394 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Justin Lu
082125d61e 8340404: CharsetProvider specification updates
Reviewed-by: alanb, naoto
2024-09-27 18:26:08 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
2ada313cdd 8340329: (fs) Message of NotLinkException thrown by FIles.readSymbolicLink does not include file name (win)
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-09-19 15:25:04 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
f87701635f 8315273: (fs) Path.toRealPath(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) fails when "../../" follows a link (win)
Reviewed-by: djelinski
2024-09-17 15:50:16 +00:00
Jaikiran Pai
1d39249231 8339834: Replace usages of -mx and -ms in some tests
Reviewed-by: aivanov, ascarpino, prr, dholmes
2024-09-12 02:02:14 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
3ca359ad22 8335771: Improve stability of java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel tests
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-08-19 13:47:40 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
8bd3cd5156 8337716: ByteBuffer hashCode implementations are inconsistent
Reviewed-by: alanb, liach
2024-08-04 15:42:51 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
21e86d10a7 8334405: java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectWithConsumer.java#id0 failed in testWakeupDuringSelect
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, alanb, vtewari
2024-08-01 19:02:33 +00:00
Alan Bateman
9f03f68755 8336339: (se) SelectionKey.interestOps(int) should not throw ClosedSelectorException
Reviewed-by: jpai, bpb
2024-07-23 05:13:49 +00:00
Jaikiran Pai
ae9f318fc3 8336301: test/jdk/java/nio/channels/AsyncCloseAndInterrupt.java leaves around a FIFO file upon test completion
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-07-13 02:19:25 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
49eb00da8d 8299813: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Disconnect.java fails with jtreg test timeout due to lost datagram
Reviewed-by: aefimov
2024-06-28 11:13:11 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
8ec378a6c8 8277949: (dc) java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/AdaptorBasic.java failed in timeout
Reviewed-by: jpai
2024-06-28 11:03:29 +00:00
c798316bc4 8269657: Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Loopback.java failed: Unexpected message
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2024-06-28 09:38:18 +00:00
Jaikiran Pai
9bb675f89d 8334719: (se) Deferred close of SelectableChannel may result in a Selector doing the final close before concurrent I/O on channel has completed
Co-authored-by: Alan Bateman <alanb@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: alanb, dfuchs
2024-06-27 04:38:32 +00:00
7baddc202a 8334339: Test java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/CreationTime.java fails on alinux3
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-06-23 18:00:28 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
50bed6c67b 8334297: (so) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/OpenLeak.java should not depend on SecurityManager
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-06-19 10:54:13 +00:00
Alan Bateman
e7dc76b577 8333849: (dc) DatagramChannel send/receive fails with UOE if buffer backed by memory segment allocated from shared arena
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
2024-06-10 12:47:09 +00:00
Mark Sheppard
7acfba288f 8327650: Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/StressNativeSignal.java timed out
Reviewed-by: bpb
2024-06-05 15:47:52 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
0bb5ae6451 8332248: (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/BlockDeviceSize.java failed with RuntimeException
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-05-14 20:17:01 +00:00
Inigo Mediavilla Saiz
e91492ab43 8313674: (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/BlockDeviceSize.java should test for more block devices
Reviewed-by: alanb, bpb
2024-05-14 16:04:34 +00:00
Fabian Meumertzheim
a8b3f194e8 8330077: Allow max number of events to be buffered to be configurable to avoid OVERFLOW_EVENT
Reviewed-by: bpb, alanb
2024-05-06 17:01:11 +00:00
Mark Sheppard
90df3b7fbb 8329190: (ch) DatagramChannel.receive should throw ClosedChannelException when called on closed channel
Co-authored-by: Alan Bateman <alanb@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: jpai, michaelm
2024-04-16 15:44:15 +00:00
Bill Huang
375bfac8e7 8327474: Review use of java.io.tmpdir in jdk tests
Reviewed-by: michaelm, jpai
2024-04-03 17:04:09 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
dd5d7d0770 8327002: (fs) java/nio/file/Files/CopyMoveVariations.java should be able to test across file systems
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-04-02 17:13:04 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
