1903 lines
43 KiB
1903 lines
43 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
# Standard charsets provided by StandardCharsets provider.
# Note that these "standard" charsets listed here are not
# necessary to be the "Standard charsets" defined in the
# specification of java.nio.charset.Charset. Instead these
# are the charsets that this implementation believes should
# be packaged into the charsets provider class "StandardCharsets"
# which is initialized at startup time by java.nio.charset.Charset,
# compared to the charsets packaged in "ExtendedCharsets" provider,
# which is lazily initialized.
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias iso-ir-6 # IANA aliases
alias ANSI_X3.4-1986
alias ISO_646.irv:1991
alias ASCII
alias ISO646-US
alias us
alias IBM367
alias cp367
alias csASCII
# Other aliases
alias 646 # Solaris POSIX locale
alias iso_646.irv:1983
alias ANSI_X3.4-1968 # Linux POSIX locale (RedHat)
alias ascii7
charset UTF-8 UTF_8
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF8 # JDK historical
alias unicode-1-1-utf-8
charset CESU-8 CESU_8
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias CESU8
alias csCESU-8
charset UTF-16 UTF_16
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_16 # JDK historical
alias utf16
alias unicode
alias UnicodeBig
charset UTF-16BE UTF_16BE
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_16BE
alias ISO-10646-UCS-2
alias X-UTF-16BE
alias UnicodeBigUnmarked
charset UTF-16LE UTF_16LE
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_16LE
alias X-UTF-16LE
alias UnicodeLittleUnmarked
charset x-UTF-16LE-BOM UTF_16LE_BOM
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UnicodeLittle
charset UTF-32 UTF_32
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_32
alias UTF32
charset UTF-32LE UTF_32LE
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_32LE
alias X-UTF-32LE
charset UTF-32BE UTF_32BE
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_32BE
alias X-UTF-32BE
charset X-UTF-32LE-BOM UTF_32LE_BOM
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_32LE_BOM
alias UTF-32LE-BOM
charset X-UTF-32BE-BOM UTF_32BE_BOM
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias UTF_32BE_BOM
alias UTF-32BE-BOM
charset ISO-8859-1 ISO_8859_1
package sun.nio.cs
type source
alias iso-ir-100 # IANA aliases
alias ISO_8859-1
alias latin1
alias l1
alias IBM819
alias cp819
alias csISOLatin1
alias 819 # Other aliases
alias IBM-819
alias ISO8859_1
alias ISO_8859-1:1987
alias ISO_8859_1
alias 8859_1
alias ISO8859-1
charset ISO-8859-2 ISO_8859_2
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_2
ascii true
alias iso8859_2 # JDK historical
alias 8859_2
alias iso-ir-101
alias ISO_8859-2
alias ISO_8859-2:1987
alias ISO8859-2
alias latin2
alias l2
alias ibm912
alias ibm-912
alias cp912
alias 912
alias csISOLatin2
charset ISO-8859-4 ISO_8859_4
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_4
ascii true
alias iso8859_4 # JDK historical
alias iso8859-4
alias 8859_4
alias iso-ir-110
alias ISO_8859-4
alias ISO_8859-4:1988
alias latin4
alias l4
alias ibm914
alias ibm-914
alias cp914
alias 914
alias csISOLatin4
charset ISO-8859-5 ISO_8859_5
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_5
ascii true
alias iso8859_5 # JDK historical
alias 8859_5
alias iso-ir-144
alias ISO_8859-5
alias ISO_8859-5:1988
alias ISO8859-5
alias cyrillic
alias ibm915
alias ibm-915
alias cp915
alias 915
alias csISOLatinCyrillic
charset ISO-8859-7 ISO_8859_7
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_7
ascii true
alias iso8859_7 # JDK historical
alias 8859_7
alias iso-ir-126
alias ISO_8859-7
alias ISO_8859-7:1987
alias ELOT_928
alias ECMA-118
alias greek
alias greek8
alias csISOLatinGreek
alias sun_eu_greek # Solaris 7/8 compatibility
alias ibm813
alias ibm-813
alias 813
alias cp813
alias iso8859-7 # Solaris 9 compatibility
charset ISO-8859-9 ISO_8859_9
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_9
ascii true
alias iso8859_9 # JDK historical
alias 8859_9
alias iso-ir-148
alias ISO_8859-9
alias ISO_8859-9:1989
alias ISO8859-9
alias latin5
alias l5
alias ibm920
alias ibm-920
alias 920
alias cp920
alias csISOLatin5
charset ISO-8859-13 ISO_8859_13
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_13
ascii true
alias iso8859_13 # JDK historical
alias 8859_13
alias iso_8859-13
alias ISO8859-13
