8202286: Allocation of old generation of Java heap on alternate memory devices Enable an experimental feature in HotSpot JVM to allocate old generation of G1 GC on an alternative memory device, such as NV-DIMMs. Reviewed-by: sangheki, sjohanss
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* Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
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#include "gc/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectorState.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1GCPhaseTimes.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1InCSetState.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1InitialMarkToMixedTimeTracker.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1MMUTracker.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1RemSetTrackingPolicy.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1Predictions.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1YoungGenSizer.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gcCause.hpp"
#include "utilities/pair.hpp"
// A G1Policy makes policy decisions that determine the
// characteristics of the collector. Examples include:
// * choice of collection set.
// * when to collect.
class HeapRegion;
class G1CollectionSet;
class CollectionSetChooser;
class G1IHOPControl;
class G1Analytics;
class G1SurvivorRegions;
class G1YoungGenSizer;
class GCPolicyCounters;
class STWGCTimer;
class G1Policy: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
static G1IHOPControl* create_ihop_control(const G1Predictions* predictor);
// Update the IHOP control with necessary statistics.
void update_ihop_prediction(double mutator_time_s,
size_t mutator_alloc_bytes,
size_t young_gen_size,
bool this_gc_was_young_only);
void report_ihop_statistics();
G1Predictions _predictor;
G1Analytics* _analytics;
G1RemSetTrackingPolicy _remset_tracker;
G1MMUTracker* _mmu_tracker;
G1IHOPControl* _ihop_control;
GCPolicyCounters* _policy_counters;
double _full_collection_start_sec;
jlong _collection_pause_end_millis;
uint _young_list_target_length;
uint _young_list_fixed_length;
// The max number of regions we can extend the eden by while the GC
// locker is active. This should be >= _young_list_target_length;
uint _young_list_max_length;
// SurvRateGroups below must be initialized after the predictor because they
// indirectly use it through this object passed to their constructor.
SurvRateGroup* _short_lived_surv_rate_group;
SurvRateGroup* _survivor_surv_rate_group;
double _reserve_factor;
// This will be set when the heap is expanded
// for the first time during initialization.
uint _reserve_regions;
G1YoungGenSizer* _young_gen_sizer;
uint _free_regions_at_end_of_collection;
size_t _max_rs_lengths;
size_t _rs_lengths_prediction;
size_t _pending_cards;
// The amount of allocated bytes in old gen during the last mutator and the following
// young GC phase.
size_t _bytes_allocated_in_old_since_last_gc;
G1InitialMarkToMixedTimeTracker _initial_mark_to_mixed;
bool should_update_surv_rate_group_predictors() {
return collector_state()->in_young_only_phase() && !collector_state()->mark_or_rebuild_in_progress();
const G1Predictions& predictor() const { return _predictor; }
const G1Analytics* analytics() const { return const_cast<const G1Analytics*>(_analytics); }
G1RemSetTrackingPolicy* remset_tracker() { return &_remset_tracker; }
// Add the given number of bytes to the total number of allocated bytes in the old gen.
void add_bytes_allocated_in_old_since_last_gc(size_t bytes) { _bytes_allocated_in_old_since_last_gc += bytes; }
void set_region_eden(HeapRegion* hr) {
void set_region_survivor(HeapRegion* hr) {
assert(hr->is_survivor(), "pre-condition");
void record_max_rs_lengths(size_t rs_lengths) {
_max_rs_lengths = rs_lengths;
double predict_base_elapsed_time_ms(size_t pending_cards) const;
double predict_base_elapsed_time_ms(size_t pending_cards,
size_t scanned_cards) const;
size_t predict_bytes_to_copy(HeapRegion* hr) const;
double predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(HeapRegion* hr, bool for_young_gc) const;
double predict_survivor_regions_evac_time() const;
void cset_regions_freed() {
bool update = should_update_surv_rate_group_predictors();
_short_lived_surv_rate_group->all_surviving_words_recorded(predictor(), update);
_survivor_surv_rate_group->all_surviving_words_recorded(predictor(), update);
G1MMUTracker* mmu_tracker() {
return _mmu_tracker;
const G1MMUTracker* mmu_tracker() const {
return _mmu_tracker;
double max_pause_time_ms() const {
return _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * 1000.0;
double predict_yg_surv_rate(int age, SurvRateGroup* surv_rate_group) const;
double predict_yg_surv_rate(int age) const;
double accum_yg_surv_rate_pred(int age) const;
G1CollectionSet* _collection_set;
double average_time_ms(G1GCPhaseTimes::GCParPhases phase) const;
double other_time_ms(double pause_time_ms) const;
double young_other_time_ms() const;
double non_young_other_time_ms() const;
double constant_other_time_ms(double pause_time_ms) const;
CollectionSetChooser* cset_chooser() const;
// The number of bytes copied during the GC.
