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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte|Serialisierte Form


generateWays() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Maze
Generates ways through a maze full of walls.
get() - Methode in Klasse logging.LogElementList
Returns the log lists actual element identified by member actual.
getAllCellNeighbours(Cell) - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Maze
Gets all neighbors of a cell.
getAllEdges() - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Returns all edges in the graph.
getAllVertexes() - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Returns all vertices in the graph.
getBoard() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.ChessBoard
getCellHeight() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.ChessBoard
getCellWidth() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.ChessBoard
getColor() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.BarChartElement
getColor() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Edge
getColor() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Vertex
getColumn() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Cell
Returns the column number.
getColumnCaptions() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Table
getCords() - Methode in Klasse graph.MarkedVertex
Gets the coordinates of the vertex.
getDescription() - Methode in Klasse logging.LogElement
Returns the step's description.
getDestination() - Methode in Klasse graph.Edge
Retrieves the destination vertex of the edge.
getDestination() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Edge
getDrawAreaName() - Methode in Klasse visualisation.DrawArea
Gets the draw area's name
getEdge() - Methode in Klasse OurApplication.OurLogElement
Retrieves the edge associated with this log element.
getEdges() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Graph
getEdgeStyle() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Graph
getElement() - Methode in Klasse graph.WrapperElement
Retrieves the marked vertex stored in this wrapper element.
getGraph() - Methode in Klasse OurApplication.OurLogElement
Retrieves the graph associated with this log element.
getHeight() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.BarChart
getHeight() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.DotChart
getHeight() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Table
getHeigth() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Maze
getLogList() - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Returns the log list associated with this directed graph.
getLogList() - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Abstract method to get the log list associated with the graph.
getLogList() - Methode in Klasse graph.UndirectedGraph
Retrieves the log list containing logging elements related to operations on this graph.
getMarking() - Methode in Klasse graph.MarkedEdge
Gets the marking of the edge.
getMarking() - Methode in Klasse graph.MarkedVertex
Gets the marking of the vertex.
getMarking() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.ChessBoard
getMarking() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Edge
getMarking() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Vertex
getMaze() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Maze
getName() - Methode in Klasse graph.Edge
Retrieves the name of the edge.
getName() - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Returns the name of the graph.
getName() - Methode in Klasse graph.Vertex
Retrieves the name of the vertex.
getNeighbours(MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.UndirectedGraph
Returns a vector containing all neighbors (adjacent vertices) of a specified vertex in the undirected graph.
getParameterArea() - Methode in Klasse logging.Algorithm
Returns the algorithm's parameter area.
getPredecessors(MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Returns a vector of predecessor vertices (i.e., vertices with edges directed towards the specified vertex).
getPriority() - Methode in Klasse graph.WrapperElement
Retrieves the priority associated with this wrapper element.
getRow() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Cell
Returns the row number.
getScreenEdge() - Methode in Klasse graph.Edge
Abstract method to retrieve the screen representation of the edge for visualization.
getScreenEdge() - Methode in Klasse graph.MarkedEdge
Gets the screen edge used for visualization.
getScreenGraph() - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Returns the screen graph associated with this directed graph.
getScreenGraph() - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Abstract method to get the visualization representation of the graph.
getScreenGraph() - Methode in Klasse graph.UndirectedGraph
Retrieves the visualization graph associated with this undirected graph.
getScreenGraphCopy() - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Returns a copy of the screen graph associated with this directed graph.
getScreenGraphCopy() - Methode in Klasse graph.UndirectedGraph
Creates and retrieves a deep copy of the visualization graph associated with this undirected graph.
getScreenVertex() - Methode in Klasse graph.MarkedVertex
Gets the screen vertex used for visualization.
getScreenVertex() - Methode in Klasse graph.Vertex
Abstract method to retrieve the visualization representation of the vertex.
getScrollPane() - Methode in Klasse visualisation.DrawArea
Returns the draw area'a scroll pane.
getScrollPane() - Methode in Klasse visualisation.LegendArea
Returns the legend area's scroll pane.
getScrollPane() - Methode in Klasse visualisation.ParameterArea
Returns the parameter area's scroll pane.
getScrollPane() - Methode in Klasse visualisation.TextArea
Returns the text area's scroll pane.
getSelectedGraph() - Methode in Klasse OurApplication.OurParameterArea
Retrieves the selected graph based on the user's choice.
getSelectedMethod() - Methode in Klasse OurApplication.OurMethodButtons
Retrieves the selected algorithmic method.
getShortestPathAStar(MarkedVertex<T>, MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Finds the shortest path between two vertices using the A* algorithm.
getShortestPathAStar(MarkedVertex<T>, MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Abstract method to find the shortest path between two vertices using A* algorithm.
getShortestPathAStar(MarkedVertex<T>, MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.UndirectedGraph
Computes the shortest path between two vertices using A* algorithm in the undirected graph.
getShortestPathDijkstra(MarkedVertex<T>, MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Finds the shortest path between two vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.
getShortestPathDijkstra(MarkedVertex<T>, MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.Graph
Abstract method to find the shortest path between two vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.
getShortestPathDijkstra(MarkedVertex<T>, MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.UndirectedGraph
Computes the shortest path between two vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm in the undirected graph.
getSize() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.ChessBoard
getSource() - Methode in Klasse graph.Edge
Retrieves the source vertex of the edge.
getSource() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Edge
getStartXPos() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.DotChart
getState() - Methode in Klasse visualisation.HybridWindow
Returns the window's current state.
getStep() - Methode in Klasse logging.LogElement
Returns the step's step number.
getSuccessors(MarkedVertex<T>) - Methode in Klasse graph.DirectedGraph
Returns a vector of successor vertices (i.e., vertices with edges directed away from the specified vertex).
getTitle() - Methode in Klasse logging.Algorithm
Returns the algorithm title.
getUnvisitedCellNeighbors(Cell) - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Maze
Gets all unvisited neighbors of a cell.
getValue() - Methode in Klasse OurApplication.OurLogElement
Retrieves the sum up value associated with this log element.
getValue() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.BarChartElement
getValues() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.BarChart
getValues() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.DotChart
getValues() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Table
getVertex() - Methode in Klasse OurApplication.OurLogElement
Retrieves the vertex associated with this log element.
getVertexDiameter() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Vertex
getVertexes() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Graph
getWeight() - Methode in Klasse graph.EdgeWeightMarking
Retrieves the weight value of this edge marking.
getWeight() - Methode in Klasse graph.VertexWeightMarking
Retrieves the weight associated with this vertex weight marking.
getWidth() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.BarChart
getWidth() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.DotChart
getWidth() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Maze
getWidth() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Table
getXpos() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Vertex
getYpos() - Methode in Klasse visualizationElements.Vertex
graph - Package graph
Graph<T,U> - Klasse in graph
Abstract class representing a generic graph.
Graph - Klasse in visualizationElements
Represents a graph to visualize search algorithms.
Graph() - Konstruktor für Klasse graph.Graph
Default constructor initializes an empty graph.
Graph(String) - Konstruktor für Klasse graph.Graph
Constructor that initializes the graph with a given name.
Graph(Vector<Vertex>, Vector<Edge>, boolean, EdgeStyle) - Konstruktor für Klasse visualizationElements.Graph
Creates a new Graph.
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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte|Serialisierte Form