charset ISO-8859-15 ISO_8859_15
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_15
ascii true
alias ISO_8859-15 # IANA alias
alias Latin-9
alias csISO885915
alias 8859_15 # Other aliases
alias ISO-8859-15
alias ISO8859_15
alias ISO8859-15
alias IBM923
alias IBM-923
alias cp923
alias 923
alias LATIN0
alias LATIN9
alias L9
alias csISOlatin0
alias csISOlatin9
alias ISO8859_15_FDIS
charset ISO-8859-16 ISO_8859_16
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_16
ascii true
alias iso-ir-226
alias ISO_8859-16:2001
alias ISO_8859-16
alias ISO8859_16
alias latin10
alias l10
alias csISO885916
charset KOI8-R KOI8_R
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname KOI8_R
ascii true
alias koi8_r # JDK historical
alias koi8
alias cskoi8r
charset KOI8-U KOI8_U
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname KOI8_U
ascii true
alias koi8_u
charset windows-1250 MS1250
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp1250
ascii true
alias cp1250 # JDK historical
alias cp5346 # Euro IBM CCSID
charset windows-1251 MS1251
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp1251
ascii true
alias cp1251 # JDK historical
alias cp5347 # Euro IBM CCSID
alias ansi-1251 # Solaris compatibility
charset windows-1252 MS1252
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp1252
ascii true
alias cp1252 # JDK historical
alias cp5348 # Euro IBM CCSID
alias ibm-1252
alias ibm1252
charset windows-1253 MS1253
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp1253
ascii true
alias cp1253 # JDK historical
alias cp5349 # Euro IBM CCSID
charset windows-1254 MS1254
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp1254
ascii true
alias cp1254 # JDK historical
alias cp5350 # Euro IBM CCSID
charset windows-1257 MS1257
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp1257
ascii true
alias cp1257 # JDK historical
alias cp5353 # Euro IBM CCSID
charset IBM437 IBM437
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp437
ascii false
alias cp437 #JDK historical
alias ibm437
alias ibm-437
alias 437
alias cspc8codepage437
alias windows-437
charset x-IBM737 IBM737
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp737
ascii false
alias cp737 #JDK historical
alias ibm737
alias ibm-737
alias 737
charset IBM775 IBM775
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp775
ascii false
alias cp775 #JDK historical
alias ibm775
alias ibm-775
alias 775
charset IBM850 IBM850
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp850
ascii false
alias cp850 #JDK historical
alias ibm-850
alias ibm850
alias 850
alias cspc850multilingual
charset IBM852 IBM852
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp852
ascii false
alias cp852 #JDK historical
alias ibm852
alias ibm-852
alias 852
alias csPCp852
charset IBM855 IBM855
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp855
ascii false
alias cp855 #JDK historical
alias ibm-855
alias ibm855
alias 855
alias cspcp855
charset IBM857 IBM857
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp857
ascii false
alias cp857 #JDK historical
alias ibm857
alias ibm-857
alias 857
alias csIBM857
charset IBM00858 IBM858
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp858
ascii false
alias cp858 #JDK historical
alias ccsid00858
alias cp00858
alias 858
alias PC-Multilingual-850+euro
alias ibm858
alias ibm-858
charset IBM862 IBM862
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp862
ascii false
alias cp862 #JDK historical
alias ibm862
alias ibm-862
alias 862
alias csIBM862
alias cspc862latinhebrew
charset IBM866 IBM866
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp866
ascii false
alias cp866 #JDK historical
alias ibm866
alias ibm-866
alias 866
alias csIBM866
charset x-IBM874 IBM874
package sun.nio.cs
type sbcs
histname Cp874
ascii false
alias cp874 #JDK historical
alias ibm874
alias ibm-874
alias 874
# alias for GB18030 is generated at runtime
charset GB18030 GB18030
package sun.nio.cs
type source
# charsets provided by ExtendedCharsets provider.
charset Big5 Big5
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Big5
ascii true
minmax 0xa1 0xf9 0x40 0xfe
alias csBig5 # IANA aliases
charset x-MS950-HKSCS-XP MS950_HKSCS_XP
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias MS950_HKSCS_XP # JDK historical;
charset x-MS950-HKSCS MS950_HKSCS
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
