Naoto Sato 93fabcdc5a 8221431: Support for Unicode 12.1
Reviewed-by: erikj, rriggs
2019-05-23 12:21:21 -07:00

530 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
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* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
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* @test
* @bug 4221795 6565620 6959267 7070436 7198195 8032446 8221431
* @summary Confirm Normalizer's fundamental behavior
* @library /lib/testlibrary/java/lang
* @modules java.base/sun.text java.base/sun.text.normalizer
* @compile -XDignore.symbol.file
* @run main/timeout=3000 ConformanceTest
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import sun.text.normalizer.NormalizerBase;
import sun.text.normalizer.NormalizerImpl;
* Conformance test for java.text.Normalizer and sun.text.Normalizer.
public class ConformanceTest {
// Options to be used with sun.text.Normalizer
* Default Unicode 3.2.0 normalization. (Provided for IDNA/StringPrep)
* - Without Corrigendum 4 fix
* (Different from ICU4J 3.2's Normalizer.)
* - Without Public Review Issue #29 fix
* (Different from ICU4J 3.2's Normalizer.)
private static final int UNICODE_3_2_0 = sun.text.Normalizer.UNICODE_3_2;
* Original Unicode 3.2.0 normalization. (Provided for testing only)
* - With Corrigendum 4 fix
* - With Public Revilew Issue #29 fix
private static final int UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL =
* Default normalization. In JDK 6,
* - Unicode 4.0.0
* - With Corrigendum 4 fix
* - Without Public Review Issue #29 fix
* In JDK 7,
* - Unicode 5.1.0
* (Different from ICU4J 3.2's Normalizer.)
* - With Corrigendum 4 fix
* - With Public Review Issue #29 fix
* In JDK 8,
* - Unicode 6.1.0
* - With Corrigendum 4 fix
* - With Public Review Issue #29 fix
* When we support Unicode 4.1.0 or later, we need to do normalization
* with Public Review Issue #29 fix. For more details of PRI #29, see
* .
private static final int UNICODE_LATEST = NormalizerBase.UNICODE_LATEST;
// Conformance test datafiles
* Conformance test datafile for Unicode 3.2.0 with Corrigendum4
* corrections.
* This testdata is for sun.text.Normalize(UNICODE_3_2)
* This is NOT an original Conformace test data. Some inconvenient test
* cases are commented out. About corrigendum 4, please refer
static final String DATA_3_2_0_CORRIGENDUM =
* Conformance test datafile for Unicode 3.2.0 without Corrigendum4
* corrections. This is the original Conformace test data.
* This testdata is for sun.text.Normalize(UNICODE_3_2_IDNA)
static final String DATA_3_2_0 = "NormalizationTest-3.2.0.txt";
* Conformance test datafile for the latest Unicode which is supported
* by J2SE.
* Unicode 4.0.0 is the latest version in JDK 5.0 and JDK 6. Unicode 5.1.0
* in JDK 7, and 6.1.0 in JDK 8. This Unicode can be used via both
* java.text.Normalizer and sun.text.Normalizer.
* This testdata is for sun.text.Normalize(UNICODE_LATEST)
static final String DATA_LATEST = "NormalizationTest-Latest.txt";
* Conformance test datafile in ICU4J 3.2.
static final String DATA_ICU = "ICUNormalizationTest.txt";
* Decorder
static final CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName("UTF-8").newDecoder();
* List to pick up characters which are not listed in Part1
static BitSet charList = new BitSet(Character.MAX_CODE_POINT+1);
* Shortcuts
private static final java.text.Normalizer.Form NFC =
private static final java.text.Normalizer.Form NFD =
private static final java.text.Normalizer.Form NFKC =
private static final java.text.Normalizer.Form NFKD =
static final java.text.Normalizer.Form[] forms = {NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD};
static TestNormalizer normalizer;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConformanceTest ct = new ConformanceTest();
void test() throws Exception {
normalizer = new testJavaNormalizer();
normalizer = new testSunNormalizer();
test(DATA_3_2_0_CORRIGENDUM, UNICODE_3_2_0);
/* Unconformity test */
// test(DATA_3_2_0, UNICODE_LATEST);
// test(DATA_LATEST, UNICODE_3_2_0);
* Main routine of conformance test
private static void test(String filename, int unicodeVer) throws Exception {
File f = filename.equals(DATA_LATEST) ?
new File(System.getProperty("test.src", "."), filename);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis, decoder));
System.out.println("\nStart testing for " + +
" with " + filename + " for options: " +
(((unicodeVer & NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2) != 0) ?
