forked from JavaTX/JavaCompilerCore
7549 lines
281 KiB
7549 lines
281 KiB
Info file generated by Happy Version 1.18.5 from JavaParser.y
rule 87 is unused
rule 88 is unused
rule 132 is unused
terminal BREAK is unused
terminal CASE is unused
terminal CATCH is unused
terminal CONTINUE is unused
terminal DEFAULT is unused
terminal DO is unused
terminal FINALLY is unused
terminal FOR is unused
terminal INSTANCEOF is unused
terminal SWITCH is unused
terminal THROW is unused
terminal THROWS is unused
terminal TRY is unused
terminal VOID is unused
terminal LOGICALAND is unused
terminal SHIFTLEFT is unused
terminal SHIFTRIGHT is unused
terminal UNSIGNEDSHIFTRIGHT is unused
terminal SIGNEDSHIFTRIGHT is unused
terminal PLUSEQUAL is unused
terminal MINUSEQUAL is unused
terminal TIMESEQUAL is unused
terminal DIVIDEEQUAL is unused
terminal ANDEQUAL is unused
terminal OREQUAL is unused
terminal XOREQUAL is unused
terminal MODULOEQUAL is unused
terminal SHIFTLEFTEQUAL is unused
terminal LSQBRACKET is unused
terminal RSQBRACKET is unused
terminal EXCLMARK is unused
terminal TILDE is unused
terminal QUESMARK is unused
%start_parse -> compilationunit (0)
%start_parselambda -> lambdaexpression (1)
%start_parseexpression -> expression (2)
%start_parseprimary -> primary (3)
%start_parseconditionalexpression -> conditionalexpression (4)
%start_parseconditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression (5)
%start_parsepostfixexpression -> postfixexpression (6)
compilationunit -> typedeclarations (7)
typedeclarations -> typedeclaration (8)
typedeclarations -> typedeclarations typedeclaration (9)
name -> qualifiedname (10)
name -> simplename (11)
typedeclaration -> classdeclaration (12)
qualifiedname -> name DOT IDENTIFIER (13)
simplename -> IDENTIFIER (14)
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara classbody (15)
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara classbody (16)
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody (17)
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody (18)
classbody -> LBRACKET RBRACKET (19)
classbody -> LBRACKET classbodydeclarations RBRACKET (20)
modifiers -> modifier (21)
modifiers -> modifiers modifier (22)
classpara -> (23)
classpara -> LESS classparalist GREATER (24)
classparalist -> simplename (25)
classparalist -> simplename COLON classparalist (26)
super -> EXTENDS classtype (27)
classbodydeclarations -> classbodydeclaration (28)
classbodydeclarations -> classbodydeclarations classbodydeclaration (29)
modifier -> PUBLIC (30)
modifier -> PROTECTED (31)
modifier -> PRIVATE (32)
modifier -> STATIC (33)
modifier -> ABSTRACT (34)
classtype -> classorinterfacetype (35)
classbodydeclaration -> classmemberdeclaration (36)
classorinterfacetype -> simplename (37)
classorinterfacetype -> simplename parameter (38)
parameter -> LESS paralist GREATER (39)
paralist -> classorinterfacetype (40)
paralist -> classorinterfacetype COLON paralist (41)
classmemberdeclaration -> fielddeclaration (42)
classmemberdeclaration -> fundeclaration (43)
fielddeclaration -> type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON (44)
fielddeclaration -> modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON (45)
fundeclaration -> funtype IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (46)
fundeclaration -> type IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (47)
fundeclaration -> IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (48)
funtype -> SHARP funtypeortype LBRACE funtypelist RBRACE (49)
funtypeortype -> funtype (50)
funtypeortype -> type (51)
funtypelist -> funtypeortype (52)
funtypelist -> funtypelist COLON funtypeortype (53)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW expression RBRACKET (54)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW block RBRACKET (55)
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE RBRACE (56)
lambdaexpressionlhs -> formalparameter (57)
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE (58)
block -> LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET (60)
type -> primitivetype (61)
type -> referencetype (62)
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarator (63)
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarators COLON variabledeclarator (64)
blockstatements -> blockstatement (65)
blockstatements -> blockstatements blockstatement (66)
formalparameterlist -> formalparameter (67)
formalparameterlist -> formalparameterlist COLON formalparameter (68)
primitivetype -> BOOLEAN (69)
primitivetype -> numerictype (70)
referencetype -> classorinterfacetype (71)
variabledeclarator -> variabledeclaratorid (72)
blockstatement -> localvariabledeclarationstatement (73)
blockstatement -> statement (74)
formalparameter -> funtype variabledeclaratorid (75)
formalparameter -> variabledeclaratorid (76)
argumentlist -> expression (77)
argumentlist -> argumentlist COLON expression (78)
numerictype -> integraltype (79)
variabledeclaratorid -> IDENTIFIER (80)
localvariabledeclarationstatement -> localvariabledeclaration SEMICOLON (81)
statement -> statementwithouttrailingsubstatement (82)
statement -> ifthenstatement (83)
statement -> ifthenelsestatement (84)
statement -> whilestatement (85)
expression -> assignmentexpression (86)
assignmentexpressionlist -> assignmentexpression (87)
assignmentexpressionlist -> assignmentexpression COLON assignmentexpressionlist (88)
integraltype -> INT (89)
integraltype -> CHAR (90)
localvariabledeclaration -> funtypeortype variabledeclarators (91)
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> block (92)
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> emptystatement (93)
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> expressionstatement (94)
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> returnstatement (95)
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statement (96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (97)
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statement (98)
assignmentexpression -> conditionalexpression (99)
assignmentexpression -> assignment (100)
emptystatement -> SEMICOLON (101)
expressionstatement -> statementexpression SEMICOLON (102)
returnstatement -> RETURN SEMICOLON (103)
returnstatement -> RETURN expression SEMICOLON (104)
statementnoshortif -> statementwithouttrailingsubstatement (105)
statementnoshortif -> ifthenelsestatementnoshortif (106)
statementnoshortif -> whilestatementnoshortif (107)
conditionalexpression -> conditionalorexpression (108)
assignment -> lefthandside assignmentoperator assignmentexpression (109)
statementexpression -> assignment (110)
statementexpression -> preincrementexpression (111)
statementexpression -> predecrementexpression (112)
statementexpression -> postincrementexpression (113)
statementexpression -> postdecrementexpression (114)
statementexpression -> classinstancecreationexpression (115)
statementexpression -> evalstatement (116)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statementnoshortif (117)
whilestatementnoshortif -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif (118)
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalandexpression (119)
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression LOGICALOR conditionalandexpression (120)
lefthandside -> name (121)
assignmentoperator -> ASSIGN (122)
preincrementexpression -> INCREMENT unaryexpression (123)
predecrementexpression -> DECREMENT unaryexpression (124)
postincrementexpression -> postfixexpression INCREMENT (125)
postdecrementexpression -> postfixexpression DECREMENT (126)
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE RBRACE (127)
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE (128)
conditionalandexpression -> inclusiveorexpression (129)
fieldaccess -> primary DOT IDENTIFIER (130)
fieldaccess -> SUPER DOT IDENTIFIER (131)
outerclass -> primary DOT THIS (132)
unaryexpression -> preincrementexpression (133)
unaryexpression -> predecrementexpression (134)
unaryexpression -> PLUS unaryexpression (135)
unaryexpression -> MINUS unaryexpression (136)
unaryexpression -> unaryexpressionnotplusminus (137)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression (138)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE RBRACE (139)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression postfixexpression (140)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel COLON expression RBRACE (141)
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE RBRACE (142)
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel RBRACE (143)
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel COLON expression (144)
expressiontupel -> expression (145)
postfixexpression -> primaryandname (146)
postfixexpression -> postincrementexpression (147)
postfixexpression -> postdecrementexpression (148)
primaryandname -> primary (149)
primaryandname -> name (150)
primaryandname -> name DOT THIS (151)
primaryandname -> funtype DOT THIS (152)
primary -> primarynonewarray (153)
inclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression (154)
inclusiveorexpression -> inclusiveorexpression OR exclusiveorexpression (155)
primarynonewarray -> literal (156)
primarynonewarray -> THIS (157)
primarynonewarray -> LBRACE expression RBRACE (158)
primarynonewarray -> classinstancecreationexpression (159)
primarynonewarray -> fieldaccess (160)
primarynonewarray -> lambdaexpression (161)
unaryexpressionnotplusminus -> evalexpression (162)
exclusiveorexpression -> andexpression (163)
exclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression XOR andexpression (164)
literal -> INTLITERAL (165)
literal -> BOOLLITERAL (166)
literal -> CHARLITERAL (167)
literal -> STRINGLITERAL (168)
literal -> JNULL (169)
andexpression -> equalityexpression (170)
andexpression -> andexpression AND equalityexpression (171)
equalityexpression -> relationalexpression (172)
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression EQUAL relationalexpression (173)
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression NOTEQUAL relationalexpression (174)
relationalexpression -> shiftexpression (175)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression LESS shiftexpression (176)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression GREATER shiftexpression (177)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression LESSEQUAL shiftexpression (178)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression (179)
shiftexpression -> additiveexpression (180)
additiveexpression -> multiplicativeexpression (181)
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression PLUS multiplicativeexpression (182)
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression MINUS multiplicativeexpression (183)
multiplicativeexpression -> unaryexpression (184)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression MUL unaryexpression (185)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression DIV unaryexpression (186)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression MOD unaryexpression (187)
DO { DO }
IF { IF }
OR { OR }
%start_parse rule 0
%start_parselambda rule 1
%start_parseexpression rule 2
%start_parseprimary rule 3
%start_parseconditionalexpression rule 4
%start_parseconditionalorexpression rule 5
%start_parsepostfixexpression rule 6
compilationunit rule 7
typedeclarations rules 8, 9
name rules 10, 11
typedeclaration rule 12
qualifiedname rule 13
simplename rule 14
classdeclaration rules 15, 16, 17, 18
classbody rules 19, 20
modifiers rules 21, 22
classpara rules 23, 24
classparalist rules 25, 26
super rule 27
classbodydeclarations rules 28, 29
modifier rules 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
classtype rule 35
classbodydeclaration rule 36
classorinterfacetype rules 37, 38
parameter rule 39
paralist rules 40, 41
classmemberdeclaration rules 42, 43
fielddeclaration rules 44, 45
fundeclaration rules 46, 47, 48
funtype rule 49
funtypeortype rules 50, 51
funtypelist rules 52, 53
lambdaexpression rules 54, 55
lambdaexpressionlhs rules 56, 57, 58
block rules 59, 60
type rules 61, 62
variabledeclarators rules 63, 64
blockstatements rules 65, 66
formalparameterlist rules 67, 68
primitivetype rules 69, 70
referencetype rule 71
variabledeclarator rule 72
blockstatement rules 73, 74
formalparameter rules 75, 76
argumentlist rules 77, 78
numerictype rule 79
variabledeclaratorid rule 80
localvariabledeclarationstatement rule 81
statement rules 82, 83, 84, 85
expression rule 86
assignmentexpressionlist rules 87, 88
integraltype rules 89, 90
localvariabledeclaration rule 91
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement rules 92, 93, 94, 95
ifthenstatement rule 96
ifthenelsestatement rule 97
whilestatement rule 98
assignmentexpression rules 99, 100
emptystatement rule 101
expressionstatement rule 102
returnstatement rules 103, 104
statementnoshortif rules 105, 106, 107
conditionalexpression rule 108
assignment rule 109
statementexpression rules 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif rule 117
whilestatementnoshortif rule 118
conditionalorexpression rules 119, 120
lefthandside rule 121
assignmentoperator rule 122
preincrementexpression rule 123
predecrementexpression rule 124
postincrementexpression rule 125
postdecrementexpression rule 126
classinstancecreationexpression rules 127, 128
conditionalandexpression rule 129
fieldaccess rules 130, 131
outerclass rule 132
unaryexpression rules 133, 134, 135, 136, 137
evalexpression rules 138, 139, 140, 141
evalstatement rules 142, 143
expressiontupel rules 144, 145
postfixexpression rules 146, 147, 148
primaryandname rules 149, 150, 151, 152
primary rule 153
inclusiveorexpression rules 154, 155
primarynonewarray rules 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
unaryexpressionnotplusminus rule 162
exclusiveorexpression rules 163, 164
literal rules 165, 166, 167, 168, 169
andexpression rules 170, 171
equalityexpression rules 172, 173, 174
relationalexpression rules 175, 176, 177, 178, 179
shiftexpression rule 180
additiveexpression rules 181, 182, 183
multiplicativeexpression rules 184, 185, 186, 187
State 0
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
CLASS shift, and enter state 14
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
compilationunitgoto state 75
typedeclarationsgoto state 8
typedeclarationgoto state 9
classdeclarationgoto state 10
modifiers goto state 11
modifier goto state 12
State 1
SHARP shift, and enter state 67
lambdaexpressiongoto state 74
State 2
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 69
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 3
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
SHARP shift, and enter state 67
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
primary goto state 66
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 4
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
conditionalexpressiongoto state 64
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 5
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 44
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 6
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
postfixexpressiongoto state 28
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 7
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
CLASS shift, and enter state 14
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
typedeclarationsgoto state 8
typedeclarationgoto state 9
classdeclarationgoto state 10
modifiers goto state 11
modifier goto state 12
State 8
compilationunit -> typedeclarations . (rule 7)
typedeclarations -> typedeclarations . typedeclaration (rule 9)
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
CLASS shift, and enter state 14
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
%eof reduce using rule 7
typedeclarationgoto state 125
classdeclarationgoto state 10
modifiers goto state 11
modifier goto state 12
State 9
typedeclarations -> typedeclaration . (rule 8)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 8
CLASS reduce using rule 8
PRIVATE reduce using rule 8
PROTECTED reduce using rule 8
PUBLIC reduce using rule 8
STATIC reduce using rule 8
%eof reduce using rule 8
State 10
typedeclaration -> classdeclaration . (rule 12)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 12
CLASS reduce using rule 12
PRIVATE reduce using rule 12
PROTECTED reduce using rule 12
PUBLIC reduce using rule 12
STATIC reduce using rule 12
%eof reduce using rule 12
State 11
classdeclaration -> modifiers . CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara classbody (rule 16)
classdeclaration -> modifiers . CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody (rule 18)
modifiers -> modifiers . modifier (rule 22)
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
CLASS shift, and enter state 124
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
modifier goto state 123
State 12
modifiers -> modifier . (rule 21)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 21
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 21
CHAR reduce using rule 21
CLASS reduce using rule 21
INT reduce using rule 21
PRIVATE reduce using rule 21
PROTECTED reduce using rule 21
PUBLIC reduce using rule 21
STATIC reduce using rule 21
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 21
State 13
modifier -> ABSTRACT . (rule 34)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 34
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 34
CHAR reduce using rule 34
CLASS reduce using rule 34
INT reduce using rule 34
PRIVATE reduce using rule 34
PROTECTED reduce using rule 34
PUBLIC reduce using rule 34
STATIC reduce using rule 34
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 34
State 14
classdeclaration -> CLASS . IDENTIFIER classpara classbody (rule 15)
classdeclaration -> CLASS . IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody (rule 17)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 122
State 15
modifier -> PRIVATE . (rule 32)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 32
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 32
CHAR reduce using rule 32
CLASS reduce using rule 32
INT reduce using rule 32
PRIVATE reduce using rule 32
PROTECTED reduce using rule 32
PUBLIC reduce using rule 32
STATIC reduce using rule 32
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 32
State 16
modifier -> PROTECTED . (rule 31)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 31
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 31
CHAR reduce using rule 31
CLASS reduce using rule 31
INT reduce using rule 31
PRIVATE reduce using rule 31
PROTECTED reduce using rule 31
PUBLIC reduce using rule 31
STATIC reduce using rule 31
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 31
State 17
modifier -> PUBLIC . (rule 30)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 30
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 30
CHAR reduce using rule 30
CLASS reduce using rule 30
INT reduce using rule 30
PRIVATE reduce using rule 30
PROTECTED reduce using rule 30
PUBLIC reduce using rule 30
STATIC reduce using rule 30
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 30
State 18
modifier -> STATIC . (rule 33)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 33
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 33
CHAR reduce using rule 33
CLASS reduce using rule 33
INT reduce using rule 33
PRIVATE reduce using rule 33
PROTECTED reduce using rule 33
PUBLIC reduce using rule 33
STATIC reduce using rule 33
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 33
State 19
qualifiedname -> name . DOT IDENTIFIER (rule 13)
primaryandname -> name . (rule 150)
primaryandname -> name . DOT THIS (rule 151)
NEW reduce using rule 150
SUPER reduce using rule 150
THIS reduce using rule 150
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 150
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 150
JNULL reduce using rule 150
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 150
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 150
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 150
EQUAL reduce using rule 150
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 150
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 150
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 150
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 150
INCREMENT reduce using rule 150
DECREMENT reduce using rule 150
LBRACE reduce using rule 150
RBRACE reduce using rule 150
RBRACKET reduce using rule 150
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 150