histname MS950_HKSCS
ascii true
alias MS950_HKSCS # JDK historical;
charset x-windows-950 MS950
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname MS950
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfe 0x40 0xfe
alias ms950 # JDK historical
alias windows-950
charset x-windows-874 MS874
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MS874
ascii true
alias ms874 # JDK historical
alias ms-874
alias windows-874
charset x-EUC-TW EUC_TW
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias euc_tw # JDK historical
alias euctw
alias cns11643
alias EUC-TW
charset Big5-HKSCS Big5_HKSCS
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
histname Big5_HKSCS
ascii true
alias Big5_HKSCS # JDK historical
alias big5hk
alias big5-hkscs
alias big5hkscs # Linux alias
charset x-Big5-HKSCS-2001 Big5_HKSCS_2001
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias Big5_HKSCS_2001
alias big5hk-2001
alias big5-hkscs-2001
alias big5-hkscs:unicode3.0
alias big5hkscs-2001
charset x-Big5-Solaris Big5_Solaris
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
histname Big5_Solaris
ascii true
alias Big5_Solaris # JDK historical
charset GBK GBK # Simplified Chinese
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname GBK
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfe 0x40 0xfe
alias windows-936
alias CP936
charset GB2312 EUC_CN
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname EUC_CN
ascii true
minmax 0xa1 0xf7 0xa1 0xfe
# IANA aliases
alias gb2312
alias gb2312-80
alias gb2312-1980
alias euc-cn
alias euccn
alias x-EUC-CN # 1.4 compatibility
alias EUC_CN # JDK historical
charset x-mswin-936 MS936
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname MS936
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfe 0x40 0xfe
alias ms936 # JDK historical
alias ms_936 // IANA aliases
charset Shift_JIS SJIS
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname SJIS
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfc 0x40 0xfc
# IANA aliases
alias sjis # historical
alias shift_jis
alias shift-jis
alias ms_kanji
alias x-sjis
alias csShiftJIS
charset windows-31j MS932
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname MS932
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfc 0x40 0xfc
alias MS932 # JDK historical
alias windows-932
alias csWindows31J
charset JIS_X0201 JIS_X_0201
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname JIS_X0201
ascii true
alias JIS0201 # JDK historical
# IANA aliases
alias JIS_X0201
alias X0201
alias csHalfWidthKatakana
charset x-JIS0208 JIS_X_0208
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS0208
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x7e 0x21 0x7e
alias JIS0208 # JDK historical
# IANA aliases
alias JIS_C6226-1983
alias iso-ir-87
alias x0208
alias JIS_X0208-1983
alias csISO87JISX0208
charset JIS_X0212-1990 JIS_X_0212
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS0212
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x7e 0x21 0x7e
alias JIS0212 # JDK historical
# IANA aliases
alias jis_x0212-1990
alias x0212
alias iso-ir-159
alias csISO159JISX02121990
charset x-SJIS_0213 SJIS_0213
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias sjis-0213
alias sjis_0213
alias sjis:2004
alias sjis_0213:2004
alias shift_jis_0213:2004
alias shift_jis:2004
charset x-MS932_0213 MS932_0213
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias MS932-0213
alias MS932_0213
alias MS932:2004
alias windows-932-0213
alias windows-932:2004
charset EUC-JP EUC_JP
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
histname EUC_JP
ascii true
alias euc_jp # JDK historical
alias eucjis # IANA aliases
alias eucjp
alias Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese
alias csEUCPkdFmtjapanese
alias x-euc-jp
alias x-eucjp
charset x-euc-jp-linux EUC_JP_LINUX
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
histname EUC_JP_LINUX
ascii true
alias euc_jp_linux # JDK historical
alias euc-jp-linux
charset x-eucJP-Open EUC_JP_Open
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
histname EUC_JP_Solaris
ascii true
alias EUC_JP_Solaris # JDK historical
alias eucJP-open
charset x-PCK PCK
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname PCK
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfc 0x40 0xfc
# IANA aliases
alias pck # JDK historical