size_t _bytes_copied_during_gc;
// Stash a pointer to the g1 heap.
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
G1GCPhaseTimes* _phase_times;
// This set of variables tracks the collector efficiency, in order to
// determine whether we should initiate a new marking.
double _mark_remark_start_sec;
double _mark_cleanup_start_sec;
// Updates the internal young list maximum and target lengths. Returns the
// unbounded young list target length.
uint update_young_list_max_and_target_length();
uint update_young_list_max_and_target_length(size_t rs_lengths);
// Update the young list target length either by setting it to the
// desired fixed value or by calculating it using G1's pause
// prediction model. If no rs_lengths parameter is passed, predict
// the RS lengths using the prediction model, otherwise use the
// given rs_lengths as the prediction.
// Returns the unbounded young list target length.
uint update_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths);
// Calculate and return the minimum desired young list target
// length. This is the minimum desired young list length according
// to the user's inputs.
uint calculate_young_list_desired_min_length(uint base_min_length) const;
// Calculate and return the maximum desired young list target
// length. This is the maximum desired young list length according
// to the user's inputs.
uint calculate_young_list_desired_max_length() const;
// Calculate and return the maximum young list target length that
// can fit into the pause time goal. The parameters are: rs_lengths
// represent the prediction of how large the young RSet lengths will
// be, base_min_length is the already existing number of regions in
// the young list, min_length and max_length are the desired min and
// max young list length according to the user's inputs.
uint calculate_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths,
uint base_min_length,
uint desired_min_length,
uint desired_max_length) const;
// Result of the bounded_young_list_target_length() method, containing both the
// bounded as well as the unbounded young list target lengths in this order.
typedef Pair<uint, uint, StackObj> YoungTargetLengths;
YoungTargetLengths young_list_target_lengths(size_t rs_lengths) const;
void update_rs_lengths_prediction();
void update_rs_lengths_prediction(size_t prediction);
// Check whether a given young length (young_length) fits into the
// given target pause time and whether the prediction for the amount
// of objects to be copied for the given length will fit into the
// given free space (expressed by base_free_regions). It is used by
// calculate_young_list_target_length().
bool predict_will_fit(uint young_length, double base_time_ms,
uint base_free_regions, double target_pause_time_ms) const;
size_t pending_cards() const { return _pending_cards; }
// Calculate the minimum number of old regions we'll add to the CSet
// during a mixed GC.
uint calc_min_old_cset_length() const;
// Calculate the maximum number of old regions we'll add to the CSet
// during a mixed GC.
uint calc_max_old_cset_length() const;
// Returns the given amount of reclaimable bytes (that represents
// the amount of reclaimable space still to be collected) as a
// percentage of the current heap capacity.
double reclaimable_bytes_percent(size_t reclaimable_bytes) const;
jlong collection_pause_end_millis() { return _collection_pause_end_millis; }
void clear_collection_set_candidates();
// Sets up marking if proper conditions are met.
void maybe_start_marking();
// The kind of STW pause.
enum PauseKind {
// Calculate PauseKind from internal state.
