387 lines
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387 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package nsk.share.jdb;
import nsk.share.*;
import nsk.share.jpda.*;
import nsk.share.jdi.ArgumentHandler;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class provides launching of <code>jdb</code> and debuggee in local
* or remote mode according to test command line options.
public class Launcher extends DebugeeBinder {
/* Delay in milliseconds after launching jdb.*/
static final long DEBUGGEE_START_DELAY = 5 * 1000;
protected static Jdb jdb;
protected static Debuggee debuggee;
/** Pattern for message of jdb has started. */
protected static String JDB_STARTED = "Initializing jdb";
* Get version string.
public static String getVersion () {
return "@(#)Launcher.java %I% %E%";
// -------------------------------------------------- //
* Handler of command line arguments.
protected static JdbArgumentHandler argumentHandler = null;
* Return <code>argumentHandler</code> of this binder.
public static JdbArgumentHandler getJdbArgumentHandler() {
return argumentHandler;
* Return <code>jdb</code> mirror of this binder.
public static Jdb getJdb() {
return jdb;
* Return debuggee mirror of this binder.
public static Debuggee getDebuggee() {
return debuggee;
* Incarnate new Launcher obeying the given
* <code>argumentHandler</code>; and assign the given
* <code>log</code>.
public Launcher (JdbArgumentHandler argumentHandler, Log log) {
super(argumentHandler, log);
setLogPrefix("launcher > ");
this.argumentHandler = argumentHandler;
* Defines mode (local or remote) and type of connector (default, launching,
* raw launching, attaching or listening) according to options
* parsed by <code>JdbArgumentHandler</code>. And then launches <code>jdb</code>
* and debuggee in defined mode.
public void launchJdbAndDebuggee (String classToExecute) throws IOException {
String[] jdbCmdArgs = makeJdbCmdLine(classToExecute);
if (argumentHandler.isLaunchedLocally()) {
if (argumentHandler.isDefaultConnector()) {
localDefaultLaunch(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else if (argumentHandler.isRawLaunchingConnector()) {
localRawLaunch(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else if (argumentHandler.isLaunchingConnector()) {
localLaunch(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else if (argumentHandler.isAttachingConnector()) {
localLaunchAndAttach(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else if (argumentHandler.isListeningConnector()) {
localLaunchAndListen(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else {
throw new TestBug("Unexpected connector type for local launch mode"
+ argumentHandler.getConnectorType());
} else if (argumentHandler.isLaunchedRemotely()) {
if (argumentHandler.isAttachingConnector()) {
remoteLaunchAndAttach(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else if (argumentHandler.isListeningConnector()) {
remoteLaunchAndListen(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
} else {
throw new TestBug("Unexpected connector type for remote launch mode"
+ argumentHandler.getConnectorType());
} else {
throw new Failure("Unexpected launching mode: " + argumentHandler.getLaunchMode());
* Creates String array to launch <code>jdb</code> according to options
* parsed by <code>JdbArgumentHandler</code>.
private String[] makeJdbCmdLine (String classToExecute) {
Vector<String> args = new Vector<String>();
String jdbExecPath = argumentHandler.getJdbExecPath();
String jdbOptions = argumentHandler.getJdbOptions();
if (jdbOptions.trim().length() > 0) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(jdbOptions);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String option = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (classToExecute == null)
return args.toArray(new String[args.size()]);
StringBuffer connect = new StringBuffer();
if (argumentHandler.isLaunchingConnector()) {
// Do not need to use quote symbol.
