reduce rules

This commit is contained in:
Florian Steurer 2016-03-29 17:52:38 +02:00
parent 639ac8430c
commit 23142adc70

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.FC_TTO;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IFiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IRuleSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.ExtendsType;
@ -86,8 +87,13 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
return Optional.empty();
Type x = pair.getLhsType();
Type sTypeX;
if(!(x instanceof SimpleType) && !(x instanceof ExtendsType))
if(x instanceof SimpleType)
sTypeX = x;
else if(x instanceof ExtendsType)
sTypeX = ((ExtendsType) x).getExtendedType();
return Optional.empty();
Type extY = pair.getRhsType();
@ -98,17 +104,31 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
if(x.getTypeParams().empty() || extY.getTypeParams().size() != x.getTypeParams().size())
return Optional.empty();
int[] pi = pi(x, extY);
Type xFromFc = finiteClosure.getLeftHandedType(sTypeX).orElse(null);
if(xFromFc == null || !xFromFc.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders())
return Optional.empty();
if(x instanceof ExtendsType)
xFromFc = new ExtendsType(xFromFc);
Type extYFromFc = finiteClosure.grArg(xFromFc).stream().filter(t -> t.getName().equals(extY.getName())).filter(t -> t.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders()).findAny().orElse(null);
if(extYFromFc == null || extYFromFc.getTypeParams() != xFromFc.getTypeParams())
return Optional.empty();
TypeParams extYParams = extY.getTypeParams();
TypeParams xParams = x.getTypeParams();
int[] pi = pi(xParams, extYParams);
if(pi.length == 0)
return Optional.empty();
TypeParams rhsTypeParams = extY.getTypeParams();
TypeParams lhsTypeParams = x.getTypeParams();
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(int rhsIdx = 0; rhsIdx < rhsTypeParams.size(); rhsIdx++)
result.add(new MPair(lhsTypeParams.get(pi[rhsIdx]), rhsTypeParams.get(rhsIdx), PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
for(int rhsIdx = 0; rhsIdx < extYParams.size(); rhsIdx++)
result.add(new MPair(xParams.get(pi[rhsIdx]), extYParams.get(rhsIdx), PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
return Optional.of(result);
@ -118,30 +138,48 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
if(pair.getPairOp() != PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC)
return Optional.empty();
Type lhsType = pair.getLhsType();
Type x = pair.getLhsType();
Type sTypeX;
if(!(lhsType instanceof SimpleType) && !(lhsType instanceof SuperType))
if(x instanceof SimpleType)
sTypeX = x;
else if(x instanceof SuperType)
sTypeX = ((SuperType) x).getSuperedType();
return Optional.empty();
Type rhsType = pair.getRhsType();
Type supY = pair.getRhsType();
if(!(rhsType instanceof SuperType))
if(!(supY instanceof SuperType))
return Optional.empty();
if(lhsType.getTypeParams().empty() || rhsType.getTypeParams().size() != lhsType.getTypeParams().size())
if(x.getTypeParams().empty() || supY.getTypeParams().size() != x.getTypeParams().size())
return Optional.empty();
int[] pi = pi(lhsType, rhsType);
Type xFromFc = finiteClosure.getLeftHandedType(sTypeX).orElse(null);
if(xFromFc == null || !xFromFc.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders())
return Optional.empty();
if(x instanceof SuperType)
xFromFc = new SuperType(xFromFc);
Type supYFromFc = finiteClosure.grArg(xFromFc).stream().filter(t -> t.getName().equals(supY.getName())).filter(t -> t.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders()).findAny().orElse(null);
if(supYFromFc == null || supYFromFc.getTypeParams() != xFromFc.getTypeParams())
return Optional.empty();
TypeParams supYParams = supY.getTypeParams();
TypeParams xParams = x.getTypeParams();
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
int[] pi = pi(xParams, supYParams);
if(pi.length == 0)
return Optional.empty();
TypeParams rhsTypeParams = rhsType.getTypeParams();
TypeParams lhsTypeParams = lhsType.getTypeParams();
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(int rhsIdx = 0; rhsIdx < rhsTypeParams.size(); rhsIdx++)
result.add(new MPair(lhsTypeParams.get(pi[rhsIdx]), rhsTypeParams.get(rhsIdx), PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
for(int rhsIdx = 0; rhsIdx < supYParams.size(); rhsIdx++)
result.add(new MPair(supYParams.get(rhsIdx), xParams.get(pi[rhsIdx]), PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
return Optional.of(result);
@ -166,7 +204,7 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
if(rhsType.getTypeParams().size() != lhsType.getTypeParams().size())
return Optional.empty();
// TODO Permutation?
