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# Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
# List of tests that should not be run by test/Makefile, for various reasons:
# 1. Does not run with jtreg -samevm mode
# 2. Causes problems in jtreg -samevm mode for jtreg or tests that follow it
# 3. The test is too slow or consumes too many system resources
# 4. The test fails when run on any official build systems
# It is possible that a test being on this list is a mistake, and that some
# other test in samevm mode caused tests to fail, mistakes happen.
# Tests marked @ignore are not run by test/Makefile, but harmless to be listed.
# Tests that explicitly state "@run main/othervm ...", and are not listed here,
# will be run in the same batch as the samevm tests.
# Shell tests are othervm by default.
# List items are testnames followed by labels, all MUST BE commented
# as to why they are here and use a label:
# generic-all Problems on all platforms
# generic-ARCH Where ARCH is one of: sparc, sparcv9, x64, i586, etc.
# OSNAME-all Where OSNAME is one of: solaris, linux, windows
# OSNAME-ARCH Specific on to one OSNAME and ARCH, e.g. solaris-x64
# OSNAME-REV Specific on to one OSNAME and REV, e.g. solaris-5.8
# More than one label is allowed but must be on the same line.
# Running the tests:
# cd test && make JT_HOME=jtreg_home PRODUCT_HOME=jdk_home jdk_all
# Or instead of jdk_all, use any of the jdk_* targets.
# Samevm Notes:
# * Although some tests may have only been seen to fail on some platforms,
# they might be flagged as 'generic-all' because the problem they have
# could cause hidden slowdowns on other platforms.
# Most samevm problems will be generic-all, but windows usually dislikes
# them the most.
# Address already in use or connection errors indicate a generic port issue.
# (this is not necessarily a samevm issue, but an issue for running the tests
# on shared machines, two people or two test runs will collide).
# * Samevm problem (windows in particular) is not closing all input/output
# * Samevm problem when a test calls setSecurityManager()
# * Samevm problem with setHttps*() is used? (not exactly sure here)
# * Samevm problem when stuffing system properties with non Strings or anything
# * Samevm problem when changing vm settings, or registering any vm actions
# * Samevm problems with deleteOnExit(), if it must happen at end of test
# * Samevm problems with URLClassLoader? (no details here)
# * Samevm problems with dependence on predictable GC or finalizations
# Any of the above problems may mean the test needs to be flagged as "othervm".
# Fixing the tests:
# Some tests just may need to be run with "othervm", and that can easily be
# done my adding a @run line (or modifying any existing @run):
# @run main/othervm NameOfMainClass
# Make sure this @run follows any use of @library.
# Otherwise, if the test is a samevm possibility, make sure the test is
# cleaning up after itself, closing all streams, deleting temp files, etc.
# Keep in mind that the bug could be in many places, and even different per
# platform, it could be a bug in any one of:
# - the testcase
# - the jdk (jdk classes, native code, or hotspot)
# - the native compiler
# - the javac compiler
# - the OS (depends on what the testcase does)
# If you managed to really fix one of these tests, here is how you can
# remove tests from this list:
# 1. Make sure test passes on all platforms with samevm, or mark it othervm
# 2. Make sure test passes on all platforms when run with it's entire group
# 3. Make sure both VMs are tested, -server and -client, if possible
# 4. Make sure you try the -d64 option on Solaris
# 5. Use a tool like JPRT or something to verify these results
# 6. Delete lines in this file, include the changes with your test changes
# You may need to repeat your testing 2 or even 3 times to verify good
# results, some of these samevm failures are not very predictable.