debd59732d 8327095: (ch) java/nio/channels/AsyncCloseAndInterrupt.java: improve error message when mkfifo fails
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-03-14 15:50:43 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
94b4ed5766 8327096: (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Size.java fails on partition incapable of creating large files
Reviewed-by: djelinski
2024-03-12 18:06:45 +00:00
Pavel Rappo
012411ad8d 8327046: (fs) Files.walk should be clear that depth-first traversal is pre-order
Reviewed-by: alanb, gli
2024-03-01 13:48:50 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
bbfda6599a 8326897: (fs) The utility TestUtil.supportsLinks is wrongly used to check for hard link support
Reviewed-by: gli, alanb
2024-02-29 16:47:14 +00:00
bf13a4e281 8322881: java/nio/file/Files/CopyMoveVariations.java fails with AccessDeniedException due to permissions of files in /tmp
Reviewed-by: bpb
2024-02-26 20:47:59 +00:00
Richard Reingruber
4018b2b196 8323782: Race: Thread::interrupt vs. AbstractInterruptibleChannel.begin
Co-authored-by: Alan Bateman <alanb@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: alanb, dholmes
2024-02-16 08:40:13 +00:00
Jorn Vernee
9c852df6aa 8318966: Some methods make promises about Java array element alignment that are too strong
Reviewed-by: psandoz, mcimadamore
2024-02-14 14:30:54 +00:00
Matthias Baesken
d0039960c4 8325743: test/jdk/java/nio/channels/unixdomain/SocketOptions.java enhance user name output in error case
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, alanb
2024-02-14 08:31:35 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
6b7c9718d6 8325382: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo throws IOException when position equals size
Reviewed-by: alanb
2024-02-13 15:53:29 +00:00
Roger Riggs
13d9e8ff38 8325590: Regression in round-tripping UTF-16 strings after JDK-8311906
Reviewed-by: alanb, redestad
2024-02-13 15:16:50 +00:00
Alan Bateman
43089bf006 8325399: Add tests for virtual threads doing Selector operations
Reviewed-by: bpb
2024-02-08 07:56:12 +00:00
Alan Bateman
ace010b38a 8319757: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/InterruptibleOrNot.java failed: wrong exception thrown
Reviewed-by: jpai, bpb
2024-01-06 08:52:27 +00:00
Alan Bateman
b67b71cd87 8320707: Virtual thread test updates
Reviewed-by: jpai
2024-01-03 14:59:03 +00:00
Alan Bateman
af5c49226c 8320532: Remove Thread/ThreadGroup suspend/resume
Reviewed-by: dholmes, jpai, sspitsyn, smarks
2023-12-08 07:10:20 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
87516e29dc 8320943: Files/probeContentType/Basic.java fails on latest Windows 11 - content type mismatch
Reviewed-by: cstein, rriggs
2023-12-05 15:56:30 +00:00
Daniel Fuchs
570dffb104 8310807: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Connect.java timed out
Reviewed-by: msheppar, jpai
2023-11-21 14:09:46 +00:00
Alan Bateman
21a59b9f4e 8282726: java/net/vthread/BlockingSocketOps.java timeout/hang intermittently on Windows
Reviewed-by: djelinski
2023-11-21 14:05:32 +00:00
Naoto Sato
d6d7bdc774 8319817: Charset constructor should make defensive copy of aliases
Reviewed-by: rriggs, alanb, bpb, iris, jpai
2023-11-20 17:31:58 +00:00
Alan Bateman
c099cf53f2 8318422: Allow poller threads be virtual threads
Reviewed-by: michaelm
2023-11-04 06:52:19 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
d3534b08b5 8318677: (ch) Add implNote about minBufferCap to main variant of Channels.newWriter
Reviewed-by: alanb, rriggs
2023-10-30 18:28:01 +00:00
Leo Korinth
d52a995f35 8315097: Rename createJavaProcessBuilder
Reviewed-by: lmesnik, dholmes, rriggs, stefank
2023-10-27 08:47:26 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
a1a62d9964 8306308: (ch) Writer created by Channels::newWriter may lose data
Reviewed-by: djelinski, alanb
2023-10-20 21:12:28 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
1a7fd5d419 8317687: (fs) FileStore.supportsFileAttributeView("posix") incorrectly returns 'true' for FAT32 volume on macOS
Reviewed-by: alanb
2023-10-16 14:49:18 +00:00
Severin Gehwolf
0275efac88 8316304: (fs) Add support for BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() for Linux
Reviewed-by: stuefe, alanb, bpb, mli
2023-10-16 07:40:29 +00:00
Jorn Vernee
32ac72c3d3 8312522: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API
Co-authored-by: Maurizio Cimadamore <mcimadamore@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Jorn Vernee <jvernee@openjdk.org>
Co-authored-by: Per Minborg <pminborg@openjdk.org>
Reviewed-by: dholmes, psandoz, mcimadamore, alanb
2023-10-12 19:50:08 +00:00
Brian Burkhalter
36ac83904c 8073061: (fs) Files.copy(foo, bar, REPLACE_EXISTING) deletes bar even if foo is not readable
Reviewed-by: alanb
2023-09-26 15:27:44 +00:00
Alan Bateman
f44032969f 8316391: (zipfs) ZipFileSystem.readFullyAt does not tolerate short reads
Reviewed-by: jpai, lancea
2023-09-17 11:53:12 +00:00