Package visualisation

Klasse DrawArea<LOG extends LogElement>

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:

public abstract class DrawArea<LOG extends LogElement> extends JPanel
This class provides the basic draw area for a HybridWindow. Use it in assoziation with packages logging and visualization. Just overwrite the draw(Graphics) method to get a graphic output from a log list element. Parameters for algorithm processing are read from member parameterArea that ist part of the user interface.
Siehe auch:
  • Felddetails

    • scrollPane

      protected JScrollPane scrollPane
      The draw area's scroll pane.
    • logList

      protected LogElementList<LOG extends LogElement> logList
      The log element list where the draw area gets the log elements to draw.
    • drawAreaName

      protected String drawAreaName
      The name to be displayed on the draw area's tab in the hybrid window.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • DrawArea

      public DrawArea()
      Standard constructor. Creates an empty draw area with scroll pane.
    • DrawArea

      public DrawArea(LogElementList<LOG> logList, String drawAreaName)
      Creates an empty draw area with scroll pane and sets the specified log list and tab name.
      logList - the draw area's log list
      drawAreaName - the name for the draw area to be displayed on the hybrid window's tab
  • Methodendetails

    • getScrollPane

      public JScrollPane getScrollPane()
      Returns the draw area'a scroll pane.
      Gibt zurück:
      the draw area'a scroll pane
    • setLogList

      public void setLogList(LogElementList<LOG> logList)
      Sets the draw area's log list.
      logList - the draw area's log list
    • getDrawAreaName

      public String getDrawAreaName()
      Gets the draw area's name
      Gibt zurück:
      the name to be returned
    • setDrawAreaName

      public void setDrawAreaName(String drawAreaName)
      Sets the draw area's name
      drawAreaName - the name to be set
    • drawStep

      public void drawStep()
      Calls repaint().
    • paint

      public void paint(Graphics g)
      Paints the draw area background and calls draw(Graphics).
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      paint in Klasse JComponent
    • draw

      public void draw(Graphics g)
      Draws the actual log element's graphical output.
      g - Graphics object given by paint(Graphics);
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Provided for convenience. Does the same as drawStep. Use it with logElementList.clear().