DOT shift, and enter state 78
LESS reduce using rule 150
GREATER reduce using rule 150
COLON reduce using rule 150
PLUS reduce using rule 150
MINUS reduce using rule 150
MUL reduce using rule 150
DIV reduce using rule 150
MOD reduce using rule 150
AND reduce using rule 150
OR reduce using rule 150
XOR reduce using rule 150
SHARP reduce using rule 150
%eof reduce using rule 150
State 20
name -> qualifiedname . (rule 10)
NEW reduce using rule 10
SUPER reduce using rule 10
THIS reduce using rule 10
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 10
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 10
JNULL reduce using rule 10
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 10
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 10
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 10
EQUAL reduce using rule 10
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 10
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 10
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 10
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 10
INCREMENT reduce using rule 10
DECREMENT reduce using rule 10
LBRACE reduce using rule 10
RBRACE reduce using rule 10
RBRACKET reduce using rule 10
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 10
DOT reduce using rule 10
ASSIGN reduce using rule 10
LESS reduce using rule 10
GREATER reduce using rule 10
COLON reduce using rule 10
PLUS reduce using rule 10
MINUS reduce using rule 10
MUL reduce using rule 10
DIV reduce using rule 10
MOD reduce using rule 10
AND reduce using rule 10
OR reduce using rule 10
XOR reduce using rule 10
SHARP reduce using rule 10
%eof reduce using rule 10
State 21
name -> simplename . (rule 11)
NEW reduce using rule 11
SUPER reduce using rule 11
THIS reduce using rule 11
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 11
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 11
JNULL reduce using rule 11
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 11
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 11
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 11
EQUAL reduce using rule 11
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 11
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 11
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 11
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 11
INCREMENT reduce using rule 11
DECREMENT reduce using rule 11
LBRACE reduce using rule 11
RBRACE reduce using rule 11
RBRACKET reduce using rule 11
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 11
DOT reduce using rule 11
ASSIGN reduce using rule 11
LESS reduce using rule 11
GREATER reduce using rule 11
COLON reduce using rule 11
PLUS reduce using rule 11
MINUS reduce using rule 11
MUL reduce using rule 11
DIV reduce using rule 11
MOD reduce using rule 11
AND reduce using rule 11
OR reduce using rule 11
XOR reduce using rule 11
SHARP reduce using rule 11
%eof reduce using rule 11
State 22
primaryandname -> funtype . DOT THIS (rule 152)
DOT shift, and enter state 121
State 23
primarynonewarray -> lambdaexpression . (rule 161)
NEW reduce using rule 161
SUPER reduce using rule 161
THIS reduce using rule 161
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 161
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 161
JNULL reduce using rule 161
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 161
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 161
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 161
EQUAL reduce using rule 161
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 161
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 161
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 161
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 161
INCREMENT reduce using rule 161
DECREMENT reduce using rule 161
LBRACE reduce using rule 161
RBRACE reduce using rule 161
RBRACKET reduce using rule 161
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 161
DOT reduce using rule 161
LESS reduce using rule 161
GREATER reduce using rule 161
COLON reduce using rule 161
PLUS reduce using rule 161
MINUS reduce using rule 161
MUL reduce using rule 161
DIV reduce using rule 161
MOD reduce using rule 161
AND reduce using rule 161
OR reduce using rule 161
XOR reduce using rule 161
SHARP reduce using rule 161
%eof reduce using rule 161
State 24
postfixexpression -> postincrementexpression . (rule 147)
NEW reduce using rule 147
SUPER reduce using rule 147
THIS reduce using rule 147
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 147
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 147
JNULL reduce using rule 147
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 147
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 147
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 147
EQUAL reduce using rule 147
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 147
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 147
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 147
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 147
INCREMENT reduce using rule 147
DECREMENT reduce using rule 147
LBRACE reduce using rule 147
RBRACE reduce using rule 147
RBRACKET reduce using rule 147
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 147
LESS reduce using rule 147
GREATER reduce using rule 147
COLON reduce using rule 147
PLUS reduce using rule 147
MINUS reduce using rule 147
MUL reduce using rule 147
DIV reduce using rule 147
MOD reduce using rule 147
AND reduce using rule 147
OR reduce using rule 147
XOR reduce using rule 147
SHARP reduce using rule 147
%eof reduce using rule 147
State 25
postfixexpression -> postdecrementexpression . (rule 148)
NEW reduce using rule 148
SUPER reduce using rule 148
THIS reduce using rule 148
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 148
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 148
JNULL reduce using rule 148
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 148
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 148
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 148
EQUAL reduce using rule 148
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 148
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 148
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 148
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 148
INCREMENT reduce using rule 148
DECREMENT reduce using rule 148
LBRACE reduce using rule 148
RBRACE reduce using rule 148
RBRACKET reduce using rule 148
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 148
LESS reduce using rule 148
GREATER reduce using rule 148
COLON reduce using rule 148
PLUS reduce using rule 148
MINUS reduce using rule 148
MUL reduce using rule 148
DIV reduce using rule 148
MOD reduce using rule 148
AND reduce using rule 148
OR reduce using rule 148
XOR reduce using rule 148
SHARP reduce using rule 148
%eof reduce using rule 148
State 26
primarynonewarray -> classinstancecreationexpression . (rule 159)
NEW reduce using rule 159
SUPER reduce using rule 159
THIS reduce using rule 159
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 159
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 159
JNULL reduce using rule 159
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 159
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 159
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 159
EQUAL reduce using rule 159
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 159
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 159
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 159
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 159
INCREMENT reduce using rule 159
DECREMENT reduce using rule 159
LBRACE reduce using rule 159
RBRACE reduce using rule 159
RBRACKET reduce using rule 159
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 159
DOT reduce using rule 159
LESS reduce using rule 159
GREATER reduce using rule 159
COLON reduce using rule 159
PLUS reduce using rule 159
MINUS reduce using rule 159
MUL reduce using rule 159
DIV reduce using rule 159
MOD reduce using rule 159
AND reduce using rule 159
OR reduce using rule 159
XOR reduce using rule 159
SHARP reduce using rule 159
%eof reduce using rule 159
State 27
primarynonewarray -> fieldaccess . (rule 160)
NEW reduce using rule 160
SUPER reduce using rule 160
THIS reduce using rule 160
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 160
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 160
JNULL reduce using rule 160
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 160
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 160
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 160
EQUAL reduce using rule 160
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 160
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 160
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 160
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 160
INCREMENT reduce using rule 160
DECREMENT reduce using rule 160
LBRACE reduce using rule 160
RBRACE reduce using rule 160
RBRACKET reduce using rule 160
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 160
DOT reduce using rule 160
LESS reduce using rule 160
GREATER reduce using rule 160
COLON reduce using rule 160
PLUS reduce using rule 160
MINUS reduce using rule 160
MUL reduce using rule 160
DIV reduce using rule 160
MOD reduce using rule 160
AND reduce using rule 160
OR reduce using rule 160
XOR reduce using rule 160
SHARP reduce using rule 160
%eof reduce using rule 160
State 28
%start_parsepostfixexpression -> postfixexpression . (rule 6)
postincrementexpression -> postfixexpression . INCREMENT (rule 125)
postdecrementexpression -> postfixexpression . DECREMENT (rule 126)
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 101
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 102
%eof accept
State 29
postfixexpression -> primaryandname . (rule 146)
NEW reduce using rule 146
SUPER reduce using rule 146
THIS reduce using rule 146
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 146
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 146
JNULL reduce using rule 146
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 146
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 146
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 146
EQUAL reduce using rule 146
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 146
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 146
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 146
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 146
INCREMENT reduce using rule 146
DECREMENT reduce using rule 146
LBRACE reduce using rule 146
RBRACE reduce using rule 146
RBRACKET reduce using rule 146
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 146
LESS reduce using rule 146
GREATER reduce using rule 146
COLON reduce using rule 146
PLUS reduce using rule 146
MINUS reduce using rule 146
MUL reduce using rule 146
DIV reduce using rule 146
MOD reduce using rule 146
AND reduce using rule 146
OR reduce using rule 146
XOR reduce using rule 146
SHARP reduce using rule 146
%eof reduce using rule 146
State 30
fieldaccess -> primary . DOT IDENTIFIER (rule 130)
primaryandname -> primary . (rule 149)
NEW reduce using rule 149
SUPER reduce using rule 149
THIS reduce using rule 149
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 149
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 149
JNULL reduce using rule 149
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 149
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 149
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 149
EQUAL reduce using rule 149
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 149
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 149
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 149
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 149
INCREMENT reduce using rule 149
DECREMENT reduce using rule 149
LBRACE reduce using rule 149
RBRACE reduce using rule 149
RBRACKET reduce using rule 149
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 149
DOT shift, and enter state 80
LESS reduce using rule 149
GREATER reduce using rule 149
COLON reduce using rule 149
PLUS reduce using rule 149
MINUS reduce using rule 149
MUL reduce using rule 149
DIV reduce using rule 149
MOD reduce using rule 149
AND reduce using rule 149
OR reduce using rule 149
XOR reduce using rule 149
SHARP reduce using rule 149
%eof reduce using rule 149
State 31
primary -> primarynonewarray . (rule 153)
NEW reduce using rule 153
SUPER reduce using rule 153
THIS reduce using rule 153
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 153
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 153
JNULL reduce using rule 153
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 153
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 153
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 153
EQUAL reduce using rule 153
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 153
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 153
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 153
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 153
INCREMENT reduce using rule 153
DECREMENT reduce using rule 153
LBRACE reduce using rule 153
RBRACE reduce using rule 153
RBRACKET reduce using rule 153
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 153
DOT reduce using rule 153
LESS reduce using rule 153
GREATER reduce using rule 153
COLON reduce using rule 153
PLUS reduce using rule 153
MINUS reduce using rule 153
MUL reduce using rule 153
DIV reduce using rule 153
MOD reduce using rule 153
AND reduce using rule 153
OR reduce using rule 153
XOR reduce using rule 153
SHARP reduce using rule 153
%eof reduce using rule 153
State 32
primarynonewarray -> literal . (rule 156)
NEW reduce using rule 156
SUPER reduce using rule 156
THIS reduce using rule 156
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 156
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 156
JNULL reduce using rule 156
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 156
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 156
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 156
EQUAL reduce using rule 156
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 156
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 156
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 156
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 156
INCREMENT reduce using rule 156
DECREMENT reduce using rule 156
LBRACE reduce using rule 156
RBRACE reduce using rule 156
RBRACKET reduce using rule 156
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 156
DOT reduce using rule 156
LESS reduce using rule 156
GREATER reduce using rule 156
COLON reduce using rule 156
PLUS reduce using rule 156
MINUS reduce using rule 156
MUL reduce using rule 156
DIV reduce using rule 156
MOD reduce using rule 156
AND reduce using rule 156
OR reduce using rule 156
XOR reduce using rule 156
SHARP reduce using rule 156
%eof reduce using rule 156
State 33
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW . classtype LBRACE RBRACE (rule 127)
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW . classtype LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE (rule 128)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 104
classtype goto state 119
classorinterfacetypegoto state 120
State 34
fieldaccess -> SUPER . DOT IDENTIFIER (rule 131)
DOT shift, and enter state 118
State 35
primarynonewarray -> THIS . (rule 157)
NEW reduce using rule 157
SUPER reduce using rule 157
THIS reduce using rule 157
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 157
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 157
JNULL reduce using rule 157
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 157
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 157
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 157
EQUAL reduce using rule 157
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 157
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 157
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 157
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 157
INCREMENT reduce using rule 157
DECREMENT reduce using rule 157
LBRACE reduce using rule 157
RBRACE reduce using rule 157
RBRACKET reduce using rule 157
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 157
DOT reduce using rule 157
LESS reduce using rule 157
GREATER reduce using rule 157
COLON reduce using rule 157
PLUS reduce using rule 157
MINUS reduce using rule 157
MUL reduce using rule 157
DIV reduce using rule 157
MOD reduce using rule 157
AND reduce using rule 157
OR reduce using rule 157
XOR reduce using rule 157
SHARP reduce using rule 157
%eof reduce using rule 157
State 36
literal -> INTLITERAL . (rule 165)
NEW reduce using rule 165
SUPER reduce using rule 165
THIS reduce using rule 165
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 165
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 165
JNULL reduce using rule 165
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 165
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 165
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 165
EQUAL reduce using rule 165
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 165
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 165
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 165
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 165
INCREMENT reduce using rule 165
DECREMENT reduce using rule 165
LBRACE reduce using rule 165
RBRACE reduce using rule 165
RBRACKET reduce using rule 165
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 165
DOT reduce using rule 165
LESS reduce using rule 165
GREATER reduce using rule 165
COLON reduce using rule 165
PLUS reduce using rule 165
MINUS reduce using rule 165
MUL reduce using rule 165
DIV reduce using rule 165
MOD reduce using rule 165
AND reduce using rule 165
OR reduce using rule 165
XOR reduce using rule 165
SHARP reduce using rule 165
%eof reduce using rule 165
State 37
literal -> BOOLLITERAL . (rule 166)
NEW reduce using rule 166
SUPER reduce using rule 166
THIS reduce using rule 166
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 166
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 166
JNULL reduce using rule 166
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 166
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 166
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 166
EQUAL reduce using rule 166
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 166
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 166
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 166
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 166
INCREMENT reduce using rule 166
DECREMENT reduce using rule 166
LBRACE reduce using rule 166
RBRACE reduce using rule 166
RBRACKET reduce using rule 166
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 166
DOT reduce using rule 166
LESS reduce using rule 166
GREATER reduce using rule 166
COLON reduce using rule 166
PLUS reduce using rule 166
MINUS reduce using rule 166
MUL reduce using rule 166
DIV reduce using rule 166
MOD reduce using rule 166
AND reduce using rule 166
OR reduce using rule 166
XOR reduce using rule 166
SHARP reduce using rule 166
%eof reduce using rule 166
State 38
literal -> JNULL . (rule 169)
NEW reduce using rule 169
SUPER reduce using rule 169
THIS reduce using rule 169
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 169
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 169
JNULL reduce using rule 169
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 169
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 169
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 169
EQUAL reduce using rule 169
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 169
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 169
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 169
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 169
INCREMENT reduce using rule 169
DECREMENT reduce using rule 169
LBRACE reduce using rule 169
RBRACE reduce using rule 169
RBRACKET reduce using rule 169
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 169
DOT reduce using rule 169
LESS reduce using rule 169
GREATER reduce using rule 169
COLON reduce using rule 169
PLUS reduce using rule 169
MINUS reduce using rule 169
MUL reduce using rule 169
DIV reduce using rule 169
MOD reduce using rule 169
AND reduce using rule 169
