Implement Cartesian Product Builder and Unify.step2
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@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
package hb.dhbw
class CartesianProductBuilder[A](){
var ret : Set[Set[A]] = Set()
def build() : CartesianProduct[A] = new CartesianProduct[A](ret)
def addSingleton(a:A){
throw new NotImplementedError()
ret += Set(a)
def add(as : Set[A]): Unit ={
throw new NotImplementedError()
ret += as
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package hb.dhbw
import hb.dhbw.Unify.getLinks
sealed abstract class UnifyConstraint(val left: UnifyType, val right: UnifyType)
final case class UnifyLessDot(override val left: UnifyType, override val right: UnifyType) extends UnifyConstraint(left, right)
@ -84,8 +86,9 @@ object Unify {
}).getOrElse(UnifyLessDot(forTV, UnifyRefType("Object", List()))).asInstanceOf[UnifyLessDot]
def step2(eq : Set[UnifyConstraint], fc: FiniteClosure) ={
//Part one: use expandLB on lower Bound constraints:
val cpBuilder = new CartesianProductBuilder[Set[UnifyConstraint]]()
val lowerBoundConstraints : Set[UnifyLessDot] = eq.filter(_ match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(_,_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case _ => false
@ -99,72 +102,51 @@ object Unify {
// Part two: a <. Type, a <.* b constraints:
val eq1 = eq.filter(c => c match{
val aUnifyLessDota = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case _ => false
eq.filter(_ match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyRefType(_, _)) => true
case _ => false
}).map(cons => {
val tv : UnifyTV = cons.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV]
getLinks(tv, aUnifyLessDota)
.map(b => {
val upperBound = getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(b, eq)
val lowerBound = UnifyLessDot(cons.right, b)
//ExpandLB and add to return constraint set
cpBuilder.add(expandLB(lowerBound, upperBound, fc) + Set(UnifyLessDot(b,b)))
val tvInLowerBoundConstraints =[UnifyTV])
val aUnifyLessDota = eq1.filter(c => c match{
val cpBuilder = new CartesianProductBuilder[Set[UnifyConstraint]]()
val aUnifyLessDota = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case _ => false
lowerBoundConstraints.flatMap(lowerBound => {
val tv = lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV]
val bs = aUnifyLessDota.flatMap(c => Set(c.left, c.right)).asInstanceOf[Set[UnifyTV]]
.filter(variable => !variable.equals(tv) && isLinked(tv, variable, aUnifyLessDota))
val ret : Set[CartesianProduct[UnifyConstraint]] = => {
val upperBound = getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(b, eq)
new CartesianProduct(Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]](Set(expandLB(lowerBound, upperBound, fc)), Set(Set(UnifyLessDot(b, lowerBound.left)))))
val cUnifyLessDotACons: Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]] = => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(name,params), UnifyTV(a)) =>
getSuperTypes(UnifyRefType(name,params), fc)
.map(superType => Set(UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), superType).asInstanceOf[UnifyConstraint]))
case _ => null
}).filter(s => s!=null)
val aUnifyLessDotCConsAndBs: Set[(UnifyLessDot,Option[UnifyTV])] = => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(a),UnifyRefType(name,params)) =>{
val bs = aUnifyLessDota.flatMap(c => Set(c.left, c.right)).asInstanceOf[Set[UnifyTV]]
.filter(c => !a.equals(c) && isLinked(UnifyTV(a), c, aUnifyLessDota))
|||| => (UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(a),UnifyRefType(name,params)),Some(b)))
eq.foreach(cons => cons match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(n, ps), UnifyTV(a)) => {
val lowerBound = UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(n, ps), UnifyTV(a))
val upperBound = getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], eq)
cpBuilder.add(expandLB(lowerBound, upperBound, fc))
case _ => null
}).filter(s => s!=null).flatten
val aUnifyLessDotCCons ={
case (ac:UnifyLessDot,Some(b)) =>
Set(Set(UnifyLessDot(b, ac.right))) ++
getSuperTypes(ac.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyRefType], fc)
.map(superType => Set(UnifyEqualsDot(b, superType)))
case (ac, None) => null
}.filter(c => c != null).asInstanceOf[Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]]]
val eq2 = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyRefType(_,_)) => true
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyRefType(_,_)) => true
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType(_,_),UnifyTV(_)) => true
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType(_,_),UnifyRefType(_,_)) => true
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(_,_),UnifyRefType(_,_)) => true
case _ => false
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, ps)) =>
getLinks(UnifyTV(a), aUnifyLessDota)
.map(b => {
val upperBound = getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(b, eq)
val lowerBound = UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(n, ps), b)
//ExpandLB and add to return constraint set + {b <. C<T>} constraint
cpBuilder.add(expandLB(lowerBound, upperBound, fc) + Set(UnifyLessDot(b, b)))
cpBuilder.addSingleton(Set(UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, ps))))
//the upper bound constraint remains in the constraint set:
cpBuilder.addSingleton(Set(UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, ps))))
case cons => cpBuilder.addSingleton(Set(cons))
val eqSet = new CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]](
Set(Set(eq1)) ++ Set(Set(eq2)) ++ aUnifyLessDotCCons ++ cUnifyLessDotACons)
private def getAUnifyLessDotC(from: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = from.filter(c => c match{
@ -250,6 +232,14 @@ object Unify {
case _ => true
* Every 'b' with a <.* b
private def getLinks(a: UnifyTV, aUnifyLessDota: Set[UnifyLessDot]): Set[UnifyTV] =
aUnifyLessDota.filter(c => c.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV].name.equals(
.flatMap(cons => Set(cons.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV]) ++ getLinks(cons.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], aUnifyLessDota))
private def isLinked(a: UnifyTV, b: UnifyTV, aUnifyLessDota: Set[UnifyLessDot]): Boolean = {
def getRightSides(of: UnifyTV) ={
aUnifyLessDota.filter(c => c.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV].name.equals(
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class IntegrationTest extends FunSuite {
val result = FJTypeinference.typeinference("class Test extends Object {\nObject f;\nm(a){return a;}\n}")
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