8331680: NumberFormat is missing some bad exponent strict parse cases Reviewed-by: naoto
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* Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* @test
* @bug 8331485
* @summary Ensure correctness when parsing large (+/-) exponent values that
* exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE.
* @run junit/othervm --add-opens java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED LargeExponentsTest
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
// We prevent odd results when parsing large exponent values by ensuring
// that we properly handle overflow in the implementation of DigitList
public class LargeExponentsTest {
// Exponent symbol is 'E'
private static final NumberFormat FMT = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// Check that the parsed value and parse position index are both equal to the expected values.
// We are mainly checking that an exponent > Integer.MAX_VALUE no longer
// parses to 0 and that an exponent > Long.MAX_VALUE no longer parses to the mantissa.
@MethodSource({"largeExponentValues", "smallExponentValues", "bugReportValues", "edgeCases"})
public void overflowTest(String parseString, Double expectedValue) throws ParseException {
checkParse(parseString, expectedValue);
checkParseWithPP(parseString, expectedValue);
// A separate white-box test to avoid the memory consumption of testing cases
// when the String is near Integer.MAX_LENGTH
public void largeDecimalAtExponentTest(int expected, int decimalAt, long expVal)
throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
Method m = df.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
"shiftDecimalAt", int.class, long.class);
assertEquals(expected, m.invoke(df, decimalAt, expVal));
// Cases where we can test behavior when the String is near Integer.MAX_LENGTH
private static Stream<Arguments> largeDecimalAtExponentTest() {
return Stream.of(
// Equivalent to testing Arguments.of("0."+"0".repeat(Integer.MAX_VALUE-20)+"1"+"E2147483650", 1.0E22)
// This is an absurdly long decimal string with length close to Integer.MAX_VALUE
// where the decimal position correctly negates the exponent value, even if it exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE
Arguments.of(23, -(Integer.MAX_VALUE-20), 3L+Integer.MAX_VALUE),
Arguments.of(-23, Integer.MAX_VALUE-20, -(3L+Integer.MAX_VALUE)),
Arguments.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, -(Integer.MAX_VALUE-20), -(3L+Integer.MAX_VALUE)),
Arguments.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE-20, 3L+Integer.MAX_VALUE),
Arguments.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, -(Integer.MAX_VALUE-20), Long.MAX_VALUE),
Arguments.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE-20, Long.MIN_VALUE)
// Checks the parse(String, ParsePosition) method
public void checkParse(String parseString, Double expectedValue) {
ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
Number actualValue = FMT.parse(parseString, pp);
assertEquals(expectedValue, (double)actualValue);
assertEquals(parseString.length(), pp.getIndex());
// Checks the parse(String) method
public void checkParseWithPP(String parseString, Double expectedValue)
throws ParseException {
Number actualValue = FMT.parse(parseString);
assertEquals(expectedValue, (double)actualValue);
// Generate large enough exponents that should all be parsed as infinity
// when positive. This includes exponents that exceed Long.MAX_VALUE
private static List<Arguments> largeExponentValues() {
return createExponentValues(false);
// Same as previous provider but for negative exponent values, so expecting
// a parsed value of 0.
private static List<Arguments> smallExponentValues() {
return createExponentValues(true);
// Programmatically generate some large parse values that are expected
// to be parsed as infinity or 0
private static List<Arguments> createExponentValues(boolean negative) {
List<Arguments> args = new ArrayList<>();
// Start with a base value that should be parsed as infinity
String baseValue = "12234.123E1100";
// Continuously add to the String until we trigger the overflow condition
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
// Add to exponent
// Add to mantissa
bldr.insert(0, "1".repeat(i));
// Prepend "-" to exponent if negative
negative ? bldr.insert(bldr.indexOf("E")+1, "-").toString() : bldr.toString(),
// Expect 0 if negative, else infinity
negative ? 0.0 : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
return args;
// The provided values are all from the JBS issue
// These contain exponents that exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE, but not Long.MAX_VALUE
private static Stream<Arguments> bugReportValues() {
return Stream.of(
Arguments.of("0.123E1", 1.23),
Arguments.of("0.123E309", 1.23E308),
Arguments.of("0.123E310", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("0.123E2147483647", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("0.123E2147483648", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("0.0123E2147483648", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("0.0123E2147483649", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("1.23E2147483646", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("1.23E2147483647", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("0.123E4294967296", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("0.123E-322", 9.9E-324),
Arguments.of("0.123E-323", 0.0),
Arguments.of("0.123E-2147483647", 0.0),
Arguments.of("0.123E-2147483648", 0.0),
Arguments.of("0.123E-2147483649", 0.0)
// Some other edge case values to ensure parse correctness
private static Stream<Arguments> edgeCases() {
return Stream.of(
// Exponent itself does not cause underflow, but decimalAt adjustment
// based off mantissa should. decimalAt(-1) + exponent(Integer.MIN_VALUE) = underflow
Arguments.of("0.0123E-2147483648", 0.0),
// 0 exponent
Arguments.of("1.23E0", 1.23),
// Leading zeroes
Arguments.of("1.23E0000123", 1.23E123),
// Leading zeroes - Past Long.MAX_VALUE length
Arguments.of("1.23E00000000000000000000000000000000000000000123", 1.23E123),
// Trailing zeroes
Arguments.of("1.23E100", 1.23E100),
// Long.MAX_VALUE length
Arguments.of("1.23E1234567891234567800", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
// Long.MAX_VALUE with trailing zeroes
Arguments.of("1.23E9223372036854775807000", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
Arguments.of("1.23E-9223372036854775808", 0.0),
// Exponent value smaller than Long.MIN_VALUE
Arguments.of("1.23E-9223372036854775809", 0.0),
// Exponent value equal to Long.MAX_VALUE
Arguments.of("1.23E9223372036854775807", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
// Exponent value larger than Long.MAX_VALUE
Arguments.of("1.23E9223372036854775808", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)