# jdk_awt
# None of the awt tests are using samevm, might not be worth the effort due
# to the vm overhead not being enough to make a difference.
# In general, the awt tests are problematic with or without samevm, and there
# are issues with using a Xvfb display.
# Fails on solaris sparc, timedout? in othervm mode
java/awt/event/MouseEvent/AcceptExtraButton/AcceptExtraButton.java generic-all
# Causes hang in samevm mode??? Solaris 11 i586
java/awt/FullScreen/SetFSWindow/FSFrame.java generic-all
# Fails on solaris 11 i586, -client, in othervm mode not sure why
java/awt/Component/PrintAllXcheckJNI/PrintAllXcheckJNI.java generic-all
java/awt/Focus/CloseDialogActivateOwnerTest/CloseDialogActivateOwnerTest.java generic-all
java/awt/FontClass/FontAccess.java generic-all
java/awt/Mixing/HWDisappear.java generic-all
java/awt/Mixing/MixingInHwPanel.java generic-all
java/awt/Mouse/MaximizedFrameTest/MaximizedFrameTest.html generic-all
java/awt/Robot/AcceptExtraMouseButtons/AcceptExtraMouseButtons.java generic-all
java/awt/Toolkit/SecurityTest/SecurityTest2.java generic-all
java/awt/image/mlib/MlibOpsTest.java generic-all
# Fails on windows, othervm mode, various errors
java/awt/Focus/NonFocusableWindowTest/NonfocusableOwnerTest.java generic-all
java/awt/Focus/OwnedWindowFocusIMECrashTest/OwnedWindowFocusIMECrashTest.java generic-all
java/awt/FullScreen/NoResizeEventOnDMChangeTest/NoResizeEventOnDMChangeTest.java generic-all
java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/MouseModifiersUnitTest_Standard.java generic-all
java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyTyped/CtrlASCII.html generic-all
java/awt/font/Threads/FontThread.java generic-all
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrtException.java generic-all
# Fails with windows X64, othervm, -server
com/sun/awt/Translucency/WindowOpacity.java generic-all
java/awt/EventDispatchThread/HandleExceptionOnEDT/HandleExceptionOnEDT.java generic-all
java/awt/EventDispatchThread/LoopRobustness/LoopRobustness.html generic-all
java/awt/Focus/AppletInitialFocusTest/AppletInitialFocusTest1.html generic-all
java/awt/Focus/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest.java generic-all
java/awt/Frame/LayoutOnMaximizeTest/LayoutOnMaximizeTest.java generic-all
java/awt/FullScreen/TranslucentWindow/TranslucentWindow.java generic-all
java/awt/Mixing/MixingOnShrinkingHWButton.java generic-all
java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/ExtraButtonDrag.java generic-all
# jdk_beans
# A large set of the beans tests set the security manager, which would seem
# to indicate that a large number of them should be "othervm", yet are all
# very small tests and could greatly benefit from a samevm test run.
# So a large batch of beans tests are currently run with othervm mode.
# Filed 6986807
java/beans/Introspector/TestTypeResolver.java generic-all
# Filed 6986813
java/beans/Introspector/memory/Test4508780.java generic-all
# Linux, some kind of problems with X11 display
java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport/Test4682386.java generic-all
java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport/TestSynchronization.java generic-all
java/beans/Statement/Test4653179.java generic-all
# Runs REALLY slow on Solaris sparc for some reason, both -client and -server
java/beans/XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java solaris-sparc