"Unicode 3.2.0" : "the latest Unicode"));
int lineNo = 0;
String text;
boolean part1test = false;
boolean part1testExists = false;
String[] columns = new String[6];
while ((text = in.readLine()) != null) {
lineNo ++;
char c = text.charAt(0);
if (c == '#') {
} else if (c == '@') {
if (text.startsWith("@Part")) {
System.out.println("# Testing data in " + text);
if (text.startsWith("@Part1 ")) {
part1test = true;
part1testExists = true;
} else {
part1test = false;
prepareColumns(columns, text, filename, lineNo, part1test);
testNFC(columns, unicodeVer, filename, lineNo);
testNFD(columns, unicodeVer, filename, lineNo);
testNFKC(columns, unicodeVer, filename, lineNo);
testNFKD(columns, unicodeVer, filename, lineNo);
if (part1testExists) {
System.out.println("# Testing characters which are not listed in Part1");
testRemainingChars(filename, unicodeVer);
part1testExists = false;
* Test for NFC
* c2 == NFC(c1) == NFC(c2) == NFC(c3)
* c4 == NFC(c4) == NFC(c5)
private static void testNFC(String[] c, int unicodeVer,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
test(2, c, 1, 3, NFC, unicodeVer, file, line);
test(4, c, 4, 5, NFC, unicodeVer, file, line);
* Test for NFD
* c3 == NFD(c1) == NFD(c2) == NFD(c3)
* c5 == NFD(c4) == NFD(c5)
private static void testNFD(String[] c, int unicodeVer,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
test(3, c, 1, 3, NFD, unicodeVer, file, line);
test(5, c, 4, 5, NFD, unicodeVer, file, line);
* Test for NFKC
* c4 == NFKC(c1) == NFKC(c2) == NFKC(c3) == NFKC(c4) == NFKC(c5)
private static void testNFKC(String[] c, int unicodeVer,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
test(4, c, 1, 5, NFKC, unicodeVer, file, line);
* Test for NFKD
* c5 == NFKD(c1) == NFKD(c2) == NFKD(c3) == NFKD(c4) == NFKD(c5)
private static void testNFKD(String[] c, int unicodeVer,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
test(5, c, 1, 5, NFKD, unicodeVer, file, line);
* Test for characters which aren't listed in Part1
* X == NFC(X) == NFD(X) == NFKC(X) == NFKD(X)
private static void testRemainingChars(String file,
int unicodeVer) throws Exception {
for (int i = Character.MIN_CODE_POINT;
i <= Character.MAX_CODE_POINT;
i++) {
if (!charList.get(i)) {
String from = String.valueOf(Character.toChars(i));
String to;
for (int j = 0; j < forms.length; j++) {
java.text.Normalizer.Form form = forms[j];
to = normalizer.normalize(from, form, unicodeVer);
if (!from.equals(to)) {
error(form, from, from, to, file, -1);
// } else {
// okay(form, from, from, to, file, -1);
if (!normalizer.isNormalized(from, form, unicodeVer)) {
error(form, from, file, -1);
// } else {
// okay(form, from, file, -1);
* Test normalize() and isNormalized()
private static void test(int col, String[] c,
int FROM, int TO,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form, int unicodeVer,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
for (int i = FROM; i <= TO; i++) {
String got = normalizer.normalize(c[i], form, unicodeVer);
if (!c[col].equals(got)) {
error(form, c[i], c[col], got, file, line);
// } else {
// okay(form, c[i], c[col], got, file, line);
* If the original String equals its normalized String, it means
* that the original String is normalizerd. Thus, isNormalized()
* should return true. And, vice versa!