charset ISO-2022-JP ISO2022_JP
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
# IANA aliases
alias iso2022jp # JDK historical
alias jis
alias csISO2022JP
alias jis_encoding
alias csjisencoding
charset ISO-2022-JP-2 ISO2022_JP_2
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
# IANA aliases
alias csISO2022JP2
alias iso2022jp2
charset x-windows-50221 MS50221
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias ms50221 # JDK historical
alias cp50221
charset x-windows-50220 MS50220
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias ms50220 # JDK historical
alias cp50220
charset x-windows-iso2022jp MSISO2022JP
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias windows-iso2022jp # JDK historical
charset x-JISAutoDetect JISAutoDetect
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias JISAutoDetect # JDK historical
charset EUC-KR EUC_KR # Korean
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname EUC_KR
ascii true
minmax 0xa1 0xfd 0xa1 0xfe
alias euc_kr # JDK historical
# IANA aliases
alias ksc5601
alias euckr
alias ks_c_5601-1987
alias ksc5601-1987
alias ksc5601_1987
alias ksc_5601
alias csEUCKR
alias 5601
charset x-windows-949 MS949
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname MS949
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfe 0x41 0xfe
alias ms949 # JDK historical
alias windows949
alias windows-949
alias ms_949 # IANA aliases
charset x-Johab Johab
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname x-Johab
ascii true
minmax 0x84 0xf9 0x31 0xfe
alias ksc5601-1992
alias ksc5601_1992
alias ms1361
alias johab # JDK historical
charset ISO-2022-KR ISO2022_KR
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias ISO2022KR # JDK historical
alias csISO2022KR
charset ISO-2022-CN ISO2022_CN
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias ISO2022CN # JDK historical
alias csISO2022CN
charset x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS ISO2022_CN_CNS
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias ISO2022CN_CNS # JDK historical
alias ISO-2022-CN-CNS
charset x-ISO-2022-CN-GB ISO2022_CN_GB
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias ISO2022CN_GB # JDK historical
alias ISO-2022-CN-GB
charset x-ISCII91 ISCII91
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias iscii
alias ST_SEV_358-88
alias iso-ir-153
alias csISO153GOST1976874
alias ISCII91 # JDK historical
charset ISO-8859-3 ISO_8859_3
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_3
ascii true
alias iso8859_3 # JDK historical
alias 8859_3
alias ISO_8859-3:1988
alias iso-ir-109
alias ISO_8859-3
alias ISO8859-3
alias latin3
alias l3
alias ibm913
alias ibm-913
alias cp913
alias 913
alias csISOLatin3
charset ISO-8859-6 ISO_8859_6
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_6
ascii true
alias iso8859_6 # JDK historical
alias 8859_6
alias iso-ir-127
alias ISO_8859-6
alias ISO_8859-6:1987
alias ISO8859-6
alias ECMA-114
alias ASMO-708
alias arabic
alias ibm1089
alias ibm-1089
alias cp1089
alias 1089
alias csISOLatinArabic
charset ISO-8859-8 ISO_8859_8
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname ISO8859_8
ascii true
alias iso8859_8 # JDK historical
alias 8859_8
alias iso-ir-138
alias ISO_8859-8
alias ISO_8859-8:1988
alias ISO8859-8
alias cp916
alias 916
alias ibm916
alias ibm-916
alias hebrew
alias csISOLatinHebrew
charset x-iso-8859-11 ISO_8859_11
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname x-iso-8859-11
ascii true
alias iso-8859-11
alias iso8859_11
charset TIS-620 TIS_620
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname TIS620
ascii true
alias tis620 # JDK historical
alias tis620.2533
# Microsoft Windows codepages
charset windows-1255 MS1255
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1255
ascii true
alias cp1255 # JDK historical
charset windows-1256 MS1256
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1256
ascii true
alias cp1256 # JDK historical
charset windows-1258 MS1258
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1258
ascii true
alias cp1258 # JDK historical
charset x-IBM942 IBM942 # IBM & PC/MSDOS encodings
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Cp942
ascii false
minmax 0x81 0xfc 0x40 0xfc
alias cp942 # JDK historical
alias ibm942
alias ibm-942
alias 942
charset x-IBM942C IBM942C