OR reduce using rule 169
XOR reduce using rule 169
SHARP reduce using rule 169
%eof reduce using rule 169
State 39
literal -> CHARLITERAL . (rule 167)
NEW reduce using rule 167
SUPER reduce using rule 167
THIS reduce using rule 167
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 167
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 167
JNULL reduce using rule 167
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 167
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 167
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 167
EQUAL reduce using rule 167
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 167
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 167
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 167
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 167
INCREMENT reduce using rule 167
DECREMENT reduce using rule 167
LBRACE reduce using rule 167
RBRACE reduce using rule 167
RBRACKET reduce using rule 167
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 167
DOT reduce using rule 167
LESS reduce using rule 167
GREATER reduce using rule 167
COLON reduce using rule 167
PLUS reduce using rule 167
MINUS reduce using rule 167
MUL reduce using rule 167
DIV reduce using rule 167
MOD reduce using rule 167
AND reduce using rule 167
OR reduce using rule 167
XOR reduce using rule 167
SHARP reduce using rule 167
%eof reduce using rule 167
State 40
literal -> STRINGLITERAL . (rule 168)
NEW reduce using rule 168
SUPER reduce using rule 168
THIS reduce using rule 168
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 168
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 168
JNULL reduce using rule 168
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 168
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 168
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 168
EQUAL reduce using rule 168
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 168
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 168
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 168
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 168
INCREMENT reduce using rule 168
DECREMENT reduce using rule 168
LBRACE reduce using rule 168
RBRACE reduce using rule 168
RBRACKET reduce using rule 168
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 168
DOT reduce using rule 168
LESS reduce using rule 168
GREATER reduce using rule 168
COLON reduce using rule 168
PLUS reduce using rule 168
MINUS reduce using rule 168
MUL reduce using rule 168
DIV reduce using rule 168
MOD reduce using rule 168
AND reduce using rule 168
OR reduce using rule 168
XOR reduce using rule 168
SHARP reduce using rule 168
%eof reduce using rule 168
State 41
simplename -> IDENTIFIER . (rule 14)
NEW reduce using rule 14
SUPER reduce using rule 14
THIS reduce using rule 14
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 14
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 14
JNULL reduce using rule 14
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 14
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 14
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 14
EQUAL reduce using rule 14
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 14
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 14
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 14
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 14
INCREMENT reduce using rule 14
DECREMENT reduce using rule 14
LBRACE reduce using rule 14
RBRACE reduce using rule 14
LBRACKET reduce using rule 14
RBRACKET reduce using rule 14
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 14
DOT reduce using rule 14
ASSIGN reduce using rule 14
LESS reduce using rule 14
GREATER reduce using rule 14
COLON reduce using rule 14
PLUS reduce using rule 14
MINUS reduce using rule 14
MUL reduce using rule 14
DIV reduce using rule 14
MOD reduce using rule 14
AND reduce using rule 14
OR reduce using rule 14
XOR reduce using rule 14
SHARP reduce using rule 14
%eof reduce using rule 14
State 42
primarynonewarray -> LBRACE . expression RBRACE (rule 158)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 117
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 43
funtype -> SHARP . funtypeortype LBRACE funtypelist RBRACE (rule 49)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP . LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW expression RBRACKET (rule 54)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP . LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW block RBRACKET (rule 55)
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 79
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
simplename goto state 104
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
funtype goto state 106
funtypeortype goto state 107
type goto state 108
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 44
%start_parseconditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression . (rule 5)
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression . LOGICALOR conditionalandexpression (rule 120)
LOGICALOR shift, and enter state 81
%eof accept
State 45
unaryexpression -> preincrementexpression . (rule 133)
EQUAL reduce using rule 133
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 133
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 133
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 133
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 133
RBRACE reduce using rule 133
RBRACKET reduce using rule 133
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 133
LESS reduce using rule 133
GREATER reduce using rule 133
COLON reduce using rule 133
PLUS reduce using rule 133
MINUS reduce using rule 133
MUL reduce using rule 133
DIV reduce using rule 133
MOD reduce using rule 133
AND reduce using rule 133
OR reduce using rule 133
XOR reduce using rule 133
%eof reduce using rule 133
State 46
unaryexpression -> predecrementexpression . (rule 134)
EQUAL reduce using rule 134
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 134
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 134
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 134
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 134
RBRACE reduce using rule 134
RBRACKET reduce using rule 134
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 134
LESS reduce using rule 134
GREATER reduce using rule 134
COLON reduce using rule 134
PLUS reduce using rule 134
MINUS reduce using rule 134
MUL reduce using rule 134
DIV reduce using rule 134
MOD reduce using rule 134
AND reduce using rule 134
OR reduce using rule 134
XOR reduce using rule 134
%eof reduce using rule 134
State 47
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalandexpression . (rule 119)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 119
RBRACE reduce using rule 119
RBRACKET reduce using rule 119
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 119
COLON reduce using rule 119
%eof reduce using rule 119
State 48
multiplicativeexpression -> unaryexpression . (rule 184)
EQUAL reduce using rule 184
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 184
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 184
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 184
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 184
RBRACE reduce using rule 184
RBRACKET reduce using rule 184
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 184
LESS reduce using rule 184
GREATER reduce using rule 184
COLON reduce using rule 184
PLUS reduce using rule 184
MINUS reduce using rule 184
MUL reduce using rule 184
DIV reduce using rule 184
MOD reduce using rule 184
AND reduce using rule 184
OR reduce using rule 184
XOR reduce using rule 184
%eof reduce using rule 184
State 49
unaryexpressionnotplusminus -> evalexpression . (rule 162)
EQUAL reduce using rule 162
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 162
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 162
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 162
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 162
RBRACE reduce using rule 162
RBRACKET reduce using rule 162
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 162
LESS reduce using rule 162
GREATER reduce using rule 162
COLON reduce using rule 162
PLUS reduce using rule 162
MINUS reduce using rule 162
MUL reduce using rule 162
DIV reduce using rule 162
MOD reduce using rule 162
AND reduce using rule 162
OR reduce using rule 162
XOR reduce using rule 162
%eof reduce using rule 162
State 50
postincrementexpression -> postfixexpression . INCREMENT (rule 125)
postdecrementexpression -> postfixexpression . DECREMENT (rule 126)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression . (rule 138)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression . LBRACE RBRACE (rule 139)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression . postfixexpression (rule 140)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression . LBRACE expressiontupel COLON expression RBRACE (rule 141)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
EQUAL reduce using rule 138
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 138
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 138
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 138
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 138
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 101
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 102
LBRACE shift, and enter state 103
RBRACE reduce using rule 138
RBRACKET reduce using rule 138
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 138
LESS reduce using rule 138
GREATER reduce using rule 138
COLON reduce using rule 138
PLUS reduce using rule 138
MINUS reduce using rule 138
MUL reduce using rule 138
DIV reduce using rule 138
MOD reduce using rule 138
AND reduce using rule 138
OR reduce using rule 138
XOR reduce using rule 138
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
%eof reduce using rule 138
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
postfixexpressiongoto state 100
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 51
conditionalandexpression -> inclusiveorexpression . (rule 129)
inclusiveorexpression -> inclusiveorexpression . OR exclusiveorexpression (rule 155)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 129
RBRACE reduce using rule 129
RBRACKET reduce using rule 129
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 129
COLON reduce using rule 129
OR shift, and enter state 99
%eof reduce using rule 129
State 52
unaryexpression -> unaryexpressionnotplusminus . (rule 137)
EQUAL reduce using rule 137
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 137
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 137
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 137
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 137
RBRACE reduce using rule 137
RBRACKET reduce using rule 137
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 137
LESS reduce using rule 137
GREATER reduce using rule 137
COLON reduce using rule 137
PLUS reduce using rule 137
MINUS reduce using rule 137
MUL reduce using rule 137
DIV reduce using rule 137
MOD reduce using rule 137
AND reduce using rule 137
OR reduce using rule 137
XOR reduce using rule 137
%eof reduce using rule 137
State 53
inclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression . (rule 154)
exclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression . XOR andexpression (rule 164)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 154
RBRACE reduce using rule 154
RBRACKET reduce using rule 154
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 154
COLON reduce using rule 154
OR reduce using rule 154
XOR shift, and enter state 98
%eof reduce using rule 154
State 54
exclusiveorexpression -> andexpression . (rule 163)
andexpression -> andexpression . AND equalityexpression (rule 171)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 163
RBRACE reduce using rule 163
RBRACKET reduce using rule 163
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 163
COLON reduce using rule 163
AND shift, and enter state 97
OR reduce using rule 163
XOR reduce using rule 163
%eof reduce using rule 163
State 55
andexpression -> equalityexpression . (rule 170)
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression . EQUAL relationalexpression (rule 173)
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression . NOTEQUAL relationalexpression (rule 174)
EQUAL shift, and enter state 95
NOTEQUAL shift, and enter state 96
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 170
RBRACE reduce using rule 170
RBRACKET reduce using rule 170
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 170
COLON reduce using rule 170
AND reduce using rule 170
OR reduce using rule 170
XOR reduce using rule 170
%eof reduce using rule 170
State 56
equalityexpression -> relationalexpression . (rule 172)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . LESS shiftexpression (rule 176)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . GREATER shiftexpression (rule 177)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . LESSEQUAL shiftexpression (rule 178)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression (rule 179)
EQUAL reduce using rule 172
LESSEQUAL shift, and enter state 91
GREATEREQUAL shift, and enter state 92
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 172
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 172
RBRACE reduce using rule 172
RBRACKET reduce using rule 172
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 172
LESS shift, and enter state 93
GREATER shift, and enter state 94
COLON reduce using rule 172
AND reduce using rule 172
OR reduce using rule 172
XOR reduce using rule 172
%eof reduce using rule 172
State 57
relationalexpression -> shiftexpression . (rule 175)
EQUAL reduce using rule 175
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 175
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 175
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 175
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 175
RBRACE reduce using rule 175
RBRACKET reduce using rule 175
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 175
LESS reduce using rule 175
GREATER reduce using rule 175
COLON reduce using rule 175
AND reduce using rule 175
OR reduce using rule 175
XOR reduce using rule 175
%eof reduce using rule 175
State 58
shiftexpression -> additiveexpression . (rule 180)
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression . PLUS multiplicativeexpression (rule 182)
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression . MINUS multiplicativeexpression (rule 183)
EQUAL reduce using rule 180
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 180
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 180
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 180
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 180
RBRACE reduce using rule 180
RBRACKET reduce using rule 180
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 180
LESS reduce using rule 180
GREATER reduce using rule 180
COLON reduce using rule 180
PLUS shift, and enter state 89
MINUS shift, and enter state 90
AND reduce using rule 180
OR reduce using rule 180
XOR reduce using rule 180
%eof reduce using rule 180
State 59
additiveexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . (rule 181)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . MUL unaryexpression (rule 185)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . DIV unaryexpression (rule 186)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . MOD unaryexpression (rule 187)
EQUAL reduce using rule 181
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 181
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 181
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 181
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 181
RBRACE reduce using rule 181
RBRACKET reduce using rule 181
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 181
LESS reduce using rule 181
GREATER reduce using rule 181
COLON reduce using rule 181
PLUS reduce using rule 181
MINUS reduce using rule 181
MUL shift, and enter state 86
DIV shift, and enter state 87
MOD shift, and enter state 88
AND reduce using rule 181
OR reduce using rule 181
XOR reduce using rule 181
%eof reduce using rule 181
State 60
preincrementexpression -> INCREMENT . unaryexpression (rule 123)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 85
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 61
predecrementexpression -> DECREMENT . unaryexpression (rule 124)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 84
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 62
unaryexpression -> PLUS . unaryexpression (rule 135)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 83
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 63
unaryexpression -> MINUS . unaryexpression (rule 136)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 82
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 64
%start_parseconditionalexpression -> conditionalexpression . (rule 4)
%eof accept
State 65
conditionalexpression -> conditionalorexpression . (rule 108)
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression . LOGICALOR conditionalandexpression (rule 120)
LOGICALOR shift, and enter state 81
RBRACE reduce using rule 108
RBRACKET reduce using rule 108
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 108
COLON reduce using rule 108
%eof reduce using rule 108
State 66
%start_parseprimary -> primary . (rule 3)
fieldaccess -> primary . DOT IDENTIFIER (rule 130)
DOT shift, and enter state 80
%eof accept
State 67
lambdaexpression -> SHARP . LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW expression RBRACKET (rule 54)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP . LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW block RBRACKET (rule 55)
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 79
State 68
qualifiedname -> name . DOT IDENTIFIER (rule 13)
lefthandside -> name . (rule 121)
primaryandname -> name . (rule 150)
primaryandname -> name . DOT THIS (rule 151)
NEW reduce using rule 150
SUPER reduce using rule 150
THIS reduce using rule 150
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 150
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 150
JNULL reduce using rule 150
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 150
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 150
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 150
EQUAL reduce using rule 150
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 150
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 150
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 150
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 150
INCREMENT reduce using rule 150
DECREMENT reduce using rule 150
LBRACE reduce using rule 150
RBRACE reduce using rule 150
RBRACKET reduce using rule 150
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 150
DOT shift, and enter state 78
ASSIGN reduce using rule 121
LESS reduce using rule 150
GREATER reduce using rule 150
COLON reduce using rule 150
PLUS reduce using rule 150
MINUS reduce using rule 150
MUL reduce using rule 150
DIV reduce using rule 150
MOD reduce using rule 150
AND reduce using rule 150
OR reduce using rule 150
XOR reduce using rule 150
SHARP reduce using rule 150
%eof reduce using rule 150
State 69
%start_parseexpression -> expression . (rule 2)
%eof accept
State 70
expression -> assignmentexpression . (rule 86)
RBRACE reduce using rule 86
RBRACKET reduce using rule 86
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 86
COLON reduce using rule 86
%eof reduce using rule 86
State 71
assignmentexpression -> conditionalexpression . (rule 99)
RBRACE reduce using rule 99
RBRACKET reduce using rule 99
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 99
COLON reduce using rule 99
%eof reduce using rule 99
State 72
assignmentexpression -> assignment . (rule 100)
RBRACE reduce using rule 100
RBRACKET reduce using rule 100
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 100
COLON reduce using rule 100
%eof reduce using rule 100
State 73
assignment -> lefthandside . assignmentoperator assignmentexpression (rule 109)
ASSIGN shift, and enter state 77
assignmentoperatorgoto state 76
State 74
%start_parselambda -> lambdaexpression . (rule 1)
%eof accept
State 75
%start_parse -> compilationunit . (rule 0)
%eof accept
State 76
assignment -> lefthandside assignmentoperator . assignmentexpression (rule 109)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