PauseKind young_gc_pause_kind() const;
// Record the given STW pause with the given start and end times (in s).
void record_pause(PauseKind kind, double start, double end);
// Indicate that we aborted marking before doing any mixed GCs.
void abort_time_to_mixed_tracking();
G1Policy(G1CollectorPolicy* policy, STWGCTimer* gc_timer);
virtual ~G1Policy();
static G1Policy* create_policy(G1CollectorPolicy* policy, STWGCTimer* gc_timer_stw);
G1CollectorState* collector_state() const;
G1GCPhaseTimes* phase_times() const { return _phase_times; }
// Check the current value of the young list RSet lengths and
// compare it against the last prediction. If the current value is
// higher, recalculate the young list target length prediction.
void revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary(size_t rs_lengths);
// This should be called after the heap is resized.
void record_new_heap_size(uint new_number_of_regions);
virtual void init(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1CollectionSet* collection_set);
void note_gc_start();
bool need_to_start_conc_mark(const char* source, size_t alloc_word_size = 0);
bool about_to_start_mixed_phase() const;
// Record the start and end of an evacuation pause.
void record_collection_pause_start(double start_time_sec);
virtual void record_collection_pause_end(double pause_time_ms, size_t cards_scanned, size_t heap_used_bytes_before_gc);
// Record the start and end of a full collection.
void record_full_collection_start();
virtual void record_full_collection_end();
// Must currently be called while the world is stopped.
void record_concurrent_mark_init_end(double mark_init_elapsed_time_ms);
// Record start and end of remark.
void record_concurrent_mark_remark_start();
void record_concurrent_mark_remark_end();
// Record start, end, and completion of cleanup.
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_start();
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end();
void print_phases();
// Record how much space we copied during a GC. This is typically
// called when a GC alloc region is being retired.
void record_bytes_copied_during_gc(size_t bytes) {
_bytes_copied_during_gc += bytes;
// The amount of space we copied during a GC.
size_t bytes_copied_during_gc() const {
return _bytes_copied_during_gc;
bool next_gc_should_be_mixed(const char* true_action_str,
const char* false_action_str) const;
void finalize_collection_set(double target_pause_time_ms, G1SurvivorRegions* survivor);
// Set the state to start a concurrent marking cycle and clear
// _initiate_conc_mark_if_possible because it has now been
// acted on.
void initiate_conc_mark();
// This sets the initiate_conc_mark_if_possible() flag to start a
// new cycle, as long as we are not already in one. It's best if it
// is called during a safepoint when the test whether a cycle is in
// progress or not is stable.
bool force_initial_mark_if_outside_cycle(GCCause::Cause gc_cause);
// This is called at the very beginning of an evacuation pause (it
// has to be the first thing that the pause does). If
// initiate_conc_mark_if_possible() is true, and the concurrent
// marking thread has completed its work during the previous cycle,
// it will set in_initial_mark_gc() to so that the pause does
// the initial-mark work and start a marking cycle.
void decide_on_conc_mark_initiation();
void finished_recalculating_age_indexes(bool is_survivors) {
if (is_survivors) {
} else {
size_t young_list_target_length() const { return _young_list_target_length; }
bool should_allocate_mutator_region() const;
bool can_expand_young_list() const;
uint young_list_max_length() const {
return _young_list_max_length;
bool adaptive_young_list_length() const;
void transfer_survivors_to_cset(const G1SurvivorRegions* survivors);
// Survivor regions policy.
// Current tenuring threshold, set to 0 if the collector reaches the
// maximum amount of survivors regions.
uint _tenuring_threshold;
// The limit on the number of regions allocated for survivors.
uint _max_survivor_regions;
AgeTable _survivors_age_table;
size_t desired_survivor_size(uint max_regions) const;
// Fraction used when predicting how many optional regions to include in
// the CSet. This fraction of the available time is used for optional regions,
// the rest is used to add old regions to the normal CSet.
double optional_prediction_fraction() { return 0.2; }
// Fraction used when evacuating the optional regions. This fraction of the
// remaining time is used to choose what regions to include in the evacuation.
double optional_evacuation_fraction() { return 0.75; }
uint tenuring_threshold() const { return _tenuring_threshold; }
uint max_survivor_regions() {
return _max_survivor_regions;
void note_start_adding_survivor_regions() {
void note_stop_adding_survivor_regions() {
void record_age_table(AgeTable* age_table) {
void print_age_table();
void update_max_gc_locker_expansion();
void update_survivors_policy();
virtual bool force_upgrade_to_full() {
return false;