba, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.EQ, 0).intoArray(br, 0);
@Run(test = "testByteVectorEqualToZero")
public static void testByteVectorEqualToZero_runner() {
assertArrayEquals(ba, br, (a) -> (a == (byte) 0 ? true : false));
@IR(counts = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_I_NEON, ">= 1" })
public static void testShortVectorNotEqualToZero() {
ShortVector av = ShortVector.fromArray(S_SPECIES, sa, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.NE, 0).intoArray(sr, 0);
@Run(test = "testShortVectorNotEqualToZero")
public static void testShortVectorNotEqualToZero_runner() {
assertArrayEquals(sa, sr, (a) -> (a != (short) 0 ? true : false));
@IR(counts = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_I_NEON, ">= 1" })
public static void testIntVectorGreaterEqualToZero() {
IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(I_SPECIES, ia, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.GE, 0).intoArray(ir, 0);
@Run(test = "testIntVectorGreaterEqualToZero")
public static void testIntVectorGreaterEqualToZero_runner() {
assertArrayEquals(ia, ir, (a) -> (a >= 0 ? true : false));
@IR(counts = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_L_NEON, ">= 1" })
public static void testLongVectorGreaterThanZero() {
LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(L_SPECIES, la, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.GT, 0).intoArray(lr, 0);
@Run(test = "testLongVectorGreaterThanZero")
public static void testLongVectorGreaterThanZero_runner() {
assertArrayEquals(la, lr, (a) -> (a > 0 ? true : false));
@IR(counts = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_F_NEON, ">= 1" })
public static void testFloatVectorLessEqualToZero() {
FloatVector av = FloatVector.fromArray(F_SPECIES, fa, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.LE, 0).intoArray(fr, 0);
@Run(test = "testFloatVectorLessEqualToZero")
public static void testFloatVectorLessEqualToZero_runner() {
assertArrayEquals(fa, fr, (a) -> (a <= 0.0F ? true : false));
@IR(counts = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_D_NEON, ">= 1" })
public static void testDoubleVectorLessThanZero() {
DoubleVector av = DoubleVector.fromArray(D_SPECIES, da, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.LT, 0).intoArray(dr, 0);
@Run(test = "testDoubleVectorLessThanZero")
public static void testDoubleVectorLessThanZero_runner() {
assertArrayEquals(da, dr, (a) -> (a < 0.0 ? true : false));
@IR(failOn = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_I_NEON })
public static void testIntVectorUnsignedCondition() {
IntVector av = IntVector.fromArray(I_SPECIES, ia, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.UGT, 0).intoArray(ir, 0);
@IR(failOn = { IRNode.VMASK_CMP_ZERO_L_NEON })
public static void testLongVectorUnsignedCondition() {
LongVector av = LongVector.fromArray(L_SPECIES, la, 0);
av.compare(VectorOperators.UGE, 0).intoArray(lr, 0);
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestFramework testFramework = new TestFramework();