# Problems with samevm and setting security manager (speculation partially)
java/beans/Introspector/4168475/Test4168475.java generic-all
java/beans/Introspector/4520754/Test4520754.java generic-all
java/beans/Introspector/6380849/TestBeanInfo.java generic-all
java/beans/Introspector/Test4144543.java generic-all
# Failed to call method solaris-sparc???
java/beans/EventHandler/Test6788531.java generic-all
# Jar or class not found???
java/beans/XMLEncoder/6329581/Test6329581.java generic-all
# jdk_lang
# 7123972
java/lang/annotation/loaderLeak/Main.java generic-all
# 7079093
java/lang/instrument/ManifestTest.sh windows-all
# 6944188
java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadStateTest.java generic-all
# 7067973
java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/CollectionUsageThreshold.java generic-all
# jdk_management
# 7073626
sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiBootstrapTest.sh windows-all
sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiSslBootstrapTest.sh windows-all
# jdk_math
# jdk_misc
# 6988950
demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java generic-all
# Need to be marked othervm, or changed to be samevm safe
com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/UnbindIdempotent.java generic-all
# Need to be marked othervm, or changed to be samevm safe
com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ClassLoaderTest.java generic-all
# Solaris sparc and others, exception in initializer
javax/imageio/CachePremissionsTest/CachePermissionsTest.java generic-all
# Leaves file rgba_* open, fails with windows samevm
javax/imageio/plugins/png/PngOutputTypeTest.java generic-all
# Suspect test.png file is left open, windows samevm problems
javax/imageio/plugins/png/ITXtTest.java generic-all
# Solaris sparc and others, failed to compile testcase
javax/imageio/metadata/DOML3Node.java generic-all
# One of these tests is leaving file IMGP1001.JPG open, windows samevm
javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/ConcurrentReadingTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/ReadingInterruptionTest.java generic-all
# One of these files is missing a close on writer_* files, windows samevm
javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/ConcurrentWritingTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/WritingInterruptionTest.java generic-all
# Leaving file test.jpg open, windows samevm
javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/ReadAsGrayTest.java generic-all
# Missing close on file wbmp*, windows samevm
javax/imageio/plugins/wbmp/CanDecodeTest.java generic-all
# Failures on OpenSolaris, cannot read input files? samevm issues?
javax/imageio/metadata/BooleanAttributes.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/BMPSubsamplingTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/TopDownTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/gif/EncodeSubImageTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/gif/GifTransparencyTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/png/GrayPngTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/png/ItxtUtf8Test.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/png/MergeStdCommentTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/png/ShortHistogramTest.java generic-all
javax/imageio/plugins/shared/BitDepth.java generic-all
# Exclude all javax/print tests, even if they passed, they may need samevm work
# Times out on solaris-sparc, sparcv9, x64 -server, some on i586 -client
javax/print/attribute/autosense/PrintAutoSenseData.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/Chroma.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/CollateAttr.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/PSCopiesFlavorTest.java generic-all
javax/print/LookupServices.java generic-all
javax/print/TestRaceCond.java generic-all
# These tests really require a printer (might all be windows only tests?)
javax/print/CheckDupFlavor.java generic-all
javax/print/PrintSE/PrintSE.sh generic-all
javax/print/attribute/ChromaticityValues.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/GetCopiesSupported.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/SidesPageRangesTest.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/SupportedPrintableAreas.java generic-all
javax/print/attribute/AttributeTest.java generic-all
# Only print test left, excluding just because all print tests have been
javax/print/attribute/MediaMappingsTest.java generic-all
# Filed 7058852
javax/sound/sampled/FileWriter/AlawEncoderSync.java generic-all
# jdk_net
# Filed 7052625
com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/Test.java generic-all
# Filed 7036666
com/sun/net/httpserver/Test9a.java generic-all
# 7079145 java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java hang at IPv6 only data exchange
java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java linux-all
# 7081476
java/net/InetSocketAddress/B6469803.java generic-all
# 7102670
java/net/InetAddress/CheckJNI.java linux-all