// Keine Permutation wie im Paper nötig
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
TypeParams lhsTypeParams = lhsType.getTypeParams();
TypeParams rhsTypeParams = rhsType.getTypeParams();
@ -182,27 +220,37 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
if(pair.getPairOp() != PairOperator.SMALLERDOT)
return Optional.empty();
Type lhsType = pair.getLhsType();
if(!(lhsType instanceof SimpleType))
Type c = pair.getLhsType();
if(!(c instanceof SimpleType))
return Optional.empty();
Type rhsType = pair.getRhsType();
if(!(rhsType instanceof SimpleType))
Type d = pair.getRhsType();
if(!(d instanceof SimpleType))
return Optional.empty();
SimpleType lhsSType = (SimpleType) lhsType;
SimpleType rhsSType = (SimpleType) rhsType;
SimpleType lhsSType = (SimpleType) c;
SimpleType rhsSType = (SimpleType) d;
if(lhsSType.getTypeParams().empty() || lhsSType.getTypeParams().size() != rhsSType.getTypeParams().size())
return Optional.empty();
int[] pi = pi(lhsSType, rhsSType);
Type cFromFc = finiteClosure.getLeftHandedType(c).orElse(null);
if(cFromFc == null || !cFromFc.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders())
return Optional.empty();
Type dFromFc = finiteClosure.getAncestors(cFromFc).stream().filter(x -> x.getName().equals(d.getName())).findAny().orElse(null);
if(dFromFc == null || !dFromFc.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders() || dFromFc.getTypeParams().size() != cFromFc.getTypeParams().size())
return Optional.empty();
int[] pi = pi(cFromFc.getTypeParams(), dFromFc.getTypeParams());
if(pi.length == 0)
return Optional.empty();
TypeParams rhsTypeParams = rhsType.getTypeParams();
TypeParams lhsTypeParams = lhsType.getTypeParams();
TypeParams rhsTypeParams = d.getTypeParams();
TypeParams lhsTypeParams = c.getTypeParams();
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(int rhsIdx = 0; rhsIdx < rhsTypeParams.size(); rhsIdx++)
@ -459,34 +507,9 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
* @param D The other type
* @return An array containing the values of pi for every type argument of C or an empty array if the search failed.
private int[] pi(Type C, Type D) {
String simpleTypeDName = D.getName();
if(D instanceof ExtendsType)
simpleTypeDName = ((ExtendsType) D).getExtendedType().getName();
else if(D instanceof SuperType)
simpleTypeDName = ((SuperType) D).getSuperedType().getName();
String simpleTypeCName = C.getName();
if(C instanceof ExtendsType)
simpleTypeCName = ((ExtendsType) C).getExtendedType().getName();
if(C instanceof SuperType)
simpleTypeCName = ((SuperType) C).getSuperedType().getName();
Optional<Type[]> typesFromFc = Optional.empty(); //TODO reduce regeln
//finiteClosure.findCandD(simpleTypeCName, simpleTypeDName);
if(typesFromFc == null)
return new int[0];
Type cFromFc = typesFromFc.get()[0];
Type dFromFc = typesFromFc.get()[1];
Assert.assertEquals(cFromFc.getTypeParams().size(), dFromFc.getTypeParams().size());
Assert.assertTrue(dFromFc.getTypeParams().size() > 0);
TypeParams cArgs = cFromFc.getTypeParams();
TypeParams dArgs = dFromFc.getTypeParams();
private int[] pi(TypeParams cArgs, TypeParams dArgs) {
Assert.assertEquals(cArgs.size(), dArgs.size());
int[] permutation = new int[dArgs.size()];
boolean succ = true;
@ -500,9 +523,8 @@ public class RuleSet implements IRuleSet{
if(succ) return permutation;
return new int[0];
return succ ? permutation : new int[0];