assignmentexpressiongoto state 163
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 77
assignmentoperator -> ASSIGN . (rule 122)
NEW reduce using rule 122
SUPER reduce using rule 122
THIS reduce using rule 122
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 122
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 122
JNULL reduce using rule 122
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 122
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 122
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 122
INCREMENT reduce using rule 122
DECREMENT reduce using rule 122
LBRACE reduce using rule 122
PLUS reduce using rule 122
MINUS reduce using rule 122
SHARP reduce using rule 122
State 78
qualifiedname -> name DOT . IDENTIFIER (rule 13)
primaryandname -> name DOT . THIS (rule 151)
THIS shift, and enter state 161
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 162
State 79
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET . lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW expression RBRACKET (rule 54)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET . lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW block RBRACKET (rule 55)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
LBRACE shift, and enter state 160
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
funtype goto state 155
lambdaexpressionlhsgoto state 156
formalparametergoto state 157
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 158
State 80
fieldaccess -> primary DOT . IDENTIFIER (rule 130)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 154
State 81
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression LOGICALOR . conditionalandexpression (rule 120)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 153
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 82
unaryexpression -> MINUS unaryexpression . (rule 136)
EQUAL reduce using rule 136
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 136
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 136
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 136
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 136
RBRACE reduce using rule 136
RBRACKET reduce using rule 136
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 136
LESS reduce using rule 136
GREATER reduce using rule 136
COLON reduce using rule 136
PLUS reduce using rule 136
MINUS reduce using rule 136
MUL reduce using rule 136
DIV reduce using rule 136
MOD reduce using rule 136
AND reduce using rule 136
OR reduce using rule 136
XOR reduce using rule 136
%eof reduce using rule 136
State 83
unaryexpression -> PLUS unaryexpression . (rule 135)
EQUAL reduce using rule 135
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 135
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 135
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 135
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 135
RBRACE reduce using rule 135
RBRACKET reduce using rule 135
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 135
LESS reduce using rule 135
GREATER reduce using rule 135
COLON reduce using rule 135
PLUS reduce using rule 135
MINUS reduce using rule 135
MUL reduce using rule 135
DIV reduce using rule 135
MOD reduce using rule 135
AND reduce using rule 135
OR reduce using rule 135
XOR reduce using rule 135
%eof reduce using rule 135
State 84
predecrementexpression -> DECREMENT unaryexpression . (rule 124)
EQUAL reduce using rule 124
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 124
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 124
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 124
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 124
RBRACE reduce using rule 124
RBRACKET reduce using rule 124
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 124
LESS reduce using rule 124
GREATER reduce using rule 124
COLON reduce using rule 124
PLUS reduce using rule 124
MINUS reduce using rule 124
MUL reduce using rule 124
DIV reduce using rule 124
MOD reduce using rule 124
AND reduce using rule 124
OR reduce using rule 124
XOR reduce using rule 124
%eof reduce using rule 124
State 85
preincrementexpression -> INCREMENT unaryexpression . (rule 123)
EQUAL reduce using rule 123
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 123
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 123
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 123
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 123
RBRACE reduce using rule 123
RBRACKET reduce using rule 123
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 123
LESS reduce using rule 123
GREATER reduce using rule 123
COLON reduce using rule 123
PLUS reduce using rule 123
MINUS reduce using rule 123
MUL reduce using rule 123
DIV reduce using rule 123
MOD reduce using rule 123
AND reduce using rule 123
OR reduce using rule 123
XOR reduce using rule 123
%eof reduce using rule 123
State 86
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression MUL . unaryexpression (rule 185)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 152
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 87
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression DIV . unaryexpression (rule 186)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 151
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 88
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression MOD . unaryexpression (rule 187)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 150
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
State 89
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression PLUS . multiplicativeexpression (rule 182)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 149
State 90
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression MINUS . multiplicativeexpression (rule 183)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 148
State 91
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression LESSEQUAL . shiftexpression (rule 178)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
shiftexpressiongoto state 147
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 92
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression GREATEREQUAL . shiftexpression (rule 179)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
shiftexpressiongoto state 146
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 93
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression LESS . shiftexpression (rule 176)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
shiftexpressiongoto state 145
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 94
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression GREATER . shiftexpression (rule 177)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
shiftexpressiongoto state 144
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 95
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression EQUAL . relationalexpression (rule 173)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
relationalexpressiongoto state 143
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 96
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression NOTEQUAL . relationalexpression (rule 174)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
relationalexpressiongoto state 142
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 97
andexpression -> andexpression AND . equalityexpression (rule 171)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
equalityexpressiongoto state 141
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 98
exclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression XOR . andexpression (rule 164)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 140
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 99
inclusiveorexpression -> inclusiveorexpression OR . exclusiveorexpression (rule 155)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 19
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 139
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 100
postincrementexpression -> postfixexpression . INCREMENT (rule 125)
postdecrementexpression -> postfixexpression . DECREMENT (rule 126)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression postfixexpression . (rule 140)
EQUAL reduce using rule 140
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 140
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 140
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 140
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 140
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 101
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 102
RBRACE reduce using rule 140
RBRACKET reduce using rule 140
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 140
LESS reduce using rule 140
GREATER reduce using rule 140
COLON reduce using rule 140
PLUS reduce using rule 140
MINUS reduce using rule 140
MUL reduce using rule 140
DIV reduce using rule 140
MOD reduce using rule 140
AND reduce using rule 140
OR reduce using rule 140
XOR reduce using rule 140
%eof reduce using rule 140
State 101
postincrementexpression -> postfixexpression INCREMENT . (rule 125)
NEW reduce using rule 125
SUPER reduce using rule 125
THIS reduce using rule 125
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 125
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 125
JNULL reduce using rule 125
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 125
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 125
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 125
EQUAL reduce using rule 125
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 125
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 125
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 125
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 125
INCREMENT reduce using rule 125
DECREMENT reduce using rule 125
LBRACE reduce using rule 125
RBRACE reduce using rule 125
RBRACKET reduce using rule 125
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 125
LESS reduce using rule 125
GREATER reduce using rule 125
COLON reduce using rule 125
PLUS reduce using rule 125
MINUS reduce using rule 125
MUL reduce using rule 125
DIV reduce using rule 125
MOD reduce using rule 125
AND reduce using rule 125
OR reduce using rule 125
XOR reduce using rule 125
SHARP reduce using rule 125
%eof reduce using rule 125
State 102
postdecrementexpression -> postfixexpression DECREMENT . (rule 126)
NEW reduce using rule 126
SUPER reduce using rule 126
THIS reduce using rule 126
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 126
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 126
JNULL reduce using rule 126
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 126
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 126
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 126
EQUAL reduce using rule 126
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 126
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 126
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 126
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 126
INCREMENT reduce using rule 126
DECREMENT reduce using rule 126
LBRACE reduce using rule 126
RBRACE reduce using rule 126
RBRACKET reduce using rule 126
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 126
LESS reduce using rule 126
GREATER reduce using rule 126
COLON reduce using rule 126
PLUS reduce using rule 126
MINUS reduce using rule 126
MUL reduce using rule 126
DIV reduce using rule 126
MOD reduce using rule 126
AND reduce using rule 126
OR reduce using rule 126
XOR reduce using rule 126
SHARP reduce using rule 126
%eof reduce using rule 126
State 103
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE . RBRACE (rule 139)
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE . expressiontupel COLON expression RBRACE (rule 141)
primarynonewarray -> LBRACE . expression RBRACE (rule 158)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
RBRACE shift, and enter state 138
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 136
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
expressiontupelgoto state 137
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 104
classorinterfacetype -> simplename . (rule 37)
classorinterfacetype -> simplename . parameter (rule 38)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 37
LBRACE reduce using rule 37
RBRACE reduce using rule 37
LBRACKET reduce using rule 37
LESS shift, and enter state 135
GREATER reduce using rule 37
COLON reduce using rule 37
parameter goto state 134
State 105
referencetype -> classorinterfacetype . (rule 71)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 71
LBRACE reduce using rule 71
RBRACE reduce using rule 71
COLON reduce using rule 71
State 106
funtypeortype -> funtype . (rule 50)
LBRACE reduce using rule 50
RBRACE reduce using rule 50
COLON reduce using rule 50
State 107
funtype -> SHARP funtypeortype . LBRACE funtypelist RBRACE (rule 49)
LBRACE shift, and enter state 133
State 108
funtypeortype -> type . (rule 51)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 51
LBRACE reduce using rule 51
RBRACE reduce using rule 51
COLON reduce using rule 51
State 109
type -> primitivetype . (rule 61)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 61
LBRACE reduce using rule 61
RBRACE reduce using rule 61
COLON reduce using rule 61
State 110
type -> referencetype . (rule 62)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 62
LBRACE reduce using rule 62
RBRACE reduce using rule 62
COLON reduce using rule 62
State 111
primitivetype -> numerictype . (rule 70)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 70
LBRACE reduce using rule 70
RBRACE reduce using rule 70
COLON reduce using rule 70
State 112
numerictype -> integraltype . (rule 79)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 79
LBRACE reduce using rule 79
RBRACE reduce using rule 79
COLON reduce using rule 79
State 113
primitivetype -> BOOLEAN . (rule 69)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 69
LBRACE reduce using rule 69
RBRACE reduce using rule 69
COLON reduce using rule 69
State 114
integraltype -> CHAR . (rule 90)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 90
LBRACE reduce using rule 90
RBRACE reduce using rule 90
COLON reduce using rule 90
State 115
integraltype -> INT . (rule 89)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 89
LBRACE reduce using rule 89
RBRACE reduce using rule 89
COLON reduce using rule 89
State 116
funtype -> SHARP . funtypeortype LBRACE funtypelist RBRACE (rule 49)
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
simplename goto state 104
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
funtype goto state 106
funtypeortype goto state 107
type goto state 108
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 117
primarynonewarray -> LBRACE expression . RBRACE (rule 158)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 132
State 118
fieldaccess -> SUPER DOT . IDENTIFIER (rule 131)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 131
State 119
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype . LBRACE RBRACE (rule 127)
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype . LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE (rule 128)
LBRACE shift, and enter state 130
State 120
classtype -> classorinterfacetype . (rule 35)
LBRACE reduce using rule 35
LBRACKET reduce using rule 35
State 121
primaryandname -> funtype DOT . THIS (rule 152)
THIS shift, and enter state 129
State 122
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER . classpara classbody (rule 15)
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER . classpara super classbody (rule 17)
EXTENDS reduce using rule 23
LBRACKET reduce using rule 23
LESS shift, and enter state 128
classpara goto state 127
State 123
modifiers -> modifiers modifier . (rule 22)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 22
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 22
CHAR reduce using rule 22
CLASS reduce using rule 22
INT reduce using rule 22
PRIVATE reduce using rule 22
PROTECTED reduce using rule 22
PUBLIC reduce using rule 22
STATIC reduce using rule 22
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 22
State 124
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS . IDENTIFIER classpara classbody (rule 16)
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS . IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody (rule 18)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 126
State 125
typedeclarations -> typedeclarations typedeclaration . (rule 9)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 9
CLASS reduce using rule 9
PRIVATE reduce using rule 9
PROTECTED reduce using rule 9
PUBLIC reduce using rule 9
STATIC reduce using rule 9
%eof reduce using rule 9
State 126
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER . classpara classbody (rule 16)
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER . classpara super classbody (rule 18)
EXTENDS reduce using rule 23
LBRACKET reduce using rule 23
LESS shift, and enter state 128
classpara goto state 183
State 127
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara . classbody (rule 15)
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara . super classbody (rule 17)
EXTENDS shift, and enter state 181
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 182
classbody goto state 179
super goto state 180
State 128
classpara -> LESS . classparalist GREATER (rule 24)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 177
classparalist goto state 178
State 129
primaryandname -> funtype DOT THIS . (rule 152)
NEW reduce using rule 152
SUPER reduce using rule 152
THIS reduce using rule 152
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 152
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 152
JNULL reduce using rule 152
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 152
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 152
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 152
EQUAL reduce using rule 152
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 152
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 152
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 152
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 152
INCREMENT reduce using rule 152
DECREMENT reduce using rule 152
LBRACE reduce using rule 152
RBRACE reduce using rule 152
RBRACKET reduce using rule 152
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 152
LESS reduce using rule 152
GREATER reduce using rule 152
COLON reduce using rule 152
PLUS reduce using rule 152
MINUS reduce using rule 152
MUL reduce using rule 152
DIV reduce using rule 152
MOD reduce using rule 152
AND reduce using rule 152
OR reduce using rule 152
XOR reduce using rule 152
SHARP reduce using rule 152
%eof reduce using rule 152
State 130
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE . RBRACE (rule 127)
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE . argumentlist RBRACE (rule 128)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
RBRACE shift, and enter state 176
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
argumentlist goto state 174
expression goto state 175
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 131
fieldaccess -> SUPER DOT IDENTIFIER . (rule 131)
NEW reduce using rule 131
SUPER reduce using rule 131
THIS reduce using rule 131
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 131
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 131
JNULL reduce using rule 131
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 131
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 131
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 131
EQUAL reduce using rule 131
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 131
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 131
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 131
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 131
INCREMENT reduce using rule 131
DECREMENT reduce using rule 131
LBRACE reduce using rule 131
RBRACE reduce using rule 131
RBRACKET reduce using rule 131
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 131
DOT reduce using rule 131
LESS reduce using rule 131
GREATER reduce using rule 131
COLON reduce using rule 131
PLUS reduce using rule 131
MINUS reduce using rule 131
MUL reduce using rule 131
DIV reduce using rule 131
MOD reduce using rule 131
AND reduce using rule 131
OR reduce using rule 131
XOR reduce using rule 131