if (c[col].equals(c[i])) {
if (!normalizer.isNormalized(c[i], form, unicodeVer)) {
error(form, c[i], file, line);
// } else {
// okay(form, c[i], file, line);
} else {
if (normalizer.isNormalized(c[i], form, unicodeVer)) {
error(form, c[i], file, line);
// } else {
// okay(form, c[i], file, line);
* Generate an array of String from a line of conformance datafile.
private static void prepareColumns(String[] cols, String text,
String file, int line,
boolean part1test) throws Exception {
int index = text.indexOf('#');
if (index != -1) {
text = text.substring(0, index);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text, ";");
int tokenCount = st.countTokens();
if (tokenCount < 5) {
throw new RuntimeException("# of tokens in datafile should be 6, but got: " + tokenCount + " at line " + line + " in " + file);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
StringTokenizer tst = new StringTokenizer(st.nextToken(), " ");
while (tst.hasMoreTokens()) {
int code = Integer.parseInt(tst.nextToken(), 16);
cols[i] = sb.toString();
if (part1test) {
* Show an error message when normalize() didn't return the expected value.
* (An exception is sometimes convenient. Therefore, it is commented out
* for the moment.)
private static void error(java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
String from, String to, String got,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
System.err.println("-\t" + form.toString() + ": normalize(" +
toHexString(from) + ") doesn't equal <" + toHexString(to) +
"> at line " + line + " in " + file + ". Got [" +
toHexString(got) + "]");
throw new RuntimeException("Normalization(" + form.toString() + ") failed");
* Show an error message when isNormalize() didn't return the expected
* value.
* (An exception is sometimes convenient. Therefore, it is commented out
* for the moment.)
private static void error(java.text.Normalizer.Form form, String s,
String file, int line) throws Exception {
System.err.println("\t" + form.toString() + ": isNormalized(" +
toHexString(s) + ") returned the wrong value at line " + line +
" in " + file);
throw new RuntimeException("Normalization(" + form.toString() +") failed");
* (For debugging)
* Shows a message when normalize() returned the expected value.
private static void okay(java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
String from, String to, String got,
String file, int line) {
System.out.println("\t" + form.toString() + ": normalize(" +
toHexString(from) + ") equals <" + toHexString(to) +
"> at line " + line + " in " + file + ". Got [" +
toHexString(got) + "]");
* (For debugging)
* Shows a message when isNormalized() returned the expected value.
private static void okay(java.text.Normalizer.Form form, String s,
String file, int line) {
System.out.println("\t" + form.toString() + ": isNormalized(" +
toHexString(s) + ") returned the correct value at line " +
line + " in " + file);
* Returns a spece-delimited hex String
private static String toHexString(String s) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
* Abstract class to call each Normalizer in java.text or sun.text.
private abstract class TestNormalizer {
String name;
TestNormalizer(String str) {
name = str;
String getNormalizerName() {
return name;
abstract String normalize(CharSequence cs,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
int option);
abstract boolean isNormalized(CharSequence cs,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
int option);
* For java.text.Normalizer
* - normalize(CharSequence, Normalizer.Form)
* - isNormalized(CharSequence, Normalizer.Form)
private class testJavaNormalizer extends TestNormalizer {
testJavaNormalizer() {
String normalize(CharSequence cs,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
int option) {
return java.text.Normalizer.normalize(cs, form);
boolean isNormalized(CharSequence cs,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
int option) {
return java.text.Normalizer.isNormalized(cs, form);
* For sun.text.Normalizer
* - normalize(CharSequence, Normalizer.Form, int)
* - isNormalized(CharSequence, Normalizer.Form, int)
private class testSunNormalizer extends TestNormalizer {
testSunNormalizer() {
String normalize(CharSequence cs,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
int option) {
return sun.text.Normalizer.normalize(cs, form, option);
boolean isNormalized(CharSequence cs,
java.text.Normalizer.Form form,
int option) {
return sun.text.Normalizer.isNormalized(cs, form, option);