# failing on vista 32/64 on nightly
# 7102702
java/net/PortUnreachableException/OneExceptionOnly.java windows-all
# jdk_io
# 6962637
java/io/File/MaxPathLength.java windows-all
# 7076644
java/io/File/Basic.java windows-all
# jdk_nio
# 6963118
java/nio/channels/Selector/Wakeup.java windows-all
# 7052549
java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ReleaseOnCloseDeadlock.java windows-all
# jdk_rmi
# 7140992
java/rmi/server/Unreferenced/finiteGCLatency/FiniteGCLatency.java generic-all
# 6948101
java/rmi/transport/pinLastArguments/PinLastArguments.java generic-all
# 7132247
java/rmi/registry/readTest/readTest.sh windows-all
# jdk_security
# Failing on Solaris i586, 3/9/2010, not a -samevm issue (jdk_security3)
sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/AddPrivateKey.java solaris-i586
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadCertificates.java solaris-i586
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadPKCS12.java solaris-i586
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestCurves.java solaris-i586
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestECDSA.java solaris-i586
#sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestECGenSpec.java solaris-i586
#sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestKeyFactory.java solaris-i586
sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java solaris-i586
# Fails on Fedora 9/Ubuntu 10.04 64bit, PKCS11Exception: CKR_DEVICE_ERROR
sun/security/pkcs11/KeyAgreement/TestDH.java generic-all
# Run too slow on Solaris 10 sparc
sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/InputRecord/SSLSocketTimeoutNulls.java solaris-sparc
sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ClientTimeout.java solaris-sparc
sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ServerTimeout.java solaris-sparc
sun/security/ssl/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ReadTimeout.java solaris-sparc
sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/NotifyHandshakeTest.sh solaris-sparc
# Solaris 10 sparc, passed/failed confusion? java.security.ProviderException: update() failed
sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/AsyncSSLSocketClose.java generic-all
# Othervm, sparc, NoRouteToHostException: Cannot assign requested address
sun/security/ssl/javax/net/ssl/NewAPIs/SessionCacheSizeTests.java generic-all
# Times out on windows X64, othervm mode
# Solaris sparc and sparcv9 -server, timeout
sun/security/ssl/javax/net/ssl/NewAPIs/SessionTimeOutTests.java generic-all
# Various failures on Linux Fedora 9 X64, othervm mode
sun/security/ssl/javax/net/ssl/NewAPIs/SSLEngine/TestAllSuites.java generic-all
sun/security/ssl/sanity/ciphersuites/CheckCipherSuites.java generic-all
# Various failures on Linux Fedora 9 X64, othervm mode
sun/security/ssl/sanity/interop/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java generic-all
# 7079203 sun/security/tools/keytool/printssl.sh fails on solaris with timeout
sun/security/tools/keytool/printssl.sh solaris-all
# 7081817
sun/security/provider/certpath/X509CertPath/IllegalCertiticates.java generic-all
# 7041639, Solaris DSA keypair generation bug (Note: jdk_util also affected)
java/security/KeyPairGenerator/SolarisShortDSA.java solaris-all
sun/security/tools/jarsigner/onlymanifest.sh solaris-all
sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ts.sh solaris-all
sun/security/tools/keytool/emptysubject.sh solaris-all
sun/security/tools/keytool/importreadall.sh solaris-all
sun/security/tools/keytool/readjar.sh solaris-all
sun/security/tools/keytool/selfissued.sh solaris-all
sun/security/tools/keytool/standard.sh solaris-all
# jdk_swing (not using samevm)
# Fails on solaris 11 i586, with othervm
javax/swing/JFileChooser/6570445/bug6570445.java generic-all
javax/swing/JFileChooser/6738668/bug6738668.java generic-all
javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6675802/bug6675802.java generic-all
javax/swing/system/6799345/TestShutdown.java generic-all
# jdk_text
# Linux x64 occasional errors, no details
java/text/Bidi/Bug6665028.java linux-x64
# jdk_tools
# 6461635
com/sun/tools/attach/BasicTests.sh generic-all
# Filed 6952105
com/sun/jdi/SuspendThreadTest.java generic-all
# Filed 6653793
com/sun/jdi/RedefineCrossEvent.java generic-all
# Filed 6987312
com/sun/jdi/DoubleAgentTest.java generic-all
# Filed 7020857
com/sun/jdi/FieldWatchpoints.java generic-all
# Filed 6402201
com/sun/jdi/ProcessAttachTest.sh generic-all
# Filed 6979016
sun/tools/jconsole/ResourceCheckTest.sh generic-all
# 7132203
sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/CR6672135.java generic-all
# Tests take too long
tools/pack200/CommandLineTests.java generic-all
tools/pack200/Pack200Test.java generic-all
# jdk_util
# Filed 6933803
java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/CoreThreadTimeOut.java generic-all
# Filed 6772009
java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/CancelledLockLoops.java generic-all
# 7041639, Solaris DSA keypair generation bug
java/util/TimeZone/TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh solaris-all