SHARP reduce using rule 131
%eof reduce using rule 131
State 132
primarynonewarray -> LBRACE expression RBRACE . (rule 158)
NEW reduce using rule 158
SUPER reduce using rule 158
THIS reduce using rule 158
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 158
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 158
JNULL reduce using rule 158
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 158
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 158
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 158
EQUAL reduce using rule 158
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 158
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 158
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 158
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 158
INCREMENT reduce using rule 158
DECREMENT reduce using rule 158
LBRACE reduce using rule 158
RBRACE reduce using rule 158
RBRACKET reduce using rule 158
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 158
DOT reduce using rule 158
LESS reduce using rule 158
GREATER reduce using rule 158
COLON reduce using rule 158
PLUS reduce using rule 158
MINUS reduce using rule 158
MUL reduce using rule 158
DIV reduce using rule 158
MOD reduce using rule 158
AND reduce using rule 158
OR reduce using rule 158
XOR reduce using rule 158
SHARP reduce using rule 158
%eof reduce using rule 158
State 133
funtype -> SHARP funtypeortype LBRACE . funtypelist RBRACE (rule 49)
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
simplename goto state 104
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
funtype goto state 106
funtypeortype goto state 172
funtypelist goto state 173
type goto state 108
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 134
classorinterfacetype -> simplename parameter . (rule 38)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 38
LBRACE reduce using rule 38
RBRACE reduce using rule 38
LBRACKET reduce using rule 38
GREATER reduce using rule 38
COLON reduce using rule 38
State 135
parameter -> LESS . paralist GREATER (rule 39)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 104
classorinterfacetypegoto state 170
paralist goto state 171
State 136
expressiontupel -> expression . (rule 145)
primarynonewarray -> LBRACE expression . RBRACE (rule 158)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 132
COLON reduce using rule 145
State 137
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel . COLON expression RBRACE (rule 141)
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel . COLON expression (rule 144)
COLON shift, and enter state 169
State 138
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE RBRACE . (rule 139)
EQUAL reduce using rule 139
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 139
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 139
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 139
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 139
RBRACE reduce using rule 139
RBRACKET reduce using rule 139
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 139
LESS reduce using rule 139
GREATER reduce using rule 139
COLON reduce using rule 139
PLUS reduce using rule 139
MINUS reduce using rule 139
MUL reduce using rule 139
DIV reduce using rule 139
MOD reduce using rule 139
AND reduce using rule 139
OR reduce using rule 139
XOR reduce using rule 139
%eof reduce using rule 139
State 139
inclusiveorexpression -> inclusiveorexpression OR exclusiveorexpression . (rule 155)
exclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression . XOR andexpression (rule 164)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 155
RBRACE reduce using rule 155
RBRACKET reduce using rule 155
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 155
COLON reduce using rule 155
OR reduce using rule 155
XOR shift, and enter state 98
%eof reduce using rule 155
State 140
exclusiveorexpression -> exclusiveorexpression XOR andexpression . (rule 164)
andexpression -> andexpression . AND equalityexpression (rule 171)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 164
RBRACE reduce using rule 164
RBRACKET reduce using rule 164
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 164
COLON reduce using rule 164
AND shift, and enter state 97
OR reduce using rule 164
XOR reduce using rule 164
%eof reduce using rule 164
State 141
andexpression -> andexpression AND equalityexpression . (rule 171)
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression . EQUAL relationalexpression (rule 173)
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression . NOTEQUAL relationalexpression (rule 174)
EQUAL shift, and enter state 95
NOTEQUAL shift, and enter state 96
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 171
RBRACE reduce using rule 171
RBRACKET reduce using rule 171
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 171
COLON reduce using rule 171
AND reduce using rule 171
OR reduce using rule 171
XOR reduce using rule 171
%eof reduce using rule 171
State 142
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression NOTEQUAL relationalexpression . (rule 174)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . LESS shiftexpression (rule 176)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . GREATER shiftexpression (rule 177)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . LESSEQUAL shiftexpression (rule 178)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression (rule 179)
EQUAL reduce using rule 174
LESSEQUAL shift, and enter state 91
GREATEREQUAL shift, and enter state 92
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 174
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 174
RBRACE reduce using rule 174
RBRACKET reduce using rule 174
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 174
LESS shift, and enter state 93
GREATER shift, and enter state 94
COLON reduce using rule 174
AND reduce using rule 174
OR reduce using rule 174
XOR reduce using rule 174
%eof reduce using rule 174
State 143
equalityexpression -> equalityexpression EQUAL relationalexpression . (rule 173)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . LESS shiftexpression (rule 176)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . GREATER shiftexpression (rule 177)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . LESSEQUAL shiftexpression (rule 178)
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression . GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression (rule 179)
EQUAL reduce using rule 173
LESSEQUAL shift, and enter state 91
GREATEREQUAL shift, and enter state 92
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 173
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 173
RBRACE reduce using rule 173
RBRACKET reduce using rule 173
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 173
LESS shift, and enter state 93
GREATER shift, and enter state 94
COLON reduce using rule 173
AND reduce using rule 173
OR reduce using rule 173
XOR reduce using rule 173
%eof reduce using rule 173
State 144
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression GREATER shiftexpression . (rule 177)
EQUAL reduce using rule 177
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 177
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 177
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 177
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 177
RBRACE reduce using rule 177
RBRACKET reduce using rule 177
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 177
LESS reduce using rule 177
GREATER reduce using rule 177
COLON reduce using rule 177
AND reduce using rule 177
OR reduce using rule 177
XOR reduce using rule 177
%eof reduce using rule 177
State 145
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression LESS shiftexpression . (rule 176)
EQUAL reduce using rule 176
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 176
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 176
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 176
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 176
RBRACE reduce using rule 176
RBRACKET reduce using rule 176
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 176
LESS reduce using rule 176
GREATER reduce using rule 176
COLON reduce using rule 176
AND reduce using rule 176
OR reduce using rule 176
XOR reduce using rule 176
%eof reduce using rule 176
State 146
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression . (rule 179)
EQUAL reduce using rule 179
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 179
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 179
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 179
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 179
RBRACE reduce using rule 179
RBRACKET reduce using rule 179
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 179
LESS reduce using rule 179
GREATER reduce using rule 179
COLON reduce using rule 179
AND reduce using rule 179
OR reduce using rule 179
XOR reduce using rule 179
%eof reduce using rule 179
State 147
relationalexpression -> relationalexpression LESSEQUAL shiftexpression . (rule 178)
EQUAL reduce using rule 178
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 178
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 178
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 178
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 178
RBRACE reduce using rule 178
RBRACKET reduce using rule 178
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 178
LESS reduce using rule 178
GREATER reduce using rule 178
COLON reduce using rule 178
AND reduce using rule 178
OR reduce using rule 178
XOR reduce using rule 178
%eof reduce using rule 178
State 148
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression MINUS multiplicativeexpression . (rule 183)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . MUL unaryexpression (rule 185)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . DIV unaryexpression (rule 186)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . MOD unaryexpression (rule 187)
EQUAL reduce using rule 183
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 183
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 183
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 183
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 183
RBRACE reduce using rule 183
RBRACKET reduce using rule 183
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 183
LESS reduce using rule 183
GREATER reduce using rule 183
COLON reduce using rule 183
PLUS reduce using rule 183
MINUS reduce using rule 183
MUL shift, and enter state 86
DIV shift, and enter state 87
MOD shift, and enter state 88
AND reduce using rule 183
OR reduce using rule 183
XOR reduce using rule 183
%eof reduce using rule 183
State 149
additiveexpression -> additiveexpression PLUS multiplicativeexpression . (rule 182)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . MUL unaryexpression (rule 185)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . DIV unaryexpression (rule 186)
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression . MOD unaryexpression (rule 187)
EQUAL reduce using rule 182
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 182
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 182
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 182
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 182
RBRACE reduce using rule 182
RBRACKET reduce using rule 182
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 182
LESS reduce using rule 182
GREATER reduce using rule 182
COLON reduce using rule 182
PLUS reduce using rule 182
MINUS reduce using rule 182
MUL shift, and enter state 86
DIV shift, and enter state 87
MOD shift, and enter state 88
AND reduce using rule 182
OR reduce using rule 182
XOR reduce using rule 182
%eof reduce using rule 182
State 150
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression MOD unaryexpression . (rule 187)
EQUAL reduce using rule 187
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 187
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 187
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 187
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 187
RBRACE reduce using rule 187
RBRACKET reduce using rule 187
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 187
LESS reduce using rule 187
GREATER reduce using rule 187
COLON reduce using rule 187
PLUS reduce using rule 187
MINUS reduce using rule 187
MUL reduce using rule 187
DIV reduce using rule 187
MOD reduce using rule 187
AND reduce using rule 187
OR reduce using rule 187
XOR reduce using rule 187
%eof reduce using rule 187
State 151
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression DIV unaryexpression . (rule 186)
EQUAL reduce using rule 186
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 186
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 186
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 186
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 186
RBRACE reduce using rule 186
RBRACKET reduce using rule 186
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 186
LESS reduce using rule 186
GREATER reduce using rule 186
COLON reduce using rule 186
PLUS reduce using rule 186
MINUS reduce using rule 186
MUL reduce using rule 186
DIV reduce using rule 186
MOD reduce using rule 186
AND reduce using rule 186
OR reduce using rule 186
XOR reduce using rule 186
%eof reduce using rule 186
State 152
multiplicativeexpression -> multiplicativeexpression MUL unaryexpression . (rule 185)
EQUAL reduce using rule 185
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 185
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 185
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 185
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 185
RBRACE reduce using rule 185
RBRACKET reduce using rule 185
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 185
LESS reduce using rule 185
GREATER reduce using rule 185
COLON reduce using rule 185
PLUS reduce using rule 185
MINUS reduce using rule 185
MUL reduce using rule 185
DIV reduce using rule 185
MOD reduce using rule 185
AND reduce using rule 185
OR reduce using rule 185
XOR reduce using rule 185
%eof reduce using rule 185
State 153
conditionalorexpression -> conditionalorexpression LOGICALOR conditionalandexpression . (rule 120)
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 120
RBRACE reduce using rule 120
RBRACKET reduce using rule 120
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 120
COLON reduce using rule 120
%eof reduce using rule 120
State 154
fieldaccess -> primary DOT IDENTIFIER . (rule 130)
NEW reduce using rule 130
SUPER reduce using rule 130
THIS reduce using rule 130
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 130
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 130
JNULL reduce using rule 130
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 130
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 130
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 130
EQUAL reduce using rule 130
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 130
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 130
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 130
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 130
INCREMENT reduce using rule 130
DECREMENT reduce using rule 130
LBRACE reduce using rule 130
RBRACE reduce using rule 130
RBRACKET reduce using rule 130
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 130
DOT reduce using rule 130
LESS reduce using rule 130
GREATER reduce using rule 130
COLON reduce using rule 130
PLUS reduce using rule 130
MINUS reduce using rule 130
MUL reduce using rule 130
DIV reduce using rule 130
MOD reduce using rule 130
AND reduce using rule 130
OR reduce using rule 130
XOR reduce using rule 130
SHARP reduce using rule 130
%eof reduce using rule 130
State 155
formalparameter -> funtype . variabledeclaratorid (rule 75)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 168
State 156
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs . ARROW expression RBRACKET (rule 54)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs . ARROW block RBRACKET (rule 55)
ARROW shift, and enter state 167
State 157
lambdaexpressionlhs -> formalparameter . (rule 57)
ARROW reduce using rule 57
State 158
formalparameter -> variabledeclaratorid . (rule 76)
RBRACE reduce using rule 76
COLON reduce using rule 76
ARROW reduce using rule 76
State 159
variabledeclaratorid -> IDENTIFIER . (rule 80)
RBRACE reduce using rule 80
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 80
COLON reduce using rule 80
ARROW reduce using rule 80
State 160
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE . RBRACE (rule 56)
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE . formalparameterlist RBRACE (rule 58)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
RBRACE shift, and enter state 166
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
funtype goto state 155
formalparameterlistgoto state 164
formalparametergoto state 165
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 158
State 161
primaryandname -> name DOT THIS . (rule 151)
NEW reduce using rule 151
SUPER reduce using rule 151
THIS reduce using rule 151
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 151
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 151
JNULL reduce using rule 151
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 151
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 151
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 151
EQUAL reduce using rule 151
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 151
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 151
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 151
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 151
INCREMENT reduce using rule 151
DECREMENT reduce using rule 151
LBRACE reduce using rule 151
RBRACE reduce using rule 151
RBRACKET reduce using rule 151
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 151
LESS reduce using rule 151
GREATER reduce using rule 151
COLON reduce using rule 151
PLUS reduce using rule 151
MINUS reduce using rule 151
MUL reduce using rule 151
DIV reduce using rule 151
MOD reduce using rule 151
AND reduce using rule 151
OR reduce using rule 151
XOR reduce using rule 151
SHARP reduce using rule 151
%eof reduce using rule 151
State 162
qualifiedname -> name DOT IDENTIFIER . (rule 13)
NEW reduce using rule 13
SUPER reduce using rule 13
THIS reduce using rule 13
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 13
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 13
JNULL reduce using rule 13
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 13
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 13
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 13
EQUAL reduce using rule 13
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 13
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 13
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 13
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 13
INCREMENT reduce using rule 13
DECREMENT reduce using rule 13
LBRACE reduce using rule 13
RBRACE reduce using rule 13
RBRACKET reduce using rule 13
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 13
DOT reduce using rule 13
ASSIGN reduce using rule 13
LESS reduce using rule 13
GREATER reduce using rule 13
COLON reduce using rule 13
PLUS reduce using rule 13
MINUS reduce using rule 13
MUL reduce using rule 13
DIV reduce using rule 13
MOD reduce using rule 13
AND reduce using rule 13
OR reduce using rule 13
XOR reduce using rule 13
SHARP reduce using rule 13
%eof reduce using rule 13
State 163
assignment -> lefthandside assignmentoperator assignmentexpression . (rule 109)
RBRACE reduce using rule 109
RBRACKET reduce using rule 109
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 109
COLON reduce using rule 109
%eof reduce using rule 109
State 164
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE formalparameterlist . RBRACE (rule 58)
formalparameterlist -> formalparameterlist . COLON formalparameter (rule 68)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 210
COLON shift, and enter state 211
State 165
formalparameterlist -> formalparameter . (rule 67)
RBRACE reduce using rule 67
COLON reduce using rule 67
State 166
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE RBRACE . (rule 56)
ARROW reduce using rule 56
State 167
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW . expression RBRACKET (rule 54)