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias cp942C # JDK historical
alias ibm942C
alias ibm-942C
alias 942C
alias cp932
alias ibm932
alias ibm-932
alias 932
alias x-ibm932
charset x-IBM943 IBM943
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Cp943
ascii false
minmax 0x81 0xfc 0x40 0xfc
alias cp943 # JDK historical
alias ibm943
alias ibm-943
alias 943
charset x-IBM943C IBM943C
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias cp943C # JDK historical
alias ibm943C
alias ibm-943C
alias 943C
charset x-IBM948 IBM948
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Cp948
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfe 0x40 0xfc
alias cp948 # JDK historical
alias ibm948
alias ibm-948
alias 948
charset x-IBM950 IBM950
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Cp950
ascii true
minmax 0x81 0xfe 0x40 0xfe
alias cp950 # JDK historical
alias ibm950
alias ibm-950
alias 950
charset x-IBM930 IBM930
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type ebcdic
histname Cp930
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0x7f 0x40 0xfe
alias cp930 # JDK historical
alias ibm930
alias ibm-930
alias 930
charset x-IBM935 IBM935
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type ebcdic
histname Cp935
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0x7f 0x40 0xfe
alias cp935 # JDK historical
alias ibm935
alias ibm-935
alias 935
charset x-IBM937 IBM937
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type ebcdic
histname Cp937
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0xe2 0x40 0xfe
alias cp937 # JDK historical
alias ibm937
alias ibm-937
alias 937
charset x-IBM856 IBM856
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp856
ascii false
alias cp856 # JDK historical
alias ibm-856
alias ibm856
alias 856
charset IBM860 IBM860
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp860
ascii false
alias cp860 # JDK historical
alias ibm860
alias ibm-860
alias 860
alias csIBM860
charset IBM861 IBM861
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp861
ascii false
alias cp861 # JDK historical
alias ibm861
alias ibm-861
alias 861
alias csIBM861
alias cp-is
charset IBM863 IBM863
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp863
ascii false
alias cp863 # JDK historical
alias ibm863
alias ibm-863
alias 863
alias csIBM863
charset IBM864 IBM864
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp864
ascii false
alias cp864 # JDK historical
alias ibm864
alias ibm-864
alias 864
alias csIBM864
charset IBM865 IBM865
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp865
ascii false
alias cp865 # JDK historical
alias ibm865
alias ibm-865
alias 865
alias csIBM865
charset IBM868 IBM868
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp868
ascii false
alias cp868 # JDK historical
alias ibm868
alias ibm-868
alias 868
alias cp-ar
alias csIBM868
charset IBM869 IBM869
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp869
ascii false
alias cp869 # JDK historical
alias ibm869
alias ibm-869
alias 869
alias cp-gr
alias csIBM869
charset x-IBM921 IBM921
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp921
ascii false
alias cp921 # JDK historical
alias ibm921
alias ibm-921
alias 921
charset x-IBM1006 IBM1006
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1006
ascii false
alias cp1006 # JDK historical
alias ibm1006
alias ibm-1006
alias 1006
charset x-IBM1046 IBM1046
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1046
ascii false
alias cp1046 # JDK historical
alias ibm1046
alias ibm-1046
alias 1046
charset IBM1047 IBM1047
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1047
ascii false
alias cp1047 # JDK historical
alias ibm-1047
alias 1047
charset x-IBM1098 IBM1098
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1098
ascii false
alias cp1098 # JDK historical
alias ibm1098
alias ibm-1098
alias 1098
charset IBM037 IBM037
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp037
ascii false
alias cp037 # JDK historical
alias ibm037
alias ebcdic-cp-us
alias ebcdic-cp-ca
alias ebcdic-cp-wt
alias ebcdic-cp-nl
alias csIBM037
alias cs-ebcdic-cp-us
alias cs-ebcdic-cp-ca
alias cs-ebcdic-cp-wt
alias cs-ebcdic-cp-nl
alias ibm-037
alias ibm-37
alias cpibm37
alias 037
charset x-IBM1025 IBM1025
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1025
ascii false
alias cp1025 # JDK historical
alias ibm1025
alias ibm-1025
