Xin Liu
8254269: simplify Node::disconnect_inputs
Node::disconnect_inputs cuts off all input edges without exception.
Reviewed-by: redestad, kvn
2020-10-12 19:54:25 +00:00
Roberto Castañeda Lozano
8253765: C2: Control randomization in StressLCM and StressGCM
Use the compilation-local seed in 'StressLCM' and 'StressGCM' rather than the
global one. As a consequence, these options use by default a fresh seed in every
compilation, unless 'StressSeed=N' is specified, in which case they behave
deterministically. Annotate tests that use 'StressLCM' and 'StressGCM' with the
'stress' and 'randomness' keys to reflect this change in default behavior.
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2020-10-12 11:40:50 +00:00
Roland Westrelin
8253923: C2 doesn't always run loop opts for compilations that include loops
Reviewed-by: neliasso, thartmann
2020-10-12 10:55:22 +00:00
Roberto Castaneda Lozano
8252219: C2: Randomize IGVN worklist for stress testing
Add 'StressIGVN' option to let C2 randomize IGVN worklist order. When enabled,
the worklist is shuffled before each main run of the IGVN loop. Also add
'StressSeed=N' option to specify the seed. If the seed is not specified, a
random one is generated. In either case, the seed is logged if 'LogCompilation'
is enabled. The new options are declared as production+diagnostic for
consistency with the existing 'StressLCM' and 'StressGCM' options.
Reviewed-by: kvn, chagedorn, thartmann
2020-09-28 06:44:58 +00:00
Aleksey Shipilev
8252215: Remove VerifyOptoOopOffsets flag
Reviewed-by: thartmann, kvn
2020-08-27 06:34:27 +02:00
Jie Fu
8250745: assert(eval_map.contains(n)) failed: absent
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, kvn
2020-07-29 11:38:28 +08:00
Mikael Vidstedt
2020-07-15 21:24:39 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8229495: SIGILL in C2 generated OSR compilation
Reviewed-by: kvn, chagedorn
2020-07-01 17:28:49 +02:00
Ioi Lam
8248170: Excessive include of compiledMethod, codeCache, javaClasses and systemDictionary
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kvn, coleenp, stefank
2020-07-06 23:11:37 -07:00
Nils Eliasson
8248398: Add diagnostic RepeatCompilation utility
Reviewed-by: redestad, kvn, thartmann
2020-07-03 11:46:41 +02:00
Christian Hagedorn
8244724: CTW: C2 compilation fails with "Live Node limit exceeded limit"
Fix live limit assert in node construction to be ignored during code generation in Compile::Code_Gen().
Reviewed-by: kvn, neliasso
2020-07-01 09:18:28 +02:00
Christian Hagedorn
8247218: Add default constructor to VectorSet to use Thread::current()->resource_area() as arena by default
Add a default construction to VectorSet and clean up uses of the old constructor.
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2020-06-29 17:14:19 +02:00
Xin Liu
8139046: Compiler Control: IGVPrintLevel directive should set PrintIdealGraph
Make !PrintIdealGraph a synonym for PrintIdealGraphLevel=-1 => print nothing
Reviewed-by: simonis, phh, neliasso
2020-06-12 13:33:29 -07:00
Coleen Phillimore
8245289: Clean up offset code in JavaClasses
Make offset member names consistent and private, move static initializations near owning classes
Reviewed-by: fparain, lfoltan
2020-05-29 15:00:19 -04:00
Ioi Lam
8244775: Remove unnecessary dependency to jfrEvents.hpp
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, kvn
2020-05-13 10:56:51 -07:00
Christian Hagedorn
8244207: Simplify usage of Compile::print_method() when debugging with gdb and enable its use with rr
Improve debugging with usage of Compile::print_method() for IGV at breakpoints from gdb and rr.
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2020-05-11 12:57:39 +02:00
Jatin Bhateja
8244186: assertion failure test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/
Removing an assertion which prevents logic folding over cones already having a MacroLogic node.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2020-05-02 20:37:56 +05:30
Jatin Bhateja
8241040: Support for AVX-512 Ternary Logic Instruction
A new pass has been added which folds expression tree involving vector boolean logic operations into a MacroLogic node.