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW . block RBRACKET (rule 55)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 207
expression goto state 208
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 168
formalparameter -> funtype variabledeclaratorid . (rule 75)
RBRACE reduce using rule 75
COLON reduce using rule 75
ARROW reduce using rule 75
State 169
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel COLON . expression RBRACE (rule 141)
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel COLON . expression (rule 144)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 206
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 170
paralist -> classorinterfacetype . (rule 40)
paralist -> classorinterfacetype . COLON paralist (rule 41)
GREATER reduce using rule 40
COLON shift, and enter state 205
State 171
parameter -> LESS paralist . GREATER (rule 39)
GREATER shift, and enter state 204
State 172
funtypelist -> funtypeortype . (rule 52)
RBRACE reduce using rule 52
COLON reduce using rule 52
State 173
funtype -> SHARP funtypeortype LBRACE funtypelist . RBRACE (rule 49)
funtypelist -> funtypelist . COLON funtypeortype (rule 53)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 202
COLON shift, and enter state 203
State 174
argumentlist -> argumentlist . COLON expression (rule 78)
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE argumentlist . RBRACE (rule 128)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 200
COLON shift, and enter state 201
State 175
argumentlist -> expression . (rule 77)
RBRACE reduce using rule 77
COLON reduce using rule 77
State 176
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE RBRACE . (rule 127)
NEW reduce using rule 127
SUPER reduce using rule 127
THIS reduce using rule 127
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 127
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 127
JNULL reduce using rule 127
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 127
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 127
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 127
EQUAL reduce using rule 127
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 127
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 127
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 127
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 127
INCREMENT reduce using rule 127
DECREMENT reduce using rule 127
LBRACE reduce using rule 127
RBRACE reduce using rule 127
RBRACKET reduce using rule 127
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 127
DOT reduce using rule 127
LESS reduce using rule 127
GREATER reduce using rule 127
COLON reduce using rule 127
PLUS reduce using rule 127
MINUS reduce using rule 127
MUL reduce using rule 127
DIV reduce using rule 127
MOD reduce using rule 127
AND reduce using rule 127
OR reduce using rule 127
XOR reduce using rule 127
SHARP reduce using rule 127
%eof reduce using rule 127
State 177
classparalist -> simplename . (rule 25)
classparalist -> simplename . COLON classparalist (rule 26)
GREATER reduce using rule 25
COLON shift, and enter state 199
State 178
classpara -> LESS classparalist . GREATER (rule 24)
GREATER shift, and enter state 198
State 179
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara classbody . (rule 15)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 15
CLASS reduce using rule 15
PRIVATE reduce using rule 15
PROTECTED reduce using rule 15
PUBLIC reduce using rule 15
STATIC reduce using rule 15
%eof reduce using rule 15
State 180
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super . classbody (rule 17)
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 182
classbody goto state 197
State 181
super -> EXTENDS . classtype (rule 27)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 104
classtype goto state 196
classorinterfacetypegoto state 120
State 182
classbody -> LBRACKET . RBRACKET (rule 19)
classbody -> LBRACKET . classbodydeclarations RBRACKET (rule 20)
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 194
RBRACKET shift, and enter state 195
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
simplename goto state 104
modifiers goto state 186
classbodydeclarationsgoto state 187
modifier goto state 12
classbodydeclarationgoto state 188
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
classmemberdeclarationgoto state 189
fielddeclarationgoto state 190
fundeclaration goto state 191
funtype goto state 192
type goto state 193
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 183
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara . classbody (rule 16)
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara . super classbody (rule 18)
EXTENDS shift, and enter state 181
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 182
classbody goto state 184
super goto state 185
State 184
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara classbody . (rule 16)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 16
CLASS reduce using rule 16
PRIVATE reduce using rule 16
PROTECTED reduce using rule 16
PUBLIC reduce using rule 16
STATIC reduce using rule 16
%eof reduce using rule 16
State 185
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super . classbody (rule 18)
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 182
classbody goto state 259
State 186
modifiers -> modifiers . modifier (rule 22)
fielddeclaration -> modifiers . type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON (rule 45)
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 104
modifier goto state 123
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
type goto state 258
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 187
classbody -> LBRACKET classbodydeclarations . RBRACKET (rule 20)
classbodydeclarations -> classbodydeclarations . classbodydeclaration (rule 29)
ABSTRACT shift, and enter state 13
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
PRIVATE shift, and enter state 15
PROTECTED shift, and enter state 16
PUBLIC shift, and enter state 17
STATIC shift, and enter state 18
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 194
RBRACKET shift, and enter state 257
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
simplename goto state 104
modifiers goto state 186
modifier goto state 12
classbodydeclarationgoto state 256
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
classmemberdeclarationgoto state 189
fielddeclarationgoto state 190
fundeclaration goto state 191
funtype goto state 192
type goto state 193
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 188
classbodydeclarations -> classbodydeclaration . (rule 28)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 28
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 28
CHAR reduce using rule 28
INT reduce using rule 28
PRIVATE reduce using rule 28
PROTECTED reduce using rule 28
PUBLIC reduce using rule 28
STATIC reduce using rule 28
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 28
RBRACKET reduce using rule 28
SHARP reduce using rule 28
State 189
classbodydeclaration -> classmemberdeclaration . (rule 36)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 36
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 36
CHAR reduce using rule 36
INT reduce using rule 36
PRIVATE reduce using rule 36
PROTECTED reduce using rule 36
PUBLIC reduce using rule 36
STATIC reduce using rule 36
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 36
RBRACKET reduce using rule 36
SHARP reduce using rule 36
State 190
classmemberdeclaration -> fielddeclaration . (rule 42)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 42
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 42
CHAR reduce using rule 42
INT reduce using rule 42
PRIVATE reduce using rule 42
PROTECTED reduce using rule 42
PUBLIC reduce using rule 42
STATIC reduce using rule 42
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 42
RBRACKET reduce using rule 42
SHARP reduce using rule 42
State 191
classmemberdeclaration -> fundeclaration . (rule 43)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 43
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 43
CHAR reduce using rule 43
INT reduce using rule 43
PRIVATE reduce using rule 43
PROTECTED reduce using rule 43
PUBLIC reduce using rule 43
STATIC reduce using rule 43
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 43
RBRACKET reduce using rule 43
SHARP reduce using rule 43
State 192
fundeclaration -> funtype . IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (rule 46)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 255
State 193
fielddeclaration -> type . variabledeclarators SEMICOLON (rule 44)
fundeclaration -> type . IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (rule 47)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 254
variabledeclaratorsgoto state 251
variabledeclaratorgoto state 252
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 253
State 194
simplename -> IDENTIFIER . (rule 14)
fundeclaration -> IDENTIFIER . ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (rule 48)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 14
ASSIGN shift, and enter state 250
LESS reduce using rule 14
State 195
classbody -> LBRACKET RBRACKET . (rule 19)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 19
CLASS reduce using rule 19
PRIVATE reduce using rule 19
PROTECTED reduce using rule 19
PUBLIC reduce using rule 19
STATIC reduce using rule 19
%eof reduce using rule 19
State 196
super -> EXTENDS classtype . (rule 27)
LBRACKET reduce using rule 27
State 197
classdeclaration -> CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody . (rule 17)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 17
CLASS reduce using rule 17
PRIVATE reduce using rule 17
PROTECTED reduce using rule 17
PUBLIC reduce using rule 17
STATIC reduce using rule 17
%eof reduce using rule 17
State 198
classpara -> LESS classparalist GREATER . (rule 24)
EXTENDS reduce using rule 24
LBRACKET reduce using rule 24
State 199
classparalist -> simplename COLON . classparalist (rule 26)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 177
classparalist goto state 249
State 200
classinstancecreationexpression -> NEW classtype LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE . (rule 128)
NEW reduce using rule 128
SUPER reduce using rule 128
THIS reduce using rule 128
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 128
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 128
JNULL reduce using rule 128
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 128
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 128
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 128
EQUAL reduce using rule 128
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 128
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 128
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 128
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 128
INCREMENT reduce using rule 128
DECREMENT reduce using rule 128
LBRACE reduce using rule 128
RBRACE reduce using rule 128
RBRACKET reduce using rule 128
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 128
DOT reduce using rule 128
LESS reduce using rule 128
GREATER reduce using rule 128
COLON reduce using rule 128
PLUS reduce using rule 128
MINUS reduce using rule 128
MUL reduce using rule 128
DIV reduce using rule 128
MOD reduce using rule 128
AND reduce using rule 128
OR reduce using rule 128
XOR reduce using rule 128
SHARP reduce using rule 128
%eof reduce using rule 128
State 201
argumentlist -> argumentlist COLON . expression (rule 78)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 248
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 202
funtype -> SHARP funtypeortype LBRACE funtypelist RBRACE . (rule 49)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 49
LBRACE reduce using rule 49
RBRACE reduce using rule 49
DOT reduce using rule 49
COLON reduce using rule 49
State 203
funtypelist -> funtypelist COLON . funtypeortype (rule 53)
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
INT shift, and enter state 115
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
simplename goto state 104
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
funtype goto state 106
funtypeortype goto state 247
type goto state 108
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
numerictype goto state 111
integraltype goto state 112
State 204
parameter -> LESS paralist GREATER . (rule 39)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 39
LBRACE reduce using rule 39
RBRACE reduce using rule 39
LBRACKET reduce using rule 39
GREATER reduce using rule 39
COLON reduce using rule 39
State 205
paralist -> classorinterfacetype COLON . paralist (rule 41)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
simplename goto state 104
classorinterfacetypegoto state 170
paralist goto state 246
State 206
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel COLON expression . RBRACE (rule 141)
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel COLON expression . (rule 144)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 245
COLON reduce using rule 144
State 207
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW block . RBRACKET (rule 55)
RBRACKET shift, and enter state 244
State 208
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW expression . RBRACKET (rule 54)
RBRACKET shift, and enter state 243
State 209
block -> LBRACKET . RBRACKET (rule 59)
block -> LBRACKET . blockstatements RBRACKET (rule 60)
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
IF shift, and enter state 238
INT shift, and enter state 115
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 240
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
RBRACKET shift, and enter state 241
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 213
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
funtype goto state 214
funtypeortype goto state 215
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
type goto state 108
blockstatementsgoto state 217
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
blockstatement goto state 218
numerictype goto state 111
localvariabledeclarationstatementgoto state 219
statement goto state 220
integraltype goto state 112
localvariabledeclarationgoto state 221
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 222
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 210
lambdaexpressionlhs -> LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE . (rule 58)
ARROW reduce using rule 58
State 211
formalparameterlist -> formalparameterlist COLON . formalparameter (rule 68)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
SHARP shift, and enter state 116
funtype goto state 155
formalparametergoto state 212
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 158
State 212
formalparameterlist -> formalparameterlist COLON formalparameter . (rule 68)
RBRACE reduce using rule 68
COLON reduce using rule 68
State 213
name -> simplename . (rule 11)
classorinterfacetype -> simplename . (rule 37)
classorinterfacetype -> simplename . parameter (rule 38)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 37
INCREMENT reduce using rule 11
DECREMENT reduce using rule 11
LBRACE reduce using rule 11
DOT reduce using rule 11
ASSIGN reduce using rule 11
LESS shift, and enter state 135
parameter goto state 134
State 214
funtypeortype -> funtype . (rule 50)
primaryandname -> funtype . DOT THIS (rule 152)
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 50
DOT shift, and enter state 121
State 215
localvariabledeclaration -> funtypeortype . variabledeclarators (rule 91)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
variabledeclaratorsgoto state 275
variabledeclaratorgoto state 252
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 253
State 216
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> block . (rule 92)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 92
CHAR reduce using rule 92
ELSE reduce using rule 92
IF reduce using rule 92
INT reduce using rule 92
NEW reduce using rule 92
RETURN reduce using rule 92
SUPER reduce using rule 92
THIS reduce using rule 92
WHILE reduce using rule 92
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 92
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 92
JNULL reduce using rule 92
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 92
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 92
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 92
INCREMENT reduce using rule 92
DECREMENT reduce using rule 92
LBRACE reduce using rule 92
LBRACKET reduce using rule 92
RBRACKET reduce using rule 92
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 92
SHARP reduce using rule 92
State 217
block -> LBRACKET blockstatements . RBRACKET (rule 60)
blockstatements -> blockstatements . blockstatement (rule 66)
BOOLEAN shift, and enter state 113
CHAR shift, and enter state 114
IF shift, and enter state 238
INT shift, and enter state 115
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 240
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
RBRACKET shift, and enter state 274
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 213
classorinterfacetypegoto state 105
funtype goto state 214
funtypeortype goto state 215
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
type goto state 108
primitivetype goto state 109
referencetype goto state 110
blockstatement goto state 273
numerictype goto state 111
localvariabledeclarationstatementgoto state 219
statement goto state 220
integraltype goto state 112
localvariabledeclarationgoto state 221
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 222
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 218
blockstatements -> blockstatement . (rule 65)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 65
CHAR reduce using rule 65
IF reduce using rule 65
INT reduce using rule 65
NEW reduce using rule 65
RETURN reduce using rule 65
SUPER reduce using rule 65
THIS reduce using rule 65
WHILE reduce using rule 65
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 65
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 65
JNULL reduce using rule 65
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 65
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 65
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 65
INCREMENT reduce using rule 65
DECREMENT reduce using rule 65
LBRACE reduce using rule 65
LBRACKET reduce using rule 65
RBRACKET reduce using rule 65
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 65
SHARP reduce using rule 65
State 219
blockstatement -> localvariabledeclarationstatement . (rule 73)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 73
CHAR reduce using rule 73
IF reduce using rule 73
INT reduce using rule 73
NEW reduce using rule 73
RETURN reduce using rule 73
SUPER reduce using rule 73
THIS reduce using rule 73
WHILE reduce using rule 73
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 73
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 73
JNULL reduce using rule 73
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 73
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 73
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 73
INCREMENT reduce using rule 73
DECREMENT reduce using rule 73
LBRACE reduce using rule 73
LBRACKET reduce using rule 73
RBRACKET reduce using rule 73
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 73
SHARP reduce using rule 73
State 220
blockstatement -> statement . (rule 74)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 74
CHAR reduce using rule 74
IF reduce using rule 74
INT reduce using rule 74
NEW reduce using rule 74
RETURN reduce using rule 74
SUPER reduce using rule 74
THIS reduce using rule 74
WHILE reduce using rule 74
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 74
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 74
JNULL reduce using rule 74
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 74
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 74
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 74
INCREMENT reduce using rule 74
DECREMENT reduce using rule 74
LBRACE reduce using rule 74
LBRACKET reduce using rule 74
RBRACKET reduce using rule 74
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 74
SHARP reduce using rule 74
State 221
localvariabledeclarationstatement -> localvariabledeclaration . SEMICOLON (rule 81)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 272
State 222
statement -> statementwithouttrailingsubstatement . (rule 82)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 82
CHAR reduce using rule 82