alias 1025
charset IBM1026 IBM1026
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1026
ascii false
alias cp1026 # JDK historical
alias ibm1026
alias ibm-1026
alias 1026
charset x-IBM1112 IBM1112
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1112
ascii false
alias cp1112 # JDK historical
alias ibm1112
alias ibm-1112
alias 1112
charset x-IBM1122 IBM1122
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1122
ascii false
alias cp1122 # JDK historical
alias ibm1122
alias ibm-1122
alias 1122
charset x-IBM1123 IBM1123
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1123
ascii false
alias cp1123 # JDK historical
alias ibm1123
alias ibm-1123
alias 1123
charset x-IBM1124 IBM1124
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1124
ascii false
alias cp1124 # JDK historical
alias ibm1124
alias ibm-1124
alias 1124
charset x-IBM1129 IBM1129
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1129
ascii false
alias cp1129 # JDK historical
alias ibm1129
alias ibm-1129
alias 1129
charset x-IBM1364 IBM1364
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type ebcdic
histname Cp1364
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0xde 0x40 0xfe
alias cp1364
alias ibm1364
alias ibm-1364
alias 1364
charset IBM273 IBM273
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp273
ascii false
alias cp273 # JDK historical
alias ibm273
alias ibm-273
alias 273
charset IBM277 IBM277
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp277
ascii false
alias cp277 # JDK historical
alias ibm277
alias ibm-277
alias 277
charset IBM278 IBM278
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp278
ascii false
alias cp278 # JDK historical
alias ibm278
alias ibm-278
alias 278
alias ebcdic-sv
alias ebcdic-cp-se
alias csIBM278
charset IBM280 IBM280
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp280
ascii false
alias cp280 # JDK historical
alias ibm280
alias ibm-280
alias 280
charset IBM284 IBM284
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp284
ascii false
alias cp284 # JDK historical
alias ibm284
alias ibm-284
alias 284
alias csIBM284
alias cpibm284
charset IBM285 IBM285
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp285
ascii false
alias cp285 # JDK historical
alias ibm285
alias ibm-285
alias 285
alias ebcdic-cp-gb
alias ebcdic-gb
alias csIBM285
alias cpibm285
charset IBM297 IBM297
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp297
ascii false
alias cp297 # JDK historical
alias ibm297
alias ibm-297
alias 297
alias ebcdic-cp-fr
alias cpibm297
alias csIBM297
charset IBM420 IBM420
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp420
ascii false
alias cp420 # JDK historical
alias ibm420
alias ibm-420
alias ebcdic-cp-ar1
alias 420
alias csIBM420
charset IBM424 IBM424
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp424
ascii false
alias cp424 # JDK historical
alias ibm424
alias ibm-424
alias 424
alias ebcdic-cp-he
alias csIBM424
charset IBM500 IBM500
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp500
ascii false
alias cp500 # JDK historical
alias ibm500
alias ibm-500
alias 500
alias ebcdic-cp-ch
alias ebcdic-cp-bh
alias csIBM500
charset x-IBM833 IBM833
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp833
ascii false
alias cp833
alias ibm833
alias ibm-833
alias 833
charset x-IBM834 IBM834 # EBCDIC DBCS-only Korean
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias cp834
alias ibm834
alias 834
alias ibm-834
charset IBM-Thai IBM838
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp838
ascii false
alias cp838 # JDK historical
alias ibm838
alias ibm-838
alias 838
charset IBM870 IBM870
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp870
ascii false
alias cp870 # JDK historical
alias ibm870
alias ibm-870
alias 870
alias ebcdic-cp-roece
alias ebcdic-cp-yu
alias csIBM870
charset IBM871 IBM871
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp871
ascii false
alias cp871 # JDK historical
alias ibm871
alias ibm-871
alias 871
alias ebcdic-cp-is
alias csIBM871
charset x-IBM875 IBM875
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp875
ascii false
alias cp875 # JDK historical
alias ibm875
alias ibm-875
alias 875
charset IBM918 IBM918
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp918
ascii false
alias cp918 # JDK historical
alias ibm-918
alias 918
alias ebcdic-cp-ar2
charset x-IBM922 IBM922