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, neliasso
2020-04-02 22:38:23 +05:30
Roland Westrelin
8239072: subtype check macro node causes node budget to be exhausted
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, kvn
2020-03-31 10:40:17 +02:00
Roland Westrelin
8240676: Meet not symmetric failure when running lucene on jdk8
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2020-03-24 11:06:26 +01:00
Sandhya Viswanathan
8240248: Extend superword reduction optimizations for x86
Add support for and, or, xor reduction
Co-authored-by: Shravya Rukmannagari <>
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, thartmann
2020-03-23 10:26:40 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8240795: [REDO] 8238384 CTW: C2 compilation fails with "assert(store != load->find_exact_control(load->in(0))) failed: dependence cycle found"
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2020-03-13 16:32:51 +01:00
Erik Österlund
8240363: Refactor Compile::Output() to its own Phase
Reviewed-by: kvn, vlivanov
2020-03-16 12:27:42 +00:00
Roland Westrelin
8240854: [REDO] some jaotc failures of fastdebug build with specific flags
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, kvn, thartmann
2020-03-11 10:32:07 +01:00
Vladimir Kozlov
8240830: [BACKOUT] 8240195: some jaotc failures of fastdebug build with specific flags
Reviewed-by: dcubed
2020-03-10 14:39:39 -07:00
Roland Westrelin
8240195: some jaotc failures of fastdebug build with specific flags
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2020-03-09 09:42:30 +01:00
Roland Westrelin
8240794: [BACKOUT] 8238384 CTW: C2 compilation fails with "assert(store != load->find_exact_control(load->in(0))) failed: dependence cycle found"
Reviewed-by: thartmann
2020-03-10 10:45:01 +01:00
Roland Westrelin
8238384: CTW: C2 compilation fails with "assert(store != load->find_exact_control(load->in(0))) failed: dependence cycle found"
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, thartmann
2020-02-20 16:41:05 +01:00
Roland Westrelin
8239367: failed due to "assert(false) failed: graph should be schedulable"
Reviewed-by: thartmann, vlivanov, neliasso
2020-02-21 15:01:22 +01:00
Christian Hagedorn
8244724: CTW: C2 compilation fails with "Live Node limit exceeded limit"
Fix live limit assert in node construction to be ignored during code generation in Compile::Code_Gen().
Reviewed-by: kvn, neliasso
2020-07-01 09:18:28 +02:00
Roland Westrelin
8238691: C2: turn subtype check into macro node
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, thartmann
2020-02-14 10:31:34 +01:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8238683: C2: Remove Use24BitFP and Use24BitFPMode flags
Reviewed-by: thartmann, neliasso
2020-02-11 14:55:44 +03:00
Roland Westrelin
8231291: C2: loop opts before EA should maximally unroll loops
Reviewed-by: kvn, vlivanov
2019-12-20 17:17:37 +01:00
Roland Westrelin
8237086: assert(is_MachReturn()) running CTW with fix for JDK-8231291
Reviewed-by: kvn, vlivanov
2020-01-14 14:58:17 +01:00
Goetz Lindenmaier
8235998: [c2] Memory leaks during tracing after '8224193: stringStream should not use Resource Area'
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kvn
2019-12-16 14:10:20 +01:00
Nils Eliasson
8235653: Clean-up BarrierSetC2
Reviewed-by: redestad, rkennke, thartmann
2019-12-11 14:08:20 +01:00
Jatin Bhateja
8234391: C2: Generic vector operands
Reviewed-by: vlivanov, sviswanathan, thartmann, jrose
2019-12-05 12:56:46 +03:00
Jorn Vernee
8233389: Add PrintIdeal to compiler directives
Add PrintIdeal as a compiler directive in order to enable PrintIdeal for only a single method.
Reviewed-by: roland, neliasso, vlivanov, thartmann
2019-11-08 10:55:14 +01:00
Tobias Hartmann
8233788: Remove useless asserts in PhaseCFG::insert_anti_dependences
Removed useless asserts.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2019-11-08 09:16:48 +01:00
Claes Redestad
8233708: VectorSet cleanup
Reviewed-by: neliasso, shade, thartmann
2019-11-07 12:12:39 +01:00
Erik Österlund
8230565: ZGC: Redesign C2 load barrier to expand on the MachNode level
Co-authored-by: Per Liden <>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Karlsson <>
Co-authored-by: Nils Eliasson <>
Reviewed-by: pliden, stefank, neliasso
2019-10-09 12:30:06 +00:00
Roland Westrelin
8229701: aarch64: C2 OSR compilation fails with "shouldn't process one node several times" in final graph reshaping
Reviewed-by: thartmann, kvn
2019-08-23 14:22:29 +02:00
Mikael Vidstedt
2019-07-29 09:59:04 -07:00
Erik Österlund
8227407: ZGC: C2 loads and load barriers can get separated by safepoints
Reviewed-by: neliasso, smonteith, roland
2019-07-29 13:57:54 +02:00
Tobias Hartmann
8227173: Minor cleanup of unused code in compile.hpp
Removed unused code.
Reviewed-by: kvn
2019-07-04 09:12:21 +02:00
Nils Eliasson
8224675: Late GC barrier insertion for ZGC
Reviewed-by: roland, eosterlund, pliden
2019-02-14 14:54:05 +01:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8223216: C2: Unify class initialization checks between new, getstatic, and putstatic
Reviewed-by: kvn, dlong
2019-05-30 19:12:11 +03:00
Vladimir Ivanov
8223213: Implement fast class initialization checks on x86-64
Reviewed-by: kvn, redestad, dholmes, mdoerr, coleenp
2019-05-30 13:39:13 +03:00
Lutz Schmidt
8213084: Rework and enhance Print[Opto]Assembly output
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann
2019-05-21 15:51:35 +02:00
Roman Kennke
8221766: Load-reference barriers for Shenandoah
Reviewed-by: kvn, erikj, aph, shade
2019-04-02 23:00:22 +02:00