IF reduce using rule 82
INT reduce using rule 82
NEW reduce using rule 82
RETURN reduce using rule 82
SUPER reduce using rule 82
THIS reduce using rule 82
WHILE reduce using rule 82
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 82
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 82
JNULL reduce using rule 82
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 82
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 82
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 82
INCREMENT reduce using rule 82
DECREMENT reduce using rule 82
LBRACE reduce using rule 82
LBRACKET reduce using rule 82
RBRACKET reduce using rule 82
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 82
SHARP reduce using rule 82
State 223
statement -> ifthenstatement . (rule 83)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 83
CHAR reduce using rule 83
IF reduce using rule 83
INT reduce using rule 83
NEW reduce using rule 83
RETURN reduce using rule 83
SUPER reduce using rule 83
THIS reduce using rule 83
WHILE reduce using rule 83
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 83
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 83
JNULL reduce using rule 83
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 83
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 83
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 83
INCREMENT reduce using rule 83
DECREMENT reduce using rule 83
LBRACE reduce using rule 83
LBRACKET reduce using rule 83
RBRACKET reduce using rule 83
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 83
SHARP reduce using rule 83
State 224
statement -> ifthenelsestatement . (rule 84)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 84
CHAR reduce using rule 84
IF reduce using rule 84
INT reduce using rule 84
NEW reduce using rule 84
RETURN reduce using rule 84
SUPER reduce using rule 84
THIS reduce using rule 84
WHILE reduce using rule 84
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 84
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 84
JNULL reduce using rule 84
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 84
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 84
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 84
INCREMENT reduce using rule 84
DECREMENT reduce using rule 84
LBRACE reduce using rule 84
LBRACKET reduce using rule 84
RBRACKET reduce using rule 84
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 84
SHARP reduce using rule 84
State 225
statement -> whilestatement . (rule 85)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 85
CHAR reduce using rule 85
IF reduce using rule 85
INT reduce using rule 85
NEW reduce using rule 85
RETURN reduce using rule 85
SUPER reduce using rule 85
THIS reduce using rule 85
WHILE reduce using rule 85
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 85
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 85
JNULL reduce using rule 85
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 85
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 85
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 85
INCREMENT reduce using rule 85
DECREMENT reduce using rule 85
LBRACE reduce using rule 85
LBRACKET reduce using rule 85
RBRACKET reduce using rule 85
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 85
SHARP reduce using rule 85
State 226
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> emptystatement . (rule 93)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 93
CHAR reduce using rule 93
ELSE reduce using rule 93
IF reduce using rule 93
INT reduce using rule 93
NEW reduce using rule 93
RETURN reduce using rule 93
SUPER reduce using rule 93
THIS reduce using rule 93
WHILE reduce using rule 93
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 93
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 93
JNULL reduce using rule 93
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 93
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 93
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 93
INCREMENT reduce using rule 93
DECREMENT reduce using rule 93
LBRACE reduce using rule 93
LBRACKET reduce using rule 93
RBRACKET reduce using rule 93
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 93
SHARP reduce using rule 93
State 227
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> expressionstatement . (rule 94)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 94
CHAR reduce using rule 94
ELSE reduce using rule 94
IF reduce using rule 94
INT reduce using rule 94
NEW reduce using rule 94
RETURN reduce using rule 94
SUPER reduce using rule 94
THIS reduce using rule 94
WHILE reduce using rule 94
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 94
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 94
JNULL reduce using rule 94
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 94
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 94
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 94
INCREMENT reduce using rule 94
DECREMENT reduce using rule 94
LBRACE reduce using rule 94
LBRACKET reduce using rule 94
RBRACKET reduce using rule 94
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 94
SHARP reduce using rule 94
State 228
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement -> returnstatement . (rule 95)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 95
CHAR reduce using rule 95
ELSE reduce using rule 95
IF reduce using rule 95
INT reduce using rule 95
NEW reduce using rule 95
RETURN reduce using rule 95
SUPER reduce using rule 95
THIS reduce using rule 95
WHILE reduce using rule 95
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 95
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 95
JNULL reduce using rule 95
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 95
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 95
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 95
INCREMENT reduce using rule 95
DECREMENT reduce using rule 95
LBRACE reduce using rule 95
LBRACKET reduce using rule 95
RBRACKET reduce using rule 95
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 95
SHARP reduce using rule 95
State 229
statementexpression -> assignment . (rule 110)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 110
State 230
expressionstatement -> statementexpression . SEMICOLON (rule 102)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 271
State 231
statementexpression -> preincrementexpression . (rule 111)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 111
State 232
statementexpression -> predecrementexpression . (rule 112)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 112
State 233
statementexpression -> postincrementexpression . (rule 113)
postfixexpression -> postincrementexpression . (rule 147)
INCREMENT reduce using rule 147
DECREMENT reduce using rule 147
LBRACE reduce using rule 147
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 113
State 234
statementexpression -> postdecrementexpression . (rule 114)
postfixexpression -> postdecrementexpression . (rule 148)
INCREMENT reduce using rule 148
DECREMENT reduce using rule 148
LBRACE reduce using rule 148
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 114
State 235
statementexpression -> classinstancecreationexpression . (rule 115)
primarynonewarray -> classinstancecreationexpression . (rule 159)
INCREMENT reduce using rule 159
DECREMENT reduce using rule 159
LBRACE reduce using rule 159
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 115
DOT reduce using rule 159
State 236
statementexpression -> evalstatement . (rule 116)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 116
State 237
postincrementexpression -> postfixexpression . INCREMENT (rule 125)
postdecrementexpression -> postfixexpression . DECREMENT (rule 126)
evalstatement -> postfixexpression . LBRACE RBRACE (rule 142)
evalstatement -> postfixexpression . LBRACE expressiontupel RBRACE (rule 143)
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 101
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 102
LBRACE shift, and enter state 270
State 238
ifthenstatement -> IF . LBRACE expression RBRACE statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF . LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
LBRACE shift, and enter state 269
State 239
returnstatement -> RETURN . SEMICOLON (rule 103)
returnstatement -> RETURN . expression SEMICOLON (rule 104)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 268
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 267
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 240
whilestatement -> WHILE . LBRACE expression RBRACE statement (rule 98)
LBRACE shift, and enter state 266
State 241
block -> LBRACKET RBRACKET . (rule 59)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 59
CHAR reduce using rule 59
ELSE reduce using rule 59
IF reduce using rule 59
INT reduce using rule 59
NEW reduce using rule 59
RETURN reduce using rule 59
SUPER reduce using rule 59
THIS reduce using rule 59
WHILE reduce using rule 59
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 59
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 59
JNULL reduce using rule 59
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 59
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 59
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 59
INCREMENT reduce using rule 59
DECREMENT reduce using rule 59
LBRACE reduce using rule 59
LBRACKET reduce using rule 59
RBRACKET reduce using rule 59
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 59
SHARP reduce using rule 59
State 242
emptystatement -> SEMICOLON . (rule 101)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 101
CHAR reduce using rule 101
ELSE reduce using rule 101
IF reduce using rule 101
INT reduce using rule 101
NEW reduce using rule 101
RETURN reduce using rule 101
SUPER reduce using rule 101
THIS reduce using rule 101
WHILE reduce using rule 101
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 101
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 101
JNULL reduce using rule 101
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 101
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 101
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 101
INCREMENT reduce using rule 101
DECREMENT reduce using rule 101
LBRACE reduce using rule 101
LBRACKET reduce using rule 101
RBRACKET reduce using rule 101
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 101
SHARP reduce using rule 101
State 243
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW expression RBRACKET . (rule 54)
NEW reduce using rule 54
SUPER reduce using rule 54
THIS reduce using rule 54
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 54
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 54
JNULL reduce using rule 54
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 54
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 54
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 54
EQUAL reduce using rule 54
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 54
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 54
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 54
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 54
INCREMENT reduce using rule 54
DECREMENT reduce using rule 54
LBRACE reduce using rule 54
RBRACE reduce using rule 54
RBRACKET reduce using rule 54
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 54
DOT reduce using rule 54
LESS reduce using rule 54
GREATER reduce using rule 54
COLON reduce using rule 54
PLUS reduce using rule 54
MINUS reduce using rule 54
MUL reduce using rule 54
DIV reduce using rule 54
MOD reduce using rule 54
AND reduce using rule 54
OR reduce using rule 54
XOR reduce using rule 54
SHARP reduce using rule 54
%eof reduce using rule 54
State 244
lambdaexpression -> SHARP LBRACKET lambdaexpressionlhs ARROW block RBRACKET . (rule 55)
NEW reduce using rule 55
SUPER reduce using rule 55
THIS reduce using rule 55
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 55
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 55
JNULL reduce using rule 55
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 55
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 55
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 55
EQUAL reduce using rule 55
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 55
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 55
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 55
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 55
INCREMENT reduce using rule 55
DECREMENT reduce using rule 55
LBRACE reduce using rule 55
RBRACE reduce using rule 55
RBRACKET reduce using rule 55
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 55
DOT reduce using rule 55
LESS reduce using rule 55
GREATER reduce using rule 55
COLON reduce using rule 55
PLUS reduce using rule 55
MINUS reduce using rule 55
MUL reduce using rule 55
DIV reduce using rule 55
MOD reduce using rule 55
AND reduce using rule 55
OR reduce using rule 55
XOR reduce using rule 55
SHARP reduce using rule 55
%eof reduce using rule 55
State 245
evalexpression -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel COLON expression RBRACE . (rule 141)
EQUAL reduce using rule 141
LESSEQUAL reduce using rule 141
GREATEREQUAL reduce using rule 141
NOTEQUAL reduce using rule 141
LOGICALOR reduce using rule 141
RBRACE reduce using rule 141
RBRACKET reduce using rule 141
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 141
LESS reduce using rule 141
GREATER reduce using rule 141
COLON reduce using rule 141
PLUS reduce using rule 141
MINUS reduce using rule 141
MUL reduce using rule 141
DIV reduce using rule 141
MOD reduce using rule 141
AND reduce using rule 141
OR reduce using rule 141
XOR reduce using rule 141
%eof reduce using rule 141
State 246
paralist -> classorinterfacetype COLON paralist . (rule 41)
GREATER reduce using rule 41
State 247
funtypelist -> funtypelist COLON funtypeortype . (rule 53)
RBRACE reduce using rule 53
COLON reduce using rule 53
State 248
argumentlist -> argumentlist COLON expression . (rule 78)
RBRACE reduce using rule 78
COLON reduce using rule 78
State 249
classparalist -> simplename COLON classparalist . (rule 26)
GREATER reduce using rule 26
State 250
fundeclaration -> IDENTIFIER ASSIGN . expression SEMICOLON (rule 48)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 265
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 251
fielddeclaration -> type variabledeclarators . SEMICOLON (rule 44)
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarators . COLON variabledeclarator (rule 64)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 263
COLON shift, and enter state 264
State 252
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarator . (rule 63)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 63
COLON reduce using rule 63
State 253
variabledeclarator -> variabledeclaratorid . (rule 72)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 72
COLON reduce using rule 72
State 254
fundeclaration -> type IDENTIFIER . ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (rule 47)
variabledeclaratorid -> IDENTIFIER . (rule 80)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 80
ASSIGN shift, and enter state 262
COLON reduce using rule 80
State 255
fundeclaration -> funtype IDENTIFIER . ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON (rule 46)
ASSIGN shift, and enter state 261
State 256
classbodydeclarations -> classbodydeclarations classbodydeclaration . (rule 29)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 29
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 29
CHAR reduce using rule 29
INT reduce using rule 29
PRIVATE reduce using rule 29
PROTECTED reduce using rule 29
PUBLIC reduce using rule 29
STATIC reduce using rule 29
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 29
RBRACKET reduce using rule 29
SHARP reduce using rule 29
State 257
classbody -> LBRACKET classbodydeclarations RBRACKET . (rule 20)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 20
CLASS reduce using rule 20
PRIVATE reduce using rule 20
PROTECTED reduce using rule 20
PUBLIC reduce using rule 20
STATIC reduce using rule 20
%eof reduce using rule 20
State 258
fielddeclaration -> modifiers type . variabledeclarators SEMICOLON (rule 45)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
variabledeclaratorsgoto state 260
variabledeclaratorgoto state 252
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 253
State 259
classdeclaration -> modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classpara super classbody . (rule 18)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 18
CLASS reduce using rule 18
PRIVATE reduce using rule 18
PROTECTED reduce using rule 18
PUBLIC reduce using rule 18
STATIC reduce using rule 18
%eof reduce using rule 18
State 260
fielddeclaration -> modifiers type variabledeclarators . SEMICOLON (rule 45)
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarators . COLON variabledeclarator (rule 64)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 286
COLON shift, and enter state 264
State 261
fundeclaration -> funtype IDENTIFIER ASSIGN . expression SEMICOLON (rule 46)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 285
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 262
fundeclaration -> type IDENTIFIER ASSIGN . expression SEMICOLON (rule 47)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 284
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 263
fielddeclaration -> type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON . (rule 44)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 44
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 44
CHAR reduce using rule 44
INT reduce using rule 44
PRIVATE reduce using rule 44
PROTECTED reduce using rule 44
PUBLIC reduce using rule 44
STATIC reduce using rule 44
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 44
RBRACKET reduce using rule 44
SHARP reduce using rule 44
State 264
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarators COLON . variabledeclarator (rule 64)
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 159
variabledeclaratorgoto state 283
variabledeclaratoridgoto state 253
State 265
fundeclaration -> IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression . SEMICOLON (rule 48)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 282
State 266
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE . expression RBRACE statement (rule 98)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 281
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 267
returnstatement -> RETURN expression . SEMICOLON (rule 104)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 280
State 268
returnstatement -> RETURN SEMICOLON . (rule 103)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 103
CHAR reduce using rule 103
ELSE reduce using rule 103
IF reduce using rule 103
INT reduce using rule 103
NEW reduce using rule 103
RETURN reduce using rule 103
SUPER reduce using rule 103
THIS reduce using rule 103
WHILE reduce using rule 103
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 103
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 103
JNULL reduce using rule 103
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 103
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 103
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 103
INCREMENT reduce using rule 103
DECREMENT reduce using rule 103
LBRACE reduce using rule 103
LBRACKET reduce using rule 103
RBRACKET reduce using rule 103
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 103
SHARP reduce using rule 103
State 269
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE . expression RBRACE statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE . expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 279
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 270
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE . RBRACE (rule 142)
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE . expressiontupel RBRACE (rule 143)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
RBRACE shift, and enter state 278
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 276
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
expressiontupelgoto state 277
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 271
expressionstatement -> statementexpression SEMICOLON . (rule 102)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 102
CHAR reduce using rule 102
ELSE reduce using rule 102
IF reduce using rule 102
INT reduce using rule 102