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp922
ascii false
alias cp922 # JDK historical
alias ibm922
alias ibm-922
alias 922
charset x-IBM1097 IBM1097
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1097
ascii false
alias cp1097 # JDK historical
alias ibm1097
alias ibm-1097
alias 1097
charset x-IBM949 IBM949
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Cp949
ascii false
minmax 0x8f 0xfe 0xa1 0xfe
alias cp949 # JDK historical
alias ibm949
alias ibm-949
alias 949
charset x-IBM949C IBM949C
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias cp949C # JDK historical
alias ibm949C
alias ibm-949C
alias 949C
charset x-IBM939 IBM939
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type ebcdic
histname Cp939
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0x7f 0x40 0xfe
alias cp939 # JDK historical
alias ibm939
alias ibm-939
alias 939
charset x-IBM933 IBM933
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type ebcdic
histname Cp933
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0xdd 0x40 0xfe
alias cp933 # JDK historical
alias ibm933
alias ibm-933
alias 933
charset x-IBM1381 IBM1381
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcs
histname Cp1381
ascii true
minmax 0x8c 0xf7 0xa1 0xfe
alias cp1381 # JDK historical
alias ibm1381
alias ibm-1381
alias 1381
charset x-IBM1383 IBM1383
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type euc_sim
histname Cp1383
ascii true
minmax 0xa1 0xfe 0xa1 0xfe
alias cp1383 # JDK historical
alias ibm1383
alias ibm-1383
alias 1383
alias ibmeuccn
alias ibm-euccn
alias cpeuccn
charset x-IBM970 IBM970
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type euc_sim
histname Cp970
ascii true
minmax 0xa1 0xfe 0xa1 0xfe
alias cp970 # JDK historical
alias ibm970
alias ibm-970
alias ibm-eucKR
alias 970
charset x-IBM964 IBM964
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias cp964 # JDK historical
alias ibm964
alias ibm-964
alias ibm-euctw
alias 964
charset x-IBM29626C IBM29626C
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
alias cp29626c # JDK historical
alias ibm29626c
alias ibm-29626c
alias 29626c
alias ibm-eucjp
charset x-IBM33722 IBM33722
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type source
alias cp33722 # JDK historical
alias ibm33722
alias ibm-33722
alias ibm-5050 # from IBM alias list
alias ibm-33722_vascii_vpua # from IBM alias list
alias 33722
charset IBM01140 IBM1140
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1140
ascii false
alias cp1140 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01140
alias cp01140
alias 1140
alias ebcdic-us-037+euro
alias ibm1140
alias ibm-1140
charset IBM01141 IBM1141
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1141
ascii false
alias cp1141 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01141
alias cp01141
alias 1141
alias ebcdic-de-273+euro
alias ibm1141
alias ibm-1141
charset IBM01142 IBM1142
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1142
ascii false
alias cp1142 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01142
alias cp01142
alias 1142
alias ebcdic-no-277+euro
alias ebcdic-dk-277+euro
alias ibm1142
alias ibm-1142
charset IBM01143 IBM1143
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1143
ascii false
alias cp1143 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01143
alias cp01143
alias 1143
alias ebcdic-fi-278+euro
alias ebcdic-se-278+euro
alias ibm1143
alias ibm-1143
charset IBM01144 IBM1144
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1144
ascii false
alias cp1144 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01144
alias cp01144
alias 1144
alias ebcdic-it-280+euro
alias ibm1144
alias ibm-1144
charset IBM01145 IBM1145
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1145
ascii false
alias cp1145 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01145
alias cp01145
alias 1145
alias ebcdic-es-284+euro
alias ibm1145
alias ibm-1145
charset IBM01146 IBM1146
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1146
ascii false
alias cp1146 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01146
alias cp01146
alias 1146
alias ebcdic-gb-285+euro
alias ibm1146
alias ibm-1146
charset IBM01147 IBM1147
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1147
ascii false
alias cp1147 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01147