// String quote = '\"';
// connect.append(quote + argumentHandler.getConnectorName() + ":");
connect.append(argumentHandler.getConnectorName() + ":");
String connectorAddress;
String vmAddress = makeTransportAddress();;
if (argumentHandler.isRawLaunchingConnector()) {
if (argumentHandler.isSocketTransport()) {
if (argumentHandler.isLaunchedLocally()) {
connectorAddress = argumentHandler.getTransportPort();
} else {
connectorAddress = argumentHandler.getDebugeeHost() + ":" + argumentHandler.getTransportPort();
} else if (argumentHandler.isShmemTransport() ) {
connectorAddress = argumentHandler.getTransportSharedName();
} else {
throw new TestBug("Launcher: Undefined transport type for RawLaunchingConnector");
connect.append("address=" + connectorAddress.trim());
connect.append(",command=" + makeCommandLineString(classToExecute, vmAddress, " ").trim());
} else /* LaunchingConnector or DefaultConnector */ {
connect.append("vmexec=" + argumentHandler.getLaunchExecName().trim());
String debuggeeOpts = argumentHandler.getDebuggeeOptions();
if (debuggeeOpts.trim().length() > 0) {
//connect.append(",options=" + debuggeeOpts.trim());
for (String arg : debuggeeOpts.split("\\s+")) {
connect.append(" \"");
String cmdline = classToExecute + " " + ArgumentHandler.joinArguments(argumentHandler.getArguments(), " ");
connect.append(",main=" + cmdline.trim());
// connect.append(quote);
} else {
connect.append(argumentHandler.getConnectorName() + ":");
if (argumentHandler.isAttachingConnector()) {
if (argumentHandler.isSocketTransport()) {
connect.append("port=" + argumentHandler.getTransportPort().trim());
if (argumentHandler.isLaunchedRemotely())
connect.append(",hostname=" + argumentHandler.getDebugeeHost().trim());
} else if (argumentHandler.isShmemTransport()) {
connect.append("name=" + argumentHandler.getTransportSharedName().trim());
} else {
throw new TestBug("Launcher: Undefined transport type for AttachingConnector");
} else if (argumentHandler.isListeningConnector()) {
if (!argumentHandler.isTransportAddressDynamic()) {
if (argumentHandler.isSocketTransport()) {
connect.append("port=" + argumentHandler.getTransportPort().trim());
} else if (argumentHandler.isShmemTransport()) {
connect.append("name=" + argumentHandler.getTransportSharedName().trim());
} else {
throw new TestBug("Launcher: Undefined transport type for AttachingConnector");
} else {
throw new TestBug("Launcher: Undefined connector type");
String[] argsArray = new String[args.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
argsArray[i] = (String) args.elementAt(i);
return argsArray;
// ---------------------------------------------- //
* Run test in local mode using default connector.
private void localDefaultLaunch
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
localLaunch(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
* Run test in local mode using raw launching connector.
private void localRawLaunch
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
localLaunch(jdbCmdArgs, classToExecute);
* Run test in local mode using launching connector.
private void localLaunch
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
jdb = new Jdb(this);
display("Starting jdb launching local debuggee");
if (classToExecute != null)
jdb.waitForMessage(0, JDB_STARTED);
// jdb.waitForPrompt(0, false);
* Run test in local mode using attaching connector.
private void localLaunchAndAttach
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
debuggee = new LocalLaunchedDebuggee(this);
String address = makeTransportAddress();
String[] javaCmdArgs = makeCommandLineArgs(classToExecute, address);
display("Start jdb attaching to local debuggee");
jdb = Jdb.startAttachingJdb (this, jdbCmdArgs, JDB_STARTED);
// jdb.waitForPrompt(0, false);
* Run test in local mode using listening connector.
private void localLaunchAndListen
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
jdb = new Jdb(this);
display("Starting jdb listening to local debuggee");
String address = jdb.waitForListeningJdb();
display("Listening address found: " + address);
debuggee = new LocalLaunchedDebuggee(this);
String[] javaCmdArgs = makeCommandLineArgs(classToExecute, address);
// jdb.waitForPrompt(0, false);
* Run test in remote mode using attaching connector.
private void remoteLaunchAndAttach
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
debuggee = new RemoteLaunchedDebuggee(this);
String address = makeTransportAddress();
String[] javaCmdArgs = makeCommandLineArgs(classToExecute, address);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Failure("Caught exception while launching debuggee VM process:\n\t"
+ e);
display("Start jdb attaching to remote debuggee");
jdb = Jdb.startAttachingJdb (this, jdbCmdArgs, JDB_STARTED);
// jdb.waitForPrompt(0, false);
* Run test in remote mode using listening connector.
private void remoteLaunchAndListen
(String[] jdbCmdArgs, String classToExecute) throws IOException {
jdb = new Jdb(this);
display("Starting jdb listening to remote debuggee");
String address = jdb.waitForListeningJdb();
display("Listening address found: " + address);
debuggee = new RemoteLaunchedDebuggee(this);
String[] javaCmdArgs = makeCommandLineArgs(classToExecute);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Failure("Caught exception while launching debuggee VM process:\n\t"
+ e);
jdb.waitForMessage(0, JDB_STARTED);
// jdb.waitForPrompt(0, false);
} // End of Launcher