NEW reduce using rule 102
RETURN reduce using rule 102
SUPER reduce using rule 102
THIS reduce using rule 102
WHILE reduce using rule 102
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 102
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 102
JNULL reduce using rule 102
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 102
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 102
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 102
INCREMENT reduce using rule 102
DECREMENT reduce using rule 102
LBRACE reduce using rule 102
LBRACKET reduce using rule 102
RBRACKET reduce using rule 102
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 102
SHARP reduce using rule 102
State 272
localvariabledeclarationstatement -> localvariabledeclaration SEMICOLON . (rule 81)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 81
CHAR reduce using rule 81
IF reduce using rule 81
INT reduce using rule 81
NEW reduce using rule 81
RETURN reduce using rule 81
SUPER reduce using rule 81
THIS reduce using rule 81
WHILE reduce using rule 81
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 81
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 81
JNULL reduce using rule 81
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 81
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 81
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 81
INCREMENT reduce using rule 81
DECREMENT reduce using rule 81
LBRACE reduce using rule 81
LBRACKET reduce using rule 81
RBRACKET reduce using rule 81
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 81
SHARP reduce using rule 81
State 273
blockstatements -> blockstatements blockstatement . (rule 66)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 66
CHAR reduce using rule 66
IF reduce using rule 66
INT reduce using rule 66
NEW reduce using rule 66
RETURN reduce using rule 66
SUPER reduce using rule 66
THIS reduce using rule 66
WHILE reduce using rule 66
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 66
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 66
JNULL reduce using rule 66
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 66
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 66
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 66
INCREMENT reduce using rule 66
DECREMENT reduce using rule 66
LBRACE reduce using rule 66
LBRACKET reduce using rule 66
RBRACKET reduce using rule 66
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 66
SHARP reduce using rule 66
State 274
block -> LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET . (rule 60)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 60
CHAR reduce using rule 60
ELSE reduce using rule 60
IF reduce using rule 60
INT reduce using rule 60
NEW reduce using rule 60
RETURN reduce using rule 60
SUPER reduce using rule 60
THIS reduce using rule 60
WHILE reduce using rule 60
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 60
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 60
JNULL reduce using rule 60
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 60
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 60
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 60
INCREMENT reduce using rule 60
DECREMENT reduce using rule 60
LBRACE reduce using rule 60
LBRACKET reduce using rule 60
RBRACKET reduce using rule 60
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 60
SHARP reduce using rule 60
State 275
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarators . COLON variabledeclarator (rule 64)
localvariabledeclaration -> funtypeortype variabledeclarators . (rule 91)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 91
COLON shift, and enter state 264
State 276
expressiontupel -> expression . (rule 145)
RBRACE reduce using rule 145
COLON reduce using rule 145
State 277
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel . RBRACE (rule 143)
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel . COLON expression (rule 144)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 291
COLON shift, and enter state 292
State 278
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE RBRACE . (rule 142)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 142
State 279
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE expression . RBRACE statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression . RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 290
State 280
returnstatement -> RETURN expression SEMICOLON . (rule 104)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 104
CHAR reduce using rule 104
ELSE reduce using rule 104
IF reduce using rule 104
INT reduce using rule 104
NEW reduce using rule 104
RETURN reduce using rule 104
SUPER reduce using rule 104
THIS reduce using rule 104
WHILE reduce using rule 104
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 104
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 104
JNULL reduce using rule 104
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 104
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 104
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 104
INCREMENT reduce using rule 104
DECREMENT reduce using rule 104
LBRACE reduce using rule 104
LBRACKET reduce using rule 104
RBRACKET reduce using rule 104
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 104
SHARP reduce using rule 104
State 281
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE expression . RBRACE statement (rule 98)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 289
State 282
fundeclaration -> IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON . (rule 48)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 48
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 48
CHAR reduce using rule 48
INT reduce using rule 48
PRIVATE reduce using rule 48
PROTECTED reduce using rule 48
PUBLIC reduce using rule 48
STATIC reduce using rule 48
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 48
RBRACKET reduce using rule 48
SHARP reduce using rule 48
State 283
variabledeclarators -> variabledeclarators COLON variabledeclarator . (rule 64)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 64
COLON reduce using rule 64
State 284
fundeclaration -> type IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression . SEMICOLON (rule 47)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 288
State 285
fundeclaration -> funtype IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression . SEMICOLON (rule 46)
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 287
State 286
fielddeclaration -> modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON . (rule 45)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 45
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 45
CHAR reduce using rule 45
INT reduce using rule 45
PRIVATE reduce using rule 45
PROTECTED reduce using rule 45
PUBLIC reduce using rule 45
STATIC reduce using rule 45
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 45
RBRACKET reduce using rule 45
SHARP reduce using rule 45
State 287
fundeclaration -> funtype IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON . (rule 46)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 46
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 46
CHAR reduce using rule 46
INT reduce using rule 46
PRIVATE reduce using rule 46
PROTECTED reduce using rule 46
PUBLIC reduce using rule 46
STATIC reduce using rule 46
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 46
RBRACKET reduce using rule 46
SHARP reduce using rule 46
State 288
fundeclaration -> type IDENTIFIER ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON . (rule 47)
ABSTRACT reduce using rule 47
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 47
CHAR reduce using rule 47
INT reduce using rule 47
PRIVATE reduce using rule 47
PROTECTED reduce using rule 47
PUBLIC reduce using rule 47
STATIC reduce using rule 47
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 47
RBRACKET reduce using rule 47
SHARP reduce using rule 47
State 289
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE . statement (rule 98)
IF shift, and enter state 238
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 240
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
statement goto state 301
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 222
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 290
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE . statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE . statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
IF shift, and enter state 299
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 300
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
statement goto state 294
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 295
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
statementnoshortifgoto state 296
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
ifthenelsestatementnoshortifgoto state 297
whilestatementnoshortifgoto state 298
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 291
evalstatement -> postfixexpression LBRACE expressiontupel RBRACE . (rule 143)
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 143
State 292
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel COLON . expression (rule 144)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 293
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 293
expressiontupel -> expressiontupel COLON expression . (rule 144)
RBRACE reduce using rule 144
COLON reduce using rule 144
State 294
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statement . (rule 96)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 96
CHAR reduce using rule 96
IF reduce using rule 96
INT reduce using rule 96
NEW reduce using rule 96
RETURN reduce using rule 96
SUPER reduce using rule 96
THIS reduce using rule 96
WHILE reduce using rule 96
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 96
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 96
JNULL reduce using rule 96
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 96
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 96
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 96
INCREMENT reduce using rule 96
DECREMENT reduce using rule 96
LBRACE reduce using rule 96
LBRACKET reduce using rule 96
RBRACKET reduce using rule 96
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 96
SHARP reduce using rule 96
State 295
statement -> statementwithouttrailingsubstatement . (rule 82)
statementnoshortif -> statementwithouttrailingsubstatement . (rule 105)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 82
CHAR reduce using rule 82
ELSE reduce using rule 105
IF reduce using rule 82
INT reduce using rule 82
NEW reduce using rule 82
RETURN reduce using rule 82
SUPER reduce using rule 82
THIS reduce using rule 82
WHILE reduce using rule 82
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 82
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 82
JNULL reduce using rule 82
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 82
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 82
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 82
INCREMENT reduce using rule 82
DECREMENT reduce using rule 82
LBRACE reduce using rule 82
LBRACKET reduce using rule 82
RBRACKET reduce using rule 82
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 82
SHARP reduce using rule 82
State 296
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif . ELSE statement (rule 97)
ELSE shift, and enter state 304
State 297
statementnoshortif -> ifthenelsestatementnoshortif . (rule 106)
ELSE reduce using rule 106
State 298
statementnoshortif -> whilestatementnoshortif . (rule 107)
ELSE reduce using rule 107
State 299
ifthenstatement -> IF . LBRACE expression RBRACE statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF . LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF . LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statementnoshortif (rule 117)
LBRACE shift, and enter state 303
State 300
whilestatement -> WHILE . LBRACE expression RBRACE statement (rule 98)
whilestatementnoshortif -> WHILE . LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif (rule 118)
LBRACE shift, and enter state 302
State 301
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statement . (rule 98)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 98
CHAR reduce using rule 98
IF reduce using rule 98
INT reduce using rule 98
NEW reduce using rule 98
RETURN reduce using rule 98
SUPER reduce using rule 98
THIS reduce using rule 98
WHILE reduce using rule 98
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 98
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 98
JNULL reduce using rule 98
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 98
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 98
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 98
INCREMENT reduce using rule 98
DECREMENT reduce using rule 98
LBRACE reduce using rule 98
LBRACKET reduce using rule 98
RBRACKET reduce using rule 98
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 98
SHARP reduce using rule 98
State 302
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE . expression RBRACE statement (rule 98)
whilestatementnoshortif -> WHILE LBRACE . expression RBRACE statementnoshortif (rule 118)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 307
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 303
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE . expression RBRACE statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE . expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE . expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statementnoshortif (rule 117)
NEW shift, and enter state 33
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
PLUS shift, and enter state 62
MINUS shift, and enter state 63
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
expression goto state 306
assignmentexpressiongoto state 70
conditionalexpressiongoto state 71
assignment goto state 72
conditionalorexpressiongoto state 65
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 45
predecrementexpressiongoto state 46
postincrementexpressiongoto state 24
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 25
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 26
conditionalandexpressiongoto state 47
fieldaccess goto state 27
unaryexpressiongoto state 48
evalexpression goto state 49
postfixexpressiongoto state 50
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
inclusiveorexpressiongoto state 51
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
unaryexpressionnotplusminusgoto state 52
exclusiveorexpressiongoto state 53
literal goto state 32
andexpression goto state 54
equalityexpressiongoto state 55
relationalexpressiongoto state 56
shiftexpressiongoto state 57
additiveexpressiongoto state 58
multiplicativeexpressiongoto state 59
State 304
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE . statement (rule 97)
IF shift, and enter state 238
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 240
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
statement goto state 305
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 222
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 305
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement . (rule 97)
BOOLEAN reduce using rule 97
CHAR reduce using rule 97
IF reduce using rule 97
INT reduce using rule 97
NEW reduce using rule 97
RETURN reduce using rule 97
SUPER reduce using rule 97
THIS reduce using rule 97
WHILE reduce using rule 97
INTLITERAL reduce using rule 97
BOOLLITERAL reduce using rule 97
JNULL reduce using rule 97
CHARLITERAL reduce using rule 97
STRINGLITERAL reduce using rule 97
IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 97
INCREMENT reduce using rule 97
DECREMENT reduce using rule 97
LBRACE reduce using rule 97
LBRACKET reduce using rule 97
RBRACKET reduce using rule 97
SEMICOLON reduce using rule 97
SHARP reduce using rule 97
State 306
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE expression . RBRACE statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression . RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE expression . RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statementnoshortif (rule 117)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 309
State 307
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE expression . RBRACE statement (rule 98)
whilestatementnoshortif -> WHILE LBRACE expression . RBRACE statementnoshortif (rule 118)
RBRACE shift, and enter state 308
State 308
whilestatement -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE . statement (rule 98)
whilestatementnoshortif -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE . statementnoshortif (rule 118)
IF shift, and enter state 299
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 300
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
statement goto state 301
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 295
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
statementnoshortifgoto state 311
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
ifthenelsestatementnoshortifgoto state 297
whilestatementnoshortifgoto state 298
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 309
ifthenstatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE . statement (rule 96)
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE . statementnoshortif ELSE statement (rule 97)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE . statementnoshortif ELSE statementnoshortif (rule 117)
IF shift, and enter state 299
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 300
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
statement goto state 294
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 295
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
statementnoshortifgoto state 310
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
ifthenelsestatementnoshortifgoto state 297
whilestatementnoshortifgoto state 298
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 310
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif . ELSE statement (rule 97)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif . ELSE statementnoshortif (rule 117)
ELSE shift, and enter state 312
State 311
whilestatementnoshortif -> WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif . (rule 118)
ELSE reduce using rule 118
State 312
ifthenelsestatement -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE . statement (rule 97)
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE . statementnoshortif (rule 117)
IF shift, and enter state 299
NEW shift, and enter state 33
RETURN shift, and enter state 239
SUPER shift, and enter state 34
THIS shift, and enter state 35
WHILE shift, and enter state 300
INTLITERAL shift, and enter state 36
BOOLLITERAL shift, and enter state 37
JNULL shift, and enter state 38
CHARLITERAL shift, and enter state 39
STRINGLITERAL shift, and enter state 40
IDENTIFIER shift, and enter state 41
INCREMENT shift, and enter state 60
DECREMENT shift, and enter state 61
LBRACE shift, and enter state 42
LBRACKET shift, and enter state 209
SEMICOLON shift, and enter state 242
SHARP shift, and enter state 43
name goto state 68
qualifiedname goto state 20
simplename goto state 21
funtype goto state 22
lambdaexpressiongoto state 23
block goto state 216
statement goto state 305
statementwithouttrailingsubstatementgoto state 295
ifthenstatementgoto state 223
ifthenelsestatementgoto state 224
whilestatement goto state 225
emptystatement goto state 226
expressionstatementgoto state 227
returnstatementgoto state 228
statementnoshortifgoto state 313
assignment goto state 229
statementexpressiongoto state 230
ifthenelsestatementnoshortifgoto state 297
whilestatementnoshortifgoto state 298
lefthandside goto state 73
preincrementexpressiongoto state 231
predecrementexpressiongoto state 232
postincrementexpressiongoto state 233
postdecrementexpressiongoto state 234
classinstancecreationexpressiongoto state 235
fieldaccess goto state 27
evalstatement goto state 236
postfixexpressiongoto state 237
primaryandname goto state 29
primary goto state 30
primarynonewarraygoto state 31
literal goto state 32
State 313
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif -> IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statementnoshortif . (rule 117)
ELSE reduce using rule 117
Grammar Totals
Number of rules: 188
Number of terminals: 85
Number of non-terminals: 96
Number of states: 314