alias cp01147
alias 1147
alias ebcdic-fr-277+euro
alias ibm1147
alias ibm-1147
charset IBM01148 IBM1148
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1148
ascii false
alias cp1148 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01148
alias cp01148
alias 1148
alias ebcdic-international-500+euro
alias ibm1148
alias ibm-1148
charset IBM01149 IBM1149
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1149
ascii false
alias cp1149 # JDK historical
alias ccsid01149
alias cp01149
alias 1149
alias ebcdic-s-871+euro
alias ibm1149
alias ibm-1149
charset IBM290 IBM290
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp290
ascii false
alias cp290
alias ibm290
alias ibm-290
alias csIBM290
alias EBCDIC-JP-kana
alias 290
charset x-IBM1166 IBM1166
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname Cp1166
ascii false
alias cp1166
alias ibm1166
alias ibm-1166
alias 1166
charset x-IBM300 IBM300
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname Cp300
ascii false
minmax 0x40 0x7f 0x40 0xfe
alias cp300
alias ibm300
alias ibm-300
alias 300
# Macintosh MacOS/Apple char encoding
charset x-MacRoman MacRoman
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacRoman
ascii false
alias MacRoman # JDK historical
charset x-MacCentralEurope MacCentralEurope
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacCentralEurope
ascii false
alias MacCentralEurope # JDK historical
charset x-MacCroatian MacCroatian
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacCroatian
ascii false
alias MacCroatian # JDK historical
charset x-MacGreek MacGreek
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacGreek
ascii false
alias MacGreek # JDK historical
charset x-MacCyrillic MacCyrillic
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacCyrillic
ascii false
alias MacCyrillic # JDK historical
charset x-MacUkraine MacUkraine
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacUkraine
ascii false
alias MacUkraine # JDK historical
charset x-MacTurkish MacTurkish
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacTurkish
ascii false
alias MacTurkish # JDK historical
charset x-MacArabic MacArabic
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacArabic
ascii false
alias MacArabic # JDK historical
charset x-MacHebrew MacHebrew
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacHebrew
ascii false
alias MacHebrew # JDK historical
charset x-MacIceland MacIceland
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacIceland
ascii false
alias MacIceland # JDK historical
charset x-MacRomania MacRomania
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacRomania
ascii false
alias MacRomania # JDK historical
charset x-MacThai MacThai
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacThai
ascii false
alias MacThai # JDK historical
charset x-MacSymbol MacSymbol
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacSymbol
ascii false
alias MacSymbol # JDK historical
charset x-MacDingbat MacDingbat
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type sbcs
histname MacDingbat
ascii false
alias MacDingbat # JDK historical
# internal use, not to be registered into spi
charset x-JIS0208_Solaris JIS_X_0208_Solaris
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS0208
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x9e 0x21 0x7e
internal true
charset x-JIS0208_MS5022X JIS_X_0208_MS5022X
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS_X_0208_MS5022X
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x7e 0x21 0x7e
internal true
charset x-JIS0208_MS932 JIS_X_0208_MS932
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS_X_0208_MS932
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x7e 0x21 0x7e
internal true # "internal implementation
charset x-JIS0212_Solaris JIS_X_0212_Solaris
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS_X_0212_Solaris
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x7e 0x21 0x7e
internal true # "internal implementation
charset x-JIS0212_MS5022X JIS_X_0212_MS5022X
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type dbcsonly
histname JIS_X_0212_MS5022X
ascii false
minmax 0x21 0x7e 0x21 0x7e
internal true # "internal implementation
charset SimpleEUCEncoder SimpleEUCEncoder
package sun.nio.cs.ext
type template
internal true
# platform specific charsets, to be registered into spi